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2876573 No.2876573 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing as how the denizens of /a/ didn't give a shit, here's Umineko.


>> No.2876576

>/a/ didn't give a shit
Best news I've heard all day.

>> No.2876578

Part 3 and higher quality are on their way.

>> No.2876591

Maria is actually...cute.

>> No.2876596


>> No.2876610
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>> No.2876614

Nobody is going to watch Umineko on youtube, though.

>> No.2876616

Are you fucking kidding?
We've been making threads all day on /a/.
No one wants to watch it on fucking Youtube, is all.

>> No.2876624

That's where I watched the Lucky Star dub

>> No.2876627

part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktiececom88

>> No.2876639

I don't think I'll ever get used to ber-to-ri-che. ;_;

On the other hand, I want to have sex with Natsuhi's voice.

>> No.2876643

Biri biri?

>> No.2876649

The opening has been subbed.

>> No.2876674
File: 29 KB, 704x396, 1246476711434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's already up on TT and I've already watched it, because it has some lightning seeder bros.
You are a *beep*

>> No.2876693

Youtube link:

>> No.2876722

I don't really like Yui Horie as Maria.

>> No.2876726



Real link, no rickroll. Although I'm not sure how I feel about KoG being the one subbing it...

>> No.2876735


>> No.2876743


Whoa, I never knew KoG could make anything decent. Those subs are actually pretty cool.

>> No.2876744

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by 株式会社フロンティアワークス.

>> No.2876745

Well I must say I don't like the character design.
None of the girls looks moe, and everyone just seems blunt.

>> No.2876765

All the women seem to have gone up 2 cup sizes.

>> No.2876775

The fags at YouTube have removed the episode AND the subs. It's barely been an hour since it aired, too.

>> No.2876798

None of the character designs disappoint me as much as the concept art had me worried. Exceptions are George and Genji. As far as voices go, they're pretty close to how I imagined, and Maria's "Uu uu" seemed pretty natural and sounded nice. I'm cautiously hopeful.

>> No.2876815

You say that like its a bad thing.

>> No.2876834


They fucked him up. He was my inspiration, a fat male who managed to get together with a beautiful girl with big breasts. Now they changed him into a handsome fit man, I feel betrayed.

>> No.2876836

Put it on Megaupload for anybody who doesn't like slow torrents.


>> No.2876844

Weight loss, bro. Enjoy all of your fat friends becoming slim while you're the left-behind remaining lazy, smelly piece of shit you are.

>> No.2876845

Come on guys. Wait for a good sub at least

>> No.2876851

Between Rudolph being a man's man, and Maria's fang moe, I had a raging hardon the entire episode.

>> No.2876870


>> No.2876871

Jessica looks horrible and too old.

>> No.2876880

Post screenshots

>> No.2876891
File: 55 KB, 726x530, umineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this ok?

>> No.2876898

Just press F5, but that's good enoug-
What the hell did they do to George!?

>> No.2876909

Why is Beatrice's painting on the first floor? I always thought it was higher up along the stairs in a room to itself.

>> No.2876918

My complaints so far initially 9 minutes in:
Skipped everything up to and including the boat, it starts with them landing on the island pretty much.
Messed up a lot of the character introductions like Kanon never had the wheelbarrow fall over nor did George make Shannon promise to hit anyone who tried to touch her breasts again

>> No.2876925

Mmm, probably forgot to mention. Kinzo's intro was right at the very start, but it only lasts for two lines between the two of them before he breaks down into "BEATRICE!", and even then it doesn't last that long.

>> No.2876927

Where exactly do the screenshots save to when I f5?
I assume they did that to save time because the intro could be lengthy. You could always listen to the drama CDs.

>> No.2876928

I do not enjoy the old women tits.

>> No.2876934

You fail to realize that the last two things aren't important at all.

>> No.2876937

Umineko: Flop or biggest flop of the year?

>> No.2876941

As someone who enjoys things for their story, it felt wrong after being used to the introduction from the sound novel.

Also, they just censored Eva insulting Natsumi... Ugh.

>> No.2876944

Depends on the raw you're watching I believe.

>> No.2876946

Three censor bleeps throughout Eva going at her. This does not bode well for the first twilight.

>> No.2876951

The changing of the portrait's location is going to be annoying later on near the end of ep 1 when they have their last stand in front of it.

>> No.2876958

Battler never tried to grope Kumasawa.
She'll make him pay for that in Ep3

>> No.2876965

Perhaps there's more than one painting. I agree with how changing the location of the painting messes up that key point.

I wasn't particularly let down by the anime. The character designs were all right and the choices for VAs seemed appropriate.

>> No.2876969

Perhaps, but since Battler read the epitaph beside it, it doesn't bode well.

>> No.2876974
File: 22 KB, 704x396, snapshot20090701234940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Tell me why?

Why isn't Kinzo's VA Wakamoto?

>> No.2876979
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This is a bit better I think.

>> No.2876986


>> No.2876990
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>> No.2876995
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I don't particularly care for some of the character design, but goddamn, fang moe.

>> No.2876996

Mugihito did a great job.

>> No.2877002

Fang moe indeed, but Rosa is still as much of a bitch as ever. Ugh.

>> No.2877003

As far as I can remember there are portraits in both guest house and the mansion, and seemed to me that they were in the guest house during that scene.

>> No.2877009

I love it, they actually did a good job with her, completely neurotic.

>> No.2877010

True. I hope that's the case.

>> No.2877011

That might explain it. Can only hope it is true.

>> No.2877018

He was trying to sound like Wakamoto.

And that's not possible.

>> No.2877019

kinzo looks fucking manly in the opening, too bad the ending doesnt have him like that

>> No.2877024
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/jp/ will watch the animu for best mom ever and magic fights.

lol no ????

>> No.2877029

Such a good mom. Her voice is sexy too.

>> No.2877036

Was the only song from the VN 10_witch_in_gold_cenba, or did I miss another one?

>> No.2877038


>> No.2877044

I wonder how long the show will be? I'm assuming 26 episodes, but then that's only less than 10 hours of material for a VN that probably takes 40-50 hours so far. I guess there will be multiple seasons.

>> No.2877050

And now I'm done... Nothing really to rage over after the stuff I initially listed, but yes, the lack of music from the sound novel was disappointing. As someone pointed out, a lot of them are listed as contributing in the credits so hopefully that fixes later. I want me some Dead Angle!

>> No.2877052

Probably. The Higurashi sound novel would be a good comparative at this point for how compressed things were.

>> No.2877068


I heard something about
Ep1: 5 eps
Ep2: 5 eps
Ep3: 8 eps
Ep4: 8 eps
in earlier threads

>> No.2877075

Anyone else not like how they showed Beatrice during the umbrella scene? I know it didn't show her face, but it still irked me.

>> No.2877078

shit sucked, the only good things in the ep are
>first half of the opening
>beatrice portrait
>delicious VAs (eva is sex)
>awesome ending

and thats all, im going to watch when they get to the magic battles

best combo is drama CD + manga

>> No.2877072 [DELETED] 

shit sucked, the only good things in the ep are
>first half of the opening
>beatrice portrait
>delicious VA's (eva is sex)
>awesome ending

and thats all, im going to watch when they get to the magic battles

best combo is drama CD + manga

>> No.2877082
File: 76 KB, 400x426, 7b77bfc5f45d5d46f7b13f6dc18a0c48b3e005a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delicious VA's (eva is sex)

Every character with rule 34 is always sex

>> No.2877086

They managed to compress the first 2-3 hours of the first episode into 20 minutes.

They can easily do the first 4 episodes in one season. Of course, some things will be missing. But I believe there is enough stuff that isn't important for the plot (even if it's a shame to miss it)

>> No.2877089

Yea, I thought it would've been better to leave who gave the umbrella to Maria as a mystery first to those who hadn't read the VN maybe.

>> No.2877091

What you see, unreliable, etc.

>> No.2877105

At least they made it partially obscure, but yeah. It's hard to have someone give Maria an umbrella in the anime without speaking anything I guess.

>> No.2877139
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>> No.2877318

Next thing you know, they'll censor Gapp's gap.

>> No.2877343

I can't believe they bleeped swears out, give me a break. Hopefully the AT-X airing next week is uncensored.

>> No.2877348

Ok, I'll admit I got through 2 episodes of Higurashi and quit. I'm not interested in seeing cute girls murder each other and I don't like psychological drama. I watch magical girl shows, romance, and MOE but the threads here do have me interested since it seems to be about demons and witches. Is it a show I can enjoy at all or should I give it a pass?

>> No.2877352

No, it isn't meant for people like you.

>> No.2877355

It was the raw provider, bro.

>> No.2877358

It was the raw provider that added the bleeping. Butthurt Natushi fan.

>> No.2877365


>> No.2877367

The guest house theories about the portrait do hold some weight right now after some thought because the room the portrait was in felt way too shabby to be the main entrance of the mansion and quite cramped given what takes place in front of that portrait throughout the story.

>> No.2877369

You might need to wait a few episode before the demons and witches show up, but Umineko does have a larger MILF to MOE ratio than Higurashi.

>> No.2877383

Should have watched the first 4 episodes.

>> No.2877391

You're going to completely miss the point of the series

>> No.2877402


>> No.2877546

oh god, i know what the point of this post is but i just can't stop bloody RAGING

>> No.2877590

>Umineko does have a larger MILF to MOE ratio than Higurashi.

You speak as though MILF and MOE are mutually exclusive. They aren't. And don't use MOE when you actually mean loli, because that only serves to confound the terms.

>> No.2877609


Successful troll is successful.

>> No.2877619

Enjoy being the male equivalent of a Twilight fan or yaoi fangirl.

>> No.2877819

Why is Rosa such a bad mother?

>> No.2877848

Because she's a slut. It's outright confirmed in episode 4.

>> No.2877863

Because she loves cocks

>> No.2877876

Since Rosa is a slut, doesn't that mean she has great technique?

>> No.2877878

Natsuhi is a better mother anyway. Ep1 made me love her....

>> No.2879332
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>>2877348 here.

Sorry I forgot about this thread due to odd circumstances but what I said is actually true. I don't mean to say it just to troll but having hung out here for over a year I know the basic story of Higurashi by now. Essentially a murder mystery/groundhog day story etc, etc. Though I've not seen it up to episode 4 they die, reset, blah blah. I know. Anyway check out my bittorent folder for god's sake.

Anyway, all trolling aside, is Umineko less inclined to murders and psychological drama and more on the lines of cute? Or shall I do as >>2877352 says and pass it by?

>> No.2879340

>not a troll


>> No.2879348

Name me a valid reason not to use VLC

>> No.2879363

Its shit

>> No.2879384

I've never had problems with it. I can only believe you're an ineffective troll like the other non VLC elitists. Not even an exciting one since I've heard this argument before. Sigh.

>> No.2879395

Generally I've heard people cite VLC's inability to render certain subtitle streams correctly as a problem.
Aside from a few comparison picture I've seen over the years I can't really substantiate this claim, not having used the player myself.
Or it could just be Vista syndrome. Who knows?

>> No.2879405
File: 149 KB, 704x1584, VLCISSHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a problem for the longest time.

But apparently it was fixed recently or whatever.

I still won't use VLC anyways since MPC does what I need it to do.

>> No.2879412

