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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 150 KB, 599x600, touhou hopkingreenfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2871025 No.2871025 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Confessions.

The only VN I ever played was Katawa Shoujo demo.

I enjoy Japanese bird threads. I remember, when it was "Japanese bird cooking spaghetti.jpg" instead of "penne rigate.jpg"

Out of Touhou games I played only HRtP, EoSD and PCB. I finished them only on Easy with continues.

I ordered Another Code thinking it was a VN

>> No.2871031

im gay

>> No.2871039


He's gay.

>> No.2871041

>"Japanese bird cooking spaghetti.jpg" instead of "penne rigate.jpg"
Wait, what the fuck? They changed it? What's even the point then?

>> No.2871050

You're gay

>> No.2871064

He was gay

>> No.2871078

I don't particularly like Touhou.

I am drinking water as we speak.

When my sister was young (11 or so) my mother gave her and her friend some condoms because there were no balloons. Not really a confession but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

>> No.2871096

I like Aki Eda's art.

I have never beaten Hard on a touhou game but SWR (which doesn't count)

I saved a thousand touhou images before I knew what it was.

I'm a girl.

>> No.2871121

I have never played a visual novel.
I do not own a single figurine.
I only play touhoes for the shootan.
I have an eight inch penis.

>> No.2871136

The bot introduced the now familiar "penne rigate.jpg".

>> No.2871145

I don't play Touhou anymore.
I don't watch anime anymore.
The only thing that interests me in /jp/ is Umineko.
I've got STALKER, CIV4, Freelancer, Deus Ex and Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War DC on my HDD

>> No.2871161

I like 3D girls. I like them a lot better than 2D ones.

>> No.2871163

I'm a Cavefag and only interested in touhou for its dickgirl porn.

>> No.2871167

>Deus Ex

fuuuuck, be right back, reinstalling.

>> No.2871170

I hate Touhou fanshit
I've only been able to beat EoSD, PCB and IN on hard
I think VNs are for people too lazy to watch anime, and too stupid to read books

>> No.2871171

your gay

>> No.2871179
File: 67 KB, 557x392, ffffffffface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous ‮^_^ ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !Jones4ZrPA
>I'm a girl.

>> No.2871183

Go back to /a/.

>> No.2871192

I pretend to be a bot in those porn password threads.

>> No.2871202

I don't really like 2D girls.
I live in Poland. It's a shitty country, but the tits man... The fucking huge tits...

>> No.2871212

I shat bricks. I knew it.

>> No.2871220

>VNs are for people too lazy to watch anime
That doesn't make any sense at all. VNs take far more wasted time than anime does. It's more like VNs are for people too full of themselves for anime but too stupid for books.

>> No.2871227

VNs are books with pictures

>> No.2871228

>I don't really like 2D girls.

No one here really likes 2D girls. "3D pig disgusting" is just a dumb meme

>> No.2871230

I have friends, some of them are girls. They're fun to be with.

I love 3D girls.

I hate men.

>> No.2871247


Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I genuinely think 3D women are mostly just grotesque compared to their perfect, flawless 2D counterparts. Only about one woman in a thousand looks even passable in 3D in my book, whereas about 50% of 2D women are hot.

>> No.2871255

>I hate men.
That's not really much of a confession. Everyone here hates men.

>> No.2871256


Not just physically, too. I think their very souls are rotten and full of spite more often than not.

>> No.2871280


That's pretty much everyone you just described. I hate most people, including women.

>> No.2871285

>>I live in Poland.
So do I. Please explain to me, why do a lot of Polacks on foreign forums state the crappines of their country, while saying the only good things here are tits and beer, which are easily available abroad. Also, chłodna twarz.jpg

I forgot to mention one thing:

I'm not lolicon, but I'm against ban of it

>> No.2871294

I love 3d girls

I'm a girl

>> No.2871303

I masturbate to Touhou pictures daily
I'm a girl.

>> No.2871315

I couldn't care less about vns.
DHAF's threads are an eyesore to me
I still can't beat stage 4 and 5 in EoSD on normal without dying a couple of times.
I thought I was getting good at Touhou until I realized that I had slow mode turned on the whole time.

>> No.2871352

I came to /jp/ after the split for Touhou, /jp/ made me hate Touhou.
I really don't know why I keep wasting my every other moment on this board.
I'm a girl.
I'm not really a girl.
I'm not really not really a girl.
I wish I were dead.

>> No.2871369

I don't know how to /spoiler

>> No.2871383

I made all the "I'm a girl" posts in this thread.
I'm not a girl.

>> No.2871384

I hate girls who announce that they're girls
I'm a girl

>> No.2871397

I forgot to mention something.

I go to conventions.

I'm not straight.

>> No.2871414

I ran out of good confessions like a year ago

I don't like that manga I wrote. It's a good first attempt, but nothing more. Still need to improve and stuff, but people that have seen it liked it. I live in fear that it's just pity, same with all I've done.

I'm bad with VN, can't find a comfortable position to read. So I try from my bed and fullscreen. It works, for a bit. Then I get knocked out asleep for hours. Took me months to go over Saya no Uta.

I'm pathetic playing touhou. Had difficulty to 1cc IN in Easy after months of trying. It's just sad.

I'm shadowed by my younger brother. He draws, contributes, kicks ass in touhou, and understands japanese. And he's anonymous. Talented little bastard, I envy him. All I've ever been good for was shitty fanfiction and forcing a daily thread.

>> No.2871419

I'm a girl

>> No.2871423


I Lol'd

>> No.2871427

I've only 1CC'd EoSD and IN on easy modo.
I think the TH fightan games are awesome.
I still haven't finished Yosuga no Sora because I read Japanese slow
I am not a girl

>> No.2871429

I love girls both 2D and 3D
My powerlevel is low as heck
I fakepost most of the time
i'm not fakeposting right now

>> No.2871440

It was pity.

>> No.2871442

I can't beat SA on hard.

I haven't played much Touhou lately.

I'm considering watching Code Geass (for the fanservice).

>> No.2871447 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 960x720, konata ``real'' 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the only girl in this thread.
Get out, you bandwagon jumping whores.

>> No.2871462

I'm a girl
A pretty one ;_;

>> No.2871468

I have multiple tripcodes
I used to mess up on spoiler tags
I have a girlfriendinb4 your hand, etc

I am not ronery, nor am I a NEET or Hikkikomori

>> No.2871472

My favourite FSN character is Shinji

>> No.2871474

I already said everything about myself in previous threads.

And I see quite a lot of Anons in this thread are recent graduates from /a/ and/or /v/!

>> No.2871487

I have never played Touhou.

>> No.2871490

I'm a touhou doujin "artist"
...a WESTERN one.

>> No.2871492

Your An Faggot
Zun is also uguu~
you know, the one who says, am I cute?
if I had a ~ after my name I would be that one
stop making that mistake

>> No.2871498

You know bro, I would post on /v/, but Polish IPs are permabanned.

>> No.2871502

u shut up newfag!!

>> No.2871505

I don't fap to touhou porn
I haven't played VNs in years

>> No.2871512


>> No.2871516


>> No.2871523

I only come here for the Type Moon powerlevels threads

I like most fetish, except some that fall into /d/

>> No.2871527

Newfag summer, when will it end?

Probably the day ZUN will leave this board forever.

>> No.2871538
File: 128 KB, 798x388, durpty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I feel about myself right now.

>> No.2871552

I have just started playing touhou three days ago.
And I still can only get the bad ending in EoSD on normal.

>> No.2871554

I'm a transsexual
But I still like girls
I'm a straight transsexual

>> No.2871555

>>Also, chłodna twarz.jpg
i think you got that part wrong. it's not cool as in cold, but more cool as in awesome.

also from poland, but i like this country and love 2d lolis

>> No.2871572

what's wrong with you, /jp/?

>> No.2871580


>> No.2871588

ITT: /a/

>> No.2871592

I'm a girl.

No, really.

I hate all of you who are openly girls on /jp/, but nobody will take this post seriously so it's ok~

>> No.2871593

It can't be. When you mention vodka on /jp/ you get tons of "Whiskey>Vodka" replies.
Oh, wait. I live in a place called "Whiskey" and I like vodka.

>> No.2871605

So essentially all of /jp/ are Polish females who are new Touhou fans.

>> No.2871611

Well, I know a couple Poles. Their chicks can be pretty hot, but I prefer my Swedish girls.

>> No.2871614

Somehow I'm not surprised.
It explains all the Japanese bird threads.

>> No.2871632


I guess most of /a/ did stick around after moot's recent shenanigans.

Or maybe it's a daytime thing!

>> No.2871650

I invented DESU and brought ruin to the old /b/. Oh boy.

>> No.2871656

I have a job.
I have a girlfriend.
I'm president of college law society and I've moved out of home.

I spend my free time fapping to Sakuya and Cirno, playing VNs and 1cc'ing my way through PCB on every difficulty. Up to Hard now. I also waited three years to play Tsukihime as old /a/ talked about it a lot, and I wasn't dissapointed.

I prefer my other life as a basement dweller. Normalfaggoty is boring as fuck.

>> No.2871666

I started browsing 4chan in the summer of 2001 and I must admit I am a horrible person that laughed at the insensitive 9/11 shops.

>> No.2871673

Full-time basement dwelling is depressing. Leading a "normal" life and lurking in your spare time makes it a whole lot more enjoyable.

>> No.2871684

Over two years before it was created? Moot was 13 in 2001..

>> No.2871686

people who say they lurked 4chan before it was created trolls me everytime

>> No.2871692

he's still 13

>> No.2871694

Moot is eternally 13.

>> No.2871712

Fuck off, Dan.

...Actually, what inspired you to make that comic? It's not like I'm interested in you or anything, I just want to know. Hmph.

>> No.2871719

the first VN I played was the Katawa Shoujo demo
I find Melty Blood really fun
I liked Saya no Uta

>> No.2871746

>currently 0:20 AM


>> No.2871756

I'm a Katawa Shoujo developer

>> No.2871808


Not everyone lives in Europe, bro.

>> No.2871811

1. I don't know how to do the "hide spoilers" thing
2. I don't like j-pop nor asian girls. I prefer classical music and european girls
3. I can't drive and hate cars and the whole car-industry.
4. I know hundreds of kanji but still haven't memorized the silly katakana thing
5.I like little girls. 2d and 3d

I guess thats all I can remember right now

>> No.2871828

I reported this thread

>> No.2871829

I've never played a Touhou game. I watched the anime anyway.

I love Vocaloid but hate anything meme related, even the leek.

>> No.2871865

Everyone lives in Poland.

>> No.2872020
File: 2.29 MB, 2100x2571, k1&battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battler is Polish

>> No.2872022

I'm indirectly here because of SaiGAR. I went to /a/ to get away from stupid /b/ shit, and went to /m/ during SaiGAR only to discover it was actually a decent place to be. Sadly, the influx of people coming with me from /a/ due to SaiGAR turned it slowly but surely to shit. So I've branched out into here and /tg/.

I report every pr0n thread, but I also save every single image. That shit has no place here, but if it's going to be here, then damn it I'm going to look. I wish folks would just post it to /h/, /d/, /s/ or /hc/, though.

I always have trouble coming up with confessions for these threads.

Stupid and brainless spouting of memefaggotry annoys me, but I think if you can find a marginally witty way to use a meme, then by all means do so.

I've written crossover fanfiction involving Touhou and Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

I'm a tripfag.

>> No.2872035

I've never bothered trying Umineko and can't muster any interest in it.

>> No.2872054
File: 357 KB, 700x990, Ispeelmydrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've written crossover fanfiction involving Touhou and Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

>> No.2872079

I actually broke down and played a shmup on EASY MODO. Unfortunately, the shmup is Border Down and it still made DoDonPachi look like fucking Mars Matrix.

I haven't played Touhou in 6 months. I can't get any of them to work with Fedora 10.

I love Aya Hirano.

My first VN is the Katawa Shoujo demo.

I really do wish I was a pretty girl.

>> No.2872085

That's not half as bad as the one below it.

>> No.2872089


>> No.2872108

I only go to /jp/ to keep up on translated vns

I rarely play vns

If /a/ wasn't shit, I'd be there instead of here

>> No.2872114

I never played a shmup nor a beatemup and I don't intend to ever play one of those ADS training tools

>> No.2872115

I have never 1cc'd any Touhou game, but I'm still attempting to 1cc Kaeidzuka.
I used to be a fanfiction writer, but I still need to finish that Touhou fic. It's been a few months now since I started.
My first VN is Umineko.
I think Cirno would be a much better character if she wasn't such a Ralph Wiggum.
I hate being a girl. I envy every single man I meet, even the hobos.

>> No.2872116

Fucking /a/ threads.

>> No.2872125

I come to 4chan because some of the boards are capable of intellegent discussion and occasionally quality content, especially /v/ with its humourous antics and good vidya advice, would never of even heard of MOUNTAIN BLADAN without it

>> No.2872129

You're dumb, and it shows through your writing.

>> No.2872133

I introduced my roommate to VNs (kinda like the gay guy from YMK)

I just now watched the Rance OVA for the first time and it's fabulous

I cried (or at least came close) during every single episode of Aria, and sometimes I'm not sure why (/a/ confession, I know)

Jones is a girl.

>> No.2872134

Same poster as you're reacting to, here. It'll be worse when you hear what I wrote it about.

It was about Kyon getting pounced and fucked by a horny Ran in heat.

>> No.2872139

This is my first time posting on /jp/ with my tripcode.
I'm only on /jp/ because I'm banned from /a/
I don't want to go back to /a/, so I'm downloading a bunch of VNs now to become less of a newfag.
The only VN I've fully played was Saya no Uta.

>> No.2872145


>> No.2872149

brotip: it's "lol u tk him 2 da bar|?"

>> No.2872153

Darker than Black's ending was horrible.
How can you use that tripcode?

>> No.2872156

are you implying that theres a correct way to purposely post poorly written sentence

>> No.2872160
File: 31 KB, 184x184, 1206924533672wa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mion is still butthurt about his weight

>> No.2872163

yes there are, newfag.

>> No.2872179 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 355x92, lol u tk him 2 da bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2872182

no there isn't

also only newfags say newfag newfag

>> No.2872188

I only like the song. "Howling" is the first OP theme. I acknowledge the show isn't that great, having watched a lot of anime in my life. Actually, I'm thinking of changing it, tired of it already, but since most tripfriends knew me by it on /a/ I was hesitant to do so.

>> No.2872197

That's just awful man. Sounds worse than that Reimu x Cirno pic.

>> No.2872199

>indecipherable text
thank you and goodnight

>> No.2872218

>using an old joke incorrectly
thank you and goodnight

>> No.2872219

Just howring in the shadows, fuck yeah. I loved it too.
But then "Congratulations, Hei" happened and I did my best to forget the show entirely.

>> No.2872225

The point is that it's a direct quote of the sample text provided by the rule. Seriosuly. Don't make people explain a meme, it ruins it. :(

>> No.2872243

That sounds like horrible faggotry. And yet, at the same time... somehow kinda hot.

>> No.2872245
File: 44 KB, 465x465, hei_bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, what a bunch of bullshit. Not to mention that stupid OVA and the new season that's going to be completely unrelated to the first one.

>> No.2872254
File: 89 KB, 600x386, vistaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire point of using those words in the first place was to point out the insignificance of spelling correctly on an imageboard like 4chan in a less than serious thread, which some retard around here doesn't seem to understand


>> No.2872261


>> No.2872263

I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly, so test post before I try to do this. Also, first post on /jp/, ever.

>> No.2872267

This is /jp/. We like to pretend to have two brain cells to rub together here, unlike whatever other 4chan boards you may visit.

Look, even the admitted /a/friend is a better poster than you.

>> No.2872268


>> No.2872269

First and last, right? RIGHT?

>> No.2872275

You should like that being an Eva fan.

>> No.2872279

ITT: Lurkers

>> No.2872280

I love VNs and anime so much, even though I know it's all cliche (and sometimes mindless) shit that's repeated over and over.
I really want to learn Japanese and travel to Japan, but I'm scared of being looked down upon by my peers, and by the general populous of Japan ;-;
I still lurk /e/ more than any board on 4chan, and generally tend to prefer fapping to that more than actual porn, or even /e/-esque material of real girls.
I really hope these aren't all worries everyone on /jp/ has, because to me, these are not normal qualities.
I am a 19 year-old-male, who has never been in a relationship at all.

>> No.2872284
File: 1.00 MB, 840x1200, 1245578163146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, because I don't come to /jp/ for serious discussion, I come here for loli and amusement and anyone who puts text in the name field isn't contributing to the quality of 4chan in any way, anyway.

>> No.2872304
File: 134 KB, 640x454, oh u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two braincells to rub together
>Anonymous !Jones4ZrPA
oh u

>> No.2872309

Not fat enough for "real" Konata

>> No.2872316

I think a part anime is the mindless entertainment that it provides. Sometimes we need that.
Don't worry, I also want to eventually go to Japan as well as learn the language, and I also share your same fears
I don't lurk /e/, however, I do tend to lurk other boards...
I'm in a similar situation to you

>> No.2872320

So the other board you visit must be /b/.

I did write "pretend", you know.

>> No.2872327

1 OCTOBER 1993 shitholes.

You're all fucking newfags to me.

>> No.2872332

Stanley would like to have a word with you.

>> No.2872344
File: 20 KB, 400x300, yfyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread still here?
Where's the janitor?

>> No.2872355

I've been here since 1926, chap.

>> No.2872359
File: 84 KB, 625x625, yakui375449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a pleasant daze, like usual.

>> No.2872371

You don't understand the meme.

We're still living in September 1993.

I suggest you look up the Eternal September. You're a part of it.

>> No.2872376

I threw up after masturbating to hentai for the first time.

>> No.2872377


But September is part of Fall not Summer

>> No.2872379
File: 16 KB, 300x400, 1242596474824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you trying to imply Janitor-kun is anywhere near as sweet and innocent as Yakui-san?

>> No.2872381

I never played any Touhou games and don't intend to do so in the future, because it looks so damn cheap and boring.

>> No.2872383

you must be blind as well as stupid, as I clearly said the word /v/ moot argeed its the funniest board on 4chan, don't bother him about it. Theres also /tg/, which was /touhougames/ before /jp/ existed.

>> No.2872385

Newfag college students don't get internet access in Summer.

>> No.2872391
File: 124 KB, 500x723, yakui375450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm implying, so have a picture of Janitor-kun.

>> No.2872395
File: 225 KB, 800x1067, Japanese Janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a picture of the real japanese janitor taking a break.

>> No.2872407
File: 1.88 MB, 1414x2000, 1241316083841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you trying to imply gentle Yakui-san IS Janitor-kun?!

How dare you! Yakui-san would never be involved in such vile acts!

>> No.2872419
File: 165 KB, 1052x704, 1246291265904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When CLANNAD aired, I rewatched every episode maybe 8 times in a row
I love dark places like most of you here, but I prefer dark noisy places, like bars
I smoke, I drink, I gamble, but I always reject 3D, male or female
I am bisexual
I can only 1cc touhou on easy ;_;

>> No.2872422


If only all the newfriends could be like this man here. He's lurking more, and understands the use of self-saging. He also doesn't appear to speak drivel.

>> No.2872423

I've had consensual sex.

>> No.2872425

Good thing moot is a faggot then, eh?

I realize one faggot endorsing something does not NECESSARILY mean it's shit, but when everyone on /v/ is a faggot, and moot (who is also a faggot) agrees with all the faggots on /v/, you end up with some sort of faggotry black hole.

What happened to the days when one moot post was followed by endless streams of people calling him a faggot? Now we have kids like this namefriend and their "omg moot loves us xD"

>> No.2872429

I do not like Touhou fans in general. I like the games to an extent and love the music, but that's about it.

I come to /jp/ for VN discussion exclusively.

>> No.2872433 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 596x682, terminaltan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once fapped to Kordox's doll threads just to see if I could, and it made me feel bad. I'm still happy that he makes them, though.

I joined the /jp/ bandwagon the day it was created, but stopped frequenting after three or so months because of some shitty MMORPG.Playing Katawa Shoujo reminded me of good old /jp/ and sparked me to come back.

Never played Touhou, own no figs, love lolis, sometimes really wish I was a little girl etc.

I miss Terminal-tan, and I wish he would come back. I post this image every time I think of him ;_;

>> No.2872444

In the missionary position?

>> No.2872452

everyone on 4chan is a faggot, you are seriously delusional if you think otherwise

go back to 7chan or 99chan or whatever they call it now

>> No.2872455


>> No.2872463

Why can't you have serious discussion about lolis and amusement?

>> No.2872471

I used to post with a trip, several months ago.

I also used to provide huge image dumps on /a/, always of Haruhi. I'm probably one of the reasons m00t upped the image post flood detection

The only VN I've ever played was Tsukihime, and even though I didn't even get to a proper ending, I enjoyed it all.

This is only my third time posting here on /jp/ and I've been here for well over a year.

I liked KS, but I never bothered to play the demo

>> No.2872482

>everyone on 4chan is a faggot

sorry, no, 4chan has been the trendy home for normalfags for a while

>> No.2872489


>> No.2872516
File: 54 KB, 321x459, 1229729460755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because /jp/ and serious lolis discussion is usually the same stupid shit about how its illegal/legal in the united states, which isn't amusing.


>> No.2872532

I bought a daimakura but it was a while ago and it was of Tsukasa from lucky star which i have come to hate so i don't use it anymore and let it collect dust

I sort of want to play KS

I used to play WoW and had an alt with an anime name

I have never beat a touhou game

I am jealous of those who can actually play idolmaster (and read the text)

>> No.2872553

I'm only here for untranslated VNs and Eroge, the only character from Touhou that i know the name of is Chirno for fapping purposes.

I've only played one Touhou game once, died on the fourth stage if I remember correctly and uninstalled it.

>> No.2872564

get the fuck back to /v/ inabog

>> No.2872575

The only Touhou game I've played is PoFV. I also have never read any Touhou doujins.

>> No.2872588
File: 223 KB, 650x735, 1230376620614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ingenius disguise has been uncovered how did you know

>> No.2872598

hi bogbrush

>> No.2872602

This thread is disgusting.

>> No.2872613

I beat PCB once. Using all continues.
The only VNs I've played are Umineko, part 1 of Higurashi, Wanko to Kurasou, a tiny bit of Chaos;Head, and Tsukihime
I go to /a/ when I'm bored
I look at figures all day but I never buy a single one
In two months I'm going to have to feign normalfaggotry for a while.
I'm freshly 18, just turned 18 in May.

>> No.2872623

I got bored of Tsukihime after Akiha's route. Never finished Hisui or Kohaku.

>> No.2872625

I suck at Touhou, only game I cleared on normal is PCB, though I don't use continues
My first VN was Nocturnal Illusions
I am about to fail my recent (3rd) semester of studies because of Umineko and Touhou
I had sex (I'm straight man)
I'm from Poland

>> No.2872626

I'm married to a woman
I prefer the English dub for anime and video games unless the dub is so bad it's distracting

>> No.2872639

Rapelay was tame and not that bad

>> No.2872652

I agree.

>> No.2872665

I'm onto your clever plan, OP! I knew you made this thread just to expose the secondaryfans and Fresh-Out-Of-Gaia fans.

Well played sir, well played indeed!

>> No.2872678

It was kind of obvious, really. Somehow, part of me still likes these threads, though.

>> No.2872702

I'm actually not real.
Just kidding.

>> No.2872717

so many trolls today
I just read the whole thread
I'm a girl

>> No.2872738

never got past stage 4 on any touhou game.

on easy

>> No.2872740

I would actually like to be the little girl.
So that I could be a slut and be groped on a japanese train and gangbanged by all the straight guys who spurn me currently.

>> No.2872885


>> No.2872938

I'm gay for a tripfag, but I'm not telling which one.

>> No.2872948

I only come to /jp/ to save pictures of touhou porn
I actually hate /jp/
Install Gentoo

>> No.2872955

You already did. Enjoy your Miku.
I think I have his tripcode saved somewhere, if you want to post has him and masturbate or something.

Oh wow.

>> No.2872956

<spoiler>Ive never used a spoiler before. I wonder if it works like this.</spoiler>

>> No.2872964

i dont swing that way.

also, you guys are some of the greatest people i know

>> No.2872969

I don't know how to hide my messages

>> No.2872981

I love you too. <3

>> No.2872990

I only go to /g/ for the loli images.

>> No.2873007

I think that I once kissed a girl for 1.5 seconds. Also, she was not a family member.

>> No.2873013

I only go to /g/ when something stops working.
You guys do excellent tech support, even though you all claim to hate it.
I'm in your debt.
I actually have a folder of Shugo Chara images solely for thanking /g/ with.

>> No.2873018

Get out!

>> No.2873033


[ spoiler ] Take out the spaces. [ / spoiler ]

>> No.2873036

Yep, me too. It was a game of spin the bottle in high school. He wasn't exactly very attractive though.

>> No.2873039

Haven't played any VN's, though I downloaded FSN and Tsukihime. Unless you count Phoenix Wright as a VN, then I played a couple hours of the first one.

Downloaded all the Touhou games - all of which are shit compared to proper STGs.

Japanese bird threads are great.

>> No.2873104

<spoiler>I know how good a poster I am</spoiler>

>> No.2873112

Yeah, it's pretty obvious how good of a poster you are there pal.

>> No.2873113

I've never played a VN.
I've never played a Touhou game, but I have a Patchouli plush.
I hotglued a figure once (it was broken).

>> No.2873492

if you reject 3d males and females how can you be bisexual?
more like asexual wouldnt it

also I'm >>2871811 and harldy feel sad or compassionate, but I always feel like crying when watching war movies.

>> No.2873670

I actually find this thread amusing
I'm a girl
I like girls, regardless of the amount of dimensions they possess

>> No.2873739

Maybe you just have more empathy for humanity as a group than you do for any one human. I've known people like that.

>> No.2873784

I like 3D girls, but I can't love anyone.
On the other hand I'm completely immune to stress etc.

>> No.2873811

I became reclusive semi-NEET because /jp/ did it and I thought it would be cool to sit around and enjoy my hobbies all day without a care in the world
and now i have ocd
feels bad man

>> No.2873808 [DELETED] 

I'm 16 years old, but post on 4chan for the "mature" community.

>> No.2874028

In this thread, Jones was wrong.

>> No.2874065

I post as an anonymous more often than not, so that I'm free to be as trolltastic or jerky as I please. I only post as Shirou when I'm being helpful or contributing positively to a thread.

>> No.2874348


>> No.2874390

The only clue I have on how to use spoilers is from other people's fuck ups.

I only come herer for the Touhou, though you got me interested in VNs.

In fact, I have Wanko to Kurasou on my HD, still splitted into several rars.

Too bad I'm not allowed to play games. Orders of my therapist.

>> No.2874396

I call KS shit and troll their threads even though I've never played it.

>> No.2874406

I've never beat a Touhou game in normal mode before.[/spoilers]

The only VNs I played are Umineko and Katawa Shoujo.[/spoilers]

All my friends know I go to 4chan.

I have a Hispanic girlfriend with great looks and she knows I masturbated to 2girls1cup.

>> No.2874408

I've written Touhou and Haruhi fanfiction.

Fate/Stay Night was my first visual novel.

>> No.2874409

I've never beaten a single Touhou game on anything other than Easy with continues.
I have a social life and I've had a girlfriend before.
Tsukihime is my favorite VN and no, it's definitely not the only one I've played.
While she's not my favorite character, I don't think Sakura is a slut.
Coco's route was almost disappointing cause all the LOL BRIT SHITTING got my expectations so high and I didn't think it was all that super awesome.
I'm a girl.

>> No.2874412

Time for a Polish bird chopping kiełbasa shoop.

>> No.2874416

I'm not sure how it's possible, but these confessions are getting worse as the thread goes on.

>>ITT: Lurkers

I didn't know we had so many!

>> No.2874438
File: 39 KB, 379x600, polish bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2874443

Shitting a Brit sounds painful. Do you need extra laxative if they're from Wales?

>> No.2874452

My turn?... Let's see...
After all these years... I still hate viagiatorre for fucking up my threads on /c/ by posting cute girls on my dead girls thread and claim he was doing it for love and justice (fucking bastard... I don't mind cute girls but Love and Justice?... Fuck You!)... I hate him so much, I paid someone to crack his trip so I could post as "him" and shit up a few threads whenever he pops up... his tripcode is "decade"

I still can't stop smoking... really, I should stop sooner or later for my own well being

I got kicked out of College... twice! Lol!

Before I retired, I flunked Adobe ACE exam miserably... now, I'm reduced to being a boring importer of inks and printers

I actually enjoy seeing people take time and effort saging and reporting my threads for simply being made by me Lol...

I'm 31

I am seriously considering the possibility of paying a local magazine to do an article and promote the little project me and ZUNibar doing once we finished episode 1... yeah, unfair and dirty I know...

I had consensual sex in missionary position while drunk and now have to face the harsh consequences... be proud and happy /jp/ virgins... I envy your carefree worry-free life

>> No.2874460

> consensual sex in missionary position while drunk
That's called rape.

>> No.2874466

No... were both drunk. She's the one who invited me to that party.

>> No.2874467

Sorry, I just got out of bed when I wrote that comment.

>> No.2874468


>> No.2874470


And this is what it culminates to. OP, I hope you're happy.

>> No.2874475

Mugen's confessions sort of win the thread.


Oh, the best for last, right?!

>> No.2874476


No and fuck you. As long as she's conscious and willing, it's consensual. It doesn't matter if it's a stupid idea. it doesn't matter if she'll regret it later. It's consensual. If she gets herself drunk, or allows herself to be gotten drunk, she should know her threshold to casual sex lowers and she's responsible for all that happens as a result of that.

Just like any human being. You don't get a free pass to kill people, for example, just because you're drunk and booze makes you angry. It's your responsibility.

>> No.2874478

I am. Also, chłodna historia, brachu.

>> No.2874480

Calm down buddy, it probably struck a nerve that you've been ranting about for quite some time now, but you're only feeding the troll.

>> No.2874499
File: 63 KB, 670x480, herpderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>translating "cool" as "chłodna"

>> No.2874564

I'm the one who indirectly started the "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" meme in /v/. I was just trolling when I posted it.
I've only been going to /jp/ for 3 months.
I'm a 16 year old highschool dropout.
I spend 8 hours a day trolling 4chan.
I'm several of the older tripfag trolls that don't post anymore.
I samefag my threads and have conversations with myself for no reason in other threads.
I'm the one who makes all the text in image threads on /a/, /v/, and /jp/.
I have a crush on the /jp/ janitor.

>> No.2874569

I only play Touhou only for the music

>> No.2874572


That's exactly the kind of backward logic a rapist would use to justify himself. Next you'll tell me if a 12 year old girl agrees to sex with you, it's allright ?

>> No.2874575
File: 4 KB, 126x122, 1244415112563s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucked your mother

9 months before you were born.

>> No.2874580


Everything I said was a lie

>> No.2874584
File: 152 KB, 500x500, get-out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a 16 year old highschool dropout.

>> No.2874602

If you're sober enough to comprehend and speak in complete sentences, it isn't rape.

Otherwise, what if both participants are drunk? Do you say the drunk man is the rapist just because he's the man? lol double standards

>> No.2874631


Sometimes double standards are the only morally acceptable judgements.

Assymetrical consequences = assymetrical responsabilities.

You're just one of those faggots that only want sex equity when it serves their purpose, then quickly cry out for women to get back in the kitchen.

You disgust me.

>> No.2874636

I still occasionally want to play elona, but it feels too sad because nodoby else here plays in anymore
I never managerd to get into touhou, even though I know pretty much everything about it
This thread has made me lose all faith in /jp/. What happened to you?
People who study computer science should have opted for EE instead.
I'm a girl

>> No.2874638

Ya'll thread troll in a postin' niggers.

>> No.2874642

I want to become a normalfag.

I'm a 22 year old virgin.

I have a purity complex.

I'm starting to like NTR stuff.

I want to learn Japanese but too lazy to do it.

I read VNs using AGTH/ATLAS and pretends I understand the plot.

>> No.2874643

My girlfriend is sucking my cock as I type this

>> No.2874735

So, Polish women, who wants their arsehole fucked?

>> No.2874744 [DELETED] 


>> No.2874748

/jp/ - Just Polish

>> No.2874795

This thread is incredible. I'm polish and a girl too. Wanna hang out, girls?

>> No.2874837

I've been on 4chan for years, but I have made only few posts.
I wish I lived in Japan.
I can 1cc Touhous only on easy and the only VN I've played was Saya no Uta.
I just realized some time ago how moron I've been for not suppressing my power level when I'm with normalfags.

>> No.2874877

I have created 14 variants of the Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti image

...the only original content I have ever posted on /jp/

Oh wait, I did a hoop dog variant once

I'm not a Polish Girl

>> No.2874881
File: 953 KB, 1066x794, 1246445591013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2874891

Visit and bookmark the best board: www.anonREMOVETHIStalk.com (remove "REMOVETHIS")

> nyvdfcccnghgbljgodgnjsfyygvhfvdgofogghfd

>> No.2874900

>I actually broke down and played a shmup on EASY MODO. Unfortunately, the shmup is Border Down and it still made DoDonPachi look like fucking Mars Matrix.
This doesn't even make sense, man. Assuming you think that DDP is harder than MM, that would be implying that Border Down is harder than both, which is a joke. Assuming you think that MM is harder than DDP, that would be implying Border Down is easier than both, in which case why the shit are you playing on easy (and what would you be smoking to think MM is harder than DDP)


>> No.2874920

Visit and bookmark the best board: www.anonREMOVETHIStalk.com (remove "REMOVETHIS")

> nnjjylosfgfygoyhygssgdgnhydfgognjjigyhmnmnbysskbgslgbf

>> No.2875565

fucking polacks
