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2880627 No.2880627 [Reply] [Original]

See what I found on the interents becauw /jp/ is so fucking terrible right now I didn't have any choice ;_;

>I felt completely bored when I read Kara no Kyoukai. I just can’t understand why some think Nasu is a good writer, when all he does is nonsensical pretentious crap. It’s specially sad to read him in the same book with people like Kadono or Otsuichi.

hahaha owow

>> No.2880635

inb4 spelling nazis

>> No.2880636

but that's accurate

>> No.2880639

People think Nasu is a good writer?

>> No.2880658

People think Ryukishi07 is a good writer?

>> No.2880662

People think KnK is good?

>> No.2880669

Yes they do, at least the non-fail non-newfriends do

>> No.2880675

Wait what? Is knk being distributed as a compilation work somewhere in the US, when did this happen?

>> No.2880683

Since one year. It was only ch1 and Del Rey claimed of having licensed KnK though nothing new was heard about this since

>> No.2880687

He is a terrible writer. Too longwinded and spends way too much time explaining his universe. I liked Tsukihime for the plot, not his writing style.

>> No.2880695

After reading two routes of FSN and one of tsukihimay I can say with confidence that Nasu's writing is mostly incompetent horseshit. He does however have a knack of coming up with ideas that are more interesting than his handling of them. I kept losing myself into fantasies of how I would act in the same situation. Combine that with his art guy being pretty good at coming up with eye-pleasing character designs, and you have something like Batman, Star Wars and anything popular really: objectively bad, but still enjoyable.

>> No.2880710

>After reading two routes of FSN and one of tsukihimay

Get out

>> No.2880732
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Everyone in this thread has terrible grammar. Christ!

>> No.2880739

I haven't even read Fate/Stay Night because I dread having to sit through Nasu's 3000 word descriptions of fights and his terrible H scenes. I mean, I plan to read it eventually, but I guess since I'm not a Type-Moon fanboy, I should also get out of /jp/ and go find a board for good VNs instead.

>> No.2880746

>go find a board for good VNs instead.

Try /x/.

>> No.2880765

Sex scnes can be skipped and you will miss nothing, and most of his fights do not have that much description actually, unless it's the first time in the story the specific NP is mentioned (first time excalibur, first time Breaker Gorgon) etc.
Also, fights are actualy few and spread throughout the story.
Certainly very low priority reasons as to whether or not read this shit.

>> No.2880771

Sure buddy. Fight scenes were very pleasing in FSN, at least the ones without Shirou's direct involvement.
And the fact that you rate FSN on behalf of the sex scenes shows what a nekofag you are, have fun with your walloftext about the infnite sea of invisible witches

>> No.2880772

I hope you read it untranslated!

>> No.2880779

KnK were excellent to read, no silly descriptive language, just dialogue. Nasu made me appreciate first person more than I ever did before.

>> No.2880781

In after butthurt typemoon fags.

>> No.2880783

>objectively bad

Protip: nothing is actually "objectively bad." Enjoy allowing the bandwagon/pseudo-intellectual art critics to dictate your aesthetic sensibilites to you.

@ this thread: No one said Nasu is a good writer except for subliterate morons; however, he is a decent storyteller. An example of someone else with the same problem is Tolkien. While he's a (much, much) better writer than Nasu, he comes off as long-winded and pseudo-archaic because he takes a whole page to say "they went down the hill." However, most people don't read Tolkien for the writing - they read it for the intricate detail he incorporated into his universe. Nasu is in the same boat, though he's obviously nowhere near Tolkien's level.

That aside, reading something solely because of its "writing" is a bore at best and a chore at worst - if you'd like to see firsthand, go read anything by Joyce. It's so insufferably pretentious that it makes Evangelion seem straightforward by comparison.

>> No.2880788

I like Nasu's style. I like how he describes the situations. I like how he reasons the characters' actions. I like how he plans out the story. I like the odd metaphors which somehow remind me the ones in Akagi/Kaiji. I fapped to the H-scenes and smirked at them at the same time.
Many people say his writing is childish/simple. I can't see that so I can't argue about it, but many best-seller books have simple and easy-to-understand style.

TL;DR: I like Nasu.

>> No.2880790

Fail butthurt newfag detected.

>> No.2880791

>go read anything by Joyce

Including these? http://www.johnhamilton.us/2/jamesjoyceletters.htm

>> No.2880795

I have struggled my way to near the ending of UBW, right before the jackhammering, and I dread having to read the rest of it. Not because of its content but because I know what F/SN is: boring and time-consuming. There is 2 days and 16 hours in my game clock. That's enough time to play through five real videogames, or read a real book from start to finish, or watch ten movies, or listen to sixty albums. But it's not even the full extent of it. Combined with the time I spend procrastinating so that I wouldn't have to read it, I have now spent almost TWO WEEKS reading Fate/Stay Night, or hoping I wouldn't have to read it. It's like drinking tar.

It wouldn't be so bad if I could just read an entire page at a time like I do with real books, instead of one line at a time, than wait a second when the next line fades in, then wait some more when slashy swing sounds are made and sparks fly on the screen. At least half of the time this novel consumes is because of artificial lengthening like this.

>> No.2880797

Knk is the best light novel and the best anime ever made.

>> No.2880807

Why the hell are you reading it then?

>> No.2880811

Does he still spend hours explaining the Nasuverse? I really hated how Arcueid would suddenly go on for like an hour about the different categories of vampire in Tsukihime and I've heard that Fate/Stay Night is no better.


Jesus christ. Are we really going to do this? I can't like Type-Moon and 07th Expansion at the same time? And any criticism of Nasu makes me a "nekofag"? God damn it, /jp/. You and your non-existent rivalries.

>> No.2880825


I literally wake up at morning, go "oh fucking god I have to read F/SN again", then go "maybe I should do something useful instead", then "but I can't give up now, it would just stay in the back of my head and distract me" and go "maybe I'll just lie here for a few minutes and then continue reading it". then go shopping and hit the gym and all the while I can't relax or enjoy it because that horrible duty is waiting me and won't let me go.

F/SN ruined my life.

>> No.2880834 [DELETED] 

Smart Internet users hang at: http://www.EnonTalk.com/ (Enon = Anon)

Are YOU smart?

> hnjnjjhhjhydggdhddjodgbyjylmhnsnoddydlfyd

>> No.2880830

Where the fuck do you find movies that last 6 hours?
You are a very slow reader.
The fact that you can't sit on your ass and read and just ponder, instead of finishing it is your own fault.
Clicking mouse, holding buttons etc can display text as fast as you can read it and more.
Waiting for the VOICES, that is an excuse.
Anything else, is not.

You are a fucktard.

>> No.2880838

>Where the fuck do you find movies that last 6 hours?

My favorite movie is Das Boot.

>> No.2880842

The moment you started considering it a 'duty', you became a fucking idiot.

>> No.2880843
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>> No.2880850

You CAN read it a page at a time - there's an explicit option for that.

And yes, it is taking you too long. Install the original Japanese version - THAT will only take you 43 hours to read entirely. I haven't played the English translation but I don't see why it would take longer for a native reader or reader fairly experienced in the language.

Thing about this; you've taken 64 hours to read 2.6mb of text. When Elfen Blaze comes out, hopefully this year, possibly next year, it will take you 426 hours to read in its entirely. That's nearly three weeks of constant reading. You're going to have to learn to read faster or something.

>> No.2880851

I was thinking more along the lines of Finnegan's Wake or Ulysses. The former especially just comes off as being one giant troll that retarded English majors ended up praising as the greatest work ever written.

>> No.2880852

I think lord of the rings was 4 hours at lengh, if you marathoned it it would be good for over half a day

>> No.2880854

>You are a very slow reader.

No, I'm not, and that's what's frustrating. I can read a real book with at least twice the text F/SN has in two evenings easy.

What's holding me back is all the artificial delays in the engine.

>> No.2880856

Yeah, Nasu is pretty shit.

>> No.2880858

But it was actually a mini series.
Unless you like to watch 'Gone with the Wind' and cry alike a little girl, not many options are left/

>> No.2880860

I could listen to Ilya's voice in the VN all day long.


>> No.2880863

>I can read a real book with at least twice the text F/SN has in two evenings easy.
Books like that don't exist for a reason. They would be impossible to bind together with a readable font size - paper can only be made so thin.

>> No.2880871

As a fast reader, I can tell you that excluding voiced parts, the engine did not stop me at all.
Just SKIP text till all is displayed, rinse and repeat.
If ypou go to the next screen, use the backlog with just apush in the wheelie. The Effects alone should not be a problem, unless you are an idiot.
No single Lotr movie lasts that much.

>> No.2880874
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>I can read a real book with at least twice the text F/SN has in two evenings easy.

you're telling me you could read the lord of the rings twice in two evening easy?

>> No.2880875

People have opinions?

>> No.2880878

Sorry dude but where did Tolkien create a deep scenario with LotR? It was your typical fantasy faggotry though really nice written.

If you start talking about scneario then fucking read Dune. That's something I would call deep scenario.

>> No.2880880

Since when did /jp/ ever reached a consensus on KnK being actually good?

>> No.2880881

ITT: low attention spans from watching 20 minute long shonen/moe shit with two music videos at either end.

>> No.2880883

The funny thing is that the only actual attempt at a VN originating from this site ended up being incomparably worse than even Nasu's most primitive and amateurish works. He's definitely terrible, but what does that make you by comparison, 4chan?

>> No.2880897


Unless the Sakura route is double the length of the both previous routes combined, F/SN does not have that much text.

>> No.2880900

i bet you guys dont even know who Kadono and Otsuichi are

>> No.2880902

4chan isn't just one person. I am not responsible for KS.

>> No.2880903

What's the matter? too DEEP for you?

>> No.2880907

we weren't talking about scenario, just length. Are you incapable of having proper discussion?

>> No.2880909

I'm going through F/SN now that I've finished Tsukihime. I...can't really comment on the quality of the writing, but I still manage to enjoy the stories.

>> No.2880913

If you have an active imagination spewing long sentences about supernatural explanations is pretty easy.

>> No.2880915

>Sorry dude but where did Tolkien create a deep scenario with LotR? It was your typical fantasy faggotry though really nice written.

I'm not sure if you're trolling but Tolkien INVENTED "typical fantasy faggotry". It didn't exists before he got the idea. If it seems unoriginal now, it's because everybody rushed to copy him.

>> No.2880918

But Otsuichi was shit. I even went so far to buy and read Goth in Japanese.

>> No.2880921

>It was your typical fantasy faggotry

Protip: LoTR popularized what you've termed as "typical fantasy faggotry." While nearly everything Tolkien used (except Orcs, which he invented) existed in the context of scattered bits of European mythology, he was the one who distilled the core concepts of modern fantasy into the versions we have today. It's "typical fantasy faggotry" rather than "obscure fantasy faggotry" because of his efforts.

>where did Tolkien create a deep scenario
Ever read the Silmarillion?

>> No.2880924

It took me about 20 hours per route of F/sn to finish, and I read fairly quickly. I finish most 700-800 page novels in around 8-10 hours. While a lot of the actual plot is watered down with the BOY IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL AGAIN crap that doesn't honestly impact the story a lot, and scenes related to increasing your points for a heroine so you get a good end or whatever, that's all part of the VN format. I'd find a book with those sorts of things fairly irritating if it tried to force those types of things in constantly, but the effects/music/images provided alongside text makes it suitable and it does its job of making you lose yourself in its fantasy world, which is all I ever hope for from a book or VN. Nasu does this well.

>> No.2880937

OP here:
t's sad that Kadono has never been /jp/ related
His stories are not as edgy as Nasu's but his writing's flow is better.
But still I really like Nasu and I can't understand the silly "criticism". Some faggots here spolied thieving gajins who cannot appreciate a good work for what is is.

>> No.2880955

Heaven's Feel is more massive, yeah. I remember there being a moonspeak page with most eroge text sizes for comparision, but can't find the link. Maybe it's not as long but definetely near that length.

>> No.2880956

>You CAN read it a page at a time - there's an explicit option for that.

No there isn't, I checked.

>> No.2880958

>If you have an active imagination spewing long sentences about supernatural explanations is pretty easy.

And it seems the KSdevs don't even have that, given their shameless and derivative theft of every stereotype in otaku culture. Pretty sad, isn't it?

>I am not responsible for KS.

Let's think about this, shall we? The KSdevs are attention whores. Attention whores plan their actions based on what others around them desire. The KSdevs are on 4chan.

You (as much as I) are indirectly responsible for that embarassing excuse (even by the low standards of the industry) of a VN.

>> No.2880960

Too bad, Dune's writing style is horrible. It had good ideas but it fell short in storytelling, at least for me. Fremen are too powerful and imbalanced and the fight for Arrakeen was an 1 page long joke. I grew up on the games, I want my detailed fight scenes.

>> No.2880965

I find I don't have the attention span to sit through even half an episode of anime. I've tried a few times.

But I've played Fate/stay Night, Hello World, YU-NO, W.L.O etc. all to completion without ever getting bored, so I'm not sure if it's directly correlated to attention span.

>> No.2880966


Yeah bro, I wish there was some kind of a way to... you know, just NOT READ things you don't like. Somebody needs to invent that.

>> No.2880972

I know that he popularized fantasy faggotry, and yes I really don't like this kind of fantasy. Regarding the main trilogy I can't see anything resembling a deep scenario. Great writing, nice reading but that's it.

>> No.2880977


It's gotten to the point where I'm actively trying to find excuses to not read more F/SN, and F/SN itself was an excuse I invented so that I wouldn't have to work on my master's degree. I'm double fucked.

>> No.2880980

Jesus stop this fucking bad writing faggotry. That's like saying I don't like anime xy the colors are so weird.
The point was about the scenario and I don't have to tell you that Dune is a whole series of books, side-stories included.

>> No.2880983


The guy went as far as to invent two real languages with a full grammar and vocabulary for his novel and that doesn't count as "deep scenario" for you? Jesus, what was he supposed to do, define the DNA code of the hobbits?

>> No.2880985

Real men read everything and complete every sidequest.

>> No.2880990


That's what I'm doing. It's maybe a part of the reason it takes so much time and I'm so pissed off having to read the same shit two or three times with minor variations. I need to see every line of text or it doesn't feel complete.

>> No.2880999

The fact that you can't simply walk away from it is a testament that it has some merit, however small.

Disliking Tolkien =/= Tolkien didn't put thought into his scenario. As I said earlier, if you've read the Silmarillion, this should be eminently obvious to you.

>> No.2881008

This thread is like some kind of an assburgers championship.

>> No.2881011

I actually have a manuscript of a novel I wrote last year inspired from Tsukihime (its completely original material though), though it needs alot of editing.

If I knew how to do programming and stuff like sprites and character art I might have played around with a concept for a OELVN, but because I don't it will either get all it's names Anglicized and the places turned into Western sounding for publishing, or it will just languish in my desk.

>> No.2881017

For example not a scenario about supermega evil monsters lurking in the shadows, a supermega magician and a group of supermega retards

>> No.2881033

>For example not a scenario about supermega evil monsters lurking in the shadows, a supermega magician and a group of supermega retards

So wait. You dislike LoTR for these reasons, yet you like Dune?

>> No.2881037

You're confusing 'Scenario' with 'World Creation'

>> No.2881041

Tolkien didn't just try to create a universe though, he was foremost a story teller.

Have you read the recent release of The Children of Hurin? I haven't a story so depressing in a while, it's like nothing like LOTR.

>> No.2881042


I have a similar problem, sort of. When I read mango/VNs/watch animu/etc my mind starts racing with ideas, plots, and I pen some of them down and I feel pretty good about them, but they're fucking fanfics and fanfics are the very definition of pathetic. So I don't ever finalize or release them on the interbutt. But I can't come up with my own characters either, can't just create new stuff out of nothing. It's so much easier adding to or altering something that already exists.

I've been looking for ways to scramble my ideas together so that it wouldn't be so easy to figure out where I stole them from, but it feels unsatisfying too.

>> No.2881045

>This thread is like some kind of an assburgers championship.
>implying that isn't the case for every thread on /jp/.

Did you forget where you are?

>> No.2881058

I would say LotR is in regards to the level of scenario complexity more like a book inside a book, that said like a book Paul would be reading during the space-travel to Dune.

>> No.2881065

Do you faggots even read the thread description before the BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW

>> No.2881073

Read your own posts before you accuse others of crying.

>> No.2881078

/jp/ is not that bad. There is much good discussion going on, just many angry people who want to insult and piss each other off.

>> No.2881079

>Tolkien INVENTED "typical fantasy faggotry". It didn't exist before he got the idea. If it seems unoriginal now, it's because everybody rushed to copy him.

This is what surprisingly few people understand. Orcs, dwarves, elves of the treehugging variety etc. are so common now that people think they always existed. They didn't, not in the way you know today. They were all invented by Tolkien. They were new and strange once.

>> No.2881081


>> No.2881097


>> No.2881099

>Ever read the Silmarillion?

No I haven't because not part of the original trilogy.

>> No.2881104

Joke's on you, if you want to see the only person in the thread crying, go look in the mirror.

>> No.2881107

My brain cells scream in agony.

>> No.2881113

Correct, they did 'exist' but only as vague myths in various cultures. Before Tolkien 'elves' were like short fairies, he created the whole elf culture which every fantasy novel to this day uses.

>> No.2881124

You would need to read more than the original trilogy if you want to be more capable of passing an educated judgement on what Tolkien wrote. And as I said earlier, everything which you claimed to dislike about LoTR was found in Dune, which leads me to believe that you dislike it for some other reason.

>> No.2881130

It may be the translation's fault, but I pretty much agree; he moves very slowly.

>> No.2881158

hahaha owow now stop "fantasizing"

Dune is in fact the real deal, hardcore and with a realistic depiction of how the world works.
Stop comparing your allegoric oversimplified fairy-tales with my Dune.

>> No.2881164

I'd never expect to see Dune Fanboys bashing Tolkien works in /jp/.

>> No.2881167

haha, oh wow

>> No.2881176

>with a realistic depiction of how the world works

Okay, now I know for a fact that you're trolling.

>> No.2881196

What do you fags think off Foundation and J. Clavell works?
I love Shogun. Period.

>> No.2881236

Shogun was here, Noble House sucks.

>> No.2881250

And yet,
you are.

>> No.2881253

Well, translations sure show him from the bad side. Not sure how bad he actually his, but I just can't sit trough all the bullshit in Fate or Tsukihime. However, KnK movies are bloody kickass, both graphically and story wise. Their presentation is bloody amazing.

>> No.2881261

>If you start talking about scneario then fucking read Dune. That's something I would call deep scenario.
Dune was only good for the first 3 books. Than less fremen it had then worse it was.

>> No.2881264

>Than less fremen it had then worse it was.

>> No.2881265
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you're all missing the big picture.

picture RELATED.

>> No.2881269

>hardcore and with a realistic depiction of how the world works

>Some twenty thousand years in the future, the human race has scattered throughout the known universe and populated countless planetary systems ruled by aristocratic royal houses who answer to the universal ruler, the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. Science and technology have evolved far beyond that of our own time despite the prohibition of computers and artificial intelligence, and humans called Mentats with highly-evolved minds perform the functions of computers. The CHOAM corporation is the major underpinning of the Imperial economy, with shares and directorships determining each House's income and financial leverage. Key is the control of the desert planet Arrakis, the only source of the valuable spice melange, which gives those who ingest it extended life and prescient awareness. Melange is crucial as it enables space travel, which the Spacing Guild monopolizes. Navigators use the spice melange to safely plot a course for the Guild's heighliner ships via prescience using "foldspace" technology, which allows instantaneous travel to anywhere in the universe.

The spice is also crucial to the powerful matriarchal order called the Bene Gesserit, whose main priority is to preserve and advance the human race. The secretive Bene Gesserit, often referred to as "witches," possess mental and physical powers developed through conditioning called prana-bindu training.

>how the world works

>> No.2881303

I don't mean literally. I mean, with every book it was less and less about Dune, and more about ridiculous plans of the same old organisations and people. I just don't like how the atmosphere changed with time. And plot devices. Seriously, how many times was Duncan Idaho clonned?

>> No.2881397

At least 20.
