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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2827449 No.2827449 [Reply] [Original]

So after being an intimidated prick for years I've decided to start up on Japanese. The most I know are a few phrases (sadly I can understand H-scenes for the most part because they all basically say the same crap) and thought to myself
"Ah, what the hell. Not like I don't waste my time enough already, might as well do something productive with it."

I have read about a few VNs that I'd love to read but are untranslated. I also hate song translations (or even worse, lack thereof) because they mostly read very badly. I'd love to be able to actually understand the lyrics myself.

So I started with Genki (just started today and practicing the Hiragana ひらがな[for my own practice] chart) and plan to use that "Teach you Kanji good" page with the image of some guys nutsack being kicked after I finish the vocabulary part.

My question for you is how long on average did it take for you to self-teach Japanese (for those who have learned) enough to at least be able to vaguely understand a conversation?

I heard that a nice way to help the learning process is to try to translate stuff on your own, referring to your notes when you forget stuff. I have a lot of untranslated doujin that I can take a shot at. Can anyone verify their success using this learning aid?

>> No.2827455

I studied Japanese for about 2 months, and I'm already fluent, thanks to Rosetta Stone.

>> No.2827468

Just to let you know, post count means nothing.

Quality over quantity.

>> No.2827471

I tried Rosetta Stone. It sucked horridly, I can see it as being good for polishing up on your Japanese after you've reached a certain level, and being used for vocabulary maybe, but overall I did not have a very good experience with it. It's still on my computer, I guess for if I ever feel like checking it out for any of the reasons I mentioned above once (or rather, if) I get to a certain stage.

>> No.2827475

Don't start translating yet. You're going to be very frustrated at any attempt you make. Just for now go through the genki exercises, and memorize hiragana and katagana.

After learning these, please, please PLEASE start on memorizing kanji. You will not know how easier your life will be when you do.

once you start getting better and better and are able to spot relatively common things just by a glace or just a peek, i would start thinking about translation.

>> No.2827479

I've been studying for years and I still have trouble with kanji. I'm good enough for simple manga translation, though.

I just started reading remember the kanji. Hopefully that will help.

>> No.2827504

Thanks for the tip, I guess.

>> No.2827519

Thanks, I'll take your advice. I mostly read that people usually go Hiragana->Katakana->Vocab->Kanji->More vocab->More Kanji (repeating these two for eternity)

Also, what does /jp/ think about the Firefox plugin Kanji-lish https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7208 ?

>> No.2827567

i learned a bit of japanese while i was in school. i picked up more by watching anime. since I knew basic grammar, i was about to slowly pick out words from a character's lines. even a friend of mine was able to do the same after about 2-3 years, even though he never took any classes.

Kanji is something I know very little of, but playing a lot of untranslated games, mostly ps2 games, it helped with a few kanjis, but not much.

I'm not suggesting you should try learn through these methods, but the point is to immerse yourself into the language. The more exposed you are to it, the more you'll begin to recognize and remember them.

if you're looking to work with raw manga/doujin, try to find one that was the hiragana next to the kanji. it helps to understand the kanji a bit.

>> No.2827602

Yeah, I made sure that the doujin I picked had the hiragana next to the kanji. Also, I do nothing all day but listen to weaboo music(I really have almost zero English songs on my computer. The ones that are English are mostly Japanese singers with broken English) , watch anime/read manga, and play VNs. So I know what you mean by the whole immersion thing, that's how I subconsciously learned a few phrases without even trying.

>> No.2827625
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1241081831066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meari-san is my waifu.

Also, make sure you're using a SRS, such as Anki, in conjunction with your kanji learning.

>> No.2827640

>what does /jp/ think about the Firefox plugin Kanji-lish
lags on larger pages (don't use it to browse 4chan) and it can't distinguish between homonyms

>> No.2827662

dear op,

start off by translating anime episodes since whatever does not kill you only makes you stronger


>> No.2827701

I'm sorry, but do elaborate. I've seen this acronym before but have never seen what it actually is. Obviously putting SRS or Aniki into a search engine won't really bring up many helpful results either.

Thanks for the helpful input, bro.

>> No.2827714

>>Obviously putting SRS or Aniki into a search engine won't really bring up many helpful results either.


>> No.2827734


>> No.2827755
File: 88 KB, 1110x1263, SRS aniki - Google Search_1245825432969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange, that's not what shows up when I google it myself. Pic related, that's what I get when I google it.

>> No.2827759
File: 228 KB, 700x700, fascinating3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2827760

Anki is a spaced repetition system. Are you serious, though? The first hit on Google for "Anki" is Anki's homepage:


>> No.2827761


Because you typed in "aniki", you worthless cunt. It's "anki".

>> No.2827776

I realized that after reading >>2827759
Thanks for the correction. It is almost 3 AM over here, I apologize for my current half-asleep mistake.

>> No.2827785

I fucking lol'd.

Don't worry about it.

>> No.2827794

Don't mind bro, happens to best of us.

>> No.2827849

I think the fact that he mistook Anki with Aniki is actually a good sign. Maybe OP is a little too diligent in his studies.

Also, the brain tends to read words as a whole rather than in parts, unless it's a big word.

>> No.2827855

I learned japanese in OVER 9000 SECONDS

>> No.2827866


There's a grammar book that's supposed to be good. I downloaded it in electronic form from Demonoid (I think the torrent was called Japanese books or something, and it had many other books). So far it seems pretty good.

I took three years in school but know very few words and kanji. I think it was because we just went too slow, and the book wasn't very informative. So basically I'm going to try to study this summer since I've mostly been masturbating otherwise lol.

>> No.2827868

OP here, thanks for the help and tips guys. I'm getting to bed now and I'll try to memorize hiragana and katakana by Sunday.

Night guys. Feel free to leave more tips and stuff while I'm asleep, I have the thread being watched over by an auto-refresh script.

>> No.2827879


>> No.2827884


Take a look through the /jp/ archive for more learning Japanese threads. There have been plenty.

