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2820557 No.2820557 [Reply] [Original]

So what Non-penetrative act would Anon do to make Rider happy?

>> No.2820560

Command Seal her to be happy.

Happiness is mandatory, citizen.

>> No.2820573

>Non-penetrative act

>> No.2820576

A cup of tea, a good book, and a nice cuddle.

>> No.2820579

Beat her with a blunt weapon instead of stabbing her.

>> No.2820587

Fuck, why do I have the biggest crush on Rider again. I thought I got over that three years ago.

I just wanna hug her ;_;

>> No.2820589


Friend computer, is that you?

>> No.2820598
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Buy a huge bunch of books and some booze, then apend the day silently reading and drinking together.

>> No.2820610

The computer is not your friend. Trust not the technology.

>> No.2820612

Learn to ballroom dance and take her dancing.
I've always wanted to do that.

>> No.2820623

How romantic. I envy you, Anonymous.

>> No.2820632

Gouging out my eyes in front of her. Then magicing them back. I can do magic right?

>> No.2820636

Magic doesn't exist.

>> No.2820644

There's a magic called SCIENCE!

>> No.2820642








I'm pretty sure she'll be very after that.

>> No.2820647

Pretty classy, bro.

>> No.2820684

She likes to gouge out eyes herself. You doing it would just piss her off.

>> No.2820986


>> No.2820998

Let her have a field day with the slaves, she should enjoy toying with them for awhile.

They squirm so sweetly when you strangle them.

>> No.2821032
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Like this.

>> No.2821238

Get her a mini bike for her to ride.

>> No.2821240

you forgot that you need to put her in a full body black leather ridersuit

>> No.2821258

go away

>> No.2821252
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>> No.2821254

she needs a fringe

>> No.2821266

i lol'd

>> No.2821665


Kratos can kill Rider. Discuss.

>> No.2821680
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The GOD OF WAR, KRATOS, would tear her head from where it sits on her shoulders...FOR THE GLORY OF SPARTA!

>> No.2821683

Buy her a mountain bike.

>> No.2821684
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oh snap where is your gorgon now

>> No.2821685

Offer to remove that collar around her neck.

That has to be incredibly stifling. I can't imagine it's comfortable at all.

>> No.2821694

A fancy, well cooked dinner of her favorite foods, set on a table with candles and light upbeat conversation, followed by a backrub with warm massage oil.

Or just let her eat Shirou.

>> No.2821696

Every single one of you would hide in your room, behind your monitor, face flushed, pretending not to notice her walking past your window outside.

>> No.2821698

That's not true. I'd at least make an attempt, and probably strike out horribly thanks to my looks. Of course, if she keeps the blindfold on there's always a chance.

>> No.2821705


>probably strike out horribly thanks to my looks.

You are going to die painfully after this, as I hope you are aware. She will steep the ground in your blood.

Of course, if your name is Perseus, then by all means proceed.

>> No.2821712

Perseus is my middle name, is that good enough?

>> No.2821715


This guy is the nightmare of Nasuverse.

ORT ? Shiki ? No, he fucking kill ZEUS !

>> No.2821717

That's mostly because I would be wondering why I am tripping balls.

>> No.2821721

Nasuverse's Perseus was just a really, really lucky man with five NPs.

And Medusa is not as much monster as the victim. Greek deities liked nothing more than dicking around, and given there are three Gorgons and many more divinities in Greece, you're much more likely to get harmed by the latter.

>> No.2821724
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Pray to Athena then and she may cast her aegis over you. I really can't bet on your survival, all the same.

>> No.2821727

>Greek deities liked nothing more than dicking around

The very reason why I enjoy playing GoW very much.

>> No.2821731

Is this the same Athena who turned people into lions for laughs and kicks? No thanks, I'll try my luck with the gorgon.

>> No.2821734

I'm guessing she's into pony play. I suppose I could stoop to that for Rider.

>> No.2821735


> And Medusa is not as much monster as the victim

That is precisely why you will want to avoid attracting her attention. She is prone to bouts of extreme violence. You would be wise not to corner a Gorgon.

>> No.2821753


Victims of social abuse are generally receptive to offers of friendship. I don't know what you're so afraid of.

>> No.2821758

All the more fun to try and dominate her.

>> No.2821775

I don't think being given tusks, scales, snake hair and all that shit out of nowhere counts as social abuse.

>> No.2821792


Shall I cite the instant in Fate where she derives pleasure from inflicting grievous wounds on others?

Or her killing and savaging of humans? Her collection of petrified humans, referred to in the series as her 'statue garden'?
Throughout the ages it has always been maintained that she responded to her ill treatment with a fury unlike any other. In fact, in the modern era she has been immortalizes as a symbol of female rage.

Let us also not forget that humans mistreated her sisters as well as herself. She has nothing but contempt and hatred for human beings.

>> No.2821835
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Given by whom? It's social abuse the same way and flipping someone's lunch tray in their face because someone had to go out of their way and do it.


All the more to be pleasantly surprised when she comes across a genuinely benevolent person. Circumstances shape people. Expecting an asshole and meeting a good man can bring a degree of benevolence into a bitter person.

>> No.2821862
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Stheno and Euryale had been trying for years, I doubt you'd have much success.

Plus, all evidence points directly to Medusa visiting INCREDIBLE DEATH upon you for getting in her way, unless you're her Master or a much, much more powerful being. In that case, then being benevolent when you could instead end her life would work. Fate more or less proves that she listens to no such thing unless at the mercy of others.

>> No.2822201

except she was outright kind to sakura, going as far as assisting shirou whenever it would benefit sakura as a person. if she was in this entirely for the grail she could of easily gone along with zouken's plan and stayed with shinji, letting all sorts of terrible things happen to sakura until she became the grail.

>> No.2822232


Isn't Sakura the real controller of Rider, though?

>> No.2822242

She's the one who summoned her.Why do you even have to ask that?
Discussing this without reading the source material is kinda pointless.

>> No.2822261


>Why do you even have to ask that?

I wanted Anon to say it.

So, that puts Sakura in the Master role I mentioned before, giving Medusa excellent reason to be interested in her welfare. It's not mere selfless altruism.

>> No.2822275

It becomes fairly damn obvious through the story that she does not do what she does due to fear of Command Spells or termination of contract and going back to the void.
But I guess it's 'Gorgon Conspiracy' pretend time along with your silly roleplaying.

>> No.2822311


>It becomes fairly damn obvious through the story that she does not do what she does due to fear of Command Spells or termination of contract and going back to the void.

Of course not. But any sensible person knows not to bite the hand that feeds, and Medusa seems sensible enough in that regard

> Gorgon Conspiracy'

Hahaha, I remember when Anons would say that I harbored a 'MANIACAL HATRED' of all things pertaining to Medusa.

I am merely versed enough in Hellenistic legends to know that Medusa is by no means a nice person who will be nice to you if you're nice to her, or those Legendary Heroes wouldn't have been slayed on the spot or turned to stone by her.

>> No.2822325
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While we're referencing Fate, let's not forget that one part where she promises to orgasm while putting one's eyes out with her fingertips.

>> No.2822320


So she acts like a Servant should? I see no problem.

Protip; Cu Chulainn displayed more historical bloodlust than Medusa ever did.

>> No.2822331

Well, the first legends/stories concerning her and perseus had them in an isolated place where nobody approached and they were not described preying on humans.
The only victims known were warriors who attacked them (out of fear of possible threat or for glory). Aka, messed with the bull, struck by the horns
There were later more bloody/terrifying versions and then more humanized tragic versions.

>> No.2822341

Sadism is a sexual fetish.

>> No.2822362
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> Sadism is a sexual fetish.

Good, so we agree that Medusa is a sadistic monster with bloodthirsty tendencies and a rage that burns hotter that the surface of the sun.

I believe the reason why I fear her is self-explanatory, then. If she derives pleasure from mutilating humans, I'm not going to jolly well offer up my guts for garters.

>> No.2822370

Well at least she's honest, unlike Arcueid who is constantly trying to deny her urge to eat Shiki like he's a fine steak dinner.

>> No.2822379

You add up a lot of shit in my words.
Plus, accepting something she said as 100% truth and not just messing with your fucking head is a bit close-minded.

>> No.2822408
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Awww, come on, you really gonna bullshit me like that man? You couldn't even think up some really elaborate trolling? I know you'd insist that the sky is pink and purple in your world till you turned blue in the face, but seriously...I'm not even going to waste time pointing out that she doesn't make threats she can't carry out.

>> No.2822426

I'd take that blindfold off of her. She can't possibly be able to see with it on.

>> No.2822429

There is a difference between silly lying and a someone who just cut off your fucking arm to make you useless as a master messing with your head and simply terrifying you more.
And if you stopped posting all together, the waste of time that comes from you repeating the same bullshit nobody agrees on would come at a close, and noone would be sad about it.

>> No.2822474
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>> No.2822491

Classical mythology is okay.
Your twisted interpretation you push as solid facts isn't.
Disagrees both with facets of the legend AND with the characterization Nasu gives her in his own work.
But I guess all that is unimportant.

>> No.2822515

Medusa doesn't actually kill people. It's mostly the retards who enter the damn cave. When there's a powerful creature in a cave that can easily kill you, like say, a bear or a gorgon, it is logical to not enter the fucking cave. But ancient greece, logic, choose one.

Medusa was pretty good for her day's standards, where humans killed and took each other's stuff actively on a regular basis. At least she was defensive and only defended her home and sisters (who by Nasuverse timeline were not cursed)

>> No.2822520

I would take her for a drive, find a nice spot to watch the sun set (or rise, depending on departure time), and then cuddle or perhaps make out. Afterwards, go get some breakfast at an IHOP or something akin and just talk about nothing for a while. Then, go home and collapse into bed.

>> No.2822522

They actually were immortal while Rider wasn't.
Rider turned into a monster due to human perception affecting her and herself snapping in the Nasuverse.

>> No.2822634
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> All around the cavern where they dwelt might be seen the stony figures of men and animals which had chanced to catch a glimpse of them and had been petrified with the sight.


And let's not forget the poor souls who lost their lives merely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Unless we're going to disregard the killing of people en-masse through her petrifying looks?

>> No.2822675

Maybe they shouldn't have gone around monsters capable of petrifying by sight.

>> No.2822685


>Avoid Medusa.

When I say this, everyone gets on their magnificent high horses and goes "HURR BLUH U IS PARANOID I WUD CUDDLE RIDER"

>> No.2822721

lick pussy

>> No.2823267


This was right after Shirou told her she was a weak ass and that he probably didn't need a servant to deal with her.

Naturally, she'd be pissed and promise to visit a great deal of pain upon him in exchange for the insult.

You're making it sound like she was all "durhurhur I wanna gouge out eyes cause it's fun hurr"

>> No.2823286


Well the problem there was that the petrification thing is kind of a passive process. People got petrified when they looked at her.

You're trying to say she's a jackass because people turn to stone when they look at her, which is totally not her fault and she couldn't stop it if she wanted to. That's different from the petrification she uses in the nasuverse, which actively requires her gaze to be fixed on her target.

>> No.2823302


Actual mythology Medusa and nasuverse Rider are wildly different.

Rider's probably a safe bet.

>> No.2823498
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>You're trying to say she's a jackass because people turn to stone when they look at her

Aaaaaaaand that's totally not what I was trying to say. What you autistic manchildren don't quite seem to understand is that I view Medusa as a Chthonic monster from the depths, as historians describe her, and in the same way that Goethe and Dante did. I am not making shit randomly up, because she has a bodycount in Greek mythology, and both Dante and Goethe describe her as a killer.

This thing pictured here is, to me, a monster that is fair of face who has very little regard for the personal safety of others.

If you view her otherwise, then that is of absolutely no concern to me. You're not keeping me from sleeping at night if you think that Rider is a moe-moe glasses-wearing misunderstood Oneechan, but do understand that I have my qualms about her.

>> No.2823970
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not trying to be a dick about terms but whatever.

>> No.2824118

Rider's sadism in Fate isn't automatic--it's reactive. Every single time, it's for a purpose. She goads Saber, she punishes Shirou for his naive mockery. Nasu's characterization is cut and print: she gained her bloodlust and sadistic nature defending her place of exile, and her sisters.

Not to mention, in the mythos itself, she was cursed into a creature of bloodlust and murder, AFTER being raped by Poseidon in Althena's temple. Y'know, Althena, the one that went and cursed her to begin with?


>> No.2824136

Althena > Athena

fucking l button

>> No.2824438


Wow. You really think people give a shit what your opinion is. Like everybody else should regard your thoughts as highly as you do.

>> No.2826464

Fuck yes Paranoia/FSN crossover would be win. I don't have a fucking clue how that would work of course, BUT I DON'T CARE!

>> No.2827520


Friend Computer, what is best in life?

>> No.2827540
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Right, and after all this you think it would be an awesome and logically sound idea to mess with her.

Yeah, I can see that going swell.

>> No.2827557


Rider's sadistic only when Shinji's her Master. I think the Servants' personalities are influenced by their Masters. Like when Archer is under Rin, he's tsundere and kind, but when he's no longer her Servant he showed his true self, a real jerk. Same for Saber, who was stubborn as hell when under Shirou, became a bit more tsundere under Rin (remember the Lancer scenes).
