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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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28440 No.28440 [Reply] [Original]

Can /jp/ explain something to me? Why are western made first person shooters, rpgs, and games like Warhammer 40,000 explosively popular everywhere EXCEPT Japan?

Why is Japan the oddball here? Do the Japs just have a massive superiority complex about their own stuff, are these game too western, or what?

>> No.28561
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Yeah FPS are not too popular in Japan.

Though, amusingly, one of my favorite artists is a 360 and Halo fan.

>> No.28586
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>>28507 PCs aren't that common,

>> No.29018
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Worry not, Master Cirno will save the day!

>> No.28445

Because japan is faggot

>> No.28449

different strokes for different folks - its just the way it is - it would be boring if everyone liked the same stuff.

>> No.28457

I think Halo is a pretty cool guy eh, kills aliens and doenst afraid of anything

>> No.28458

Hell if I can explain it. It's not a matter of them thinking "we hate non-japanese games", it's just.. the whole mindset is different. That kind of stuff just doesn't appeal to them, the same way their hordes of endless GRINDAN GAMES don't appeal to most anyone else.

>> No.28451

stupid games are stupid.

>> No.28478

only amrikka leik big exploding boom

>> No.28485

not kawaii enough

>> No.28482

The old statement used to be that the Japanese don't like FPS because they tend to suffer motion sickness more frequently than Western gamers. I don't really know if it's true, though.

>> No.28491

You mean all of Korea's GRINDAN GAEMS

>> No.28495

it's the land of the loli games. why would they want to play a game brute game like warhammer.

>> No.28507

they have a whole different gaming legacy, whereas "Western" games/rpgs have an American-dominated legacy. it's simply a matter of being used to one over the other. in the same way, most American/Western gamers won't play Japanese-style games.

also, PCs aren't that common, and PC gaming even less so, so that cuts out part of the potential audience.

>> No.28503


But they do well everywhere except Japan.

>> No.28517

Actually, I heard an interview with a Japanese game developer and he said that it was a couple of things. First, the violence in American media is just too senseless. In Japanese media across the board, anime, manga, video games what have you, you will have these two sides who are bitter enemies and over the course of the battle they will reach an understanding about why the other is fighting. Western media tends to gloss over this issue the badguys fight because the prophet said so, becuase WE'ZE IS ORKS etc.

Also, western video games are too hard. This might sound counterintuitive coming from the land of "bullet hell" shooters, but American games crank up difficulty to a level that frustrates the Japanese gamer.

>> No.28519

I personally suffer 3D motion sickness when I'm stuck in FPS games. I think Japanese people are starting to open up to FPS though. You can see some FPS games like call of duty 4 and bioshock gameplay movie making up to the rankings page in niconicodouga

>> No.28526

>Also, western video games are too hard. This might sound counterintuitive coming from the land of "bullet hell" shooters, but American games crank up difficulty to a level that frustrates the Japanese gamer.

You lost me. Seriously.

>> No.28528

It's because they, unlike most young people on the planet, can not read English.
Amazing, huh?

>> No.28541


It's true, when Japanese games a localized to America. One of the first things they do is alter the game to MAKE IT HARDER. In the first Resident Evil, the developers reduced the number of typewriter ribbons and items in the game. To make it harder.

>> No.28535

Hmm Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden ring a bell?

>> No.28536

I see a lot of people standing around watching the BioShock trailer in Akiba. I want to tell them YOU SHOULD HAVE PLAYED SYSTEM SHOCK 2 but I don't think they'd understand.

Also, I'm not sure including a scene in the trailer where the guy pulls a little sister out of the wall and then slams his wrench in his hand threateningly at her appeals to the japanese market. Japan liek cute rapeable loli, not dirty murder victim loli.

>> No.28551

Point taken. Fucking Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.28556


do the words final fantasy "2" mean anything to you

>> No.28557

>>28507 also, PCs aren't that common

What? They all use Macs, then?

>> No.28555

Actually PC "gaming" is the most common form of gaming in Japan, but their PCs are the lowest powered "videogame console" they own.

From Wikipedia:
>Visual novels and ADVs are especially prevalent in Japan, where they make up nearly 70% of PC games released.

>> No.28575


I think he means PC gaming.

>> No.28597

Actually, whenever I come across an otaku blog, I can usually find them talking about Halo at one point or another. It's just not mainstream.

>> No.28598

PCs are a niche market for gaming in Japan. Yes, there are plenty of people with PCs, but there are way, way more console gamers percentage-wise than in the US.

>> No.28615

It's funny, FPS games are not popular in Japan. However, Gears of War was a HUGE success retailers couln't keep it on the shelves.

>> No.28746

You misunderstand, it's a PS3 game, Japanese computers can't even run modern computer FPSs, it's no surprise that they'd want to try one out.

>> No.28755


Oh Looking Glass, we lost something great when we lost you.

>> No.28778

>>28746 Japanese computers can't even run modern computer FPSs
Have you seen the requirements of Time Leap?

>> No.28891

Here's what i think:

Japan's history is a violent a bloody one, what with all the feudal lords and all the swords and samurai shit. Japan's literature is all about swords and samurai shit. The very culture of japan springs from a romantic era.

American history is much shorter, but still filled with violence.

i believe shootan gaems are popular in america because our very culture revolves around guns. Note most of the classic american literature comes from a war or characters that use guns as opposed to anything else.

>> No.28913

some reasonable and reasonably informed speculations here
(ctrl-f down to 'It seems that Western')

>> No.28919

koreans, then vietnamese, forgot guam, mexico, cuba, and a host of insurgent conflicts

>> No.28934

It's kind of the same in the whole individual vs group mentality difference. While both countries had violent histories, American history revolved around individuals or small groups staking their claims, the whole 'wild west cowboy' ideal and all that. Sure it's greatly romanticized in media but it's kind of the mentality that got the US to where it is (survival of the fittest, look out for #1, etc).

Meanwhile Japan is all "do what's best for your society, find your role and do the best you can". FPS shooters: running around as an individual clearing a path on your own terms. Japanese grindin' games: repeating a task over and over because it's the role you were handed by society.

>> No.28998

So Japanese shooters aren't about flying around as an individual clearing a path on your own terms?

>> No.29026

>>Japanese shooters
Like? All I can think of is Earth Defense Force, you can tell what the game is like from the title.

>> No.29061

Can she graze through enemy bullets?

>> No.29085

I dunno. I noticed games marketed toward Korean players tend to have alot of built-in cheese and exploits.

I remember some game called Gun-something where the American designers built it in so you could skip attack frame animations with a glitch they put there on purpose. Called it K-style gaming.

Why Koreans seem to like blizzard games so much because they are shitty and glitchy and easy to exploit.

>> No.29079

>But these are all things worth considering if you’re Hell bent on tailoring your game to Japanese audiences. The best advice is, probably, don’t try. A bad copy is always inferior to a failed original, and I think you’ll find the Japanese market more receptacle to a quirky new high concept than a Western made JRPG or similar dross. If your goal is to make a Japanese game I’m afraid there is little chance of doing any better than the Japanese themselves.

This is pretty good advice. I think one of the things we westerners sometimes fail to realize is the sheer multitude of jrpgs there are. What are some good jrpgs that became well-loved over here? You've got your Chrono Trigger, your various Final Fantasies, maybe a Valkyrie Profile or something.. in Japan, take every RPG you've ever heard of and multiply it by five hundred. There are endless rows upon rows upon rows of RPGs for every single console. Most of them are probably crap, but there are always people to play each and every one. It's a huge sea of RPGs, each with their seemingly cookiecutter-assembled cast of plucky young characters. Hell, even the PSP has roughly a metric billion out for it. PSP's remarkably more popular over here, it's kind of scary...

>> No.29209

2d shooters, the bullet hell stuff.
