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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2846582 No.2846582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oi, Janitor, do your fucking job correctly.

Katawa Shoujo is the essence of /jp/.

>> No.2846588

moot agreed dont bother him about it

>> No.2846595
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I like Hanako and want to see her in a wedding dress.

>> No.2846597
File: 117 KB, 845x1024, japanese janitor 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese janitor deleting the wrong threads.

>> No.2846608

<Sanakan> I want to lock Janitor-kun in my bedroom, take away her drugs, and hug her through the detox
<Sanakan> except Janitor-kun isn't a nijura maid so I should stop thinking these things

>> No.2846621

You know, I have been following this little projects for years now, and I like it. But you ramming the threads here with no clear purpose does not help its image.

Please do post when you have something relevant to talk about.

>> No.2846622

I don't mind Katawa Shoujo threads as long as the first page isn't filled with them all talking about chocolate. Don't see why it gets all the hate. The writing may not be the best thing on the planet but it's far from the worst.

>> No.2846623

I want to give the janitor a big warm hug

>> No.2846628

>Katawa Shoujo is the essence of /jp/.
I almost laughed.

>> No.2846629

The janitor is deleting /ks/ garbage now? Fucking finally.

>> No.2846632

oi, stick around long enough i'll see what i can whip up

>> No.2846633

I think the KS Devs should get together with TakaJun and translate something fucking useful, like Leaf games.

>> No.2846634

Much like megatokyo is the essence of /a/.

>> No.2846637

And ramming the same old touhou topics in here with no clear purpose helps, right?

>> No.2846648

talk about hitting the nail on the head. i say the same damn thing to myself all the time. without mehatokyo, danboru or gelburu /a/ would be slow as mollasses

>> No.2846650

Thank you janitor. I was worried the KS thread might get in the way of the dozens of contentless Touhou threads.

>> No.2846656

I have to admit janitor is doing a great job by deleting KS shit.

>> No.2846662
File: 538 KB, 944x902, 3592079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I even say those were a good thing?

I applaud when someone talks about the games. When I see circle jerk ones, I am not amused.

Mind you, I LOVE Touhou.

>> No.2846675

I'm quite depressed by the current state of /jp/. Shit threads everywhere, tripfags who forgot the meaning of trolling, hell, everyone forgot it's meaning. I never thought summer would be so harmful, so I'm leaving for now, maybe check the ghost board every now and then.
You all should realize the harm you're doing.

>> No.2846690

I'd hug you

>> No.2846695

I think he was being sarcastic. At least I hope he was.

>> No.2846706

I don't like the KS hate in /jp/ (CLEARLY NOTHING MORE TO DISCUSS ABOUT KS OR ANY OTHER VN UNLESS YOU WERE HERE FIVE MINUTES AFTER IT WAS RELEASED fucked ur touhou nhuurrr) but ragespamming KS threads does nothing to help.

>> No.2846707

You never actually know. Damn uncertainty.

>> No.2846710


Wait really?


>> No.2846711


Things are grim indeed, but it's easy to pass the blame. Instead of leaving us and letting your space be taken by a dozen more shit posters, why not try harder. You'll be doing a service to all your fellow posters that look with disbelief at the current front page.
But I understand if you don't want to bother.
Good luck Anonymous, I'll see you around someday.

>> No.2846723

sage sage sage

>> No.2846727

Easy to say when the janitor's deleting shit that...

Yeah I can see this isn't going to go anywhere. The only shit that isn't discussed here is KS because /jp/'s feeling elitist as usual (hey you're really like japan now!), and untranslated eroge because nobody knows enough moonrunes or how to work AGHT and so we're stick discussing the handful of translated VNs constantly.

The board is totally fucking stagnant.

>> No.2846737

Sage does nothing.

Sage because I do not have anything worthwhile to say.

>> No.2846732

I don't think it's hate towards KS itself, but to it's fanbase and trolls taking advantage of this hate. You'll never know if those threads were actually made by someone who hates KS pretending to like it enraging people some more anons hate it. Then again, you'll never know, that's why ignoring is the safest of options.

>> No.2846749

I'll do my best then, trying to improve /jp/. It can't do harm to try, right?

>> No.2846753 [DELETED] 

weeaboo scum.
