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File: 72 KB, 792x586, Yukihime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2848304 No.2848304 [Reply] [Original]

Sluttier than Sakura.

>> No.2848310


>> No.2848319

Sengoku Rance is a very feminist game. Even the scriptwriter is female.

>> No.2848323

It's censored. >>2848310 reported for faggotry.

>> No.2848336


I see a nipple. You ought to get glasses.

Also why is she dirty? That's gross.

>> No.2848345

You mean you can see without glasses? Get out.

>> No.2848342

Does he ever run out of pandas

>> No.2848364

I liked her writing in the game. All that tragic heroine stuff.

But we all know Rance is the true hero and she is but smalltime in comparison.

>> No.2848366

no, king of mutants has more than enough pandas.

>> No.2848368

Not who you are replying to, but FUCK YOU FOUR EYES

>> No.2848382


Not everyone on 4chan is fucking blind

>> No.2848385

I've posted before, but I liked Hakkin's character clear. He finally finds a waifu who accepts him, and they live happily together. GOOD END.

...and then a few turns later I got him killed by the Demon Army. ;_;

>> No.2848399

Are you guys still going on about this? What is the difference between her and Rance? They barely care about who it is as long as they can get their freak on.

Good joke.

>> No.2848416

I'm sure it was a manly death of a man who has finally found something to protect. His sacrifice was not in vain.

>> No.2848413

I was just about to finish conquering them when Tenshi declared war on me. Couldn't handle a battle on 2 fronts so I had to force surrender. No seducing her with my hyper weapon ;_;

>> No.2848419

Actually, she started doing this for revenge, and the goes crazy.
Rance is a sane guy doing what he desires.
Completely different things, dunno why even comparing them.

>> No.2848434

The difference is that she lacks the hyper weapon.

>> No.2848444

I wish I had a hyper weapon.

>> No.2848464

How many waves of Pandas does Hakkin send out?

>> No.2848473

>Rance is a sane guy

I wouldn't go THAT far.

>> No.2848476


one more than you can fight back.

>> No.2848497

Anyone got a save file with full gold, full cg, etc.

>> No.2848631

what's the story here? she ran away after i took over her country.

>> No.2848658

Why is she so dirty?The normal Yukihime scene has her totally clean...

>> No.2848667

Then she whored herself out just to take revenge and lost her mind.

>> No.2848666


>> No.2848675


This is a different scene where she fucks her father.

>> No.2848691


how do you get that scene?

>> No.2848697


>> No.2848709

I thought that didn't look like Hakkin, he's in better shape.

Gotta love how Sengoku Rance violates really EVERYTHING Equality Now wants to ban. Play Rance in silent protest against sexist women!

>> No.2848723
File: 6 KB, 161x231, good job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what all Anons dream of.

Have your own daughter and have sex with her!

>> No.2848733 [DELETED] 

OP here. I agree with most posts in this thread, but you can find out more here: www.andontalk.com (remove the "d")

> sgggyfkdmcjfnddghhimsdihhfoljhjdofofjd

>> No.2848778

the really funny thing is that it's just a game.Treating game characters like real and saying that they have rights or something is totally retarded.

>> No.2848791


they don't. They're concerned that people who play these games are more likely to commit real rapes. Which is pretty much just as stupid.

>> No.2848802

Right now they jerk off to their raping games.

I wonder what they will do when here are no more raping games.

Prepare for immense BAAAW`ìng when the feminists daughter got raped.

>> No.2848812

jerk off to rape doujin. Games are just a small part of the rape fetish market anyway. Not like some extremist american women association would know.

>> No.2848814

inb4 stupid ass arguments

>> No.2848819

I just told them in their forum.
Thanks for the hint.

>> No.2848845

What's wrong? Too SLUT for you?

>> No.2848860

I would still marry her.

>> No.2848866

No just kinda feeling sorry for her

>> No.2848878

same here

if I hate Sengoku Rance for something,it's because the supposed "most beautiful girl" became the "most slutty girl"

>> No.2848885

So, how does it feel being trolled by a mere whore? Weaksauce motherfuckers.

>> No.2848918

Bitch should have suicided after the rape instead of forcing countries at war against me

>> No.2848965

Now that you mentioned it, I just realized that the only person to rape her was Rance. She willingly gave her body to Hakkin and was too slutty to be concidered raped after her escape.

>> No.2849039

> I would still marry her.
Don't, she's a bad girl.

>> No.2849060


>> No.2849068

You're stupid.
As the fucking conqueror of JAPAN you can have better and, more importantly, MORE women as your waifus.
Why settle for some used whore wich will constantly try to kill you in your sleep ?

>> No.2849129

But Rance, being Rance, will blow up all the money, honor and dignity. When he becomes too old and weak to take up a sword again, he will most likely die alone, with not even a copper, and hated by every single woman walking the planet.

>> No.2849134

>grow old


Fucker hasn't aged a damn bit. I hates that guy.

I hope he gets erectile dysfunction.

>> No.2849138

I too hates that guy, Toki.

It is out of envys.

>> No.2849141

There are some women who love him too much to ever leave him alone,like Sill.

>> No.2849142

Sill will always be with him. Lia, Magic and Maria too.

>> No.2849149 [SPOILER] 
File: 179 KB, 600x900, 524313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irony and Retribution should be his end(Redemption?).

Gaze upon this picture and you will agree with me.

>> No.2849154

Cum is not worksafe.

>> No.2849159

what is this

>> No.2849158 [SPOILER] 
File: 493 KB, 1600x1200, 499057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is... as it should be.

>> No.2849166 [SPOILER] 
File: 615 KB, 800x1066, 3266935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious japanese pixiv.

>> No.2849171

Is this true?

>> No.2849172

Lies. She'll become a good girl again if you rape her tenderly and nurse her back to sanity ;_;

>> No.2849176 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 600x771, gyoniku083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone were to rape and impregnate Rance, would anybody complain?

Yessssss... I can see Rance shattered for life.

>> No.2849178

Rance is a homo

>> No.2849199

b-b-b-but I p-prefer her to b-be s-slutty...

>> No.2849207

Please explain.

>> No.2849221


>> No.2849229

you can save her you faggots.. and by "save" i mean Hyper weapon is included
>In Second Games, a few turns after defeating the Asai Asakura, Princess Snow will use her body to influence another house to go to war against the player. This can be prevented by recruiting her father Asakura Yoshikage, raising his relationship to Trust, and pick an exploration command in Texas before the first house fights you due to her influence.

>> No.2849234

sup KS dev? Now that KS is done, what are you up to next?

>> No.2849238

basically it's better to save her,since that gets rid of unexpected war declarations from countries you don't wanna fight with yet,plus it gets you closer to Yoshikage's chara clear,which provides a fine NP bonus.

>> No.2849259

>Look Ma! I am trolling!


>> No.2849265


>> No.2849276

why should he be?l2troll

>> No.2849282

>Look Ma! I'm being trolled!


>> No.2849286
File: 35 KB, 150x150, BEST HERO EVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trolls trolling trolls

>> No.2849289

OP here. I agree with most posts in this thread, but you can find out more here: www.andontalk.com (remove the "d")

> bkfbnjjogknnhjhgfggvsgnfsgdmfn

>> No.2849294

KS devs everywhere.

>> No.2849301
File: 151 KB, 430x615, trollz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2849307
File: 713 KB, 1400x2500, fate-stay-night_103742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me,just being pure and innocent in a "good girl" thread

>> No.2849314

I wish they had given her better stats. It would've been nice to use her as an actual unit.

>> No.2849321

I still use her for defence till I use up all other 29 commander slots,since aoe heal saves up some money I'd normally use for heal during my turn.

>> No.2849407

there is a "You can kill Toukichirou" -the monkey - option bonus when you start a new 2nd game, when can you kill beast and how? i fucking hate the little bastard. and by killing him can i prevent him from stealing the urns and thus take my time?

>> No.2849489

Suddenly, an image of Sakurav raping Yukihime with shadow tentacles popped up in my mind.

>> No.2849519

Turn 8. You replace him with a new monkey though.

>> No.2849785

Shit.. at least i can kill off the little bugger
