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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 600x865, Japanesegirlfriend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2810655 No.2810655 [Reply] [Original]

You people are pathetic. Anime sucks. Who the hell over 10 spends their entire lives obsessing over a bunch of cartoons? You people think that Japan is the pinnacle of human civilization, even though they would not except your white ass into their society except, perhaps, for amusement. The only good thing about Japan is their women, and, even then, there are many other countries with hot Asian chicks.

P.S. white women are prettier

>> No.2810664

Oh, you anon, you.

>> No.2810668

Animation is pretty popular among young adults and teenagers, actually.

>> No.2810669

Can you do Shit was so cash?

>> No.2810672

Cool pasta bro, did a bird cook it?

>> No.2810676

Trolling needs a little work, buddy. Be subtle, like water.

>> No.2810688
File: 71 KB, 500x700, 1160704074195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ore wa nippon

>> No.2810689

I agree except for the thing about Japanese women.
It's shit, right?

>> No.2810690

Trolling is an artform.

>> No.2810699

Anime is low-brow culture for people who can't digest true art.
Consequently, the demographics that Anime caters to are precisely the adolescent-minded, or adults who haven't mentally progressed beyond bottom-grade fantasy escapism meant for little kids.

>> No.2810719
File: 82 KB, 720x480, 1161060780220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /jp/ actually likes the country of Japan

oh u

>> No.2810724

See OP, this is what trolling should be.

>> No.2811036

why would you use except incorrectly then correctly

>> No.2812603

Yeah. The real mature adults on /jp/ have all moved onto live action tokusatsu.

>> No.2812612


you better be shitting me.

>> No.2812615

/jp/ may be easy to troll, but we're not THAT easy.

>> No.2812618

I like the country of Japan just fine. They make games, music, cartoons, and comics I enjoy. The countryside looks nice too.

>> No.2812624
File: 13 KB, 251x198, 1213845344343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2812627

Missed /a/

>> No.2812637

More mature than anime, anyway.

At least tokusatsu doesn't have people saying "TEMEEEEEEEEEE" and "KISAAAAMAAAAAAAAA" every five minutes

>> No.2812654

Lol. Shitty trolling is shitty. As the wise anon said above, be subtleeeeeeeeeeeeee.

>> No.2812661

If you're going to troll /jp/ it would be best not to do it about anime. This isn't /a/.

>> No.2812670

trolling /jp/ about anime?

bad idea. won't work.

>> No.2812716
File: 52 KB, 249x238, 1243819254870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/10 nice try bro, troll harder

>> No.2812815

Touhou is a piss-poor side-scrolling pile of garbage and repetitve bullet-algorithms that only appeal to limpwristed basement-dwellers that would rather spend countless hours pointlessly dodging pixelated multicolor blobs rather than actually living their lives.
Of course, all of this is thrown out the window when you consider the actual Touhou fanbase, which is equivalent to the bottom-feeding microbiota that grow under a wet garbage bag in the bottom of a dumpster, that dumpster being the otaku community. These human detritus don't even follow the games, as playing it actually takes effort, so the next best thing is to consume as much bad pixiv fanart and poorly-made Japanese fanworks and badly drawn porn and shit-sounding 8bit programmed music as possible. Doing this somehow makes these sad deluded fucks think they're somehow better than other bottom-feeding weeaboo lowlives, when clearly they're the niggers of the otaku world and the laughing stock of the human race.

>> No.2812824

You failed at the beginning, such a shame.

>> No.2812831

oops. well, the rest was worth the effort anyway.

>> No.2812860


Still too obvious, but at least its /jp/ related and better than OP and >>2810699 and the like

>> No.2812877


>> No.2812906

>KS is a piss-poor VN pile of garbage and cripple porn that only appeals to neckbearded basement-dwellers that would rather spend countless hours pointlessly reading every recycled cliche in otaku media rather than actually living their lives.
>Of course, all of this is thrown out the window when you consider the actual KS fanbase, which is equivalent to the bottom-feeding microbiota that grow under a wet garbage bag in the bottom of a dumpster, that dumpster being the otaku community. These human detritus don't even follow the games, as reading it actually takes effort to stay awake, (which is no surprise given how poorly its written) so the next best thing is to spam /jp/ with threads while masturbating to grotesquely deformed, poorly drawn animu women. Doing this somehow makes these sad deluded fucks think they're somehow better than other bottom-feeding weeaboo lowlives on /a/, when clearly they're the niggers of the otaku world and the laughing stock of the human race.

Fixed this to be true.
