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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 603x480, 1246431865122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2875998 No.2875998 [Reply] [Original]

This person with a malformed skull is athens !SysNk6tQtw

Look at his scruffy deformed face.

>> No.2876005
File: 15 KB, 290x290, 1241927556524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting.

>> No.2876006

/r9k/ agreed, Athens isn't really as ugly as he says he is.
Also, consensus agreed that he kinda looks like Keeanu Reeves.

>> No.2876018

Sup Athens

>> No.2876019

:/ severely deformed Keanu Reeves.

>> No.2876024

what the fuck is wrong with his eyes?

>> No.2876018,1 [INTERNAL] 

Let us age this.

>> No.2876029

You know, athens isn't really our problem anymore. Posting about him would just bring him back.

>> No.2876043

Haha what. He'd look like a passable dude if he just fixed his hair and dressed a little nicer.

>> No.2876045

He's got Rookie Eyes.

>> No.2876051

Why should athens post pictures of himself on the retardnet?

>> No.2876057

Mainly because he wants to be recognized.

>> No.2876065

haha, just what i was thinking

>> No.2876065,1 [INTERNAL] 

this explains why he hates girls so much
he can't see how cute they are

>> No.2876200

He looks weird because of that strange haircut, but not really deformed.

Somebody with photoshop skill, shop Athens and Meru kissing in a tree or something childish like that, and post it on /ck/ and /a9k/. Don't post it here, though, because I really don't want to see Meru's face again.

>> No.2876200,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2876200,2 [INTERNAL] 

Oh you.

>> No.2876200,3 [INTERNAL] 

Where's the proof of this op?

>> No.2876200,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you care?

>> No.2876200,5 [INTERNAL] 


also wow holy shit there's a tripfriend in /r9k/ called touhou1990

>> No.2876200,6 [INTERNAL] 

/r9k/ is so GBS ugh

>> No.2876200,7 [INTERNAL] 

I just randomly scrolled down a few pages on /r9k/ and I saw:

>Daily AIM thread.
>Daily camwhore thread(s).
>/s/ thread(s).
>jailbait thread.
>relationship thread(s).

How the hell could an otaku (let alone a /jp/er) browse a board like that? I could understand neo /a/ and /v/, but /r9k/ is like /b/ with 'spell check'. And I'm not even talking about the quality of the userbase. For all I know they could be more mature than /jp/. I'm just talking about their non-otaku topics. It's like a gathering of normalfriends.

>> No.2876401


>> No.2876401,1 [INTERNAL] 

/b/ with spellcheck?
If anything, the "mute for sametext" should have encouraged more creative spelling.
I guess I don't think like a /b/tard.

>> No.2876567
File: 524 KB, 603x480, 1246466728460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To put this bluntly, Athens is pretty ugly. Dare I say he's the poster-boy for the 'computer nerd' stereotype? And because I know you're lurking this thread Athens, it's not your unhealthy skin alone that makes you ugly. Skin tone is only half of it. Your chin, jaw, or whatever you like to call it is missing in action. Consequently, you have a severe case of pizza face. Here's some advice, (without surgery) you'll never be able to pull off the manly (and/or masculine) look. I suggest you let your hair grow out longer, (put on some makeup) and go for the feminine look. If you do it correctly, you might even look god tier. And don't be ashamed of your eye lines; they give you character.

>> No.2876666

A picture speaks a thousand words. I used to hate Athens because every time he made a post it was always about the meatspace. I rightfully assumed his misogynist rhetoric stemmed from his inability to get laid. But I wrongfully assumed he couldn't get laid because of his own incompetence. Only now do I realize his battles with procreation originated from his inheritance.

After reading the thread where this picture was originally posted, I guess it's safe to say his tirade against women began shortly after the day a female in his math class told him (to his face) he was 'ugly'. Now I know why he's trying to get such a high paying job - it has gotten to the point where he believes he'll be able to procreate by tossing money at females.

Here's some more advice. If you ever procreate, make sure you procreate with a female that has an enormous chin. That way, your child wont have to go through the same things you had to go through. Either that or you can ask moot to donate you some pieces of his manly chin. I kid... you're not the best nerd I've seen but you're certainly not the worst. Give the feminine look a try, and see where it takes you. Because as of now, your hair isn't doing anything for you. (I'd even go as far as saying it's actually hurting you).

>> No.2876682
File: 36 KB, 604x636, japanese cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking reported

>> No.2876685
File: 4 KB, 150x102, pizzahead_sm_836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pizza face

>> No.2876692

>A picture speaks a thousand words. I used to hate Athens because every time he made a post it was always about the meatspace. I rightfully assumed his misogynist rhetoric stemmed from his inability to get laid. But I wrongfully assumed he couldn't get laid because of his own incompetence. Only now do I realize his battles with procreation originated from his inheritance.

Hilarious. Pure gold, some might say.

>> No.2876700 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 320x240, Pizza-the-Hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pizza face.

>> No.2876713

He seems pretty average looking to me.

>> No.2876719

I don't care what he looks like because he'll always be my athens-chan forever.

>> No.2876727 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 262x349, 1219994020028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Separated at birth?

>> No.2876738

Much truth in this post. Athens does have on-going crisis with his masculinity.

>> No.2876747

I don't think he is that bad either. I think if anything he likes to call himself ugly because it gives him a convenient excuse for his failures.

>> No.2876756
File: 39 KB, 603x480, athenaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, your triangle head picture made me think of this.
Athens is a killer cyborg from the future.
I think he wouldn't be so triangle headed if he got a proper haircut or let it grow out. As it is it is just silly.

>> No.2876762

It is a face which lacks 'character', there is no definition, no jaw line, no chin. I agree with the general consensus on the thread, it's a fairly androgynous face, though the massive forehead might make for a fairly unattractive female.

>> No.2876783

That thing scares me. How can anyone have so geometrical face?
He looks like a cartoon character...

>> No.2876785

I always thought that athens was a chubby Greek with black curly hair and thick glasses.

This picture just makes me realize how ugly I am by comparison. Sad.

>> No.2876788

Where is Athens anyway? I haven't seen him in a while and I miss him a bit

>> No.2876792

He's British.

And you should be ashamed of yourself, /jp/. Out of all people, you should hate bullying. Even if it's athens.

>> No.2876790 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 250x333, lurch4ts3ao4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's him.
He's that guy from Addam's family.

>> No.2876797

His _ugly_ IS his failures. He has enough confidence to post his picture on 4chan and has more virtual-dating experience than all of us combined. (He has probably lurked 200+ relationship threads). We can call him many things, but incompetent isn't one of them. Insulting him for not being able to get laid would be the same thing as making fun of his parentage.

I just don't know why he censored his eyes.

>> No.2876799

He's probably posting in this thread.

>> No.2876805

>so geometrical face

Is that you AO? I don't think you should be critiquing anyone's looks if we're being honest with each other here.

>> No.2876808

Bullying is a time honored tradition that I whole heartedly approve of. If you are so mentally weak that you are effected by it, you deserve worse.

>> No.2876812

Blame the janitor for not delete this thread.

>> No.2876828

I'm not bullying anyone, I'm just saying that I feel bad when I see his face and people call him ugly. If that face is considered ugly then how would people react to my face?

>> No.2876841

That wasn't targeted at you, it was targeted at everyone else.

Really, /jp/, think about it. Aren't you just putting him down like this because you're too insecure about your own looks?

He's an horrible poster and I'm glad that faggot hates /jp/ now, but we don't need this sort of shit in /jp/.

>> No.2876842
File: 84 KB, 625x625, yakui375449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are so mentally weak as to post pictures of yourself on the Internet knowing that this will happen, you deserve worse.

Don't bully Janitor-kun!

Also, everybody has a (relatively) geometric face. Look in the mirror or in an art book.
He does have a strange lack of chin (heightened by lack of facial hair and bizarre hairdo).

>> No.2876847

He was a troll. I don't recall seeing him in any of the VN threads. If my memory serves me correctly he only posted in the relationshit threads.

>This picture just makes me realize how ugly I am by comparison. Sad.
You must be really ugly then. I always imagined he was a cute Greek with curly black hair. This picture has ruined my vision of him. He's just another British computer nerd with bad acne. I thought acne was suppose to go away once you reach that age.

>> No.2876849


Agreed, even after x years on this website I guess I still don't like straight-up bullying. Maybe I still value decency and respect too much, whatever

>> No.2876849,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2876849,2 [INTERNAL] 

Don't pick on him.

>> No.2876849,3 [INTERNAL] 


I dont know why would they pick on everyone?

Reminds me of shigofumi where the episode about bullying

>> No.2876849,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why is he so ashamed of his eyes? Honestly, it couldn't be that bad.

>> No.2876849,5 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, as if showing the eyes is going to make it any worse or more identifiable. Unless he has really ugly eyes, though. He does look like a very tired person, judging by the eyebags...

>> No.2876849,6 [INTERNAL] 

We call him athens-chan because he is cute, pizza face moe, ect.

>> No.2876849,7 [INTERNAL] 

When is somebody going to start posting this picture everyday until we like it?

>> No.2876849,8 [INTERNAL] 

That a bad idea.
You should feel bad.

>> No.2876849,9 [INTERNAL] 

lol athens u mad because your ugly

and now u pity posting in robutt9k instaed of /jp/

>> No.2876849,10 [INTERNAL] 

When is somebody going to shop Meru into that picture?

>> No.2876849,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2876849,12 [INTERNAL] 

A week later, and the image wasn't reposted even once.
I'm proud of you, /jp/.

>> No.2876849,13 [INTERNAL] 

Stop encouraging them, you're a damn fool Jones.

>> No.2876849,14 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is down and the thread will be gone soon enough.
Now is, ironically, the only safe time to post in this thread.

>> No.2876849,15 [INTERNAL] 

Because none of us are genuinely interested in athens and his antics? That misfit got boring after a while.

>> No.2876849,16 [INTERNAL] 

more like pizza eating meru

>> No.2876849,17 [INTERNAL] 

this guy apparently just salivates over /r9k/ jailbait and posts about his southern european/med master race heritage now

>> No.2876849,18 [INTERNAL] 

and holy cow, does he ever look like a thinner berkay
