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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2815050 No.2815050 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, can you explain me one thing: if you want to see things translated, why do you troll translators so much?

>> No.2815052

We don't, only shitty ones like applehq

>> No.2815057

I'm not even sure how to troll translators.

>> No.2815061

I don't want to see things translated and translators are just whiny faggots that either bitch about piracy/uploaded scripts or translate shit or take time to do shit noone cares about

>> No.2815062

Most translators suck and only want attention, much like the KS devs.

>> No.2815065

just say it sucks or is too weeaboo. They get incredibly butthurt if you insult their kawaii tanslation skills.

>> No.2815072

>or translate shit or take time to do shit noone cares about
I agree on this part.
The KS team doesn't translate shit, bro.

Troll harder.

>> No.2815075

>>noone cares about
Well can you speak for yourself please?
Their translation skills suck? Well if they want attention you can just ignore them and get the release, why troll?

>> No.2815076

He didn't imply they did, learn to read.

>> No.2815077

Say that the game they are translating is shit.

>> No.2815099

Yeah because we all need an installer

>> No.2815115

Translators troll the readers a lot more than the readers troll the translators.

>> No.2815117

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>> No.2815125 [DELETED] 

We don't troll translators, just trolls to skip all the good VN and work on third rate sexromps

>> No.2815136

I don't.
The rest of /jp/ does because they are fucking faggots.
Anyone can see this board is constantly full of posts about Saya, FSN, and Rance, so we know everybody here is thoroughly enjoying the fruits of translator's efforts. Yet in threads where translators are mentioned we all have the gall to pretend like we don't play their games all the damn time.
NEETs are ungrateful by nature, though.

>> No.2815152

We don't troll translators, just trolls that skip all the good VN and work on third rate sexromps

>> No.2815165

How do you decide which game is third rate sexromp?

>> No.2815181

Don't think, just feel it.

>> No.2815270

I'd like you give examples of this third rate sexromps that are being worked upon.

>> No.2815271

Because I'm a translator too and we like trolling other translators....(cuz they really suck ass)

>> No.2815273

Pure Pure, almost anything commercially translated

>> No.2815277

Its the fucking internet, get over with it.

>> No.2815279



>> No.2815280
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oh, you know,
Cross Channel
Little Busters...
there's so many

>> No.2815284


>> No.2815287

Shuffle! has two sex scenes per route, it can hardly be called a "sexromp". Though it's not good enough to deserve a translation, it's not terrible either.

>> No.2815288

Weeaboo games suck.

Trolling is awesomely fun.

That's why.

>> No.2815289

>To Heart 2
How can a game originally released for all ages on the PS2 be a sex romp? The first translation wasn't even for the x-rated version.

>> No.2815297
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>> No.2815304

because /jp/ is jealous that they don't know japanese

>> No.2815325

I don't think trolling matters. Anyone who has spent at least a year on the Internet knows it is packed with people who are just looking for an opportunity to say mean things.

If you can't brush them off then I think you have a problem.

>> No.2815327

You forgot Kazoku Keikaku

>> No.2815342

I don't want to see VNs or eroge translated thanks to the trolls so I've become what I despise.

>> No.2815347

I don't think /jp/ trolls translators par say.
I've almost only seen good things about Takajun, Makoto (at least until he dropped Demonbane) or the one that translated Chaos Head for exemple.
Now, we do troll people who act like massive faggots that crave attention and stir up drama. It's not /jp/'s fault that most translators and translating groups act that way.

>> No.2815349

Shuffle, ToHeart 2 and stuff aren't translated. Prove my point btw

>> No.2815368

You asked for ones that are currently being translated. As for ones that are translated, there are way too many to list. Wanko to Kurasou, Bible Black, Discipline, Do You Like Horny Bunnies?, X Change, etc etc.

>> No.2815380

Another example is the Mindead dorama .... so they now cancelled the project by claiming someone will most likely license this title and insteat they will take on the 10000000 sexromp

>> No.2815382

What about tl wiki trolling? That's just looking stupid

>> No.2815388

Commercial stuff is a different case - they don't really orintate their projects on us, they just sell them at sexshops

>> No.2815402

Translated, not being translated. The last troll festival originated after aother installer drama and then Wanko release and I'm in full support of this

And don't forget, Kanon nor Clannad have been officially released yet. This says it all.

>> No.2815412

Because they deserve it.
Now we don't troll everyone that translates something, it's generally attention whoring faggots that like to delay releases and SPEND HALF A FUCKING YEAR MAKING AN INSTALLER that we rag on.

>> No.2815425

But 4chan said me that this game is shit. Why are you raging so much if they delayed a shitty game for half a year?

>> No.2815426

but you know what?
mirror moon always makes very simple-to-use, streamlined installers. I mean it even copies all the voice files from Realta Nua for you.
Ironically, it's actually good work.

>> No.2815430

>I mean it even copies all the voice files from Realta Nua for you.
It takes like 3 hours for something that you could do by copying some files into the folder

>> No.2815434

Kanon was released.

>> No.2815438

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

>> No.2815439

But even you should know that these things don't take that long, and that parts such as the voice files could have already been scripted into the installer well before the actual translation was done. Delaying it in such a way is disgusting and is clearly only done to increase e-peen.

>> No.2815452

thanks grammar police.
what are you, a fucking english major or something?

>> No.2815479

I doubt that guy's an English major considering he ended a sentence in a preposition. And if he is an English major, he's a shallow normalfaggot who needs to get out of /jp/. Only NEETs are welcome on this board.

>> No.2815484


>> No.2815486

English Literature through a community college is considered "education" now? Wow. Times have changed.

>> No.2815494

It's nothing to do with grammar, it's to do with a simple concept many people seem to find hard to grasp.
NEET here, but you're an idiot if you honestly think that.

>> No.2815513

Just because a word formally has one definition doesn't mean that colloquial usages aren't legitimate. Once a word takes on an accepted usage among enough people, it's valid, despite what over-zealous academia-fags like you may think.
it's ironic because although anon harass Message for taking to long to make an installer, it is a quality installer that anon appreciates.
It doesn't matter if ironic is used "correctly" in that sentence. Everyone understands the meaning of that sentence, so it is valid.

>> No.2815514

If you have a job, education or social life, you're not welcome here. You're either an insufferable attention whore flaunting his perceived real life superiority over the internet or you're a pseudo-intellectual in training. If you can't become a NEET like us or act with the appropriate humility, you need to get out.

Don't have anything else to say, kid?

>> No.2815526

ergo your wrong bitch

>> No.2815531

If you're a NEET, you should know that "normals" are the ones who invariably cause this board to decline in quality even further (as it was never particularly good) when they rear their head. If they could at least learn to not mention any details about themselves in an effort to appear above the other wapanese, they could stay; but they can never manage that.

>> No.2815534

You're not serious, right? /jp/ is not some secret club, having a job does not make you a party-going normalfag. Some people need one to, you know, stay alive.

>> No.2815541

hahaha owow yesterday. My point still stands

>> No.2815542

What about MY wrong bitch?

>> No.2815552

That doesn't even make sense. If they don't mention anything about themselves, how are you supposed to know they're not NEETs? Most people here most likely have jobs and an education, but know better than to mention it. Not that mentioning it would matter, as long as they don't do it in a way that implies they're somehow better than anyone else.

>> No.2815558

> Stop using words you don't kn

>> No.2815571

Too bad the majority of /jp/ is most likely attending college.

>> No.2815580

But do we need to hear about said job? Just like you, most normals who have jobs are the sorts who feel the need to announce that fact and wear it as a badge of superiority. This is why they aren't welcome.

And if we're smart enough to live without working, why can't you do it?

>> No.2815587

>smart enough to live without working
I lol'd. Having parents that won't kick you out doesn't necessarily make you smart, brah

>> No.2815592

Let's get back to topic and ignore tripfags in disguise

>> No.2815594

Since when is hanging on your parents neck became KEWL and 4chan-STLYLISH? You are worse than those elitist translators and should fucking die.

>> No.2815596

Because they are slow as balls and spend 75% of their time jerking off in their IRC channel.

>> No.2815598

Do we need to know how you're a NEET? It sounds like you have an inferiority complex. Lots of them just mention it in passing when it's relevant to the thread.

Also, I'm >>2815494, and I'm not a NEET because I'm smart, I'm a NEET because I happened to be lucky and have parents that don't suck and wouldn't kick me out if I didn't get a job.

>> No.2815606

Any reason for them to speed up if only thing that lies ahead is trolling of them and the game they were translating?

>> No.2815611

Funny, I don't see anything threads about fratfaggotry, partying, drinking or picking up sluts on this board. Where's your proof that most of the people here are college-goers? If anything, the evidence demonstrates the opposite - all the threads here only deal with topics which unemployed, uneducated, morbidly obese social rejects would enjoy. If you weren't one of us, you wouldn't enjoy them. For an analagous example, consider only normalfaggots enjoy watching sports. Same sort of thing.

If they can show the appropriate humility and say nothing of themselves, that's better than them fagging up the board by bringing in their supposed real life superiority.

>> No.2815612

I got disgusted by this place while reading this topic.

>> No.2815615

Who cares, they're a bunch of faggots if they're translating to be popular and have their dick sucked anyways. You translate so others can read and enjoy the VN, that's it.

>> No.2815619

What the... Are you really this stupid? I give up.

>> No.2815623

How do you know why are they translating something? Have you tried to ask them?

>> No.2815625

Everything will be trolled. That's normal on the web. And if transfags would start to translate some good works like Saya, Chaos;HEad C+C and others there would be less trolling.

>> No.2815635

ITT: tripfags and transfags engaging in trolling

>> No.2815637

No one cares about internet fame - it isn't worth time you spend on it. Also translating porn game = gain fame? Rite...

>> No.2815639

Getting people to give you money in exchange through ingratiating them is a mark of intelligence. Don't discount your own abilities, as obtaining something from nothing requires singular talents; you've succeeded where every alchemist has failed.

>> No.2815641

Doesn't really matter. Personal shit should be kept out of translation.

Goddamn, if I knew Japanese I could put my NEETness to use.

>> No.2815646

ITT: Tohoe tripfag trying to start the flame war

>> No.2815652

Not really. You waste the most important thing in your life - time.

>> No.2815668

So wait. If a reasonble number of you are in college or on your way to a fiscally successful future, why is it that during all the idiotic self-pity and ronery threads dominated by faggot hikkis and NEETs, you don't say anything? Arguing over the internet might be stupid, but do you want this board to turn into "NEET R LEGIUN XDDD" with a secret underground club mentality?

It certainly seems to be moving in that direction.

>> No.2815672

Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.2815677

He's right though. Even as a NEET I think the NEET IS LEJUN XD mentality here is really stupid.

>> No.2815684

same goes for you

>> No.2815687

>Not really. You waste the most important thing in your life - time.

Because spending 40 years accumulating money and trinkets only to become too old and worn by the passage of years to use them is a better use of time, right?

>> No.2815692

Would you rather have daily threads about fucking girlfriends?

No you wouldn't, so deal with the NEET elitism.

>> No.2815700


Butthurt NEET. Why are you supporting the growth of a /b/ mentality on this board?

>> No.2815709

Our group actually receives quite a few thanks from /jp/, so I haven't really found that to be the case.

/a/ likes to troll fansubbers, though. Probably because there are more of them.

>> No.2815719

No one is fucking cares about both. Also I don't want repeading toehoe threads, I got tired of them.

>> No.2815720

You are the one who is supporting a /b/ mentality by encouraging normalfaggotry.

>> No.2815721

Is it enjoyable to be boring?

>> No.2815725

No, because it's not /jp/ related. Even if most people here had girlfriends, they would (or, should), know to go to /r9k/ to discuss them. I don't care if people here have girlfriends.

>> No.2815726

Then make a thread about a VN or whatever else you're interested in.

>> No.2815742

They are getting saged - threads about Japan.

>> No.2815743

So instead of threads about girlfriends, we instead get the front page covered with threads about "waifus" which consist of nothing other than "yeah, she looks so pedo" or "I would have sex with her hair/armpits etc." So much less shallow, right?

This would excusable if things like plot, characterization or creative influences were occasionally discussed here. But when's the last time you saw one, outside of the occasional thread about Umineko? When's the last time you saw a justification for why Luvia is better than Rin based on something other than "she has drills and bigger breasts?" When's the last time you saw a Touhou thread talking about the bullet algorithms necessary to recreate certain kinds of patterns?

I'm not saying that this should be the norm for /jp/ discussion, but the fact that we never see it instead of all the waifu and idol threads demonstrates that this board isn't any less shallow than the others.

>> No.2815745

All the NEETs from /a/ fled here, it's something you'll have to deal with. If losers or whatever annoy you, then browse /r9k/.

>> No.2815753

... actually I do 90% of the trolling of translators here.
To be honest. I don't give a shit about piss poor translators trying to bulk out shit. I have a problem with them too stupid to know they are wrong and then come here to seek help.
They don't accomplish anything much grander than being a slow, above average dictionary of words that can't construct simple sentences without them leaning into bullshit in both languages.

I translate myself and went through years of doing it before I could even consider myself decent enough to go through a chapter and feel confident I knew everything written already. I'm already trying to go on to visual novels and build up my translation capabilities that holds over chapters instead of pages.

I hate because I love. If the translators here got better I would have all the more reason to love. If they were as good as they could get then I could respect, but they don't even bother understanding English yet alone Japanese.

>> No.2815756

I don't know about you, but I see plenty of legitimate discussion outside of "X IS MY WAIFU, SO MOE".

>> No.2815759

Who said "losers" annoy them? I haven't seen one post like that here.

>> No.2815764
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>If losers or whatever annoy you, then browse /r9k/.

>> No.2815770

Could you point a couple of translators you described? Of course if they have seek attention/help here.

>> No.2815771

Well to be fair, this board wasn't really centered around Japan. It was basically a board for all the shit that /a/ and /v/ didn't want.

>> No.2815773


>> No.2815782

Where can I make such a threads? I'd gladly leave this place if you'll point me destination.

>> No.2815804

/trv/, /r9k/, /b/

>> No.2815805

I'm here since creashuun and I never saw any NEET LEGUN mentality on /jp/ you fucking tripfag. I bet my money on jones motherfucker

>> No.2815808


>> No.2815812

There isn't really a board for Japan threads, so they still belong in /jp/. What I mean is that you shouldn't be surprised if people start bitching about them, due to most of the content on the board.

>> No.2815815

Yes. /b/ is called Random for a reason. It's for everything that doesn't belong in any other board.

>> No.2815835
File: 152 KB, 500x500, get-out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With your greentext sarcasm, caps, and emotes, it's quite obvious you are from /a/ or /v/.

Go back.

>> No.2815841


>> No.2815845

So it's okay to brag about being a NEET, but if you're something other than a neckbearded landwhale with no job, no friends and no future, mentioning it causes people to tell you to get out?

What do you call that, if not an effort by NEETs to normalize their failures onto everyone else?

>> No.2815853


>> No.2815858

Have you ever been there?

>> No.2815864

You just made me browse /b/ for 20 seconds.

Fuck you.

>> No.2815865
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>> No.2815869 [DELETED] 

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2815871

I generally try to avoid it, but on the occasion I click there out of boredom, there are usually a lot of varied threads. It's just /r9k/ with more memes and faggotry.

>> No.2815874

>this whole thread
guise i think someone is trollin u

>> No.2815880
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Trolling is not nice Pedro-san

>> No.2815882

No-one with any self respect would willingly brag about being a NEET.
It's the NEET population's reaction to anyone claiming that they're not a NEET (even a slight hint) that prompts a whole lot of butthurt and shit throwing for no good reason.

>> No.2815887

yet most of them are about cp, teen porn or trolling.

>> No.2815890

>No-one with any self respect would willingly brag about being a NEET.
Why not? I'm not one for bragging in general, but being a NEET is pretty nice.

>> No.2815894


You're pretty good at samefagging, I have to say.

>> No.2815903

It is nice if you can support yourself money-wise. But living via parents sucks

>> No.2815913

Because? I don't mind leeching of my parents.

>> No.2815916

Do you people even know what NEET means?
Most actual NEETs are the definition of normalfag and go on parties and fuck girls every day.

>> No.2815919

That depends on your parents I guess. My parents don't bitch at me to get a job or move out, and they generally don't complain about my lifestyle because they know I'm happy.

It's also nice I rarely have to make my own food or do my own laundry as well.

>> No.2815922

This makes you worthless scum.

>> No.2815928

What are you planning to do when your parents will die?

>> No.2815935

itt fat neckbeard rage

go jerk off to your animes losers.

>> No.2815939

This is the kind of non-NEET that's fine to hate, but it's most likely a troll.
I don't have plans, I'll think of something when it happens. Or suicide.

>> No.2815946

social NEET = stoner bohemian that drifts in and out of social circles, goes to parties, generally filthy and uncouth, probably a musician.
asocial NEET = most of /jp/

>> No.2815951
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>> No.2815955

most of /jp/ = hikki not neet.

>> No.2815979

this thread completely went off topic.

>> No.2815982

Not that guy, but I'd either take whatever money they have and live of that for a while, looking for a victim I can leech off of next, or I'd just kill myself if they didn't have any money.
Does not know what a "hikki" is.

>> No.2815986

Don't you feel pathetic?

>> No.2815994

Don't you feel pathetic for selling your time and effort like some petty asset? I have more pride in myself than that.

>> No.2816003

Why would I? I don't have to do anything, besides the things I want. I don't have to go outside to go to the store and talk with disgusting assholes, I don't have to work my entire life to end up being old and impaired, I don't have to do any housework like cleaning or cooking and I don't have to justify my actions to people. Carreers and success are only success to show society. I don't have to show anything to society, so I don't have to waste my life working to show off. It's amazing when you can just do what you want.

>> No.2816022

You are not free, you are dependant on your parents. You are just like a parasite leeching from something very unreliable.

>> No.2816063
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>> No.2816070

What is wrong with this thread.

What is wrong with you people.

>> No.2816077

Unreliable how? My parents wouldn't kick me out, and have said so themselves, because they don't want to see me live on the street. Also, they know I am happy. Not everybodies parents or guardians are unreliable or a bunch of assholes that say they will throw you out. They have put up with me for five years now, and they will for years to come.

>> No.2816080

>My parents wouldn't kick me out, and have said so themselves,

You have horrible parents.

>> No.2816086

If you had any pride in yourself you wouldn't be leeching off your parents.

>> No.2816088
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>> No.2816094

>Not everybodies parents or guardians are unreliable or a bunch of assholes that say they will throw you out.

Mine are, but I'm still a NEET. Any time my dad sees me awake he'll bitch about me having no life and tell me to come with him to work or something.

>> No.2816098

Obviously we disagree here. I think selling your time is no better than selling your body.

>> No.2816099

>This whole thread

Dear god guys.

>> No.2816104
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>> No.2816108

i think you mean 'dear lord guys.'

>> No.2816110
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>> No.2816114

I mean, the absolute best thing your parents could do for you is throw you out, forcing you to man up and take some responsibility for your life.

>> No.2816124
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>> No.2816125

same fag

>> No.2816128

At least he asks you to come with him to his work, instead of being the shit out of you and throwning your things on the street telling you to get the fuck out and live by yourself. It just shows he loves you and wants you to have a normalfag life. You see, normalfags don't understand NEET life. Same goes for NEETs but many a NEET has had a job sometime.

>> No.2816134

its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences

>> No.2816140
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>> No.2816230
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>> No.2816896

Epick thread.

Archive please.

>> No.2816896,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Does not know what a "hikki" is.

