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2863159 No.2863159 [Reply] [Original]


When will the western Touhou fanbase make something as good as that video? It was done by a single fan and it beats everything that was released by gaijins. Top-notch production.

Also, I noticed that we never see Ran again after she goes all moralfag on Suika.

>> No.2863624

What happened to all the /jp/ projects?

>> No.2863640

And there's your answer, OP.

>> No.2863649

It's pretty awful honestly... Never been an IOSYS fan.

>> No.2863689

Wow, that was god awful, even for IOSYS.

>> No.2863747



You meant this?

>> No.2863770

When you link to a one-man made video with IOSYS sound, at least link to Alice Dere.
This one hurts my ears.

>> No.2863808

Wow, so many Parsees in this thread.

>> No.2863831

What is this moe shit? Repeated frames all over the video. At least OP had some variety.

>> No.2863944


>> No.2863983

So many levels of trolling. My head is spinning.

>> No.2864040

Parsee = jealousy

>> No.2864133

This is the only vocal touhou remix I like


>> No.2864155

Just being jealous does not make you Parsee.

>> No.2864170

it's just a reference durr

>> No.2864188
File: 255 KB, 390x480, a76cf63ec5d4efd39aff1c8683ffc6cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I was parsee then I'd have a Yuugi to dote on me


>> No.2864202

The main difference between us and japan is that they get their shit done. We on the other hand open up a webpage about a project, attention whore about it, so that the whole internet will know and close it after a month or two.

>> No.2864213

A very stupid one durr.

>> No.2864224

if you don't get it then it might seem like one durr

>> No.2864229


Shut the fuck up.
Goddamn it's like I'm in a fucking playground

>> No.2864240

i want the touhou + im@s video

can i have a nice link ?

>> No.2864244

Parsee isn't just jealous she IS envy.

>> No.2864268

So? It's basically the same thing. They could've just envy the talent or accomplishment of the person who made the video. It doesn't make any difference.

>> No.2864304

But how does not liking Iosys make you jealous of them? it just makes you sound butt hurt.

>> No.2864311

Calling everyone who is jealous(even if they aren't) Parsee is pretty damn retarded.

>> No.2864336

Nice argument there. I rest my case.

>> No.2864349


im a iosys fan but honestly that video...

SUCKS big balls indeed

>> No.2864391

The OP post isn't great, for an example of a half decent fan video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUBbigtfCWs

I want to be involved in a project, but the /jp/ project stuff is poorly organised and I don't know how to work with people anonymously, and donning a trip just results in a shitstorm
