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2881800 No.2881800 [Reply] [Original]

So, you are a single father whose waifu dump you after she fool the shit out of you.

She left a boy for you to look after. The boy is fucking ugly, retarded and like saying incomprehensible words in public embarrassing you all the time.
The boy get in the way of your love life, all the woman you approach never accept you because you already has a child. He even annoy the heck out of you by the not letting you fap to your 2d waifu. He occasionally call you when you are at work and while you are trying to date with a girl.

You are trying to put him up for an adoption, however your family does not permit that. Your family has a lot of influence, but rejecting them you most likely will lose your job, your home and your savings.

Now you know how Rosa feel.
Is she a good mother now?

>> No.2881811

I love the poor stupid little retard with all my heart.

>> No.2881815
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>Is she a good mother now?

No, she is not.

Also, Maria is not ugly.

>> No.2881818

that depends on perception. I don't think Rosa thinks that Maria is the most beautiful thing ever.

>> No.2881824

I would rape the shit out of my retarded kid.

>> No.2881827

She is human sure. She has her reason sure.
But that still does not make her a good mother.

However, I can't really think of a better alternative. Who the hell can she leave Maria with?

>> No.2881829
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Kyrie hates Battlers mother and he reminds her of his mother a lot but she doesn't beat Battler senseless.

>> No.2881835

Battler doesn't have an IQ of 80.

>> No.2881837

>So, you are a single father whose waifu dump you after she fool the shit out of you.

If you're male and ignorant enough to let a woman, a creature endowed with inherent inferiority in every aspect of her being to succeed in deceiving you, you're not worthy of being called a man.

>Is she a good mother now?
No. She's a bad mother, though I can understand the way she thinks.

>The boy is fucking ugly, retarded and like saying incomprehensible words in public embarrassing you all the time.

This doesn't happen spontaneously; it happens because you leave the boy alone and treat him with violence.

>all the woman you approach
If you have more than 1 partner over your lifetime, you're a slut who deserves to die, regardless of your gender.

>> No.2881838
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>> No.2881841

Battler would hit her back

>> No.2881842

Battler is grown up. He can look after themselves.
he even left the house because of that.

god damit.. I even change it to an 'ugly boy'. god damit..

>> No.2881848 [DELETED] 


How's the Victorian era, time traveler-san??

>> No.2881845

You can rape me, because Im too as a innocent retarded moe~ kid!

>> No.2881865

Rosa did that. At the very least she tries to do that. She snapped from times to times, but she is trying her best.

>> No.2881889

Maria's eccentric, but she isn't stupid.

>> No.2881895

1. Discipline ones' child physically is very common way of education.
2. Having relationship even after you had a child is not a strange thing.

Rosa is doing it wrong.
Maria's problem is that she is lonely. If its me I would hire some nanny or baby sitter to look after her when I was away or go to work. That way she has someone to look after rather than playing shit with dolls all days and wondering at night alone.

>> No.2881898

She's socially inept, still brings her toys to school at age 9, and keeps repeating the same phrase over and over. She's immature and definitely has some mental problems.

>> No.2881918

Rosa beat her every fucking day.
Rosa leave her alone all the time.
Of course she makes up imaginary friends.

>> No.2881922

>If its me I would hire some nanny or baby sitter to look after her when I was away or go to work. That way she has someone to look after rather than playing shit with dolls all days and wondering at night alone.
Seriously. You'd think Rosa would be rich enough to hire a simple babysitter.

>> No.2881935

Maria is doing it wrong.

I have fun with my imaginary friends and no one around me has a clue.

>> No.2881943

she is from Ushiromiya for god fucking sake!!
They even has a fucking house of servant ready to serve the family!!

>> No.2881948

Go ask Krauss for help.

>> No.2881956

where is my slapping gif?

>> No.2881958

the first person she should ask is Kinzo.
Its his grand daughter after all. I don't think Kinzo is dead for over 6 years.

If Ushiromiya's woman duty is to bear children then Kinzo should be kind enough to pay at least some of the child support - send one of the servant in his school to help her.

>> No.2881968

He would yell at her how useless she is. Bitch can`t even satisfy her man?

>> No.2881969

In /a/ where it belongs.

>> No.2881977

I don't know.. Kinzo seems to love Maria quite a lot according to EP4 lol.

>> No.2881979

He as drunk and happy.

>> No.2881981

>If you're male and ignorant enough to let a woman, a creature endowed with inherent inferiority in every aspect of her being to succeed in deceiving you, you're not worthy of being called a man.

>> No.2881988

/jp/: pretentious wannabe phallocrats?

>> No.2881989
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>> No.2881991

Thats not solving anything does it? May be you should kill yourself? leaving your child with noone to look after sounds like a good ideal parent to me.

Doesn't help you nor your child.

>> No.2881996

I wouldn't call it doing your best when you leaving your 9 year old daughter home alone, having her go alone at night to buy food for dinner while you lie and say it's because of working late when it's really because you're going out with some guy.

>> No.2882071

she is doing her best, but she is doing it wrong as I said.
She has been raising Maria for 6 years, of course there will be times where she went out and had sex behinds her daughter's back. 6 years is a long time.

>> No.2882083

fapping at 2d girls yet interested in 3d girls?

>> No.2882089 [DELETED] 

Abandon this shitty board already and go check out the real deal! Smart Internet users hang at:

http://www.AnbnTalk.com/ (Anbn = Anon)

Are YOU smart or just another worthless chanturd?

> ogmghjgy

>> No.2884440

>>If you're male and ignorant enough to let a woman, a creature endowed with inherent inferiority in every aspect of her being to succeed in deceiving you, you're not worthy of being called a man.

I didn't think people thought like this anymore. Didn't mommy love you enough? Or maybe daddy a little too much?

>> No.2884474

Shut the fuck up, woman. Who let you out of kitchen?

>> No.2884479

u mad?

>> No.2884486

If her husband hadn't left her, Rosa wouldn't have become such a bitch.

>> No.2884492

I couldn't read through all that QUALITY text.

>> No.2884499

You must be the retarded child of whom you mentioned.

>> No.2884510


>> No.2884512

stop spamming http://www.AnomTalk.com/ (Anom = Anon) ldvkmdijji

>> No.2884514

Empathizing with a terrible character doesn't make that character any less terrible.

Maria's screwed up because Rosa made her that way.
Rosa's family is filthy rich. She doesn't have to work. There is no excuse for the way she abused Maria.

>> No.2884519

I don't think they were ever married but other than that you're right. Also factor in the anon-like males who wouldn't accept her because she was used goods.

>> No.2884523

>If you have more than 1 partner over your lifetime, you're a slut who deserves to die, regardless of your gender.

The fuck? You realise that the concept of 'marriage' or having one partner throughout your lifetime is a singly human idea? So you're saying most animals are sluts?

>> No.2884529

Disliking a character doesn't make that character terrible.

>> No.2884531

You must be a woman.

>> No.2884534

Actually many animals mate for life. The guy you're replying to is a troll though.

>> No.2884535

Everyone who is against Rosa has failed to realize that the story of Rosa being a terrible mother is from Ange's point of view, which is mostly her projecting her hatred of Eva's fosterly care and her own pessimism regarding other people. Sure, Rosa has her moments, but she tries her best and is always seen trying to fix her mistakes after. You can't trust that fat pig Ange and her side of the story.

>> No.2884549

Actually, I like Rosa.
But I also like to hate her.

Anyway, Rosa is a bad mother. That's a simple fact.

>> No.2884556

I feel pity for Rosa. She's pathetic.

>> No.2884559

Sluts like you don't belong here. Go to /b/ or something you little whorry bitch cunt.

>> No.2884566

How did their children end up with red hair?

>> No.2884567

Even though that speech she made in episode 4 (while being torn apart) was so filled with hate, I saw that she really was fucked up emotionally by that.

The man who made her pregnant and told her that he'd love her forever ran away before Maria was even born, leaving Rosa alone. Her family couldn't be depended on, and any man that could have acted as Maria's father rejected her. She was absolutely miserable, and the knowledge that the man who was once her lover had a happy family of his own turned her blood into venom. Combined with the fact that she had the responsibility of running a large company, and that she was still desperate for love.... Well, it's surprising she didn't snap earlier.

>> No.2884633

>She doesn't have to work.
Not true at all. Kinzo wouldn't give her a cent if she stopped being a workaholic. Even with how much she works he said she wasn't worthy of inheriting anything. Although that scene never happened.

>> No.2884657

Oooh, quick to anger are we? Did I hit a little too close to home with my last comment?

>> No.2884686

/r/ing the darker side of that pic.

>> No.2885109

That just adds to her problem.

>> No.2885128

dyed ofcourse. Ange was a bad girl.

>> No.2885129

At least she still manages to be good-looking.

>> No.2885149

Rosa must have good technique, since she has slept with dozens of young men.

>> No.2885167

>The boy get in the way of your love life, all the woman you approach never accept you because you already has a child.

This will never happen. Women love kids.

>> No.2885201


what is this?

>> No.2885222


Hell, I'd sleep with her. I bet she keeps her body in great shape. Plus you'd have the satisfaction of having a powerful businesswoman begging for you to fuck her senseless.

>> No.2885244


what kind of moron runs away from a wealthy beautiful woman?

>> No.2885252
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>> No.2885266

The kind that thinks damaged goods aren't worth the trouble.

That is to say, idiots.

>> No.2885279
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Huh, a positive Rosa thread for once. How refreshing.

>> No.2885274

what's the sauce of this you faggots?

>> No.2885288

Oh, but Rosa's boyfriend was a better man, only that Rosa is too paranoid for her own sake.

>> No.2885292

Her body has to be in good shape if she can carry a girl, a gun, and gold while gouging goats.

>> No.2885309


Rosa basically got fucked. She's basically a yandere that's been betrayed. Not only that, but her family doesn't accept her (she's basically 20 years younger than some of the adults, while 20 years OLDER than some of the kids). Now she's fucking psycho, and no man wants her baggage ALONG with the kid.

So it sucks ass to be her. She needs to work her ass off to prove that she's worthy of being a member of the family, then she needs to be a mother, AND ON TOP OF THAT she needs to be a single woman.

>> No.2885312
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>> No.2885314

>fucking ugly, retarded and like saying incomprehensible words in public embarrassing you all the time.
>get in the way of your love life
>He even annoy the heck out of you by the not letting you fap to your 2d waifu. He occasionally call you when you are at work and while you are trying to date with a girl.

Wow, my child is my dad.

>> No.2885319




>> No.2885334


>> No.2885544

She probably has a six-pack.

>> No.2885563


Sounds like Nobody Knows.

>> No.2885633
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That would be hot, buff women are my fetish. But not like Cho-marisa.

>> No.2885640
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>> No.2885818

Rosa is as much of a child as Maria, her anger towards Maria is an extension of her own self-loathing.

Also, this thread fails to mention the fact that Rosa was raised by a raving lunatic. For 19 years she probably had to put up with Kinzo being all "WAH MY BEATRICE IS DEAAAAAAAAAAAD" knowing all along she was responsible for any fallout that happened as a result.

And then her child continues to remind her of this every day due to her being Beato's number one fangirl.

Rosa loves Maria, she just has inner demons that tell her otherwise.

>> No.2885852

>Rosa loves Maria, she just has inner demons that tell her otherwise.

You mean the bad witch inside of her, right?

Uu~ Uu~ ;_;

>> No.2885860

Kinzo. There's no telling what color his hair was when he was younger.

>> No.2885869

But there's only one mama.

>> No.2885896

is there any more then one episode of this translated?

>> No.2885961

If you're talking about the game, all Episodes that have been released are translated.

>> No.2885972

Yeah, they have them all in a vault somewhere and are making one per week to screw with you.

>> No.2886029

It just started airing a couple days ago, so no.
