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2822991 No.2822991 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/,
I'll be going to Japan for the first time in September for 3 weeks. I planned on staying in Tokyo and Kyoto; does anyone have any suggestions about what I should absolutely go and see etc.?

>> No.2823000

aha lemme tell u mah nigga wat u gotta do iz go 2 one of dem bars wit da white ppl not da onez wit da asians but ne wayz they full o fine japanese women wit big ole bootyz n shit dawg u gon get sum pussy 2night lol no wut i sayin?

>> No.2823005

You should give advice in every Japan thread.

>> No.2823017

tokyo tower in that pic looks abit like the eiffel tower

>> No.2823028


>> No.2823041

penis envy

>> No.2823049

You are Korean.

>> No.2823073

Tokyo Bay Ferry
Kyoto river around midnight
That UFO like bus station thing in Nagoya

>> No.2823075

There is a plan of the rebuilding in Tokyo Tower.
I think that you had better not believe a Korean opinion.

>> No.2823085

where did the korean bs come from in this thread?

>> No.2823125

You have a JR pass I'm assuming since you're stayin in Tokyo and Kyoto right? There's a lot of shrines in Kyoto to visit and it's a less than 30m train to Osaka. Osaka castle is pretty cool, but I went when the trees were blooming, really cool park area and festivals going on by the river.

While in Tokyo avoid Roppongi like the plague.

>> No.2823126

take this to /trv

>> No.2823224

thanks kind anon

>> No.2823230

yeah, i'm getting one. Hm, is Roppongi that bad?

>> No.2823467

agreed with this anon.
Roppongi is maybe like the worst place in the whole japan.
tokyo tower is worth a visit tho

>> No.2823472

>I'll be going to Japan for the first time
