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File: 47 KB, 806x625, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2879129 No.2879129 [Reply] [Original]

I said I wouldn't cry, I really meant it! I guess that's what people mean when they say an emotional roller coaster. Are the other routes this wonderful?

>> No.2879133

The other two girls are standard eroge routes.

>> No.2879142

True ending felt a bit empty and unsatisfying. Still enjoyable.

>> No.2879143

Not as awesome, but the other routes are still pretty well written.

>> No.2879146

True End best end

>> No.2879168

Didn't even realize there was another end beside the 3. Guess I've got something to look forward to.

Anyway, pretty awesome OST as well. Has that been released anywhere?

>> No.2879201

1 seed OST

>> No.2879228




Show Time has the vocal stuff. There is another one with the actual BGM floating around.

>> No.2879234

Is Kira Kira just some K-ON shit or is it actually about music? If it's the latter I'll start it up right now.

>> No.2879249

K-on shit, except with romance and drama. Very good romance and drama.

>> No.2879250

Oh and of course there's also the 3D PD songs that the characters learn how to play in the game:


Only took them a month to learn that?

>> No.2879251

K-ON with a minimal amount of realness.

>> No.2879255


I can get good romance and drama in other places. I want a music VN. Fuck.

>> No.2879270

Its not as hard as it seems, especially when playing Sex Pistols, because you can pretty much cheat your way through with half chords. Add Sids stage act to that and you dont even need a bass.

>> No.2879303
File: 44 KB, 201x281, Waha~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, thanks.

>> No.2879310

>> I want a music VN.

You gotta elaborate on this!


Man, I wish I was that naturally good. It took me years to learn how to stay in tempo.

>> No.2879323


It's like a visual novel but without the visual, man.

>> No.2879333

I expected more out of the concerts or gigs or w/e, most of them were pretty boring except for like 1 or 2. Also I just finished my first route (Chie) and I was pretty disappointed in it. I really liked Chie but somehow as it went on it got more and more boring

>> No.2879345

They did start practicing with a band from the get go, not to mention they had a sugoi START GENE coach. The original piece is a bit too much though, no way in hell did they compose a catchy tune like that in a month while struggling with the basis of playing an instrument.

>> No.2879357

Yeah, that was my one gripe, the concerts were a bit rushed. There was some buildup about the songs they were going to play, and then 3 lines later they're done. I really enjoyed the few times they did the CG montage timed to the music, but I guess they couldn't do that for every song.

>> No.2879360

Correct me if im wrong, but didnt every single original piece have a CG montage?

>> No.2879376


I mean something involving some talk about music and writing and playing the stuff that's not herp derp i'll play guitar and after a week everyone is great at playing.

>> No.2879430

>>I mean something involving some talk about music and writing and playing the stuff

I think it will suit your tastes then.

Sure, it isn't completely realistic, but I don't think I'd want something like that anyways. And the characters practice every day for a few months before their first performance if that makes any difference.

>> No.2879546


huuuuh. Well, I guess that's enough for me to try it out.

>> No.2879573

I'm probably only going to play through one route, so which should it be?

>> No.2879596

Kirari for some forced drama and good rage because shes a stupid cunt. And Maejima-sama has the most growth as a MAIN CHARA in the route, too. The other two are moeblob shit, especially with the rich bitch.

>> No.2879604

>good rage because shes a stupid cunt

I'm already experiencing that, though. I would like to smack her so she would shut up.

>> No.2879623

Does it bother you that every fucking time she opens her mouth she strats with "Ano ne...."? Fucking a.

>> No.2879624

Kirari dies though, so it's all good.

>> No.2879640
File: 63 KB, 806x625, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all heartless monsters. Kiria was love from this first CG.

>> No.2879653

Well shit, I'll just go for Kirari route then even though I hate her. Chie is the best female though.

>> No.2879661

Enjoy your boring whore.

>> No.2879664

Sooo how's curtain call?

>> No.2879674

I don't think anyone liked Kirari.

is just a troll.

>> No.2879676

>>You're all heartless trolls...
Fixed. First Kirari CG looking wistful made me ;_; too.

Kirari's supa genki high pitched voice, louder than all the other characters, gets on my nerves once in a while, but she's still the cute little girl I can't bring myself to hate.

>> No.2879679

Okay, which route will piss me off the least?

>> No.2879690

>louder than all the other characters


All the other characters sound fine, but then Kirari talks with her squeaky voice that's twice as loud and FUCK MY EARS WHY IS THIS SO LOUD.

>> No.2879697

Nobody knows. Call me when someone translates it

>> No.2879698

Kirari normal, since Kirari dies.

>> No.2879700

It's the same as in the usual story you see in movies as well, they don't really show you the actual buildup. But I'm fine with that, because I know the focus is on character dev of mc and my waifus.

Kirari may be frikkin annoying with her genki personality, but she's got a cute baby face and not afraid to work hard to support her poor family.
And she's not heartless like that genki bitch called mi

>> No.2879714

I always fully listened to her voice and skipped the other ones (besides Murakami). I love genki girls though, so yeah.

>> No.2879717


Well crap

>> No.2879757

I've just finished chapter 1 so far. And damn, that was one exhilarating ride. I hope the individual routes won't disappoint me. The part where mc apologizes to his rivals because he was partly responsible for wrecking their performance was pretty manly of him too.

Hope to see mf/megaupload of this, torrent's not working for me, isp throttling. ;_;

>> No.2879863

is there a CG pack anywhere?

>> No.2880003
File: 509 KB, 2658x1410, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to this hot energetic track キラ☆キラ from the Show Time album.
Can anyone provide a rough translation of the lyrics?

>> No.2880029


>> No.2880087

How many chapters are there?

>> No.2880097


>> No.2880111


>> No.2880895
File: 171 KB, 806x630, Kira Kira Bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed so hard.

>> No.2880914


4 Chapters for Kirari normal, 3 for the rest.

>> No.2881028

I loled too
nigga speak is always funny

>> No.2881134

Pasting the lyrics in case anyone cares to translate it ;_;

Oneday 投げ遣りな気持ちでドア開け放して
Someday 何かカマしてやろうと思い立つ
Today 誰よりもhighな自分でいられるように
Let's go! 君とギター積み込んで 今旅に出よう!


ゆらり 揺られ 融合(とけ)る



君じゃなきゃ 君がそばにいなければ

ゆらり 揺られ 融合(とけ)る

>> No.2881150

kirari is moe with pinku hair

>> No.2881159

More like shit with shit hair.

>> No.2881161

If someone is interest I can upload the D2B live released at the C74.

>> No.2881169

Here's a vote from me.

>> No.2881200


Kirari is mai waifu too. The bubbly, energetic, yet with a heart full gold type of chick, I like best.

>> No.2881209
File: 14 KB, 423x297, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2881240

Will upload [MP3] (C74) [OVERDRIVE] キラ☆キラ カーテンコール 予約特典マキシ (mp3 320 cbr) after.

>> No.2881243

if it's kinda large like 50MB+, could you upload it to something resumable like mu or mf?

>> No.2881283

Uploading it in 3 parts on mf.

>> No.2881285 [DELETED] 

Smart Internet users hang at: http://www.EnonTalk.com/ (Enon = Anon)

Are YOU smart?

> sbmgdycchjhhhiyoyyklcvkogngbghfflsdigninnpndfgocl

>> No.2881293
File: 116 KB, 600x800, 4305135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2881318

Is Kirari True supposed to be the best ending for KK ? Because seriously if that is so I can not comprehend how somebody can rate this eroge so high

>> No.2881340

part1 http://www.mediafire.com/?e2ngdx2v5fa part 2 & 3 in 15 min.

>> No.2881380

I'm just starting this now. I'm assuming there is some way to change this horrible font?

>> No.2881385

There is, someone did a crack when it was released.

>> No.2881393

Why doesn't Aki have a route?
She was the best, I fucking love her accent too.

>> No.2881399

Never mind, found it in the archive.

>> No.2881475

If you just want to experience through the band aspect of the game, play Chie's and Kashi's routes up to the end of Chapter 2, then finish Kirari normal. The road trip's final concerts in Chie's and Kashi's routes are worth looking into.

>> No.2881492

Sorry I have some issues with mf while try to upload the 2 last parts later.

>> No.2881528

no prob.

Not OP. But thanks for the tips.
I've just finished Chapter 1, will continue reading tomorrow. I'm torn between Kashiwara and Kirari's normal ending, since I have points in both...

The way you recommended the order of the routes, does that mean Kirari's final concert (normal) is superior?

>> No.2881564

>does that mean Kirari's final concert (normal) is superior?

personally, yes

If you get serious about the game though you might want to beat the whole thing because Kira Kira Curtain Call follows up from Kirari true end.

>> No.2881647

Part 2 : http://www.mediafire.com/?wnv1nwgdst3

I hate wifi an web2.0. Maybe I will be able to upload the last part.

>> No.2881714

Finally all is here:

d2b Live Bootleg 'd2b GiGs~Live at 0503~
Part1: http://www.mediafire.com/?e2ngdx2v5fa
Part2: http://www.mediafire.com/?wnv1nwgdst3
Part3 : http://www.mediafire.com/?dgmgcin1j2g

キラ☆キラ カーテンコール 予約特典マキシ

>> No.2881724

Look at their ears.

>> No.2881834

You're a real trooper. I'm still seeding the torrent with my puny connection if anyone wants to use that.

>> No.2882005

Bump of appreciation.

>> No.2882140

The last one the opening single, hope noboby already post it.
Contain kira Kira and kaeshite! Knee-socks

>> No.2882512
File: 92 KB, 816x636, midori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this bitch. Midori can be so annoying at times.

>> No.2882537

Better than your waifu. Now what, nigga?

>> No.2882540

I wish there was a Midori route.

>> No.2882566

Please don't say that.

>> No.2882578

I fucked you're waifu

>> No.2882601

I wish there were more cross-dressing Hscenes.

>> No.2882609

Did anyone get the true ending of Kira*Kira?

I was confused during the whole ending of it.

>> No.2882986
File: 395 KB, 1280x1024, yuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuko joins d2b, that's all you need to know.

>> No.2882995 [DELETED] 

Abandon this shitty board already and go check out the real deal! Smart Internet users hang at:

http://www.AnbnTalk.com/ (Anbn = Anon)

Are YOU smart or just another worthless chanturd?

> ihhjfnysjoylfyplh

>> No.2883011

Incest route?

>> No.2883024

Theyre not blood related. What do you think?

>> No.2883158

Listened to the OST at work and started crying.

>> No.2884515

Baaw'd on Kirari normal. Other endings seemed kind of meh. Tomo and second Sarina H-scenes were best imo. Kirari true end was kind of a let down since I wanted the MC to be more involved with her instead of just left in the dust. (Though I guess the learning guitar kind of opens the path for a duet in Curtain Call.)

>> No.2884528

stop spamming http://www.AnomTalk.com/ (Anom = Anon) b j gc gf jdgmljydjy hyhldgys ydjijhyn odnhyhfhgpsgm

>> No.2884609

Anyone know where I can find the improved translation version of Edelweiss?

>> No.2884761

Thanks for the soundtrack uploads, guys.
Kirari is loev.

>> No.2884792

No one that's read KiraKira has any interest in Edelweiss?

>> No.2884810

I do. But I'm not a hacker nor a translator. ;_;

>> No.2884834


The premise seems terrible to be honest. Even if it was translated well, I think I'll pass.

>> No.2884848



>> No.2884972

btw, does anyone know whether this was sung by the original VAs for the game?

>> No.2885081

I can't find a torrent of this game anywhere, is there a translated version? The name is kira kira right?

>> No.2885106

Search the archive.

>> No.2885121 [DELETED] 

ty bro, now this newfag will figure out how to do that.

>> No.2885142

MU links from fakku


>> No.2885182


The torrent got taken off though, if anyone can tell me how to get a torrent file that I'm seeding off of uTorrent, then go ahead.

>> No.2885230

Anyone know where I can get the Curtain Call vocal album: Rock'n Roll never die? Or just the Wing your way song.

>> No.2885313


kira kira , Cosplay fetish academy, and more

>> No.2885335

Link to torrent in Cosplay Fetish Academy doesn't work.

>> No.2885339

stop spamming http://www.AnomTalk.com/ (Anom = Anon) nf dfvmflmggsj c ky mgdmgf onmovho kf gcnvhkdmfdihjfyhj

>> No.2885374

torrent mirrored in attachments and at

>> No.2885403

So did someone make a crack for Cosplay Fetish Academy, or did we come up with another way to bypass the faggotry?
