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2852433 No.2852433 [Reply] [Original]

How do you kill Xavier in Tenma Bridge? Rance and Kentarou kept dying before I can deal enough damage

>> No.2852449

Heal rance and Kentarou. Levelup them. Leveldown the Xavier.

>> No.2852456

Also, footsoldiers and diviners.

>> No.2852466

Also, kill the fucking monkey.

>> No.2852468 [DELETED] 

Posting in a stupid Rance question thread. Where can I find the patch that has the Ran route translated? All I can see is the Kenshin 0.50 one.

>> No.2852472

Where can I find the patch that has the Ran route translated? All I can see is the Kenshin 0.50 one.

>> No.2852476


>> No.2852480

Nowhere, because it wasn't released yet.

>> No.2852505

Next time just keep sending Kentarou out to fight Gigai instead of killing him to grind levels. Between that, doing all the Kentarou-kun's Adventures and a turn of relationship grinding that the end, I was a able to get him to level 99 easily.

>> No.2852527

Assuming you do not want to repeat battle:
Get a footsoldier in the front line and a ninja in the back, along with a strategist who cannot attck from the back (like Naoi). Strategists boosts are useful here.
SWAP RANCE OUT. You need just one of them to deal damage to Xavier.
Now, you have to keep Kentarou alive.
If you have at least one decent miko unit it will help. Keep healing Kentarou. Have footsoldiers guard, so when Xavier attacks straight on, Kentarou will survive.
If you have monks, have them restore Kentarou's action points. Do not swap him out even if his action points are over.
If your units are near dead and Xavier is coming up, unleash their strongest attack rather than hoping he will do single. Kenshin single attack does like 70, while her strong is near 200.
If you leveled up Kentarou decently and managed to keep him alive, when he finally dies and Rance come out, you should have chipped a lot of health.
Requires some luck so Xavier does not go trigger happy and uses ONLY his HP/percentage to all attack.

>> No.2852529

i used shileds, and if needed healz to keep Rance alive, the other bastard died off quickly.. Xavier will mostly focus on the sword holders.. it was a long shot but i pulled it off.
also how does this 2ndgame bonus point system works? there is a list which character is cleared and stuff.. i get points after that + the previous endscore, or they only count if they are done in the previous game?

>> No.2852581

The only way to enter the "kill the monkey" route is to finish the game as fast as possible in order to get enough points?

>> No.2852582


your max points from all of your games. and how in god's name would rance outsurvied kentaro? you didn't level him up?

>> No.2852588


You're right! I completely forgot that we can heal in battles. Finished him no problem. Thanks!

>> No.2852599

Choosing 1-star difficulty and going through the True History route normally should get you enough point to get Kill the monkey.
I went trigger happy with character clears and did the Festivals plus a few units with end- game bonuses, and ended up with 60 while finishing the game at turn 100..

>> No.2852603

nice, thanks. yep, i just don't like him that much, and after his adventures i just ignored him.. he has his own waifu and stuff they probably need some private time anyway

>> No.2852608

Is there any way to unfroze Sill?

>> No.2852619

Why bother? She's just a lowly slave anyway. Easily replaced. Gahahaha!

>> No.2852623

If she gets forzen, she stays that way.

>> No.2852620

Have sex with the Soul Binder. The scene is so hot, it causes the ice to melt.

>> No.2852632


redoing the normal game as quickly as possible would probably be faster.

>> No.2852636

Whoa whoa nigga! Did ya see da titties on tha girl, son? I say thoose are worthy to unfreezz my good bro.

>> No.2852652

What does the 'Kill the Monkey' bonus do?

>> No.2852663

I'm drunkposting and I think I was partially roleplaying Rance. How did you interpret my post as that of a ghetto dweller?

>> No.2852664

Allows Nobunaga not to get possessed by Xavier. He's too awesome to die.

>> No.2852666

1 star doubles the turns and the difficulty spike is small.
If you just try to finish the game ASAP and conquer Morroco, you should be done BEFORE round 90. And with a few bonus points you get almost no matter what, it's much easier to get a good amount of points.

>> No.2852669

You kill Nobunaga's monkey, the gourd does not break, and the game ends when you conquer EVERYTHING.

>> No.2852680



>> No.2852690


the troop cap is doubled in 1 star so it really isn't that small. i killed mouri on turn 49 in a 1 turn game and i could probably do it in 40 if it was a normal game. since i won't need rance's sat bonus i just just recruit a bunch of generics and clear them for the stat bonus for an easy 100+ points.

>> No.2852718

But Mouri is not an endgame.
Plus, 60-40= 20

You'd have to get 50 bonus points somehow.

Clearing the game as fast as possible will definitely get you more points at 1 star.

>> No.2852758

i know-_-. i just went through some of my idiotic 4chan "forum screencaps" before, and i felt like it.Why so seriousss? anyways you will only miss it when it's already too late Rance... (Rance 8, a quest to unfreez Sill perhaps?)

>> No.2852771


the bulk of your extra points comes from char clears and the +2 point endgame trait. if you choose the diviner you can safely spend all of you sat bonues on +3 affections. even if you do get more points in 1 star games the difficulty spike is pretty huge when all you have is 5 points and the extra points it gives is pretty small.

>> No.2852798

Rule 3: Don't use smilies - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. We are all heartless bastards who don't want to see what kind of faces you make IRL while posting (This also applies to reaction images, if you want to post them so badly go to /a/ or /v/) Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

>> No.2852806

guys, what if i conquer the Shimazu family before the demon army shows up in the history route? And killing the monkey option really stops the "automatic"gourd breaking so i can just take my time?

>> No.2852812

You can't.

>> No.2852824

There is a limit to how many clears you can get if you go for a fast as hell finish due to character requirements and events(end game bonus chosen for the unit is different).
I don't think you can get that much more Clears in normal mode to override the extra turns from 1-star.

>> No.2852895
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am I doing it rite?

>> No.2852927


no, i'm using a ton of generics

>> No.2852930

256? Did you use artmoney or something?
Anyway, I have about 245. Should be able to get more, considering that my best walkthrough wasn't in many aspects and has a lot of place for improvement.

>> No.2852940


it isn't about purely overridding it. it's also bout how a second normal game is eons faster while generating similar points.

>> No.2852950

ok I want to get a pretty decent amount of bonus points, someone give me a general strategy for finishing true or kenshin route ASAP.

Also Im seeing doing a 1 star difficulty game is a good start.

>> No.2852973

I think that mostly applies if you have bonus points to spend.
Since I took my sweet time, I only had the route clearing points for the second playthrough, so a normal run through the game would not have been as fast.

>> No.2852975

Ran is probably the shortest route, not Kenshin.

>> No.2854336

What do you guys use the power-ups for?

>> No.2854373

And satisfaction bonuses. I just don't want to end up finding out through simply trial and error.

>> No.2854395
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Amazing old men.

>> No.2854429

First sat bonus I get an amazing old man. They're pretty damn useful. After that, Rance attack, then +50 troops. Get the action fans, +3 relationships, and extra Rance attacks when they're available.

>> No.2854425

Fuck yeah, Itou Kakka is a badass anywhere but the battlefield.

>> No.2854435

No reinforcements?

>> No.2854441

What about the individual power ups? Do you find any of the abilities worthwhile, do you find the level up, +100 troops, stat up, etc. help most, or anything like that?

>> No.2854453

He's not even useless on the battlefield either, you can use him as a shock troop in dungeons!

>> No.2854458

Weaken enemy countries is useful. After picking a couple of those it turned Dokuganryuu's army to 200 troops each except for the final castle battle.

>> No.2854463

Stat boots are almost always the way to go. Keep in mind the only thing you can spend your gold on is troops, so it's a bit of a waste to use the individual powerup for that. There are a few exceptions to always going stats, usually for certain special abilities. Whirlwind on Yamamoto for instance.

>> No.2854469

Uruza doesn't start out with her hax version of volley, either.

>> No.2854470

What about Rance himself?

>> No.2854492

Adding on to that, it might be worthwhile to get one character dungeon expert. Makes clearing those quite a bit easier.

>> No.2854538


this is bad advice on anything other then normal mode. get the old men and upgrade your land. get the prepare for battle if you have nothing else to get.


speed, power or defense.

>> No.2854549

for anyone starting on any of the star difficulties, most pure damage dealers become more and more useless as you go on. rance and most other warriors aren't worth the money.

>> No.2854567

You WILL need those % based killers like Natori for the 5-star games.

>> No.2854577

Yeah I'm playing on a 2 stars difficulty now and Rance is pretty weak.
Otherwise I don't have much problems.

>> No.2854603

Rance attack is useful on boss battles, have a monk with convert action or sill in your team and you can spam rance attack every turn.

>> No.2854608

If you have something that does really high damage like Omachi or battle rating hax like Takedas you won't really need those. It's a lot easier to move the battle rating to your side when your units have way higher average stats. And having huge number of troops just makes enemies way weaker.
