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2859813 No.2859813 [Reply] [Original]

Is this VN worth looking at, at all /jp/?

>> No.2859819

not really

>> No.2859818


>> No.2859824
File: 92 KB, 800x977, CG04_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angela is best.

>> No.2859833

>>2859819 yes
>>2859818 not really


>> No.2859836

It's like F/SN without all the Nasu bullshit.

I would say so.

>> No.2859839

play it if you have nothing else to play

>> No.2859847
File: 98 KB, 792x582, LunLunBlush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ

>> No.2859849

This. Plus actual gameplay

>> No.2859855

Yes. Not much terms of paths but worth playing through.

>> No.2859861

It's alright. Worth at least one playthrough.

Biggest complaint is that although there are multiple girls, only one of them gets an actual endings. Kind of makes all your interactions with the others feel pointless.

>> No.2859969

Put the h-scenes are pretty fappable. Especially the one with the beast princess.

>> No.2859976


Yeah, they were, but giving them H-scenes was just a bigger letdown in the end since you were still stuck without a choice.

It didn't help that the other girls were way more interesting than the one you get stuck with.

>> No.2859979

Hell yes. Best princess is best.

>> No.2859985


>> No.2860001

Only if you've read all of the other translated plot-based VNs. It's not so bad that it isn't worth playing at all, but it's one of the worst translated VNs outside of the pornfests.

>> No.2860003
File: 97 KB, 944x640, Lun4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2860016

Don't worry, Lun Lun, a majority of /jp/ still loves you the most.

>> No.2860020

The translation annoyed the everloving hell out of me at times, but if you can get past that, it's actually not half bad. It's got a half interesting story that looks like it's going to start out TOURNAMENT ARC but abandons it after only a few fights. There's no stupid 'relationship point' BS that requires you to have a flowchart to keep track of it all. It's a single story, with different endings depending on which princess you have the most affinity with (which you influence by picking them as your battle partner repeatedly near the end).

The characters are all fairly likable (with the exception of Suzushiro), with Lun Lun, Angela and Beast Princess (whose identity is a spoiler) being the best ones. It's fairly easy to twink the card battle system, so you don't have to worry about it too much, and even if some of the characters suck (coughsuzushirocough), all the sex scenes are actually fairly hot.

It would make a decent 24-ep anime, but it wouldn't be a blockbuster or anything.

>> No.2860023

I liked it.

>> No.2860044


Hey screw you man, the boxing leprechaun was awesome ;_;

>> No.2860074

No way, Arata deserves better than that shitty pseudo-loli.

>> No.2860072

you see that character in the front most position in your picture? well...

>> No.2860092
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But you know the ending implied three way! Oh yeah!

P.S. LunLun is Number One!

>> No.2860099


Well, technically.....

>> No.2860103


Just imagine the armpit sex ;_;

>> No.2860160
File: 703 KB, 802x600, christroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game teases you with the other girls, then slaps you in the face with disappointment at the end.

Pic related.

>> No.2860256

I lol'd way more than I should at that image.

Oh, I almost forgot. DEM EYEBROWS

>> No.2860274


>> No.2860282

It's nice for a canon gay end for once, though.

>> No.2860279

I enjoyed it. It wasn't as good as say, F/SN but it's a good VN nonethe less and deserves a read.

>> No.2860284

I enjoyed it. It wasn't a masterpiece mind you but it kept me interested and wanting to play.

I'd say give it a go.

>> No.2860288

The funny thing is that before the game got translated, the reverse-trap was by FAR the most popular on /jp/.

>> No.2860291
File: 249 KB, 800x600, lun_lun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Lun Lun is awesome reply.

>> No.2860303

Nobody mentioned that theres going to be some epic battles? Well, not epic as in King Arthur vd. Gilgamesh, but epic as in actually thrilling, interesting and fun to witness.

>> No.2860320


I felt weird rooting for Angela even when I was fighting her, though.

>> No.2860333

This! It is even implied Arata stays with her.

>> No.2860371

The battles were entertaining. I specially liked Angela's.

>> No.2860509

Oh, that's another good point. All the battles are surprisingly well-written, and you never quite know just what's going to happen in a given one. There's a lot of good turnabout, give-and-take and the like in the fights, and they're shonen-esque without being bad. I was on the edge of my seat for more than one.
