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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2871438 No.2871438 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2 o clock here. Time for some afternoon tea. So I've noticed that /jp/ loves tea drinking. Is it because of Touhou that you guys liked tea? Or is it because some of you are British or Chinese and already have tea culture but Touhou just reinforces it?

>> No.2871452

I like tea because it makes me feel elegant

>> No.2871464


One side of my family drinks sweetened iced tea and the other side drinks hot black tea with sugar, so I've always had both. Touhou has nothing to do with it for me.

>> No.2871465

I'm Chinese so I've been drinking tea since before I knew what a computer was. I have a thermos of tea everyday since kindergarten. But I have to admit, since Touhou I have expanded into western teas. Before that my only western teas were just snapples or lipton shit I got from 7-11 while walking home. Now I order me some $60 a kilo Earl Grey and Ceylon tea.

>> No.2871470

My mother was from the south so we always have a pitcher of sweet tea in the fridge.

>> No.2871480

I've always liked tea. It's a good way to start the day and to relax in the afternoon.
Like coffee too, but don't drink it that much.

>> No.2871485

I only like tea if there is sugar and cream in there. When I go to dim sum places with my Chinese friends I can't take their tea except jasmine.

>> No.2871495

Goddamn this game was depressing.

>> No.2871503

Brit here. I've always had tea. When I came to the US for college I kinda gave tea up for coffee. But then marimite made me go back to tea.

>> No.2871507
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LI love tea because tea is delicious.

>> No.2871522
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I used to just drink Chinese and Japanese tea because my parents made me drink it. It wasn't until middle school did I really enjoy drinking tea. Now I buy Yokan and other tea snacks to go along with it. Or I hit up Ranch 99 and buy some dim sum snacks. Fuck yes. Asians know how to have tea.

>> No.2871524

>>So I've noticed that /jp/ loves tea drinking.

It's mostly because of Marimite.

>> No.2871533

The only tea I drink is Jasmine because that's the only thing my family drank when I was younger. I drink it now out of habit.

>> No.2871541

Gyokuro is both delicious and /jp/ related.

>> No.2871549

I enjoy tea, but only sweet.
I put so much honey in my tea that the ''real'' tea drinkers in this thread would be mortified.

I've been drinking it for pretty much my entire life because my dad loves tea so it was always around at home when I was a kid.

>> No.2871550
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My family has always had tea. Puer, Jasmine, Tie guan yin, luo pean and whatever Chinese teas there are out there. My mom is a tea freak. We have bags and bags of loose leaf tea at home that it has taken up cabinets. I enjoy British teas too but I absolutely hate the teavana or the tazo tea shit. With their weird ass flavors like blueberry leaf tea or peach tea? What the fuck is that shit. That's fine in something like snapple where it tastes more like juice but fuck this is tea. The concept of tea becomes cheapened when you introduce shit flavors into it to try and get yuppies that can't take the bitterness or natural flavors of tea with added shit flavors.

>> No.2871558

I drink tea because I want some kind of a hot beverage and it's healthier to guzzle cup after cup of tea than coffee or cocoa.

I prefer the taste of coffee (tea tastes barely better than warm water) but keep it to one cup per day for health reasons.

>> No.2871569

I always get a little nauseated after drinking coffee. Don't know why though.

>> No.2871576

I only like iced tea. I can't take tea hot for some reason. Just tastes like water.

>> No.2871585

Peach goes pretty well with a white tea, but yeah, Tzao is overrated bull.

>> No.2871620

I used to take tea at every meal but I've become quite an alcoholic lately. So now I have a glass of wine or I make myself a Cuba Libre.

>> No.2871633

I drink orange juice. And vodka.

>> No.2871691

I prefer tea to coffee. Tea just seems like a more taking it easy kind of beverage. Coffee is more rush to work while you drink kinda thing.

>> No.2871816

>>2871576 Just tastes like water.
Maybe you should try actually, I dunno, putting some tea in?

>> No.2871861

I try to drink just tea, water or iced tea these days.
