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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 26 KB, 512x512, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2833165 No.2833165 [Reply] [Original]

What are you listening to right now?
For example I am listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHQmDqlv5Rc

Is it something that captures the essence of /jp/?

>> No.2833178

Nike 15sai
Sousei no Aquarion ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK 2

Hartmann's Youkai Girl

>> No.2833181

matlock theme song

>> No.2833185


>> No.2833189

That's nice, actually. I like it.

I'm not listening to anything right now myself.

>> No.2833190
File: 57 KB, 500x500, septette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alstroemeria Records - 亡き王女の為のセプテット on loop for several hours now.

>> No.2833203

Stardust-Sound Horizon

>> No.2833216

Mortal Stampede

>> No.2833221
File: 62 KB, 478x480, zappa68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2833225

Nothing, but I guess I'll put on the CLANNAD OST now.

>> No.2833259
File: 2.70 MB, 2817x2832, 1245696264686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the demo mp3 on their website, but I want the album so bad.

Fuck being at school w/o torrents.

>> No.2833268

The andante movement of Mozart's 25th piano concerto.

>> No.2833273
File: 46 KB, 450x451, 3IOB_advance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2833284

naan - dokusa

>> No.2833290
File: 139 KB, 593x600, 2431471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demetori - Tengu ga Miteiru ~ Eye of the Needles just popped up in my playlist.

Previously playing was something from Haibane Renmei. Ethereal Remains, I think.

>> No.2833298

efs - ブクレシュティの人形師<Retro Atomosphere> Ver1.2 (Instrumental)

>> No.2833300

I didn't realize I wasn't listening to anything until I saw this thread.

>> No.2833306

You made me start up the Haibane Renmei soundtrack again. It's been a long time.

>> No.2833308

Tsukasa - Out of Truth

Playlist consists of:
Sound Online - Blue Constellations
Capsule - Sugarless GiRL
Exit Trance etc etc the Movie
Clazziquai's latest single

>> No.2833322

Lagerfeldt - Dutch Breeze [Progressive Uplift] (Robocop 3)

that vip.swf sure is sugoi

>> No.2833325

I was amazed to find that Jimang did a touhou song.

>> No.2833342
File: 287 KB, 675x810, 4770078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

椎名林檎 - 歌舞伎町の女王

>> No.2833361
File: 143 KB, 512x480, s41_defa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2833391


I thought I already had this, but I realized today that what I had marked as it was actually just AVALON, its predecessor.

>> No.2833436
File: 56 KB, 180x300, char_rin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its relevance is contested depending on whether you think visual novels belong on /jp/ or if you think japanese made stuff belongs on /jp/

>> No.2833440

魔法のおしごと 5:01 MOSAIC.WAV 魔法のおしごと 7

>> No.2833445

Listening to this which I just go off NicoSound.
[東方Vocal Music] 銀のめぐり 【エクステンドアッシュ~蓬莱人】

>> No.2833477


>> No.2833479

01. 秋山澪 - [「けいおん!」イメージソング 秋山澪 #01] Heart Goes Boom!!

>> No.2833487

Random songs off the Umineko Ep4 Music Box

>> No.2833493
File: 229 KB, 800x524, meiya05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ - 冥夜

>> No.2833504

Albatrosicks - "Three Quintillion Starry Heavens"

>> No.2833515

月まで届け、不死の煙 by BITPLANE - 竹取物語

>> No.2834408

>Is it something that captures the essence of /jp/?



>> No.2834423
File: 256 KB, 600x597, To heck with patchody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Is All Around - DJ Bobo

>> No.2834429

Rubinstein interpretation of Beethoven's turkish march performed by Hofmann. Pure /jp/

>> No.2834476

Not music right now, but I have an electric fan on...

>> No.2834513

0784. 关喆 - 花样年华

>> No.2834554


>> No.2834582

Simian Noise Mix (minus the shitty intro) is better

>> No.2834612

Not the Anon you're replying to, but: no, it's not; I rather dislike the Simian Noize Remix.
The intro in the version on Dancefloor Combat, or the one on Aspherical Surface e.p.?

Goddamnit Lovelight is expensive.

>> No.2834699


>> No.2834914

つるぺったん Tsurupettan

>> No.2834983

i hate fandom alice

>> No.2834983,1 [INTERNAL] 

What are you listening to ghostbros? I'm listening to World's End Girlfriend - Caroling Hellwalker

>> No.2834983,2 [INTERNAL] 

Cool & Create - Locked Girl.

Next I'll grab my iPod (though I've never owned one before, and probably never will) and fire up my favorite IOSYS album (which I don't have either).

>> No.2834983,3 [INTERNAL] 

Something broke a couple minutes ago so I can't listen to anything ;_;

>> No.2834983,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'm torn because I do find the IOSYS+iPod gimmick funny, but on the other hand, it was something that was badly forced by Arc.

>> No.2834983,5 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a gimmick it's a meme!

>> No.2834983,6 [INTERNAL] 

Music has become boring for me.

>> No.2834983,7 [INTERNAL] 

>I do find the IOSYS+iPod gimmick funny

>> No.2834983,8 [INTERNAL] 

It's so retarded it's funny.

But the fact that it was forced with 100 posts by the same /b/tard makes me dislike it.

>> No.2834983,9 [INTERNAL] 

Cheer up emo kid.

>> No.2834983,10 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I could. ;_;

>> No.2834983,11 [INTERNAL] 

I love instrumental/electronic music, but I find music with vocals to be dull and boring. Anyone else the same?

>> No.2834983,12 [INTERNAL] 

You just need to think of voice as an instrument too.

>> No.2834983,13 [INTERNAL] 

For me, it depends. When the vocals stop being part of the song and become words, my interest plummets. This seems to happen quite frequently these days, with the melody of the "song" little more than an afterthought, tacked on after the lyrics were conceived.

Vocals done right seem to appear when there's very little being said, and the best vocal music I hear usually has no discernible words. Choirs work especially well. Even a lone voice, when used to complement a melody rather than dominate it, can have an incredible effect. Of course, there's nothing that works as well as an example:

>> No.2834983,14 [INTERNAL] 

Similar. About 90% of the music I like is instrumental/electronic only, but there's still enough music with vocals I like (usually for the instrumentation though).

>> No.2834983,15 [INTERNAL] 

My own clones!

>> No.2834983,16 [INTERNAL] 

I like lyrical songs from the very few (mainstream) musicals I've seen.

I also like me some Sound Horizon at times.
