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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 465 KB, 1376x1032, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2835597 No.2835597 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when /jp/ was good?

>> No.2835599

/jp/ was never good.

>> No.2835646



>> No.2835660

Remember when /a/ was good?


>> No.2835837

Actually /jp/ WAS good around the start. Just a couple of weeks, and towards late April, it turned to shit instantly. It hasn't recovered since.

>> No.2835853

Man, I do. I'll probably come back to /a/ when there's a Code Geass R3.

>> No.2835877

I wish I could go back in time and kill moot before he can split /a/ and create /r9k/.

>> No.2835903

/jp/ was always good (or always bad from someone else's perspective)

>> No.2835955

I wish I could go back 2 years ago and kill every single poster on /b/.

>> No.2836050

/jp/ was always good

>> No.2836071

Hang on... in 2006 I was posting on /b/ but then... oh yes, I was being an elitist faggot on iichan in 2007.

Do so, go ahead.

>> No.2836079

Remember when the internet was good?

>> No.2836093

The internet was most assuredly never good.



>> No.2836099

/jp/ is still good

>> No.2836101

4chan's /jp/ board wouldn't get so much shit for being crappy if all the eientei fans just all packed up and left.

>> No.2836108
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I will.

>> No.2836109

It wasn't good but it was enjoyable

>> No.2836145

It's funny how that picture has Rin in it, yet today's /jp/ hates KS.

>> No.2836158

It's funny how the /jp/ which made that pic has no connection to current /jp/ whatsoever.

>> No.2836162

That image is from the original source material, back in an age where Katawa Shoujo was just a project that a bunch of morons pretended they were working on, and /jp/ didn't care.

>> No.2836183

We just mostly threw whatever memes and reaction images we used at the time. Of course stuff like that changes.

>> No.2836189
File: 36 KB, 600x247, Richard Scarry's Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life was never any good.

>> No.2836200

>>>When /jp/ was still good.
You must have missed yesterday's Caster Route. Speaking of which, did writefriend say when he was going to be back?

>> No.2836201

I fucking hate you. So much.

>> No.2836209

I think he said he'll be back this afternoon.

>> No.2836224

Sometime in the afternoon on EST time, right?

>> No.2836232

Was there anything but reaction images posted back then?

>> No.2836228

Yeah that was it. Shouldn't be TOO long assuming he actually shows up.

>> No.2836290

Yes. Quite a lot of nice stuff, in fact.

We've lost a lot of people that regularly posted about actually interesting things instead of KOREA trolling and the like.

>> No.2836300

But there's still fun stuff Ren. In fact, there's a lot it if more of us would just relax a little.

>> No.2836304

You've been on /jp/ how long?

>> No.2836311

Hence the if.

>> No.2836312

And birds, we had Japanese birds. Good times, good times.

>> No.2836319

I can only assume that's sarcasm.

>> No.2836323

I think he's suggesting that "Take it easy" would be a better phrase.

>> No.2836328
File: 183 KB, 1376x1032, quickfix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold, the current /jp/

>> No.2836329

No, but that's also a good point.

>> No.2836336

Things like Umineko Party Week and this new surge of interest in Rance lead me to believe we still have fun here.

>> No.2836361


>> No.2836372

LIES! Well, half lie anyway. No matter what trolling moot does that disability bullshit does NOT rule /jp/.

>> No.2836383

Who can forget honk honk and of course the umineko1, saya and hf shit storm when they got released.

Can't say the same for KS. Get out KS DEVS, you are not welcome here.

>> No.2836387

Yeah, at most it'd take up an eighth of the page.

>> No.2836389


>> No.2836390


>> No.2836408

This place sucks. You should check out the best site on the WWW instead:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2836474

First 2 months was great

>> No.2836476


>> No.2836492

/jp/ was never good.

>> No.2836510

We can always feel secure in the knowledge that it's better than Anontalk.

>> No.2836511
File: 45 KB, 336x450, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the junior idol threads. ;_;

>> No.2836513

A lot of us have been on /jp/ since the split(when it was made). I think we're still mostly happy with the place.

>> No.2836547

Am I the only one that remembers the first two months? The place was festering with /b/tards looking for a new board to shit up. Don't you remember the camwhore threads? I remember them. I remember REPLYING to them, asking "Who the shit is this fat slut?" and being called "lol newfag xD" when every shithead from /b/ came in her defense. The only thing things the board had going for it back then that we don't have now were the occasional serious Japan discussion thread and the Godzilla threads.

>> No.2836558

Stop lying, and stop having terrible taste.

>> No.2836565

/jp/ was really awesome for awhile. it seems like it got a lot worse recently. still, easily the best board on 4chan other than /tg/

>> No.2836626

I remember saving that image as BESTCLASSEVER.jpg. Good times.
No more [x] Jump in the lake threads was sad and unexpected.
Moving to touhouproject.com didn't help them at all.

>> No.2836642

No, I do not remember the camwhores attaining defenders until somewhere near the end of April.

>> No.2836653

Early /jp/ introduced me to Touhou and Yume Nikki. Nothing since has matched that feat.

>> No.2836665

>No more [x] Jump in the lake threads was sad and unexpected.

Forgive me for ignorance, but you mean choose your adventure threads where the posters vote on how the story goes?

Cause we've had a few of those lately, in fact at some point or another the continuation of a Caster Route one is supposed to be going up.

>> No.2836684

Wait a minute, under Yotsuba is a Dorf. When did /jp/ ever play Dorf Fortress?

>> No.2836696

I distinctly recall the moment /jp/ turned to shit. We were having the same ridiculous Touhou fagbattle discussions, only this time, there seemed to be a whole lot of posters defending fictional characters, insisting they did not have flaws. Then it soon filled up with blogs and Japanese girlfriend shit.

>> No.2836699

Gensokyo Man's ones were the first (or among the first ones) in /jp/, telling a story about Anonymous waking up in Gensokyo and having some adventures that included try invading SDM, getting punched by China and thrown on the lake (and thus freezing to death), or jumping in the lake for no reason at all. Or eventually becoming Flandre's teddy bear called "Dumbass" and wearing a tiny dress.
Then, one day, GM (who was actually a girl, and waifu of many Anons) got banned and a mod put up a sticky saying CYOA threads (and junior idols) were banned too.

>> No.2836701
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>No more [x] Jump in the lake threads was sad and unexpected.
Honestly, I thought those threads were incredibly stupid as shit, and filled with intolerable amounts of idiocy and circlejerking.

Just my opinion, though.

Also, you guys need to calm the fuck down about the whole Hourai Elixir argument. We've handled it relatively well before (at times), so I don't know why you morons insist on turning it into an absolute shitstorm every time now.

>> No.2836706

Elona > KS.
And Hoop dog > JBCS.

>> No.2836720

I've been to /tg/ a few times. The only shit I've ever, ever been able to pick up there was Dwarf Fortress. Everything else, I don't understand what the hell is going on.

>> No.2836728

>Or eventually becoming Flandre's teddy bear called "Dumbass" and wearing a tiny dress.

Hilarious, isn't it?

>> No.2836736
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>> No.2836769

Remember "healthy" threads? I quit /jp/ for a year because I figured the userbase had been destroyed.

>> No.2836780

Healthy threads were awesome.

Liking both healthy and loli is perfectly fine. Why people never understood that was beyond me.

>> No.2836789

thats the smartest thing youve ever said alabama

>> No.2836796

Your post was fine (except for the complete destruction of the English language) here:
>thats the smartest thing youve ever said

But, I lost you for the rest of it.

>> No.2836805

Both of you are faggots, especially the second. I hope your parents find out what you're doing with your summer vacation time.

>> No.2836825

>straight edge dfc fan bitching
but i live with my mom all year and im not even on vacation xD

>> No.2836831

No, anonymous, you are the faggot who is misusing his summer break time.

>> No.2836834

It's like being bisexual. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just usually people only have one body type they like.

>> No.2836836

You're not a real person. You don't "live" with anybody. You are just some 14-year-old basement dweller's idea of a joke.

>> No.2836847
File: 39 KB, 365x361, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats facsninating and id enjoy discussing it more for real

>> No.2836860

This place sucks. You should check out the best site on the WWW instead:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2836874

Both of you are faggots, especially the first. I hope your parents find out what you're doing with your summer vacation time.

>> No.2836883

I can't tell if /jp/'s good or not because I don't visit other boards.

>> No.2836893

>straight edge dfc fan bitching
im not even on vacation but i live with my mom all year xD

>> No.2836910

I went to /a/ once after the split. First page was enough to turn me away from that board forever. If that's what /jp/ gets compared against, I'd say it's pretty good.

>> No.2836920
File: 74 KB, 621x170, day1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started going to /a/ to appreciate /jp/ more.

This is the first thread I saw

>> No.2837021

lol wut.

>> No.2837090

I remember this is the only place you could talk Nasuphysics and Type-Moon without degenerating into powerlevel arguments.

And then it degenerated into powerlevels, HERE WE GOOOOOOO, Shiki Kills Servants, etc.

btw when's the next TMX coming out.

>> No.2838206

Do you realise how every serious thread about Japan sinks like a fucking stone? Last night we got maybe 10 posts on Zen, which was only saved by an expat SEAsian and a child of a honkey convert.

Now excuse me for saying /jp/ shat in its own manpants, and is whining about it.

>> No.2838209

>Wait a minute, under Yotsuba is a Dorf. When did /jp/ ever play Dorf Fortress?

>> No.2838220

I haven't even seen any serious threads about Japan. I didn't know people still made them.

>> No.2838252

Just like every originally stupid thread with a pointless argument ends up as a pretty interesting and fruitful discussion, amirite?
/jp/ really needs to start taking it easy again.

>> No.2838347
File: 75 KB, 457x457, 457x457-Advice-Dwarf-ADD-A-FEATURE-NEGLECT-UI-AGAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait a minute, under Yotsuba is a Dorf. When did /jp/ ever play Dorf Fortress?
>When did /jp/ ever play Dorf Fortress?
>/jp/ Dorf Fortress?

/traditional gamer/'s rage cancelled, drinking.

>> No.2838367
File: 55 KB, 469x450, hirasawa_ui_yandere_mode-469x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would gladly choose functionality over UI

>> No.2838375

Remember when 4chan was good?

>> No.2838381
File: 270 KB, 810x1153, godzilla_vs_bionic_monster_poster_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Godzilla threads

>> No.2838391

I miss Rinnosuke threads.

>> No.2838410

I miss Rinnosukezilla threads

>> No.2838416

Feature != function.
It sounds like you haven't feared the Carp yet.

>> No.2838421
File: 267 KB, 565x800, yume_rinnosuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2838422

I don't recall DF on /jp/ at all... it was long enough ago that I played it that I was thinking maybe pre-split /a/, but then I finally remembered it wasn't even on 4chan that I found out about it.

There might have been a thread very rarely in /jp/ or /a/ but not anything frequent

>> No.2838425

Or Zombie Carp.

>> No.2838432

nothing has changed
the board moves too damn slow

>> No.2838447

Spend some time on /trv/ and see if you still think that

>> No.2839651

Hey, this thread is still here

I guess this board is too slow
