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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 64 KB, 626x622, T-Shirt-Next-on-the-Banned-List-789925_ex1e5D3qOuXk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2825596 No.2825596 [Reply] [Original]

With the recent update in bannings for erogames I predict this list will come into effect to further not insult anyone.

Single moms
Sex friends
Married women having affairs
Men having affairs
Sex out of wedlock
Sex purely for pleasure
Men asking women to have sex
Doggy style
anal sex
Oral sex
Hand jobs
Sex being enjoyable
A man being in a superior position over women
Men not paying for dinner
Men saying anything negative about women
Men receiving gifts from women
Women not receiving help with any perceived problem
Children anywhere in the story.

I think that about covers it.

>> No.2825601

>Sex being enjoyable
I laughed.

>> No.2825629

Should have added "Disabled Girls"

>> No.2825647

>Men not paying for dinner
Seems reasonable.

>> No.2825667

>Sex being enjoyable
Oh wow.

>> No.2825723

Considering their real porn follows this it seems logical.

>> No.2825762

More recent updates:

Unrequited love
Dumping suitors
Picking someone based on looks
Missionary position
Holding hands before marriage
Use of condoms
Relationship not centered to God

>> No.2825829


Men being allowed to choose who he likes
Talking to women without being spoken too
Not having a gay friend
Not supporting every alternative lifestyle
Men having pride in themselves

>> No.2825861
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It seems Paizuri will never be banned

So i don't care about this list

>> No.2825866
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>> No.2825892


Soon they'll come for your fetish too, bro. THEY WILL

>> No.2825926

Pretty sure anything that is not missionary position is banned. Enjoy.

>> No.2825933

That's discriminatory against flat-chested women and is therefore a form of societal rape, and thus BANNED.

>> No.2825952

Well I guess mosquito girls inserting their proboscides down each other's vaginas to drain their own unborn babies (in eggs, of course, no pregnancy allowed) dry, licking each other's nether regions to eat their desiccated husks right out of the womb, growing dicks made out of blood and then penetrating each other for a fresh batch of food is still okay.

>> No.2825986

>mosquito girls

not human -> banned

>> No.2826019

Are you implying girls should be discriminated against simply because of one's views about humanity?

Blasphemy. You misogynist faggot weeaboo, take that back immediately. No wonder you have no girlfriend.

>> No.2826116

self-regulation bans bestiality.

>> No.2826373

/jp/ - Discovery Channel
Lol!... nice work...

>Children anywhere in the story.

>> No.2826437

Since having children can be seen as a burden and harmful to women it can't be in there.

>> No.2826549

Don't forget to remove sex, men, women, boys, girls, bodies and their parts, speech (since speech can potentially be harmful), and images of any kind because even the most innocent image can be soiled by innuendo.

>> No.2826562

Would fap again.

>> No.2826570

Like if all this things didn't happen at all in real life.

>> No.2826572

dont forget to outlaw reading and writing

>> No.2826578

Feet are dirty and shall be banned along with armpits!

>> No.2826587

>bannings for erogames

It's not a ban, it's a regulation for online shops.

Don't believe in shitkaku's complex lies, bro.

>> No.2826620

What happened to the right to freedom of speech?

What next? In a few years we will have cameras in our rooms and a chip under our skin?

>> No.2826627

Its going to make it hard to sell though if you can no longer sell though dlist and the what not.

It basicly leaves selling to be done only person to person at cons.

I could see a lot less content being produced if making a profet off of it is any harder then it already is.

>> No.2826648

Only in America

>> No.2826659

>What happened to the right to freedom of speech?
Japan =! USA

If I remember right, "freedom of speech" isent in their constitution or bill of rights.

You forget that a lot of 1st world nations don't have such clauses in their constitutions unlike the US.

>> No.2826669

the chinese make people use webcams during mmo online play so that they dont use a character of a gender other than their own

>> No.2826662

Still not a ban. And shops will keep selling this stuff no matter what.

Again, don't believe shitkaku's lies.

>> No.2826664

Yeah it does. They don't quite care that people are getting off on it.

>> No.2826696

When this rolls over to comiket, then it would really be serious trouble.

>> No.2826717

2ch says that they do have freedom of speech in the post-war constitution. Also, the only really fishy thing about this is that only dejipare has said anything about this and while worrying I would be actually scared if for example DLstie came out saying that all this is fact and not a clever ruse.

>> No.2826730

It's self-regulation, not an actual law. Freedom of speech doesn't really apply in this case.

>> No.2826913



>> No.2826921


>> No.2826924

It can be only a regulation, but it will affect the developers. Lots of them will stop producing content.

>> No.2826980

next on the feminists' list: ban all exports from japan

>> No.2826993

From a different Sankaku article:
>Notably, the EOCS previously banned games with loli or incest content, but this proved totally ineffective (perhaps as designed), whilst allowing the body to present a facade of “responsibility” (if appeasing moralists can be considered such) to those who might otherwise fret.

>> No.2826996

Every person in the world should cut off their own or each others' hands off to make absolutely sure none of us are ever able to even consider drawing or writing such morally disgusting filth.

>> No.2827012

Why does it seems whenever these kinds of rules and regulations role around that 4chan is the first sight to claim the sky is falling, and then a week later acts like nothing ever happened when they learn they're not dead.

>> No.2827021

so it's basically "regulations" to appease the feminists while eroge companies continue to not give a shit

>> No.2827034
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>> No.2827047

Attention Deficit Disor who wants to talk about kig?

>> No.2827078

I told you the feminists were at something.

>> No.2827587

Good now half the world won't be NEETs and have to actually become productive members of society.

>> No.2827673

Actually, contrary to popular belief, idle hands are the tools of the devil.

>> No.2827698
File: 31 KB, 512x384, OnNotice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2827702



>> No.2827704

Look the best porn we can get will be British porn.

no moving, no moaning, no kissing, talking only.

>> No.2827716
File: 18 KB, 310x342, CommodoreMatthewPerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not for long

>> No.2827874


>> No.2827901

Perry's Magnificient Speculum: Violent Semen Inferno.

>> No.2828960

I wonder if one could simply start an online download site for all kinds of porn over in the west.

Would need to be in one of those countries who don't think animated sex is the devil though.

>> No.2828974

One good example: “Goodwill” ambassador Joel Madden

Joel started dating Hilary Duff in 2004, when she was 16 years old and he 25. In November 2006, after two and a half years, Madden and Duff broke up.

LOL Looks like the UNICEF “goodwill” ambassadors are guilty of the crimes they call Japan “guilty of”.

>> No.2828975

NMany groups, governments, and individuals have criticized UNICEF over the years for what they view as failing to meet the needs of their particular group or interest. Recent examples include criticism of its perceived failure to hold the Government of Sudan adequately accountable for the practice of slavery in southern Sudan

>> No.2828985

NGO Monitor asserts that while UNICEF aims to fund only non-political organisations, it also funded “Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation” (PYALARA), a student-run Palestinian NGO. NGO Monitor alleges that PYALARA has a covert political agenda justifying suicide bombings and demonising Israel.

Happy UNICEF suicide bomber day, Palestine!

>> No.2828989

The Catholic Church has also been critical of UNICEF, with the Vatican at times withdrawing its donations, because of reports by the American Life League and others that UNICEF has used some of those funds to finance sterilizations and abortions.

I bet this happened in Africa.

>> No.2829003

The foundations are a semi-public arm of the Empire to ensure domination over the rest of the world.
But please don't spam this in evey fucking thread

>> No.2829034


Self-regulation is a common form of censorship. period. Learn to politics
