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File: 32 KB, 400x200, 2008-05-17-101381..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2817160 No.2817160 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not sure why, but I really love the voice acting in this game.

>> No.2817174
File: 339 KB, 1280x1024, Saya-no-Uta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why, but I really love the voice acting in this game.

>> No.2817190

I don't remember the VA in Saya No Uta, probably because I was too busy switching between terror and awe.

>> No.2817191

1) Go to sounds settings.
2) Click voices button repeatedly.
3) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
4) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
5) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
6) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
7) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
8) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
9) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
10) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
11) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
12) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
13) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
14) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
15) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
16) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
17) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
18) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
19) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
20) Sasuga Goshujin-sama! Kanpeki desu!
21) ????

>> No.2817199

I'd rather just get to any given Kotaru line and listen to that over and over.

>> No.2817203

The voice acting was one of the few things I liked about Wanko. It made the h scenes pretty fappable.

>> No.2817206
File: 93 KB, 800x595, WankoHawt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people agree the art and voices are quite well done even if they dislike the story.
Though I'm sure someone will reply otherwise to be contrary and spiteful.

>> No.2817209
File: 73 KB, 808x656, WankoHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even this one?

>> No.2817216

I... haven't gotten to that yet.

>> No.2817217

I preferred CG Mikan to sprite Mikan, she had a more doggy feel to her.

>> No.2817223
File: 4 KB, 120x120, WankoMikanSprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2817230

I haven't played a whole lot of visual novels, but I'd have to say Yuuichi is my favorite protagonist aside of Shiki. Yes, I like him more than Shirou and Fuminori (I haven't had a chance to pick up Higurashi or Umineko yes).

>> No.2817242



>> No.2817263

>>>haven't had a chance to pick up Higurashi or Umineko
This anon is suffering severe awesome withdrawal! Get me 500cc of pure epic win stat!

>> No.2817280

Really? I couldn't stand the miserable fucker.

Hurr durr I know everything about life and the real world despite being like 22 because I've worked in a brothel and thus have seen absolutely everything. Also I was raised by a hooker who obviously didn't have a jaded outlook on life at all.

>> No.2817307

I don't really like mysterys or horror things.

>> No.2817314

He got annoying at times, but so does every character in fiction (with VERY rare exceptions). Personally, I like that he's so condescending and that he can actually manipulate everyone around him. The only reason I don't put him above Shiki is that Shiki is one seriously badass motherfucker. That could apply to Shirou too, if Shirou wasn't such a dumbass all the time.

>> No.2817349

Yuuichi is fine. The fact that he triggers such a response from people means he was written well enough to fill his role.
He and the rest of the cast act as foils for each other.

>> No.2817374


>> No.2817493

Nobody's commenting on how well written he was, they were commenting on how much of a fag he was.

Not responding to characters or attaching to them doesn't mean you're better in some way, it just means you haven't been able to immerse yourself into the story.

>> No.2817523

So any character that is hated is well written? Somehow I don't buy that.

>> No.2818103

Delicious Kotacunt~

>> No.2818124

I'd lick her butt, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2818138

That's filthy.
Besides, she just wants semen.
Though she might be more open to variety out of heat.

>> No.2818163

The dogs seemed to enjoy Yuuichi's gigolo hax even when he didn't give them semen.

>> No.2818259

But you don't tease a heat-crazed Kota. You tie her down and roughly inseminate her.
Then you can be gentle and have foreplay after she's calmed down.
Then repeat step one.

>> No.2818309

Wouldn't that count more as midplay?

>> No.2819795

So, hey listen. I'm kinda new to dating sims like this. I instantly fell in love with Kuu. Are there anymore dating sims about catgirls, or characters like Kuu?

>> No.2819847

Let's Meow Meow

>> No.2819858

/r/ Seiyuu Name for Wanko ( not aliases )

>> No.2819906

Johnny Yong Motherfucking Bosch

>> No.2819933

Is Dote Up A Cat any good? Looks adorable

>> No.2820412


>> No.2820427


risa-chan is the worst slut ive seen in ages, always in heat and stuff...

>> No.2820447

intros quite addictive

