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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2852106 No.2852106 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah. /jp/ I am assuming some of you know Japanese. I need some help. Do any of you have textbooks or other useful stuff for learning Japanese? I already have some basics down (I am, is it? this is?). I prefer to learn the kanji with the kana btw. Thanks in advance.

>> No.2852114


>> No.2852112


>> No.2852124

If you know the basics (verb conjugation, sentence structure, etc), then stop using textbooks. Start reading real japanese, that's the best way. You will learn vocabulary, kanji, and more grammar.

>> No.2852128

Here's a tip to get started :

99% of the text you'll see in Japanese can be more or less translated by "The pleasure of being cummed inside".

>> No.2852135

Yes but how do i know what particles to use and where. Along with the structure of other sentences?

>> No.2852156

I fear only long phrases. Shit,howshouldidividetheirlong phraseswithoutthisdamnscpaces?

>> No.2852160

Try this -> http://www.guidetojapanese.org/

>> No.2852161


>> No.2852218
File: 174 KB, 359x400, bored haruhi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard if you actually understand the language.

>> No.2852224

learns from the Japanese

>> No.2852233


>> No.2852290

What kanji do you want to learn?

>> No.2852314

My japanese teacher only has six months of english lessons himself.

So I have to help him..

>> No.2852328

OP, start memorizing Hiragna. This is how I learned them:


>> No.2852340

Genki is good.

>> No.2852338

The less English your Japanese teacher knows the better.

>> No.2852335

there you go bro

>> No.2852355

inb4 heisig shitstorm

>> No.2852364


But if he's Japanese doesn't that mean he at least learned the basics though out school?

>> No.2852384


I guess so. But I know alot more than what he's teaching so far. Eh. It's only been a few weeks though.


Yes he's japanese. And he has that digital jisho thing with him at all times.

>> No.2852400

My Japanese tutor always had a 電子辞書 with her as well. I actually bought one for myself as a gift for passing JLPT3 ^^;

Is your teacher one-on-one or in a classroom setting? If it's a classroom you are wasting your time IMO. If it's one-on-one just tell him it's okay to pick up the pace a little bit. I did with my tutor.

>> No.2852412


And its the same deal with my other teachers as well.

Art, music, cooking..

>> No.2852424


It's a classroom. But there's only 4 of us

>> No.2852437

Some basic places:

Dictionary: http://www.df.lth.se/cgi-bin/j-e/jis/dict
Kanji: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ik2r-myr/kanji/kanji1a.htm
Grammar: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/index.html#contents
Test yourself: http://www.e-japanese.jp/

I use books too, but save those for when you actually take a class (which you should).

>> No.2852452

Remembering the Kanji vol1 for writing/meaning of the jouyou kanji

I'm one month and ~1700 kanji in, and I assure you all of the fanatic-sounding reviews of it are genuine. Also, memorize the kana, like anon said, before anything else.

>> No.2852453 [DELETED] 

I use Genki + Tae Kim + All About Particles at the same time for grammar. Sometimes I don't understand something in one book and the others may explain it better. If I don't understand it from either, I just look it up online.

For kanji, Kanjidicks + Anki

>> No.2852457

> 電子辞書

putting japanese kanji into your sentences when the majority of /jp/ have no clue what it mean just makes you look stupid. the emoticon doesn't help either.

and incase you're going to try come back with "learn japanese bullshit", yes i know that translates to electornic dictionary.

>> No.2852461

>My Japanese tutor always had a 電子辞書 with her as well
Aha, I see.

>> No.2852463

I use Genki + Tae Kim + All About Particles at the same time for grammar. Sometimes I don't understand something in one book and the others may explain it better. If I don't understand it from any, I look it up online.

For kanji, Kanjidicks + Anki

Though this is working for me, I can't swear by it for anyone else as I'm still early on in my studies.

>> No.2852465


Get Rikaichan faggot

>> No.2852487


>I'm one month and ~1700 kanji in

What? Is that even possible?

>> No.2852495

Rikaichan. Download it, faggot.

>> No.2852498

>i irete random nippon words into my sentences because it makes watashi look sugoi kawaii kawaii and totemo intelligent.

Seriously I thought some fansubbers were bad... I don't even know if you're trying to troll.

>> No.2852491

He is fucking lying or learning it 24/7

>> No.2852516

>My 日本語 tutor いつも had a 電子辞書 with her as well。 私 actually bought one for 私 as a 贈り物 for passing JLPT3 ^^;
Made your sentence even more sugoi nihongo. No need to ありがとう me ^_____^.

>> No.2852528
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You forgot the translator note

>> No.2852530



>> No.2852546

I have a question. How does one memorise the strokes in kanji? Simply memorizing is getting a bit tiring.

>> No.2852558


Wow, butthurt, much? I wasn't even the same guy as>>2852400.

He put electronic dictionary in Japanese, who cares? It's not like he wrote the whole sentence in it.If you don't have Rikaichan or know Japanese you probably shouldn't be here anyway.

>> No.2852572

I have a question. Why does stroke order even matter? I hear it is important, but it doesn't make a difference when reading so what gives?

>> No.2852598


It matters for writing it.

>> No.2852609

It absolutely is. I would have been done with the book a few days ago, but I lost motivation for about a week, which caused me to have spend another couple of days after it reviewing to compensate for the inactivity.

To be clear, though, RtK vol1 is writing and meaning ONLY, not the readings. It's good because it uses a great mnemonic system, but the readings are really not much better than just associating random sounds with random symbols, so it definitely doesn't cover that. I'm considering getting some Yotsuba/other furigana'd up manga to learn the readings, rather than trying RtK vol2.

>> No.2852618

Rikaichan? How about just using the reverse-lookup feature with the JP IME. Both Windows and OS X versions can do it.

Not sure about Windows but OS X also has built-in Japanese dictionaries. Highlight kanji, select lookup in dictionary.

>> No.2852646
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>> No.2852665


Well part of the reason I liked the Kanjidicks menthod is the order it teaches you Kanji. It makes it easier to learn stroke order since it groups radicals you already know together. Like early on you learn 女(woman), and then learn子(child). And then shortly after that you learn 好(like) which is just the combination of 女 and子. Since you already know both, remembering how to write 好 isn't too difficult.

I don't think it's too difficult to learn the basic stroke order of them. I just write it out for a bit, while repeating the meaning/readings. It becomes natural after awhile, and I've noticed that the way Kanji are written does seem to follow somewhat consistent rules.

>> No.2852676

For anyone interested, that's basically the same method as RtK, so everything I said about that probably applies to this thing, too.

>> No.2852678

I know the kanji being a chinafag. It is a ripoff of Chinese really.

>> No.2852687

This 当たってた!

>> No.2852694

Yes, just like English is a ripoff of Latin, German, French, etc etc

>> No.2852696

putting random japanese words into your sentences just makes out you want to show everyone you know glorious wapanese. its not smart and just makes you look stupid. look at >>2852528 for example.

>> No.2852710

I've been living in Japan for the last year and I still hate Kanji

>> No.2852721

Read All About Particles.

>> No.2852725

please tell random anon how to move to japan and live there permanently

>> No.2852741


I dont think AAP is something for the novice.

I mean that was one of the first books I downloaded when I started to learn Japanese and it was just confusing as fuck. I think it's better used a supplement, or something you read for further clarification after you've gone through something like Genki and/or Tae Kim.

>> No.2852766

There's a problem with being wapanese?

>> No.2852769


Study a Japanese course at University, then get a job in banking.

Or have japanese parents.

>> No.2852779

Graduate from college, get teaching job in Japan, marry Japanese chick, have babies.

>> No.2852802


English teachers without a legit teaching degree dont' get paid alot...

Right now i'm doing a volunteer service teaching children music. The english teacher here- Well he sucks. I'm contemplating taking over the english even if it doesn't pay.

>> No.2852811


Be sure to have plenty, they could use the population boost.

>> No.2852886

Even the Japanese cannot finish remembering the kanji
Take it easy
