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2836350 No.2836350 [Reply] [Original]

What's your predictions for episode 5 anon?

I'm betting it will be a re-telling of episode 3.

>> No.2836353

Pendragon will be featured

>> No.2836363

Goldsmith will be the new protagonist.

>> No.2836384

Siesta558's past
More LOL I TROLL U by Beato
More Rosa being tortured by magic
Insert new demon/witch here

>> No.2836393

I think it's going to be something about Episode 1. But that's just my idea.

>> No.2836399

Proof that shannon and kanon are two different people.

>> No.2836403

I'm hoping for large amounts of Lambda and Bern.

>> No.2836415

Lambdadelta getting anally raped by Bern.

>> No.2836427

I know it's a false hope, but Battler actually being serious about winning would be nice.

>> No.2836433

Wasn't this already proved a few times or do you require battler seeing them both at the same time or beato saying it in red?

>> No.2836529

Ryu-chan said in an interview that the biggest improvement in the Fantasy vs Mystery battle will be that Battler will ACTUALLY START FIGHTING BACK.

>> No.2836540
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>> No.2836568

I'll believe it when I see it. I mean his sister sacrifices herself for him and the best he can come up with is small bombs?

>> No.2836578 [DELETED] 

This place sucks. You should check out the best site on the WWW instead:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2836581

Although this is just a blind guess on my part, I'm betting we'll see the answer arc for Episode 3 first, then 1, then 2, then 4. 2 and 4 just seem like they contain far too many answers for them to come up first. 3 is the odd man out, since we already have a fair idea of the culprit, we just need to clear a few things up.

Although, I'm guessing Episode 5 is gonna have a bit of backstory. If my theory that Jessica is actually Asumu's daughter pans out, I'm betting we don't get shown her story or see what she looks like for a few more episodes.

I think we might learn a bit more about Kyrie and/or Rudolph in Episode 5 though, now that we somewhat know what it was Rudolph wanted to talk to Battler and Kyrie about in Episode 1. Even money Battler is Kyrie's son.

>> No.2836583

Is episode 5 the last episode?
If so, Battler would be killing Beatrice then.
He stated so in red in ep4.

I have a feeling that Beato will just let Battler kill her without defending with some extra red.

>> No.2836587

No, it'll stretch until Episode 8 probably.

And I bet Beato's going to get out alive, while Lambda and Bern get killed.

>> No.2836597

Really doubt it. There's still alot of backstory to fill in, regarding Battler, Asumu, who Beatrice is, the epitaph, who the killers are, their motivations...

>> No.2836602


Beatrice was just putting on an act at the end of the 4th game. And she might actually come close to winning the next game since both Bern and Lambda are saying she has no chance of winning. And in umineko, the higher the odds, the greater the magic

>> No.2836606

from what I caught. Beato isn't an actual witch (ep3 tearoom), while Bern and Lamb are. She probably "die" once Battler solve the mystery, since she doesn't exist to start with. I can see nothing, but bad end for her. dam...

>> No.2836613
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>Lambda and Bern get killed.

>> No.2836616

>>He stated so in red in ep4.

Is that really red? Does that even count? Come on its just a picture of a red text, not THE red text.

>> No.2836624

Destroying someone's Iron Will and tricking Miracles would be a little hard...

>> No.2836644

I wonder how will they animate this. Red text, blue text etc. Will there be some sub title with different color below the screen?
But this series would be kinda shit if they just cut of the meta world part.

>> No.2836661
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It is going to end with Battler and Beatrice turning against Bern and Lambda, and creating a miracle despite the astronomical odds against them, maybe thanks to a final spell Kinzo put into place or the epitaph or something. That 'one in a quadrillion' chance. If you buy into the idea that Beatrice is a second personality hidden in someone's mind, the prizes of the epitaph, particularly the 'putting the witch to rest for all eternity' kind of make sense, putting it in the context of healing whatever wound made her necessary in the first place.

Battler x Shannon. You heard it here first. He even said she was probably his first crush. If Beatrice is in her mind, that might explain why Beatrice hates Shannon so much for going out with George. 'Reviving the lost love' and Battler's 'sin' are probably referring to Battler promising to come back and marry Shannon someday, but of course he's forgotten since it was just a silly comment and it was 6 years ago.

>> No.2836680

I approve of your theory.

>> No.2836695

But then who was Kanon?

>> No.2836727

>>Battler and Beatrice turning against Bern and Lambda, and creating a miracle despite the astronomical odds against them

ok.. how would that work? They just say LOL screw the game and both walk out? or will they play the game in tag team mode now and Beatrice try denying the witch existence as well?

Your Battler = Beatrice theory and killing people because of his alternate ego's RAGE from losing his love sounds interesting.

>> No.2836741

Just who he was said to be probably. I don't know if he's one of the killers, and was somehow indoctrinated super fast by Kinzo, or if he's actually trying to stop the killers like some have theorized. Should point out that he doesn't approve of George either.

>> No.2836746

I still don't like the "Jessica is actually Asumu's daughter" theory. The "Jessica is actually Beato's daughter" is more fun. The Beato that died in 1967 that is.
Not there are any hints that favor one theory over the other so far.

>> No.2836757

I just want to see more magic fights.

>> No.2836773
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>ok.. how would that work?

Who knows? It's called a miracle for a reason. It defies common sense.

>Your Battler = Beatrice theory and killing people because of his alternate ego's RAGE from losing his love sounds interesting.

Uh, read again. I was trying to say that Shannon = Beatrice. Battler probably said something crazy the last time he came to the island, like 'I'll come back riding on a white horse to marry you' or something along those lines. But then shit happened, he left the family and that was forgotten. Since Beatrice didn't 'exist' 6 years ago, we can assume that she was created in Shannon's mind sometime after. Maybe as a means of relieving stress since she got bullied alot.

I just remembered something important. In Episode 4, the Beatrice that Battler met referred to herself as 'the Ushiromiya family's furniture'. But the servants always referred to her as someone of equal standing as Kinzo, if not greater.

>> No.2836888

In the end, Battler will explain everything with _____love.
And the ocean around will change into a deep blue.
When the seagulls cry

>> No.2836924

Think about the name of Beatrice, Bernkastel and Lambdadelta as different parties. They are all involved in the killings, yet the main factor is Beatrice whose aim is still unknown, but she is the one who is the ultimate culprit in this game. For Beato's doing please see Ep2.
Lambdadelta is a neutral side who only care about her own good. This party is usually not triggered, the most passive side. But when something does awakens it, this side has the most clear goal, and the most straightforward methods. See Ep4.
Bernkastel is the craftiest party, and this side accepts any help willingly. They don't care about the casualties and tries to put the blame on others. It has a complex reason for these doings, which is still unknown. Mainly present in Ep3, but their plan somehow backfired.
Ep1 is the game where both Beatrice and Bernkastel is present.

How is it Anon?

>> No.2837039

I think it's an interesting way to look at things. Certainly different from everything else I've seen.

Try to continue with that line of thinking and tell us what you come up with.

>> No.2837179

I definitely think the sin relates to his stupid behavior six years ago, and amounted to something trivial, but I don't think it was to Shannon, or involved an actual "promise." 'Beatrice' said that Battler's sin was forgetting, in and of itself, and simply remembering would be total atonement. For a promise, you'd think he'd also have to actually, you know, fulfill his promise on top of that to make it up.

What makes the most sense to me when considering that is that the person who was deeply affected by Battler's rambling six years ago is just flat out someone he's forgotten, who simply wants him to remember her. That would also tie into the 'without love, it can't be seen' anvil we're hit with over and over.

>> No.2837181

I'd guess the answer arcs are going to start with Ep 3, too. It seems the most likely one that could be solved while giving the least away in the big picture.

>> No.2837187

On the same note as above, an interesting observation- Shannon and George have never died on the second twilight. The victims are supposed to be 'the two who are close' but George and Shannon always die on some other twilight, and usually separately. Might this be implying they aren't as close as they appear?

>> No.2837200

It's been thoroughly demonstrated that the ritual is a bunch of crap to begin with, so I wouldn't put too much stock into that.

>> No.2837204

Well, Battler joining up with Beato against the other two is something predictable, so the very first thing he has to do is getting a grip, who Beatrice is on the game board. Then again, this side MAY be capable of being an ally. Rule X in Higurashi was Rika's friend going crazy and murdering her before anything else. So if this time Battler has a forgotten friend, who happen to go against him may be a hidden ally for him, a fake enemy. So the rule X of Umineko is Beatrice's identity. It influences the other rules as well.
Now, what was rule Y in Higurashi? The factor that triggered rule X. And what may it be? I can think of two thing: One is the inheritance fight between the siblings and the other is the first twilight itself. Seemingly the first twilight trying to follow the epiath, but it may only be a mere coincidence that 6 people were killed at the same time (I'm talking about Ep1 where everything is present). But it is still a little blurry to me. Ep4 board Beatrice said that his sin is not something what he did against her. So she may have no motive at all. But if she sees something related to the epitaph, she may want to finish what once has started (occult version with past). The other version, the inheritance fight is where Beatrice cares about Kinzo's wealth, but ends up on a not so beneficial position (wealth-selfish improvised version), yet I don't think either of these two is possible. Most likely the wealth tag influences the Bern and Lambda party while the occult is in touch with Beato. In other words, rule Y is the trigger of rule X which sets the crazy Beatrice free.

>> No.2837209

Well then, rule Z is something what is linking them together. This is the strongest rule. And the most simple one. The whole rivalry between family. From this will born the Lambda and Bern factor, which are to cause rule Y to happen. But this is a special case, because once Y is triggered, X will happen, but X again linked to Z and X will deepen Z even more.
From fantasy aspect Beatrice is the Endless Witch, because the three rules are not linear, but linked to each other in a circle and you cannot defeat a single one without the other's help. You either remove all rules, or one of the three parties starts working.

>> No.2837249

Yeah, but the thing is Battler can't be the only one forgetting in that case. EVERYONE has to be forgetting or purposefully omitting this person from their conversation. The only possibility I can see is if it's one of those other '-on' servants, but they have had little mention and aren't supposed to be on the island.

And Beatrice said 'Technically it isn't a crime. But from your action, a wiggle was created in the cogs stretching back a whole six years and as a result, this many lives are lost.' Whatever Battler did, it started a spiral of events that led up to this. And it's something relevant to Rokkenjima. And most importantly, even though Beatrice has stated clearly that she 'didn't exist to Battler six years ago' and 'the sin I want you to remember is not between Battler and Beatrice' she clearly has a grudge. And she's obviously got some major envy of Shannon and issues regarding men in general. She delights in torturing Kanon with doubt, and from the conversation she had with Battler, it sounds like Kinzo's been treating her rather forcefully (at least while he was alive...).

And think about it. Shannon has been working for the Ushiromiya family since she was SIX. Who the hell hires a six year old? And yet she works directly for Kinzo. Hmm....

>> No.2837271

Yes, but such a thing is far from impossible, it actually has precedence: we've seen that from the existence of Homunculus Beatrice and hell, even Original Beatrice, holed up without anyone besides Kinzo and a select few of the servants knowing. And think about it: if someone was deeply isolated, wouldn't it mean that much more when someone notices you and interacts with you in what you perceive to be a meaningful way, and that much more hurtful when they appear to have completely forgotten?

But yes, she definitely has issues in being jealous of Shannon and/or Kanon, but I don't see how that's evidence that she IS Shannon.

>> No.2837290

Wasn't Kohaku six?

>> No.2837293

The problem here is the whole '17 people on the island' issue. If she's someone who has been kept hidden, then we need to have yet ANOTHER trick in store for us, like Kanon=Shannon. Unless she got off the island herself somehow, and uh... comes back to kill everyone? She could possibly slip through the apparent loophole that the dead aren't being counted on the game board, but Beato said in red that there were 17 people on the island at the start of each game.

Honestly, I think it is possible that people ARE coming onto the island after the first twilight (Episode 2's ending seemed to imply this), but if anything, they are working for the killers, or maybe the Sumadera family.

>> No.2837316

Kinzo died before the start of each game. If there was another 'Beatrice' being held captive by him, wouldn't it make sense if that 'Beatrice' got the hell out of dodge once Kinzo was dead? As for appearing after the start of the game, given her behavior, I think it's believable she might have went back to see Battler after hearing he actually went to Rokkenjima for the first time in six years.

>> No.2837317

She also has the one-winged eagle tattooed on her leg, doesn't she? Seems a bit much for a servant to me, especially since it's technically supposed to be a temporary thing. What, 3 years and then you're gone? I've chalked it up to nothing more than "oh, design hurr" but maybe it is more relevant?

>> No.2837326

There's also this red text to think about
# Come on, Ushiromiya Battler, kneel
# If you accept me, all of the riddles will be resolved
# With my power, any kind of closed room can be created, and destroyed[!!]
# I'll make you my favorite furniture
# I'll love you so much, and make you my toy until you turn to ashes

And also this one
# I keep my promises unlike some

>> No.2837338


Crazy idea here. Beatrice is indeed someone else, who spent years hidden on the island, and comes onto the island at some point after the game begins. She's also 'Kinzo', Kinzo having made her his heir after all his children didn't live up to his expectations. When Kinzo died, Krauss removed Beatrice from the island, putting her in a boarding school somewhere to keep her out of the family's sight. However, Beatrice had been harboring a grudge for all those years, after she met Battler by chance, and maybe he promised to come back to her or rescue her in some way. And obviously never did.

Since Krauss is probably trying to set things up so that he can usurp her spot as the next head, she takes action, setting up bribes for the servants, calling on their loyalties to the true successor, and has them begin killing the family while she sneaks onto the island just ahead of the storm.

The random factor here is when she arrives, or if she arrives at all (she doesn't seem to have made it in Episode 3, but seemingly got there early in Ep2 and 4).

>> No.2837362

># Come on, Ushiromiya Battler, kneel
And Battler really did kneel, the red is true
># If you accept me, all of the riddles will be resolved
Resolved for him, who accepted the magic
># With my power, any kind of closed room can be created, and destroyed
If you accept magic, of course. She recreated the second twilight's room in Ep1 after all...
># I'll make you my favorite furniture
If you accept him Battler...
># I'll love you so much, and make you my toy until you turn to ashes
># I keep my promises unlike some
Proof to the picture of >>2836661 -san

>> No.2837374

That's fairly similar to a thought that I had, although I was speculating that perhaps Beatrice had left the island on her own after Kinzo's death, but stole Kinzo's ring and enough assets to mail the letters with the envelopes. Krauss then covered up Kinzo's death because there's no way he could make an excuse for some girl no one has never heard of taking such precious things, including proof of the headship; no one would believe him.

>> No.2837618

If Kinzo named her the successor, which is entirely possible given his attitude, she wouldn't have a need to steal them. Krauss's silence on the matter is probably due to the fact that if he admitted that 'Beatrice' was real and had the ring and whatnot, that would be admitting he wasn't the successor at all anymore. So he sent her away while he tried to figure out how he could weasel her out of the headship. Given that the servants probably have to know about her, and there is no guarantee other family members don't know about her existance as well, killing her was too risky. He needed to hide her while he planned how he could eliminate everyone who could take the headship from him at once.

I think the boarding school is the right idea, given Beatrice shows up on the island in a fancy school uniform. She escaped when one of the servants contacted her and told her Battler was coming back.

She might not even be directly related to the killings. But I fail to see how Battler's 'sin' could have cased the incident unless Beatrice hadn't taken some steps of her own. The bribes? And we don't really know how much the other siblings really know. Or who Beatrice really is- Asumu's or Kyrie's daughter? Just some random child Kinzo found? Beatrice #2's? A child from the orphanage?

>> No.2837650

We know that the Beattrice that lived in the hidden mansion died on that day Rosa found her...

But what if she had a sister? or daughter?

Some sort of relative that picks up the same name afterwards.

This could explain why the second Beattrice appears to ask the question.

Could Battler somehow be responsible for that person seeking revenge on the family?

>> No.2837715

A sister would be at least as old as the one Rosa met, if not older, given that the second Beato only came onto the island after the original killed herself. Battler would have met her when he was 12 and she was probably in her early 30s.

If she's a daughter, she'd have to have been born before Beato #2 died. Beatrice #2 died on a rocky beach, and only Rosa knew where. The odds of a unborn child living until Kinzo found her body, took her to a hospital or medical center, and surviving a surgical removal, is pretty much nil. Especially given that she wasn't so far along that she was showing, or Rosa would have noticed.

And I have a hard time believing that #2 was unaware that she had a child. I mean, she WAS pretty naive, but still. But even with all this said, I still feel it's more likely that the current 'Beatrice' is a hidden personality that even Kinzo may not have known about. Why else would he be so obsessed with the resurrection ceremony otherwise?

>> No.2837834

This is almost total conjecture, but if we're ascribing the flashback with Virgilia to Beatrice 3.0, then she would have lived a good part of her childhood identifying as someone other than "Beatrice". In fact, the concept of "Beatrice" would only have been introduced to her through Virgilia (whom we could probably surmise was really Kumasawa.) And despite all of that, Beatrice 3.0 is referred to by Kumasawa as "princess" and lives at Kuwadorian.

My personal guess is that Beatrice 2.0--Rosa's Beatrice--was the Original Beatrice's daughter and someone who was under Kinzo's control since her birth, so Kinzo rationalized to himself that she really was the Original Beatrice, reincarnated.

Beatrice 3.0, though, would probably be an unrelated girl whose face just resembled his old love's, and her behavior probably didn't match up to his ideal either. I sort of speculate he was planning to use her as a vessel in his ceremony for Original Beatrice's soul, or something along those lines.

>> No.2837905

Or, to put it another way: from the Virgilia flashback, we can surmise that a Beatrice 3.0 existed. But it's also clear from that flashback that a) Kinzo was aware of her, and b) Kinzo did not raise her as "Beatrice", unlike Beatrice 2.0.

We can make any number of guesses as to why, but I kind of like "Beatrice 2.0 was 1.0's daughter, but 3.0 was unrelated".

>> No.2837914

are you fucking serious?

>> No.2838070

Thing is, from those same scenes, and what the boat captain told Ange, we can see that Beato #3 wasn't living in Kuwadorian. Rather, she seems to be living in the mansion under the pretense that Kinzo is her 'grandfather'...

Now the train of thought seems to be coming full circle, as this would most heavily imply, what with the references to her as a princess and her grandfather, Jessica. Shannon is just furniture. So unless some other child was living in the mansion and everyone else there was unaware/in on the secret, this makes the odds of Beatrice being some unknown child slim. Not only would everyone in the mansion have to be in on the secret of 'Beatrice' they all coordinated their lies well and kept her hidden from the rest of the family during the conferences.

If that were really the case, I think SOMEONE would have said something once the bodies started piling up...

>> No.2838117

It's pointless to think of Beatrice as anyone other than one of the 17. One of the rules of mystery novels is to never use the same trick twice. The human count has already been hidden once with Kinzo, so the chances of it going any lower are very slim.

>> No.2838294

Looks like Ryuukishi has just finished writing EP5.
The Tea parties will be finished this month.
He says he's "extremely satisfied" about it.

>> No.2838316

Link to his blog?

>> No.2838398

I'm really dreading the months after Episode 5 is released. I may stop coming to /jp/ whatsoever until it is translated.

>> No.2838407

Eps 5 torrent when??

>> No.2838415

Most of the ep 5 spoilers posted here will be fake

>> No.2838418

I don't know what you mean by "those same scenes": the backgrounds used in that flashback were all from Kuwadorian. The boat captain's information was that the harbor to Kuwadorian stopped being used after Beatrice 2.0 died; making the leap from there that the mansion itself also must have stopped being used is an assumption, especially since there were also secret underground passages to it.

>> No.2838433

That's why it's important to discuss the first four as much as possible before then.

Though I'd hope /jp/ers that can read moonspeak would be smart enough to only talk about it in moonspeak until it's in English.

>> No.2838451
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>> No.2838463
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>> No.2838505
File: 151 KB, 636x479, woom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know

>> No.2838538 [DELETED] 

This place sucks and is for retarded morons only. You should check out the best site on the WWW instead:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2838539

"Welcome to Rokkenjima"

>> No.2838606

The previous episodes will solved in the order of 3, 2, 4, then 1. 3's first since there isn't as much mystery around the murders aside from the first twilight. 4's second to last due to the mystery of game-Beatrice and everybody claiming to have seen magic. 1's going to the very last since the unexplainable events of that game is what triggered the magic corruption in the first place.

Also, I predict Battler defeating Beatrice in episode 7, followed by Battler going against Bern and Lambda to destroy the meta-world itself in episode 8.

>> No.2838759

Honestly I kinda think 2 or 4 will be the last answered. 2 seems like it has some of the most difficult mysteries all things considered, and 4 was just apocalyptic. I think 2 is the key though, Beatrice pressed so hard in that game I can't help but feel her Achilles Heel is in there someplace.

>> No.2838802

The difficulty is first-rate.
The Witch intends to make you surrender with no warning.

As for the first game, apparently easy, third is equal for you and the witch, and the fourth depends on how you fight. I guess.

>> No.2838928

Well, I get what the descriptions are saying. Disregarding the fourth game, I've had a suspicion that Jessica might be the game board Beatrice ever since Episode 3, when Battler theorized that Jessica might have 'some other, witch-like personality' and Eva dodged the question, instead underscoring that it was impossible for Jessica to have commited murder.

Episode 4 didn't really rock the boat much with that theory, I was able to tie it in with my previous theory and actually strengthen it. On the other hand, if I were trying to take some other angle, I might have wound up even more confused than before.

>> No.2838968

3 had one of the most perplexing murders in the entire game though.

>> No.2838993
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Are you talking about the first twilight, or Nanjo? Battler has theoretically solved both of those, although I found his explanation of the first twilight somewhat... questionable. Not on the level of small bombs, but still. The solution was much easier.

>> No.2839023

How likely do you think it is that a future episode will not feature someone following the epitaph? Like, less or more than six people die during the first night, and there are no stakings.

I guess ep4 almost fits the bill, but you can clearly see that someone tried to salvage it as best they could (evidently they did not have enough time to stake properly).

>> No.2839031

I wonder how long it will be before Battler remembers this fact?

>> No.2839042

We've already had an episode with less than 6 dying on the first twilight- Episode 3. And Episode 4 was just all over the place.

>> No.2839065

True, but there was still an attempt to make it look like Kinzo was a part of the other five.

>> No.2839202


In this scene, Battler is trying to chase the culprit, but gives up because there is two entrances into the mansion OTHER THAN the door he had just taken from the boiler room. If the boiler room was the second entrance, it'd be pretty damn simple which door the culprit took, and he would've pursued.

Still, there really isn't much point for the boiler room to have a lock to it, so you may be on to something pretty well there anyways, it was never actually stated in red that the doors were locked upon the parents finding them. I had taken that possibility to originally mean that the parents were the party responsible, but it becomes a bit easier to narrow it down if you look at it like that.

># In short, all keys related to the linked closed rooms were locked inside the linked closed rooms!!
># It is impossible for the murder to have taken place outside the room!!

Still, these two state pretty strongly the rooms were locked, even if you can take the second as hyperbole (It's obviously not impossible).

>> No.2839247

Well, I wasn't really focused on the two doors OTHER than the boiler room's, rather on the fact that it was said that NONE of the doors in the courtyard had locks since they were redundant. The whole deal about 'all the keys were locked inside the rooms' isn't really broken by one of the doors not having a lock, as long as there is another door to the same room that is.

And I suppose it is also possible that the culprit locked them self in the last room and died of natural causes. This was the sticking point in Episode 3. Beatrice and Ronove were pretty shocked when Battler demanded she repeat 'All 6 were killed by other people'. I had been assuming that it meant Kinzo died of natural causes, and she was scrambling to cover for THAT, but if Kinzo had actually been murdered, that still leaves the possibility that Kumasawa or Genji just had a heart attack from all the exertion.

>> No.2839251

Battler will finish off Beatrice without truly solving the mystery and regret it. The witches will 'reward' him by throwing him into the day after the incident where he'll be incarcerated as the only possible suspect. Now he wants revenge.

>> No.2839289

Lambda talks to Ange about how cruel Bern is for tossing her into a game where she can't possibly be rewarded.

But, as things stand, Battler is in the same position. Even if he wins the game, everyone on the island is still dead, including him. Bad end.

But there is one angle that can be played- the epitaph, which as of this point hasn't really been truly solved. Maybe Kinzo's miracle can still save everyone. The rewards of the epitaph certainly seem like an acceptable endgame scenario. But the odds against such a miracle occurring that even Bern says it's impossible... doesn't make it sound too hopeful

>> No.2839560

This is what I think as well.

The mystery involves no magic, completely doable by human hands. But in order to right all the wrongs and give Battler (and possibly Beato) a good end, magic will be involved.

I very highly doubt that there will not be any magic used in the resolution of the novel.

>> No.2839575

Eva solved the epitaph and we all know how that turn out.

>> No.2839592

Eva didn't solve the epitaph, she found the gold.

I am under the impression the epitaph has a deeper meaning than just "where the gold is." If it even says where the gold is at all.

>> No.2840168

But writing isn't his last job.
He has to make the script from the scenario with other members, while drawing new sprites. It takes at least 6 weeks.

>> No.2840179

It'll be out by the next comiket, he always makes it in time.

>> No.2840264
File: 40 KB, 646x505, Scrn.0010 23.05.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loser flags were all over this episode

Didn't Bern and Lambda say some themselves?

>> No.2841021

So has it been all but confirmed that Krauss and Natsuhi are the ones burning Kinzo's corpse? The only time it wasn't found in the incinerator was in Ep.2 where they both died in the first twilight.

>> No.2841685

Hmm. Interesting observation. The only time Kinzo didn't end up in the furnace was when both of them died in the first twilight... That would make it clear that the two of them are both aware of Kinzo's death, and are determined enough to hide it that they would burn the body even after (or because) murders started to take place.

That would make Gohda, Kumasawa, and Jessica the only people living on Rokkenjima who might NOT know that he's dead.

>> No.2841696

They never say it in red.

>> No.2841720


Natsuhi has an alibi for 1, at least.

But that is a good observation.

>> No.2842140

>>Battler is in the same position. Even if he wins the game, everyone on the island is still dead, including him. Bad end.

We do not know that do we? None of the corpse other than Maria was identified.
