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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2857905 No.2857905 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did Japanese come to the conclusion that cats say Nya instead of meow. Every fucking language has cats say meow except Japan. Do they have collective auditory down's syndrome or something?

>> No.2857914

in spanish they say miau

>> No.2857913

They're not that different if you think about it

>> No.2857922


Sounds pretty much the same as meow.

>> No.2857921


>> No.2857933

Seacats say "nya"

>> No.2857938

Meow is not an accurate onomatopoeia either.

>> No.2857940

Actually cats say neither "m" nor "n".

>> No.2857941

Yeah, if you slur the meow like cats do it sounds just like nyaa.

>> No.2857942

>Every fucking language has cats say meow

>> No.2857954


also i thought they thought it was mmmrrow

>> No.2857983

Its the same with a dogs bark.
Bow wow, woof or vov. non of them sound like a dogs bark. Same thing with cats, I guess.

>> No.2857995

mugi is da most moe in this picture

>> No.2858008

Cats' vocal cords are different from humans'. No natural languages are built around the sounds cats make.

>> No.2858569

Los gatos dicen Miau, tarados !!

>> No.2858584

>Every fucking language has cats say meow
Wrong. I remember a thread about this in /lang/ a few months ago.

>> No.2858595

"Miau" is the Spanish pronunciation for "Meow".

Nyau would be accurate. They probably dropped the "u".

>> No.2858630

Are you all retarded? They're speaking Japanese.

>> No.2858638

Japanese cat speaking Japanese?

>> No.2858644
File: 69 KB, 640x480, P1020661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true. My friend had a bilingual cat that could say both "meow" and "nya."

He was a pretty clever kitty. He knew some Chinese, too, but he wasn't very fluent.

>> No.2858671

my cat can play touhou

EDIT: how cute he just disconnected my router

>> No.2858673

Proof positive that Chinese is a worthless, mangy language spoken by inferior mammals.

>> No.2858696

nyan nyan ni hao nyan?

>> No.2858697

My koneko doesn't meow or nya at all. She just purrs when you pet her. Or when she gets hungry she hits me until I feed her.

>> No.2858719

Chinese cat meows 咪 "mii~". No kidding. And we call them 猫 mao.

>> No.2858724

those crazy japs have a "sound" for silence

>> No.2858729


They also Jii~ to stare at people. Who the fuck says Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii whenever they stare at something?

>> No.2858734

Google gave me this

>> No.2858739
File: 194 KB, 394x596, chairman meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chairman Meow demands and explanation for this bullshit!

>> No.2858743

I remember having a friend from France and he said that there they have the chickens saying "Cocorico", and I was just like "no fucking way."

There are a lot of differences in these things, and part of the issue is the fact that people are biased to hear what they believe they should be hearing.

>> No.2858749

>Indonesian: ngeong
What kind of fucking cats do they have in Indonesia?

>> No.2858767

My language has something similar to that. I'm pretty sure "Cocorico" is used by cocks/roosters and not by chickens/hens.

>> No.2858773

>Proof positive that Chinese is a worthless, mangy language spoken by inferior mammals

Also, Ixrec agreed. Don't bother him about it.

>> No.2858775


>> No.2858778

And your language is? Malaysian? Phillipino?

Must be somewhere culturally close.

>> No.2858783

Cats with six mouths that can end the world with their songs, obviously.

>> No.2858792

Russia has Kukareku for cocks/roosters and cocococco for chickens/hens

>> No.2858801

Cocorico sounds about as close to the sounds roosters make as "Cockadoodledoo."

>> No.2858804

Swedish has kuckeliku for roosters, almost a bit similar.

>> No.2858826

We Hmong have Keoukero for roosters.

>> No.2858855

Dutch has:
- "miauw" for cats
- "woef" for dogs
- "tok tok" for chickens, sometimes "kot kot kedeik"
- "koekeloerekoe" for roosters

>> No.2858865

My language is a finno-ugric one, so I'm pretty sure there is no cultural relation. Though we adopted a lot of loan words from the western countries in the past centuries, mainly from the germans.

Btw, my grandfather uses "nyau".

>> No.2858867

Holy shit, it just dawned on me.

Kakariko Village.

Because they farm chickens there.

>> No.2858891


Mind = blown

>> No.2858890

cats say raor

sex kittens say nya

>> No.2858900

My cat makes more of a miii sound. Or hisses when she gets pissed.

>> No.2858949

Most amusing topic of /jp/ this week.

>> No.2858954



>> No.2858966

That works as well.

>> No.2858969

Makes no fucking sense, Japanese sound symbolism is fucked up.

>> No.2858983


Wanna know what else is fucked up?
*Grabs dick*

>> No.2859114
File: 20 KB, 640x360, Monkey Plucks Two Peaches!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfuck, my dick! I counter with this!

>> No.2859135

my cat makes this MRIAURARAU noise is this normal

>> No.2859136

Phonetics, my friend.

>> No.2859153

my cats say mjá mjá

>> No.2859170

my cats say 'suck my dickkk'

>> No.2859196

my cat says "ming ming ming"

>> No.2859215

Well pigs go "boo boo" and dogs go "wan wan" in Japan. Its not only limited to cats.

Its called phonetics buddy.
