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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2860181 No.2860181 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this. What an awful story. The only interesting character was that gay guy from the store. Why do you like this game so much, /jp/?

>> No.2860188

I agree. One of the shittiest games I've played.

>> No.2860205

I liked Aeka because she managed to tap into my male protector instinct. The other girls too, to some extent.

The porn was also good.

>> No.2860209

Maybe because we aren't heartless monsters like you. Didn't you feel sorry for Aeka at all?

>> No.2860212

I still don't get why there are so many YMK threads on /jp/ right now. Did someone on /v/ mention it or something?

>> No.2860216

same fag

>> No.2860213

Aeka was a retard who wouldn't stand up for herself. I can't like someone like that.

>> No.2860219


It's the first for a lot of people, and there's probably a lot of new friends on /jp/ atm

>> No.2860222


Though it could've been saved if there was an Aya route.

>> No.2860227

/v/'s in one of their phases where they have near non-stop YMK threads.

>> No.2860240

I didn't know that /v/ liked VN's that weren't KS

>> No.2860245

Aeka was good, and drug girl was good. Abortion bitch can die of complications and vomit shit moments before.

>> No.2860246

>Why do you like this game so much, /jp/?
Because it's good.

>> No.2860257

I suspect that /jp/'s current shitty state caused some of our members to foolishly journey out onto other boards.

>> No.2860262

They've had a hard on for YMK for a long time. Or at least they used to talk about it a lot when I still went there over a year ago.

>> No.2860266

I didn't like it.

>> No.2860280
File: 78 KB, 512x512, 1245643202181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that /jp/ was not always shit

>> No.2860294

Sup /a/ immigrant

If you were here 6 months ago you would know /jp/ was the best place for intelligent discussions, sadly that's no longer the case.

>> No.2860297

>continuing to post on a board despite thinking it's shit

>> No.2860300

I don't think so.

>> No.2860311

/jp/ is still the best place for intelligent discussions on 4chan, provided you stay out of newfriend topics like this one.

>> No.2860316

Give me Aya route and we'll talk.

>> No.2860321

The board is far too young for you to be misremembering the 'good old days'. The board has been getting worse, but there hasn't been enough time for the actual user base to change out, something which solidly exposes the truth that the same posters who are shitting up the board are, for the most part, the ones who were here when we broke off from /a/.

>> No.2860343

>people I don't like are probably from /a/.

>> No.2860364

/a/ is what's wrong with /jp/. We need to chase those weeaboo losers out, I reckon.

>> No.2860366

sup >>2860280

>> No.2860389

yes. people sometimes respond to people responding to them responding to someone else.

>> No.2860419

I've always found it rather fitting that /jp/ is so xenophobic when it comes to cross board relations. Nevermind that most of us were immigrants to begin with, so this is more like early American xenophobia than the Japanese brand.

>> No.2860434

America xenophobia is best xenophobia.

>> No.2860448

It's funny that /jp/ hates every other board when they are one of the shittier ones themselves.

>> No.2860468

It was 'less' shitty before the hate and drama. /jp/ fags accusing each other of secretly being game developers was pretty much the event horizon, but many a warning sign occurred during the Gensokyo Man incidents, and of course the Junior model conflict. Not that I support either, mind.

>> No.2860474

Great, now how about you get the fuck out of /jp/?

>> No.2860481

Chill bro, no need to get so butthurt.

>> No.2860491

Reading this thread is like watching a snake eat its own tail.

>> No.2860492

/jp/ just hates on /a/, /v/, and /b/, which arguably are the worst boards on 4chan. Very rarely /r9k/, but that's just because of the alpha male stereotype some of the posters there have.

>> No.2860497
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>> No.2860501

And here we have the 'modern' /jp/ anon. Again, so silly to call it modern when we're only around a year old, but I promise that there were a few months before fags like him started pissing all over the board to mark their territory.

>> No.2860504

The only thing that I hate about /jp/ is the internet tough guy shit, raging at every little thing on the board. Also the "Reported" crowd are fucking annoying.

>> No.2860505

Reported for being silly.

>> No.2860506

>Also the "Reported" crowd are fucking annoying.


>> No.2860507

reporting this thread for trolling.

>> No.2860513


Not reported.

>> No.2860515

No one likes /v/ or /b/. Statements have been made by several anon that anyone who browses 'any' board other than /jp/ does not belong here, however.

>> No.2860532
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I miss the days when filtering out the sage posts was unnecessary.

>> No.2860533

/a/ is just as bad as /v/ and /b/ too. Don't forget them. Every time I browse that board it feels like Gaia/Crunchyroll.

>> No.2860534

I agree with many of the comments in this thread. /jp/ takes itself too seriously, which leads to trolling so easy that it's not even funny (someone will always defend themselves if someone accuses them of actually liking Japan), and they act elitist with very little justification (they act like it's a given that /jp/ is better than /a/, but no one really gives a convincing reason for this claim, depending completely on ad hominem attacks if someone speaks against it). And it generally just attracts too much drama and has too few worthwhile threads.

>> No.2860550 [DELETED] 
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>which leads to trolling so easy that it's not even funny

No kidding. I can troll /jp/ even more easily than /a/ and /v/ since everyone gets so angry at every little thing.

>> No.2860558

/jp/ is a slower moving, less populated board than /a/ and /jp/ material is (slightly) less loved by the teenage crowd out than /a/ material is.

>> No.2860563

Exactly, there's so many raging faggots here that it makes me feel like I'm in a board full of frustrated 15 year olds.

>> No.2860565

... /b/ is not even within the same context of reality as /a/ or even /b/, which is only as bad as it is because of its infection by /b/ tards. /a/ is worse than /jp/, but for the most part tolerable if you visit late at night. And no, my main board is a combination of /jp/, /d/, and /tg/.

>> No.2860569

>even /b/

Meant /v/, but perhaps the slip indicates that they really have become close. It has been a year or so since I've even so much as followed a link to there...

>> No.2860573

>but for the most part tolerable if you visit late at night

/a/ is pretty intolerable right now, bro.

>> No.2860576

What the holy fuck is this and where can I get it?

>> No.2860587
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The thread filter is quite nice.

>> No.2860626

... you're actually right. Taking the easy way out, let's just pretend this is all Summer cancer on both boards and wait it out.

>> No.2860652

block zunbar, anonymous jones and arcade bumstead and /jp/ becomes much better

>> No.2860656

>but for the most part tolerable if you visit late at night.
Maybe before last summer. Now? No way.

>> No.2860678

/a/ is bad, but there isn't anywhere else on the net to discuss anime or manga. the sheer unfriendliness of 4chan's userbase keeps at least a portion of the weeaboos away.

>> No.2860694

What about animesu... gai... animenewsne... crunchyr...

Fuck, you have a valid point.

>> No.2860698

You shouldn't really filter out sage posts.

>> No.2860706

How about a no-name message board that isn't based entirely around anime?

>> No.2860716

Enjoy ur tight knit social community of people who actually care about each other. God damn, I feel sick just thinking about it.

>> No.2860717

It had a nice atmosphere.

>> No.2860721

Not him, obviously, but sage posts tend to be shit posts 9/10 of the time.

>> No.2860723

Most people on /a/ visit other anime communities like ANN, animesuki, crunchyroll, narutofan, etc. I remember a time when /a/ was different from all the other Western anime sites, but now it's the same exact shit.

>> No.2860731

Oh please don't say that. I came from AnimeSuki but I'm disgusted by it now, be it the moralfaggotry everywhere, the people calling loli "pedocon" and a lot more stupid bullcrap.

>> No.2860742

If by no-name you mean a place that let's you post anonymously...

Something Awful

How about no. I haven't been to /a/ since the split, but no anonymous worth half his weight in horseshit would so much as consider laying down even a single letter of type in that... place.

>> No.2860750

By no-name I mean the board itself is widely unknown.

>> No.2860752

I don't think they do. Even bringing up those sites summons a shitstorm of epic proportions.

>> No.2860754

>>Not him, obviously, but sage posts tend to be shit posts 9/10 of the time.

They're exactly the same as "regular" posts in /jp/. This isn't a board where sage is used as an insult.

>> No.2860768

Guilty conscious.

>> No.2860772

I believed that in the beginning, but no longer is such a thing the truth. You in particular actually use it correctly (polite sage), but the truth if the matter is that in recent times, almost every rage fueled tantrum seems to bear it, and I doubt most anon feel like they'd be missing much, even if a few valid ones get lost in the cracks.

>> No.2860773

Last time I went there I saw many people admitting to visiting such sites and no one called them out on it.

>> No.2860781

That's like saying every moralfag is secretly a pedo. True enough, but rarely that direct.

>> No.2860784

I feel like I'm going to cry instead of rage.

>> No.2860886


Recent survey is supporting the argument that they do not visit those sites. While it would be a valid criticism if true, please do not spread such heresy about your neighbors without proof, as it is the source of such conflicts which have proven to have such a detrimental effect on /jp/ itself.

>> No.2860895

Nobody uses it that way. Nobody has ever used it that way. And it'll never change.
