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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2833909 No.2833909 [Reply] [Original]

How do you pronounce Beatrice? I always thought it was Beatriss but with the japs spelling it beatoriche I am confused. Is it Beatritch then? Beatrish?

>> No.2833913


>> No.2833918


>> No.2833928


>> No.2833927


>> No.2833935


>> No.2833936


>> No.2833945

I don't think any of the above are true.

>> No.2833956

it's different in every european language...
their pronunciation is based on the italian way

>> No.2833967


>> No.2833968

Beatrice is such an interesting name.

>> No.2833970

Which is Beatriche

>> No.2833979

Beatrix here, Beatrice is a loser

>> No.2833982

in Italian: bay-a-tree-chay

>> No.2834002

That pronuncation is used on the opening song.

>> No.2834011


I know, I hope to name my future daughter Beatrice.


>> No.2834018

Name her Beatrice but raise her like Maria. I'd like to see the results.

>> No.2834024


You just know she'll get made fun of with that name, don't you? Then she'll be an outcast and start saying uu- and you'll have a Maria.

>> No.2834029

But then... Is it possible for >>2834011 to become a Rosa?

>> No.2834032

beatoriche is nothing like bay-a-tree-chay

jap pronounciation of foreign words sucks ass.

>> No.2834034


Only if he's willing to tear her very heart apart.

>> No.2834035

>>2834024 You just know she'll get made fun of with that name, don't you?

>> No.2834043


Beatrice isn't exactly a modern name, bro. It would be like naming your daughter Gertrude or Estelle or something. At least in the US.

>> No.2834062

Beatrice is a real name, it's a bit old fashioned, but it's real.

Then again, kids make fun of everything.

>> No.2834061

Why do people see Beatrice as an old lady name? It doesn't feel like that to me at all. Is there some famous old lady in popular media named Beatrice?

>> No.2834058

Until someone realizes someone named that child after a nice read of the Divine Comedy.

From an outsider's perspective who hasn't heard a thing about Umineko, that is.

>> No.2834059

I've been pronouncing it Bee-ae-tris this whole time.

>> No.2834063


Beatrice is the 833rd most common baby name.

It's not *common*, but it's definitely not incredibly rare. Though it's a rather old-fashioned name; in 1910 it was 38th most common.

Compare "Alice", which was 11th in 1880 but is 326th today.

>> No.2834066 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2834069


I've always thought of it as an old lady name. It seems to fit an old, conniving battleax rather than a young woman.

>> No.2834071

Someone find it in katakana and then you'll have your answer.

>> No.2834074
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If you had worded that more correctly, you'd sound less like a troll.

>> No.2834075


>> No.2834081

Look,.I like the name Beatrice. I also like Alice. I also think men and women should start wearing formal hats again and actually fucking dress up to go to see the symphony. But they don't, do they? No, they don't.

>> No.2834082
File: 424 KB, 1000x800, 1436126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've already decided that if I ever have a daughter, I'm going to name her Alice, popularity be damned.

>> No.2834109

Alice is more well known, in terms of association, than Beatrice.

Alice is a well-known name and is closely related to the wonders of... well, Wonderland. And everything that spun off of it as well.

Beatrice? Who's that? Wait, there's MORE than one Divine Comedy story?!!

Go out in the streets, and ask, see for yourself, which do you know more: Alice in Wonderland, or the third part of the Divine Comedy?

>> No.2834130

Who else plans to name their son Aloysius?

>> No.2834134

Honestly, when I have a son, I'm naming him Virgil.

It just sounds so classy, damn

>> No.2834141

same. Alice if my favorite girls name.

>> No.2834142


On a related note, a Google search found me this:


Holy shit.

>> No.2834145

Everything that sounds European is old in America.

>> No.2834146


ur son's a faget.

>> No.2834149

Your favorite obscure jap VN does not pass for popular media in the US.

>> No.2834155
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...that is wickedly awesome and kind of weird at the same time.

>> No.2834158
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>> No.2834164

It doesn't pass for popular media anywhere.

>> No.2834165
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Same here, and not for the Touhou connotations either. It's just a great name; uncommon enough to be mildly interesting but not rare enough to be weird, and conjures up these great images of Victorian fantasy.

>> No.2834176

Beatrice was not an old lady.

>> No.2834181
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...how does she look old in that image?

>> No.2834192
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Well I wouldn't name her after the Touhou either, I just think it's a nice name and I'm loathe to put Brandy, Jessica or other vile name on my child. Plus it sounds prim and proper, which is how I'd want my kid to turn out. Although my sister has an uncommon name that's not ugly and hates it.

>> No.2834197


>Is there some famous old lady in popular media named Beatrice?

>> No.2834193

Do you pronounce Kyrie just like Kyrie Eleison?

>> No.2834200


Jessica? Might as well name her Beatrice.

>> No.2834209
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Jessica is a perfectly fine, elegant and ancient name that's been unfortunately besmirched by modern usage.

>> No.2834225


Maybe, but every Jessica I knew was a bitch.

>> No.2834247

They use the italian pronunciation which I cannot render in english, we simply read it as it is written. Beatrice. Japanese say "Beatorice" which is sort of good

>> No.2834262

My daughter will be named Beatrice and my son will be Krauss.

I think I've said something like this for every fun, new VN to come out. But damn, Krauss is a fine name.

Preview for next week: My son's new name is Rance

>> No.2834274

I'll have 7 daughters and name them after the ass nee-chans. I might be able to pass some of them, but "Satan" will be a challenge.

>> No.2834281
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Only if you're planning on being utterly disappointed in him.

>> No.2834288

If I have a daughter I shall name her Alicia. She'll be different from all the other /jp/ named Alices out there.

>> No.2834289

I only want one daughter and that's it, and I'll spoil the shit out of her. I don't want any sons, I get along better with females anyway.

>> No.2834291

I don't think Lucifer will go down well either.

>> No.2834303

In before your daughter turns out to be a super tomboy.

>> No.2834301

Or Beelzebub.
Or Belphegor.
Or Leviathan.
Or Mammon.
Or Asmodeus.

>> No.2834306


Bokkukos are fine.

>> No.2834322

Every Alicia I knew has been an incredible bitch

I hope you have luck with that.

>> No.2834326

What's /jp/'s love for Victorian era dresses and mannerisms anyways? If I didn't know better I could swear this board was made of fops and dandys.

>> No.2834330


Yeah, probably. If anything, I'll encourage her to join the baseball team or something, so that she'll do SOMETHING in high school, unlike me.

>> No.2834333

If I ever had a daughter, Athena, Alice, Silvia, Patricia, Beatrice, or Francesca would be names I'd be happy with.

>> No.2834338


I'm not a fop or a dandy except on occasion, but I do wish people would dress and act in a classy way more often when they go to do things that call for it.

As for the dress thing, maybe you haven't noticed all the Touhou around

>> No.2834339

Especially the one in Valkyria Chronicles.

>> No.2834341

Its pronounced Beat - rice

>> No.2834350
File: 66 KB, 500x375, beatrice.preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ricse ricse BEÁTRICSE

>> No.2834362


She wasn't THAT bad.

Anyways I want to name my daughter Eleanor, Alice, Franche, Isabelle and other noble sounding european names.

>> No.2834379

>I always thought it was Beatriss but with the japs spelling it beatoriche I am confused.

Your source of confusion is that you think a Jap would have the faintest idea on how to write or pronounce a western name or word. They don't.

>> No.2834384


>> No.2834390


I'm looking forward to subs of the anime spelling the characters' names out phonetically.

>> No.2834396

Beato is named after the painting Beata Beatrice which was originally Beata Beatrix

>> No.2834403

No she isnt.

>> No.2834422
File: 394 KB, 640x481, fixedshoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name your daughter Ange, she's the best.

>> No.2834465

"I hit the chinese takeout box with a sledgehammer untill all there was left was some Beatrice."

>> No.2834639


>> No.2835073


>> No.2836497
File: 1.40 MB, 2506x3209, Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Beata Beatrix, 1864-1870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The painting Beata Beatrix is actually based on The Divine Comedy.

>> No.2836607


/jp/ likes class. In a world where sluts wear miniskirts and high-cut shirts, /jp/ understands the importance of dresses, ribbons, and frills.

Also, Touhou.

>> No.2836691

Beatrice : be a to ri su
Beato : be a to

>> No.2836703

Honestly, I really wouldn't mind slutty girls if they just did it with class.

>> No.2836718

This place sucks. You should check out the best site on the WWW instead:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2836853

She'd be called "Lucy" and I wouldn't be able to stand that.

>> No.2836913

Originally we had planned to name our daughter Aurora but after this thread I'll have to insist on Beatrice. Goddamn what a beautiful name, and that Italian pronounciation's gonna throw every stranger off the loop, hehe.

>> No.2836927

it's riche racer
riiiiiiiiche racer

>> No.2836977

I would either name my daughter Miranda or Isabelle but with Spanish pronunciation. I hope she learns to love frilly dresses and walking around town with a parasol.

>> No.2837239

I don't know about the rest of you, but I always browse /jp wearing a monocle.

>> No.2837250

It sounds italian.

>> No.2837274

I always imagine /jp/ as one of those guy that would go to the opera, ballet, symphony while wearing a nice suit....alone on a Saturday night.

>> No.2837277

Does that include Alicia from VP:Silmeria?

Anyway, Beatorissu.

>> No.2837306

This place sucks and is for retarded morons only. You should check out the best site on the WWW instead:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.

