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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.68 MB, 1920x3240, アインシュタインより愛を込めて.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28558213 No.28558213 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>28307745

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.28558384

Short hair is very erotic on cute girls.

>> No.28558590

Well are you gonna post the spoiler or what? Let's see what it has to offer.

>> No.28562102
File: 52 KB, 684x169, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologize, Laplacian haters.

>> No.28559355

Sure. I've only read Kasumi's route. It was maybe 1-2 hrs long and focused on her boxing tournament and then some comedy. The romantic development was nonexistant, they just confessed and fucked and then fucked again, didn't act like a couple afterwards either, just like friends. End:
MC decides to undergo lobotomy to cure his worsening disease. One year later, he's on the level of a 7 year old kid and doesn't remember anyone. Kasumi is visibly heartbroken, and MC just gets a sense of dejavu that maybe he's seen her before. Makes her promise to wait for him because he will try to get better. No epilogue.

>> No.28560104

Oh man side-heroine fags are really gonna hate this one huh?

>> No.28563669

Is it me or do the screenshots look kinda dark?

Reminds me of the retardation of Trinoline. Hard pass on the Niijima kusoge.

>> No.28563756

Just got an uncomfortable flashback to Tomoyo After. No thank you.

>> No.28563794

>Is it me or do the screenshots look kinda dark?
Okay ignore that. I noticed the thumb and pic look dark, but the hover preview was normal. Opened the pic in a tab and it's REALLY bright. This a shitty Halloween feature/bug?

>> No.28563944

But that didn't happen in Trinoline considering he flat out died and got better in the fandisc but didn't end up amnesiac.

>> No.28564883

Surely the other routes endings' won't be like this. I'll go ahead and read another one since it's so short.

>> No.28564939

Well, it is the best release of the year so far

>> No.28565048

Maybe for people who haven't finished reading Aikome yet

>> No.28565317

That's Princess Heart Link though?

>> No.28565557
File: 544 KB, 1280x720, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『蒙古襲来絵巻』hamidashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, I thought this was a moege.

>> No.28565863

Every good moege has an imouto who changes your diapers when your legs are broken

>> No.28565993

It's still a kusoge with bullshit plot twists.

>> No.28566031 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 256x342, 1604216173153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Surely the other routes endings' won't be like this

>> No.28566730

That's a shitty ass kusoge with garbage art though.

>> No.28566754

And yet best release of the year so it doesn't look good for 2020

>> No.28567394

Was PRIMAL×HEARTS 2 アリスティアらぶらぶアフター ever uploaded?

>> No.28567446


>> No.28567497

Okay, I'm biting. Where can I find it because I couldn't. No AB crap.

>> No.28567508
File: 16 KB, 650x309, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on AB, sweetie.

>> No.28569102

Fuck off

>> No.28569127

The usual place for DDLs from cancerous file hosters (it's on mega though). And AB shill can go fuck itself.

>> No.28569128

Ahahahaha fucking loser

>> No.28569391


>> No.28569452

some people get banned from there for bullshit reasons you know but yes its easy to get invited

>> No.28569486

have they tried just to read fucking rules first?
none of my friends got banned from AB

>> No.28569502

I refuse to use anything but utorrent 2.2.1 and they don't allow it.

>> No.28569523

what a faggot lol, ever heard of qbittorent?

>> No.28569539

>my friends
Fuck off, discordcuck.

>> No.28569569

oh sorry, didn't know it's not okay to have friends now
very sorry bro
ha-ha lol

>> No.28569582

I refuse to use anything but utorrent 2.2.1.
Change is evil. Nothing good ever comes from change. A pleasurable UI that I am used to is hundred times more important than anything that could be found on AB.

>> No.28569587

if the person who invited you breaks the rules they will ban everyone they ever invited for gay secret club reasons they dont care if you read and followed the rules

>> No.28569594

How did you guys even get AB invite? It seldom opens up applications and I don't have any friends who can share invite

>> No.28569613

unironically weeb discords

>> No.28569636

serves you right, faggot
do you use windows xp as well or something?

>> No.28569647

But people don't hand out invites like candies. You have to be a cocksucker

>> No.28569673

I modified win10 UI to look like the old UI.

>> No.28569711

wow damn, surprised you updated it up to w10

>> No.28569712

they kind of do. theres a lot of people that have like 5+ invites sitting around. that anon looking for an invite should feel lucky they arent ip banned like me because i'll have to wait 2-3 years to get invited while they can probably get one in a couple months

>> No.28569716

Lol no need for sekrit clubs for fucking VNs.

>> No.28569766

I'm in a sekrit club where we cosplay and enact VN scenes. Jealous?

>> No.28569779

Thats what I used to say when I was reading them in English

>> No.28569811

I was Elite on What.CD, so I just sent an AB mod my email and he gave me an account.

>> No.28569927

Btw I am also Elite on AB and have invites to spare, and I wouldn't mind inviting anons from this thread if it wasn't full of Discord faggots.

>> No.28569950

Thanks for ruining the thread

>> No.28569974

im friends with an ab mod and will report anyone who gives invites to random anons so good choice

>> No.28570110

Kill yourself, sekrit circlejerkers

>> No.28570121

fuck off eop

>> No.28570145


>> No.28570367

What's that VN where more than half of it is like your normal moege and it suddenly spirals down into spicy cuckshit drama?

>> No.28570740


>> No.28571949

Huh, for someone talking about the evils of change, I thought you would at least be on 7. I'm still on 7.

>> No.28572840

Same. Getting increasingly nervous with the devs dropping Win7 support, hopefully I can still play Dohna Dohna and Senkou no Clarias in this machine.

>> No.28572988

I downloaded the new Minatosoft's demo just because I was scared that it won't run on 7 and wanted to be sure. Hopefully Dohna Dohna and Clarias will be fine too.

>> No.28573481

fucking losers

>> No.28574795
File: 3 KB, 162x204, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this thread, some time ago.

>> No.28574924

https://twitter.com/cocono_eclair/status/1320579544454025217 wow, now i'm kinda interested in hamidashi

>> No.28575295

Okay, done with Shinobu route. Yeah, no, the routes are still shit. The first half was a decent moege but then bam. But surely the true end will be good, right? Right?

>> No.28575333

Why would you read a Niijima game if not for a huge amount of drama?

>> No.28575344

do you even like nakige/ustuge?
did you read something from nijima before?

>> No.28575403

Dude there's a difference between temporary drama which is conquered and drama which irreversibly ruins the ending.

>> No.28575573

yes but still asking if you just don't like nijima/ heavy drama in general or if it's just aicome drama bad or badly executed
i like nijima stuff myself, but busy with other eroge rn

>> No.28575688

I read Majo Koi Nikki and Koi Shin Ai Kanojo but I didn't remember how bad they were until now.

>> No.28582104

majo koi wasn't that great in terms of plot, but i fucking love hatsusaku

>> No.28582376
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, E38193E381AEE4B896E381AEE69E9CE381A6E381A7E6818BE38292E59484E38186E5B091E5A5B3EFBCB9EFBCB5EFBC8DEFBCAEEFBCAF-E382AAE383AAE382B8E3838AE383ABNEC-PC-9800E382B7E383AAE383BCE382BAE78988_20170316104403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon,

I'm looking for the YU-NO voice patch for the japanese version, not the english translation. The link in the original website don't work anymore, so if someone still has it, please share ;)

The original file name I'm looking for : [TLWiki]_YU-NO_Japanese_vpatch_v1.00.exe

>> No.28582581

Nigger I already uploaded it like three times in this thread over the years.

>> No.28582744

>over the years
So what, am i supposed to look into all threads over 3 years?
Or beg you?
Fuck off.

>> No.28582776

saying fuck off to the guy who could easily solve your problem if he felt inclined is an interesting strategy

>> No.28582780

Lol, I was going to upload it again anyway.

But fuck you. You even seem to retarded to know about an archive.

>> No.28582797

Just shut the fuck and upload your shitty patch, pretentious dick.

>> No.28582822

Nah, EOP.

>> No.28582827

And this is supposed to make him do it because?

>> No.28582862

Got it after checking the comments there again. Sorry this derailed the thread so much by attracting that ABtard.

All routes are shit. Everything basically ends just when something happens. The game is really short.

>> No.28582896

Found patch myself on reddit, fuck off, faggot,

>> No.28583184

im sorry, of cource i looked into this thread.
however, the link is dead ...

>> No.28585136

>Download eroge because I saw its H-CG on sadpanda
>It starts with philosophical problems and references to old Chinese philosophy and The Matrix
Every time

>> No.28585273


>> No.28585509

which eroge?

>> No.28586125

The harem content sucked ass.

>> No.28586346
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, 美少女万華鏡_2020-06-09_19-13-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling

>> No.28587070

How many references to this are there in eroge? I've seen at least 4. It hurts me more and more every fucking time.

>> No.28587185

Eroge should make more references to western pop culture.

>> No.28587337

Even typing this ironically should be a crime.

>> No.28587395

There is a small Mister robot reference in the newest Nijima game.

>> No.28587536

Recent Saga Planets' games have a bunch of references to Marvel shit.

>> No.28587832

Kinkoi also had Matrix references

>> No.28588007

team baldrhead please save my soul

>> No.28588273
File: 477 KB, 535x600, shikishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28589474

So micchi's blog has been dead since march and http://honey58.net/ hasn't had any new posts since september. Are there any other sites that introduce each month's new releases?

>> No.28590248


>> No.28590442

Just finished Sakashita's route of the new Nijima kino.
more like sakaSHIT right くくく

>> No.28590697


>> No.28590698

so what is the vn?

>> No.28590808

Maybe this? It's kinda ugly though.
But yeah just looking at getchu releases page is enough, I just wish they had links to the games' official sites.

>> No.28591005

hau was shit anyway. they didn't list every release, even mayor ones. micchi was mostly just a synopsis guy and drooling over imoutos while jaded zen was shitting on EVERYTHING with no valuable input. the third person I don't even remember.
if you just need a list of releases it's enough to use vndb, egs, getchu/dmm/etc. or wait for release day and look at mikocon/sukebei.
if you need opinions on eroge then.. you're a retard and should read them yourself and make your own opinions. just read whatever the fuck you want to read. other people = other tastes = opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.28591619

君が望む永遠 has very nice presentation so far.

>> No.28592414
File: 64 KB, 831x266, SiglusEngine_dTtVljATsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of modern eroge still has mandatory 外出し in this day and age? Unless there's some plot reason like the oni in Grasesta, the majority of readers are going to want to finish inside.

>> No.28593519
File: 242 KB, 956x164, Screenshot (193).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why the fuck this happens? Basically all the Tinkerbell and WendyBell games do this. It changes to the actual text if I hide and unhide the textbox but it's annoying as hell.

>> No.28593520

Tomefure was without a doubt a kamige, so how could the writer not have done anything in so long

>> No.28593764

works with ntlea for some reason

>> No.28593930
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, nice reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean i liked it but that's going too far

>> No.28594056

I loved the blueballing. They went hypersexual all the way through yet the H-scenes started when you were through 85% of the game. I can't remember fapping so much to conversations, tension, and kissing since OniKiss.

>> No.28594237
File: 262 KB, 929x180, Screenshot (194).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mind sharing your settings? Changed mine to Shift JIS and MS PMincho but the text is sideways now

>> No.28594480
File: 127 KB, 1036x645, rude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't remember fapping so much to conversations, tension, and kissing
what? i mean you do you but i just found it all funny

>> No.28594520 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 1604267799044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf am I even reading

>> No.28595020

Shame Silky's Plus hasn't done anything except streams and shilling Anneliese goods for over a year already, I need more games with that writer and his autistic lectures.

>> No.28595487

Why are you posting the H-scene phase when we're not talking about it?
So it in the beginning they've got tons of rules set up so they don't end up as 性奴隷 right. No ichaicha, no kissing, no touching. Hour after hour they push the rules to the limit and then break them, and then say it's fine because surely they won't break the next rule. If you can think of another VN where the girls walk around in their underwear all day, kiss you and tell you how much they love you as a "pretend-play" for 癒し purposes, and then start taking baths with you, with the H-scene still being like 2 hours away, then go ahead and tell me because I'd love to read it.

>> No.28596491
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 炎の孕ませ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was the first pic i found that featured comedy, here's something from the early phase, just to make you happy, friend

my point though was that i viewed it more as a comedy, like a lewder asapro, rather than one long fap session like you did

>> No.28597823

idk man, whilst i see the appeal of breeding a girl, i also think drenching them in your cum is kinda deviant and gets me going

>> No.28598033

Well that's why most modern eroge have a choice, no choice and even forcing you to finish outside is pretty shit.

>> No.28598477
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, アインシュタインより愛を込めて_7月28日_2020-11-02_08-56-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.0 + 1.0 soon

>> No.28600294

For me it's always inside or let the game dictate. I only ever choose outside for CG completion. Don't take any pleasure in making a mess of a girl's face, body, hair or clothes.

I prefer when the game chooses what happens because it feels more unique. Sometimes it's inside, sometimes outside, sometimes both lol. Whenever you can pick yourself there isn't much difference in the scenario so it feels boring. The least they could do is have always inside end up with pregnancy. I think long ago some eroge would have inside lead to pregnancy endings and outside lead to more of a career/sexfriend/degeneracy ending.

>> No.28603748


That shit was intentionally programmed to break text if it detects non-Japanese UI in Windows. Locale Emulator with "fake UI language" option fixes it.
They don't do this shit anymore because it only kind of worked in Windows XP where changing UI language was nearly impossible.

>> No.28604076

I just finished Kasumi's route and I can't get over how they didn't even attempt to keep contact with each other. Couldn't Shuuta tell Kasumi where he's getting the surgery and give her his uncle's phone number? Couldn't Shuuta tell his uncle about Kasumi and tell him to give her updates on his condition? Why would he leave it up to his own memory to find her when he knows he's going to lose that memory anyway?

>> No.28604871

>making a mess of a girl's face, body, hair or clothes
but that's best part of it

>> No.28605881
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, アインシュタインより愛を込めて_唯々菜_8月21日_2020-11-02_13-09-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28608638

is this niijima trying to convince himself that his micropenis is big?

>> No.28610578

This is some sort of extended joke where they're talking about something that isn't a penis, right?

>> No.28610849

I'd rather make a mess of her 赤ちゃんの部屋 and her future.

>> No.28611752

No, right before is MC assuring her that "everyone does it" ie that sex isn't anything strange.
I had to read the part several times to make sure I'm not retarded.

>> No.28625845

How much new content does last run have? Worth spending money on if I only want more Hachiroku?

>> No.28626073
File: 28 KB, 685x70, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be a lot but you shouldn't spend money on that censored shit.

>> No.28631740

> paying for vns

>> No.28632639 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, 1604346987823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was a wild ride
How do you even come up with so much convoluted shit?
Where is my harem H-scene though

>> No.28633340
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, apeiria_casablanca0043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now go read the fandisk. It's not as complex as the original story, but still very good.

>> No.28633890

I will probably do that, but not right now

>> No.28636393

Kind of a long shot, but do any of you guys keep a collection of MIDIs? In particular, for ELF PC98 age games? The drive I kept mine was damaged beyond repair, and the sites I got them from are gone forever. Please.

>> No.28636802

>The drive I kept mine was damaged beyond repair, and the sites I got them from are gone forever
That seriously sucks. Next time keep backups. Never rely on a single drive or something online, shit gets deleted all the time.

I think I have the YU-NO MIDIs, but those should still be online. Some of my games have the audio as MIDI but I'm too lazy to go through hundreds of games to find those few, sorry.

>> No.28642192
File: 25 KB, 337x182, アインシュタインより愛を込めて_ロミ_9月5日_2020-11-03_10-39-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said the thing

>> No.28649841


>> No.28651423

The naked sprites are also censored with towels in Last Run, it's very clear they just focused on making an all ages game first and just slapped some couple extra h-scenes separately with worse censorship than the original, what the fuck went wrong with Lose?
I wonder if they even want to make eroge anymore, hopefully Cura works on something somewhere else.

>> No.28655471

Do you need to play the side character routes before starting with Romi?

>> No.28655768

I think you're right. The game obviously panders to all-ages consoletards. I mean they even made an anime to advertise it. I'm too lazy to look it up but didn't they release Pure Station on Switch with English translation to pander to all-ages westards? Lose sold out. I hope LR flops hard and Lose either returns to proper eroge or folds. No need for this butchered crap.

>> No.28655795

yes, if you do her before them you get a bad end (you get a cg for it so might as well do it though, its short anyway)

>> No.28655796

They should've made it completely AllAge just to shit in retards like you ahaha

>> No.28655871

You can also get the CG by going for multiple heroines in one go

>> No.28656798

>what the fuck went wrong with Lose?
I mean they saw their chance to become sellouts and took it. They're also selling all ages ASMR on dlsite instead of adult ones. You should expect them to launch an all ages gacha game soon, shit is always the same.

>> No.28657206

If einstein was a real eroge, loliromi would have gotten an H-scene. She's so much hotter than her grown up version.

>> No.28659574

Is there a chance i'm gonna like einstein if i love hatsusaku?

>> No.28659613

The times were ero sold games is over. Where have you been in the recent years? You have generally just two major ways how games changed. Either they got TONS of ero more, or they removed it altogether. And that's how it's going to be in the future as well.

Lose still tries to get the best of both sides, but once people aren't wanting that any more, they will do the same thing as any other company. Either basically nukige, or all ages, while the latter is much more likely. Also it's not the western market, lolis aren't that hot here. The chinese market is most likely the reason for this. Last Run already has a chinese version.

That said, isn't this month's Einstein the best example for this trend? It's trying to be an eroge like they have existed a decade ago, yet people are screaming "not enough porn". People that want porn in their VNs are, at this point, basically wanting nukige. It's not enough if a little exists as bait to get the game, and also fits. Preferably, every girl needs several scenes, including fetishes. Best to enjoy games in this style while it lasts, because on the long run, outside of a niche within a niche, they'll probably disappear.

>> No.28659812
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x720, Tomefure_2020-11-03_11-33-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You successfully shilled the game to me

>> No.28660201

>Einstein the best example for this trend? It's trying to be an eroge like they have existed a decade ago, yet people are screaming "not enough porn".
To be fair, having 1 scene for your main lead and 2 for the rest is a little hard sell for the price. If they all had 3 a piece, I don't think there would have been that many complains about the ero content.

And for fetish, a regular moege can get away with very basic vanilla stuff, just have a different position for each scene and it'll still work.

>> No.28660369

Einstein problem is in its price. Short game with little ero for 10k yen? Are you joking?
Musicus also had low number of H-scenes but it was cheap and much longer than Einstein thus well-recieved.

>> No.28660781

> cowtits
Fuck off

>> No.28660805

maitetsu last run is shit and was shit since the first version too, vastly inferior to Monobeno.

>b-but muh train autism
Still shit.

>> No.28660934

>Short game with little ero for 10k yen?
Not like you paid for that one, faggot.

>> No.28661033

So you're saying all otaku who bought it were happy with how they got short game with low ero? Point still stands, if this game flops, then it's GLOVETY's fault.

>> No.28661093

Kasumi has 3, Shinobu 2.5, Iina 2 to be more specific.

>> No.28661107

Look forward to my future posts

>> No.28661154

I don't give a fuck about fat japanese otaku buyfags, you shouldn't worry that much about them and their money either.
Since you didn't pay for this game anyway, why are you so fucking salty?
Why price/quantity is your argument to begin with?
Did you even read it?
Cause it's eop mentality to shit so much on something you didn't even try to begin with.

>> No.28662346

The concern of the discussion is the idea that people are asking for the game to be basically nukige >>28659613, the point of talking about the price is to say that people aren't complaining about that but about it being a pathetic amount for the price and length and feeling like the devs just added them because they had to.
>The times were ero sold games is over
Is true, so devs shouldn't feel forced to add ero anymore, if they hate it so much just fuck off and make an all ages game.
No point in pricing and advertising your game as an eroge if you're only going to release that.

>> No.28662382

You were literally talking about sales and industry, not about how good or bad is game itself. So of course I'm talking about price and quantity.

>> No.28662513

Yes, but i've seen people here shitting on game itself using price/length argument as main one and not actual bad plot or whatever.

>> No.28662599

The bad plot is a given. No need to point that out.

>> No.28662905

I'm only midway through the first Romi route, but I already can say that the heroines and characters overall are weaker than in hatsusaku. Protagonist is interesting in his own way, but not as entertaining as Hatsuyuki. Overall I'm enjoying the ride so far, but it's fairly slow, and my final impressions would heavily depend on how good the final route is.

>> No.28663046

That's very sad to hear.
No interesting atmosphere either?
I remember hatsusaku prologue, so good...

>> No.28663285

Well people are just giving the reason why they don't bother with it.
Plot could be great, doesn't change the fact that it's a shit eroge that should have been all ages.

>> No.28663354
File: 383 KB, 1920x1080, 1579302610083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who actually bought the game I'm completely satisfied with it, its actually a lot better than what I expected. I think in many ways it's Niijima's best work.

>> No.28663741

And how much you like his previous works?

>> No.28663817
File: 575 KB, 1136x1989, Screenshot_2020-11-03 PCソフトの売上ランキング - Getchu com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only game that's actually selling this month.
Last Run is doing pretty bad but that was a bigger fuck up.

>> No.28663875

wonder if new asapro is good

>> No.28664188

Trial was nice, too short to say anything though and the MC was basically faking through the entire trial.
Some side girls were better than the main heroines, one of the devs said in a stream that all female characters are getting h so I guess there's that to look forward to, but I image it's just a random h-scene out nowhere.
Kadowaki Mai was kind of annoying as the imouto, she's getting old.

>> No.28664542

damn, actually forgot about trial
thanks for reminder, gonna check out myself!

>> No.28664909

>but I image it's just a random h-scene out nowhere.
probably really side endings like their last game.

>> No.28665015

This game has too many side girls though so I can image some random threesomes like kinkoi.

>> No.28665071

Momoko's ending was very ruthless

>> No.28665237

>This game has too many side girls
If they all get like 10 minutes long "routes" it's still not much work to do.

>> No.28665807

in what way do you think it sticks out compared to his other works? I've read some of them before Einstein and the repetition of plot devices especially in Iina's route and the overall short length of any given character content makes it hard for me to really care about them. I don't think i'll be able to remember anything from this game in a couple months time.

I don't think it's bad or anything but it just feels like a more generic version of his summer pockets routes with mediocre porn and lewder jokes.

>> No.28666800

What would you do if your imouto was an eroge seiyuu sending you stamps of one of the characters she played?

>> No.28666921

Do they fuck?

>> No.28667212

Probably, she's constantly tweeting about him.

>> No.28667300

If she's established as a brocon character then why isn't she getting any imouto roles? Missed chance.

>> No.28667666

She already has a lot of imouto roles.

>> No.28668106

Last one 4 years ago. Before you say anything, no, NBR doesn't count.

>> No.28668795

>NBR doesn't count.

>> No.28668852

You are not an imoutofag. Don't reply to me ever again.

>> No.28674008
File: 121 KB, 1028x504, popotan childhood friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What VN starts the pure virgin childhood friend trend in romance VN? I know that Kakyuusei 2 controversy basically enforces the trait as unwritten rule for the general romance VN market, but what starts and popularize the character trait in the first place, that by 2004 people expecting Tamaki to be pure virgin and outraged when they found out that she doesn't?

>> No.28674009

It does not get better. They are repeating the same shit over and over again.
nyan nyan
key bad
MC scary

>> No.28674206

Now this was a good plotge, but no one here read it even though I shilled it.

>> No.28674258

Last Ai game I read was missing link.
Good stuff.

>> No.28674389

i was reading it till september releases happened. Will definitely finish it after i get aikome done.

wish chiruouka got a proper route, at least she got a short bad end and anal i guess.

>> No.28674505

> Kitami Rikka
> プレイ時間中央値 7時間

>> No.28674537

Wait a minute, this looks like the thing in Suki Suki

>> No.28674847

Might read that for Keeko's character design, but it smells like NTR.

>> No.28674967

It's literally voiced by the same person. I'm pretty sure it is the same thing.

Or just some weird cameo reference.

>> No.28675306

>No interesting atmosphere either?
Hatsusaku was originally established as mystical fairytale-esque story, but aikome is more of a slice-of-life with some sci-fi (?) elements, so yes, it is less intriguing, so far at least.
I'm a dumb niijimafag, so I'll finish it anyway, but oh well, I hoped for some twist or genre shift. Not like I have anything better to read at the moment.

>> No.28675514

If you like used goods you are just a cuck, simple as that

>> No.28675542

> purityfag

>> No.28675618

You are alone here

>> No.28675731

What are you even doing here, fat japanese otaku-purefag?

>> No.28675767

Realizing the full potential of 2D.

>> No.28675844

Way to sidestep his question.

>> No.28675896

> shitty schoolgirls instead of MILFs
Probably just fucking dumb just like every purefag

>> No.28675922

It's "shit on," ESL-kun.

There have always been games with low amounts of H-scenes or short ones. Not all eroge have to be 4+ 30-60 minutes per heroine nukitrash-style scenes.
I don't have a problem with that. I can deal with short/long and many/few scenes. What I don't stand for is butchering shit with bleeps and other kinds of unnecessarily added censorship that wasn't there in the original. Mosaics are the only thing they should have. Bleeps should only be used for comedic purposes or to mask brand names like D*sney and fucking M*ckey M*use.

>> No.28675934

Wow, a real roastie has come to visit.

>> No.28676011

>I don't give a fuck about fat japanese otaku buyfags, you shouldn't worry that much about them and their money either.
lol. Without them supporting the industry you wouldn't even have any games to pirate anymore, you filthy retard.

>> No.28677250

used goods were looked down upon for most of human civilization all over the planet, this isn't some eroge exclusive thing.

>> No.28677801

No, retard, chinese market is much more stronger than jp, no one needs jp anymore.

>> No.28677833


>> No.28692176

not too sure about that considering two of the heroines are different races
if i had to guess from reading the trial and the character profiles, mc's teacher and foster dad might have off'd his actual dad and took him in
either way the setting is pretty cool and i'm pretty excited for the main game

>> No.28692907

Muv-luv Extra. I'm 100% serious.

>> No.28692945

Hmm I wonder if the database has a tag for it.

>> No.28695251

read the thread

>> No.28699017

ソーサレス*アライヴ kind of fits. Great game. Not quite a generic school setting, more a fantasy school setting

>> No.28710386
File: 299 KB, 1282x752, TS bishoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, about a quarter of the way through? Maybe less, maybe more? This is exactly what I needed. Guy wakes up with TS disease, a disease going around that turns people into girls. Immediately likes it, gets extremely cute clothes and starts taking pictures. Fucks his best friend, goes on a date with his other best friend, on the date gives his other best friend a blowjob, doesn't make it home from the date, lies to his other best friend that '3d girls don't actually bleed on their first time' and fucks him in the park. Admits that TS girls can't get pregnant their first year after TS so she can enjoy getting cummed inside multiple times. Starts a sex friend relationship two timing his best friends.

Fuck. I admit, this is exactly what I would do. Even the lies ... especially the lies.

>> No.28710445

Sounds like his next step is to translate vns and post on twitter

>> No.28713663

The junior idol scene. That's it.

>> No.28713675

can't have been that good if the writer is begging for work on twitter

>> No.28713890

He's too future for the medium.

>> No.28716200

You think omochikaeri is ever coming back?

>> No.28716239

hope not

>> No.28722220

Anyone got the jp version of
not giving steam my fucking money

>> No.28722452

>not giving steam my fucking money
Buy it on dlsite then.

>> No.28731148
File: 1.33 MB, 1442x832, NiceCopesyougottherebro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene of Sumapoke hits home to me. I will stop using other people to cope. I won't try to remember the things people said to me online or offline anymore. I'll forget it and try to improve by myself.

>> No.28731171

Dasoku, DokoIku, HaruKuru, ItsuSora

>> No.28731292

>f word
Are you 10? That would explain a lot.

>> No.28740666

>Other eroge brands are trying to make meaningful, heartfelt stories
Such as?

>> No.28740744

Aikome, Yonagi, Sakuretto, and that's just the last 2 months

>> No.28753680

Harumade Kururu, Dasaku, Cross Channel, Totono

>> No.28756704

You already posted that >>28731148
Broken bot?

Also fuck off and kys hapa

>> No.28757961

Does that short haired cutie have a route?

>> No.28759524

Sakura no Uta

>> No.28763483

Dang anon why you so mad at steam?

>> No.28763999

Can anyone help me try and find the name of this one visual novel? I saw it a bit back, and it seemed fairly interesting, and i wanted to find it on VNDB again.

I can't remember the name, but i think it was a one word name, possibly in english? i thought it was leviathan or behemoth or something but that leads to nothing like it. I do think i recall it being a more unique name, not just generic japanese.

Anyhow, the setting is something like a bunch of people are on a boat, things are dark and edgy. It's an eroge but not a nukige. Some of the characters are some dude, a super skinny (bones showing, but not anorexic) girl. There's some cg of them getting drunk, and one of that anorexic girl peeing into a rag or something.

I think it's untranslated.

And i know that's really not too much to go on, nor this might not be the right thread to ask about it. But still, it's just one of those things I really want to find again, whether or not it's good

>> No.28764225

Gonna bet dollars to donuts you won't be able to read it though.

>> No.28771763

Why Nukitashi got moege award? The game looks dumb as hell.

>> No.28772335

Why don't you try it for yourself and stop judging it by its cover?

>> No.28775470

I know the answers. It is yes to both.

>> No.28776043

You sounds like rainspectre, dude.
Kill yourself please.

>> No.28776944
File: 30 KB, 317x223, haruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here has the og kiminozo release?

>> No.28777140
File: 313 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?NUKITASHI (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup. You clearly read it and also know who best girl is.
Yeah, I do.

>> No.28777142


>> No.28777416

Got same impression.
Battle is basically casual darkest dungeon, and pimping hoes part has all this mental breakdowns and goods throwability ideas.
Inspiration from darkest dungeon is definitely there, while design I'd say is mostly persona 5.
Also battle animations are sick, alicesoft did really went all out on this one.

>> No.28777425 [DELETED] 

Tried not being a subhuman?

Yeah, you will never be white, but you should still try rising above your limitations.

>> No.28777440

A big budget darkest dungeon h-game is a pretty fantastic sales pitch.

>> No.28777451

I got the DVD along with LE. Why would you want the original?

>> No.28777486

Darkest dungeon is an RNG kusoge

>> No.28777902

Its nothing like Darkest Dungeon other than how the allies and enemies are positioned during battle. There is no character creation, base management and perma death (best thing).

Dohna is more fun to play and thus better. Also is story driven unlike Dungeon.

>> No.28779897

I just want to try playing the with the og ui, and for collection.

>> No.28780984

Anyone have crack for Moshiraba?

>> No.28781087

Using simple googleing I managed to find one crack and several old Japanese discussions about cracking it with hex editing.

Your failure to do this indicates to me you're an EOP that can't play the game anyway, so I decided not to post it.

>> No.28781962
File: 13 KB, 756x254, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This gonna work better anyway, I suspect.

>> No.28785050
File: 150 KB, 518x691, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good list?

>> No.28785226

Wrong thread, faggot.

>> No.28785337

Too bad he's been held hostage by shitty overly rushed 1-cour anime ever since 2010 instead of having a chance to get his scenarios to breath in a full-length game like they should.

>> No.28793643

Some people like more high stakes and actual consequences instead of braindead gameplay, so saying it's more fun just because it's easier is dumb.

>> No.28793670

Reminded me that I found one about some female occult club where they do something to MC and then spend all summer unfucking him by fucking. Looked great. Don't remember the title though.

>> No.28793918

>muh high stakes and actual consequence and "smart" gameplay
kek. All it does is make you start over and over and over whether it be for grinding or "getting gud." It's a pure time waster to make up for lack of content. Might as well play a game that you replay on 8 different difficulties with even spongier enemies or get into speedrunning because you love repetition so much. Muh not braindead gameplay lol. In turn based all you're doing is hoping for a good RNG roll and in souls-like ARPG shit it's all about muh dodging and perfect parries and memorizing enemy patterns and maps. WOW such high IQ gaymuhplei. How about using your IQ and reflexes on gambling instead? Oh you're already whaling on gacha shit? kys.

>> No.28793971

>WOW such high IQ gaymuhplei.
Compared to literally nothing like this, it's fun, yes.

>> No.28795048 [DELETED] 

i just finished muramasa and i dont think i can play anything else guys..

>> No.28809515
File: 2.36 MB, 1680x945, 青春フラジャイル【DL版】 -_リズ12_-cmvs32_(seishun_fragile).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, uh, don't think that's accurate.

>> No.28809736

1776 motherfuckers

>> No.28811497
File: 799 KB, 615x602, T17i0CLZ4L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28818160

>I do find it hot when it's sh*gakusei

Games that do this?

>> No.28818171

Basically any game where you can have sex with a 1X year old? Rokan12, Mako, etc?

>> No.28818220

Bad art in those though.

>> No.28818281

Mako is not 1X dummy.
5th and 6th grade are barely shougakusei anyway. Hags with budding breasts.

>> No.28818350

>budding breasts

Very erotic too though.

>> No.28818423

No, it's just annoying and distracting, I can stand muted but no censorship is best.
>Basically any game where you can have sex with a 1X year old?
Only if it's a doujin game, and even then I don't think anything like precisely since Rokan 12, no one is really willing to do that other than that circle.

>> No.28819237


