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2829958 No.2829958 [Reply] [Original]

So I just started playing Umineko, still in the boring parts and they're on the boat to the island. Two quick questions.

1. Is Maria retarded or something? I've never heard a nine-year-old who talks like that. Part of it seems to be in the translation, because one-word sentences are more common in Japanese, but jeez, she talks like she's 3.

2. Isn't Battler supposed to be the one that doesn't believe in magic and such? My first impression of him would have otherwise been that he's superstitious, considering the way he talks about Maria's "sensitivity".

And for a last thought, I'm kind of disappointed that he's a teenager. Here I thought we'd have a protagonist that's 20+ or something.

>> No.2829968
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>> No.2829964

everyone dies

>> No.2829974

maria has autism
battler is a fake

>> No.2829976
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If i hear that uu- one more time...

>> No.2829982

No seriously.


>1. Is Maria retarded or something?

It's MOE. But you're right, she's retarded.

>And for a last thought, I'm kind of disappointed that he's a teenager.

He's 18 at least.

>> No.2829987

1. Kinda. She has her own difficulties and stuff, but you'll get more info on that in the next episodes.

2. In Japan the 'sensivity' thing is widely accepted, not as a magic thing but as in common sense.

And don't worry, the adults get in the spotlight a lot, so your disappointment may die a bit.

>> No.2829980

moar bitchslapping please.

>> No.2829996

At first I thought it was a ~moe~ thing, but even the person who was watching me play was starting to get confused about her, even when I tried explaining it that way.

Yeah, at least he's 18. I wasn't quite expecting such a "punk kid" attitude based on anything I've seen though, I guess. I'll see what develops.

>> No.2829998

I just got to that part...


>> No.2830011

Also, the introduction is quite boring, wait until 10/05/1986 comes.

>> No.2830019

yay another umineko thread.

>> No.2830024

Yeah, it really is. Some parts make me laugh but I want someone else to enjoy it with me, and it's hard to keep their attention!

>> No.2830030
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You play with someone else? It must be tough.

>> No.2830041

Our reading speeds are about the same, so it's not too bad.
Played Ever17 with me too, Coco's route was so cash when you have someone else there to banter and exclaim confusion with.

>> No.2830055

Uu-uu mama help!! Mama help!! Uu-uu-uu

>> No.2830063
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Oh? Maybe I should also try sometimes.

I hope you'll have fun.

>> No.2830081

At least he's 18, rather than 15 or something.

>> No.2830083


>1. Is Maria retarded or something? I've never heard a nine-year-old who talks like that. Part of it seems to be in the translation, because one-word sentences are more common in Japanese, but jeez, she talks like she's 3.

Oh, the naivete of one who has barely started the first episode...

>> No.2830085
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You're such a creepy child, why are you born?! Don't you realize that Mama is sad because of you?!

>> No.2830100
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>> No.2830125

Am I the only one who thought that even in the beginning Umineko was interesting? Those character interactions were fun to read. And I thought Maria was cute.

>> No.2830134

I guess it depends on how much you like slice of life.

>> No.2830138

I did love Umineko's beginning. I think what makes the difference is ADHD or not.

>> No.2830143
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I like slice of life.

>> No.2830144

Reading the first two chapters (translation patch demo) and the rest when it was fully translated made the "boring" part much shorter. (I liked it from the beginning, but I also liked Maria before she opened her mouth)

>> No.2830151

I'm enjoying the character interactions really, though "lol adults who act like kids around each other" is a bit animu generic, and Battler's way of talking to his cousin is kind of creepy. But otherwise yeah it's cute. Just kind of an anxious feeling, knowing that there's eventually going to be some crazy stuff later, like watching the "happy" parts of Higurashi.

>> No.2830158
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>> No.2830211
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>> No.2830218

i just started playing too, finished Episode 1, Tea Party and ???? about to start episode 2. Everything you think turns around mid way in Episode 1.

>> No.2830251

1. Maria is not technically retarded (as in, nothing's wrong with her actual mind), but past experiences have made her a bit...weird.
2. Battler is retardedly anti-magic. He keeps denying it even though it's so clear that it exists...*cackle*cackle*

>> No.2830269

What? The only thing that's clear here is that somebody is disguising their crimes to make it look like magic!

>> No.2830290

1) Pretty much; if you're the sympathetic type you might find yourself saying "awww she's just a little different" and feeling sorry for her, but the Rosa approach is the only way to go, especially considering Maria's actions later on. "uuu" is officially the worst sound ever. I fucking love Rosa, and I'm praying for no character development in that area.

2) Game board Battler wavers about belief in magic a lot more than you'd expect if you had a sense of the "witches don't exist" theme before starting.

>> No.2830369

Go play ep4.

>> No.2830473

What? I have. If you're talking about the character development, I mean Rosa becoming a wonderful mother, which definitely doesn't happen in Ep4. "Magic to be happy with mama" didn't soften me up either, if that's what you meant; I still think Maria is a creepy little freak, and that's not going to change considering that it's almost certain that she's involved in the murders

>> No.2830499

The nice thing about Umineko is how much shorter those parts are. I mean, the Higurashi VN certainly does make you grow to like the characters a lot more before they start killing each other than the anime, which is good, but still, it was LOOOONG.

>> No.2832239

where can I download the game?

>> No.2832260

He's talking about the purpose of uuu. Why she says it.

>> No.2832282

Damn, I thought he was 15~16 this whole time. Didn't they say he was just entering high school?

>> No.2832331

Battler's personality is probably a lot better than whatever you were expecting. His boyish attitude is way more interesting than some cool, calculating type. Honestly characters like that are overdone.

There was some good character interaction but it was outweighed by more boring conversation. The best character interaction comes when stuff is actually happening anyways. The inheritance shit also drags on way too long. The family politics were interesting at first but Ryuukishi really knows how to beat a dead horse.

>> No.2832381

At least in Ep 4 Ryukishi had the sense to cut the inheritance fighting down.

>> No.2832388


Rosa's problem is that she's inconsistent. Half the time she indulges Maria, the other half she goes fucking crazy and doesn't tolerate it to the point of slapping Maria around. No wonder the kid's fucked up when her mother is sending her mixed messages like that.

>> No.2832400

I don't understand why people think the beginning was so boring? when the kids talked it was funny and when the adults talked it was interesting.

>> No.2832420

I'm pretty sure Ep4 cemented the idea that Rosa's fucking crazy when she even goes off on her boyfriend for pretty much no reason.

>> No.2832461

Yeah, although it has its own pacing issues.

>> No.2832468

I dunno, I really enjoyed Ange's parts even if they did drag on too long. Her parts at school hit home way too hard for me as well.

>> No.2832538

All they love are blood and violence.
The "pace" they mention has been measured by the frequency of them.
If Umineko had a story that people die every 5 min in, they would say it's the ultimate story.

>> No.2832558

Rosa probably has a bipolar disorder syndrome.

>> No.2833092

Me too. Sad to say, I identified myself with her.

>> No.2833113

Oh please. That's as bad as "if you thought any part of Umineko was boring you must have ADD." Stop being such a fanboy, Umineko isn't perfect.

>> No.2833122



The only part of the story with bad pacing is Episode 1's first part (too much info dump in too little time, too little reason to care yet), but I'm honestly not sure how they could have done it different.

Otherwise, Umineko has great pacing. Just because there's not action every 10 minutes doesn't mean it has bad pacing.

>> No.2833129

Episode 3's beginning was reminiscent of Ever17 or Phoenix Wright. At the end, when Battler found the cigarette in Kyrie's pocket, I was like, FUCK YEAH, I know the answer because I was paying attention.

>> No.2833156

I didn't even notice Ange's existence because she was first mentioned in the beginning of Episode 1 and then ignored until Episode 4. It's hard to remember mentioned-but-not-seen characters when you're still being introduced to seen characters.

>> No.2833175

I don't think anyone plays Umineko for the action.

>> No.2833206

and I clearly covered that in my post...

>> No.2833232

If by action, you mean the magical fighting parts, I'd say over half of /jp/ does. I have no idea why, since they're overly dramatic to the point of being silly, and don't even actually happen, but there it is.

>> No.2833302

Or cut the people fighting over the inheritance down.

She was mentioned in ep1?

>> No.2833357

The only part that dragged for me was Angie's flashbacks to school life early in Ep4. Dear god I was bored to tears, get on with it.

>> No.2833365

She was mentioned in episode 3 as well

>> No.2833742


in any case - Beatrice seems to know him well. wonder what does that mean

>> No.2833769


I'm 99% sure Kyrie is his mother. Remember their conversion in EP4 before she dies? "You're like a mother to me right now!"? I can't help but think that line was in there for a reason.

As for who Beatrice is... I still don't have a clue. I like the Jessica theory, but it has some snags all the same.

>> No.2833771
File: 63 KB, 642x503, battler is a brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"The brother is a son"

Beatrice is Battler's mother. Kinzo is the father.

>> No.2833778

Kyrie said she miscarriage and was envy of Asumu didn't she. I guess Asumu just might steal someone's child so that she can get married to Rudolf. None of those matter ofcourse.

>> No.2833781
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...you know, I was honestly gonna say that. But I pussied out in the end.

Except Battler was some kind of bastard child of the two.

>> No.2833791 [DELETED] 


No, Maria was just confused. I had a younger cousin who thought I was her brother. Kids can't really understand complex family relationships.

>> No.2833790

I can;t help but think its Kyrie's bitch sister.

>> No.2833805 [DELETED] 

Would make him the rightful successor of the family?

>> No.2833808

Would that make him the rightful successor of the family?

>> No.2833809

What was the last red line Beatice gave btw?
Wasn't it something like
"Battler is the only person alive on the island. I will kill you now, but ofcourse I am not you. Who am I?" or something isn't it?

If Beatrice need to be human. She would either be..
1. Battler Hidden personality.
2. The real Battler - same name is Battler
3. Some fucking captain boat who is actually OFF the island rightnow on the ship in the water.

>> No.2833811


Uu- uu- UU- sounds retarded to you?

It's her magic word to ensure she will always be friends with her mother

>> No.2833816


# And right now, there is no one other than you on this island.
# The only one alive on this island is you.
# Nothing outside the island can interfere.
# You are all alone on this island.
# And of course, I am not you.
# Yet I am here, now, and will kill you.

>> No.2833829

Can we demolish the whole "red text is true from the speaker's point of view" idea now? Since Battler couldn't say he was born from Asumu, but from his point of view he was.

>> No.2833899

You're misunderstanding the theory.
He can't state in red what he BELIEVES to be true. He can state in red what he WOULD FIND TO BE TRUE IF HE KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. If he had known he wasn't born from her, he couldn't consider himself born from her.
On the other hand, he can state Asumu is his mother, even though she's not technically his mother; regardless of who he was born from, he considers Asumu his mother.

>> No.2833921


Red text doesn't work that way. Truth doesn't work that way. Only perception of truth works that way.

>> No.2833939 [SPOILER] 
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You have something to look forward to.
