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2809488 No.2809488 [Reply] [Original]

Good day again /jp/. I'm here with yet another question, this time on Fate/stay Night. This

So we know Archer is actually Emiya Shirou from the future and that he most likely follows the Fate route as he loses the sheath and he still strongly follows his ideal

So then, would there be alternate Archers who follow the other two routes? Or perhaps they don't exist at all since in HF he gives up his ideal for Sakura and in UBW he more just becomes Rin apprentice or some shit.

>> No.2809496

All three route Shirous are very unlikely to become Archer. He's more akin to Mind of Steel Shirou.

>> No.2809510

BZZZT. Wrong.
Even in the route of Archer, it could have been Archer.
Giving it up in an alternate reality doesn't affect something outside time and space.
No ending in F/SN(including Bad Ends) seems to lead well into Archer's life and we simply lack detailed info.

>> No.2809527

Whoa... It isn't a perfect fit, but he does choose the ultimate "one-for-many" sacrifice by letting Sakura die.

>> No.2809535

That's exactly one of the problems.
Archer wasn't already disillusioned when he started along his path.

>> No.2809572

None of the F/SN Shirous become Archer.

>> No.2809590
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>> No.2809613

F/SN archer is an AU Shirou that became the superhero he wanted but only to realize that it could never happen so he wishes to be summoned to kill Shirou before he becomes him.

Think Rika from Higurashi.

>> No.2809634
File: 28 KB, 640x368, 2rftwme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archer is in F/SN.
Shirou is in F/SN.
Archer is future Shirou.
Archer is from one of Shirou's infinite possible futures, and therefore from F/SN.

>> No.2809648

Obviously I meant none of the Shirous shown in F/SN.

>> No.2809659

Alright then, so Archer has is very own alternate universe
he's from and doesn't follow any of the routes.
Well then, is there a possibility that in the future of one of "our" Shirous (the ones that do follow the routes) he does become a Heroic Spirit.

>> No.2809689
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I know, but sometimes stating the obvious is fun.

>> No.2809692

Official statement concerning basic routes(Hot spring sepecial among other things):
Small chance in Fate (10%), very small in UBW (5%), none in HF.

>> No.2809729

I don't mean becoming the same as the Archer we know, but a different Heroic Spirit.

>> No.2809740

Okay here is what I think, Shirou ends up with Saber, he fights the war which takes the Fate route, Rin has Fate/Zero Archer, he does everything like normal and wins, he uses the grail to become a hero and so becomes Archer, he fights and protects the world until one day he was able to save a single life but loses a lot of people in the process. He is to blame and before he is killed wishes to return to fight in the holy grail only to stop himself from making the same mistake even if it means killing himself. So he is summoned by Rin through the red gem she saved Shirou with and then relives Fate as Archer, then resummoned and goes through UBW then resummoned one last time in HF where this time Shirou stops from making the same mistake that dooms him.

>> No.2809764

Fate Route Shirou can become a hero on his own right for sure. The rest, unknown.
Fate/Zero Archer is Gilgamesh.
Also, the grail cannot be 'used'.
After that, it's the story Archer tells you himself and you see in flashbacks, so no doubts. The problem is what happens before.

>> No.2809802

ah my mistake, then who is Archer if that world's archer is still summoned and Shirou/Archer is still human?

>> No.2809813

It's possibly, but extremely unlikely. I can't remember exactly, but I think it was said somewhere that it's very difficult to become a hero in modern times. Archer only got in as a Counter Guardian, and since that's a huge part of what twisted him, we have to close that route off to the "hero Shirou that isn't Archer".

>> No.2809816

Here's the whole problem:
We have no idea.
Even in Archer path, it could be EMIYA again (outside time and space mindfuck)

>> No.2809839

That would be a paradox that would blow everything the fuck up forever

>> No.2809843

MIND OF STEEL ---> become Heroic Spirit Emiya

THINK WITH DICK --> become a pathetic normalfag

>> No.2809857

Not really, 'Back to the future' situation all over again.

>> No.2809866

Mind of Steel does not lead to Archer most probably.
And HF Shirou has a harem including Medusa.

>> No.2809875

Evidence points to that Archer being most likely Ajax.

>> No.2809878

wiki time.

Cross Counter
Also called the Protectors of Balance (抑止の守護者 yokushi no shugosha) or the Beast of Alaya, a special category found within the group of existences known as Heroic Spirits. If a regular Heroic Spirit is someone who became a hero by his own power and is admired for that, then a Guardian is an unknown person who has achieved a great feat due to the assistance of an outside force. They are the ones who have made a pact with the World (in this case Alaya, AKA Arayashiki) and offers his services as a Heroic Spirit after death in exchange for a miracle during his lifetime. While normal Heroic Spirits are a natural phenomenon that just happens to be beneficial to humanity, Counter Guardians are a strictly human phenomenon.

Due their contract with Alaya, these heroes are incorporated as part of humanity’s Counter Force (hence the name Counter Guardians) and are summoned whenever a factor of extinction of mankind is detected. They are the ones who appear on the site of great disasters in order to eliminate the source of that disaster and all those involved, even if the target of elimination are humans themselves. Not bounded by moral values such as good and evil, they exterminate guilty and innocent alike in order to protect those completely unrelated

Those who became heroes by their own power are beyond the reach of Alaya, for they are pseudo-deities whose existence is closer to the level of a planet. Therefore, the Counter Force is limited to only Heroic Spirits who made use of its powers during their lifetime. Also, while a Guardian may become free of the control of the Counter Force by having his legend known and being revered for that, a true Heroic Spirit will not become part of the Counter Force even if his legend is forgotten.

It has been hinted that only Counter Guardians can be summoned to a time period before they became Heroic Spirits. An example of a Counter Guardian is EMIYA

>> No.2809885

One common and accepted theory is that Rin summoned Ajax in the war, explaining also where EMIYA got his Rho Aias.

If something exists outside time/space continuum, then nothing you think, say or do will influence what happens in Throne.

>> No.2809886


Archer is actually the future version of Emiya Shirou, who became a superhero through a wish to the world. Archer is skilled in archery through Shirou's own talent in the field, swordsmanship through training his body for his optimal fighting style, as well as some skill in magic through Shirou's training. Archer is a Counter Guardian, in exchange for his powers as a superhero. Initially fighting for his ideals, Archer is eventually forced to realise the truth that everyone cannot be saved, and proceeds to make the minimal sacrifices for the greatest amount of people saved. Feeling betrayed by the world, Archer prays that he is summoned in the Holy Grail War so that he can correct his mistake through a paradox and kill Shirou to stop him from becoming a Counter Guardian. Archer and Shirou's reasons for disliking each other are explained during Unlimited Blade Works: Shirou cannot approve of Archer because Archer is a representation of Shirou's failure, and Archer does not approve of Shirou because of Shirou's borrowed ideals. While Archer and Rin do not fit the 'personality match' summoning, it is assumed to be this way until it is revealed that Rin's summoning catalyst, a red jewel pendant, is one of Emiya Shirou's, and subsequently Archer's, most treasured possessions, a reminder to the person who saved Shirou from death after being pierced in the heart by Gae Bolg.

>> No.2809897

The only tiny clue to that is Archer Having Rho Aius, since we don't know where he got it from.
But Ajax as Archer?
We have no idea how that works.

>> No.2809937

But Ajax isn't an archer. He's known for his strength, and his Rho Aias which has 7 ox hides on it.

>> No.2809950

And just because Archer can use Rho Aias doesn't mean Ajax was Archer in his time. He also has Hrunting, so there's Beowuld. Calabolg, which is some Irish dude who Cu Chulainn can't fight due to his Geass. And also Durandal, who I don't remember wields.

>> No.2809994

Ajax would most likely be a Defenser class due to his shield but he also used rocks and spears as weapons. Also if you look at Gilgamesh his main weapons are swords, so you can't say Archers have to have bow and arrow as a weapon.

>> No.2810000

It's not about the bow and arrow, it's about throwing shit(projectiles), which his Gil's main attack.
There is no such things as 'Defender'

>> No.2810005

Gil is Archer because he doesn't use any of his weapons (except Ea) like actually weapons, but as projectiles.

>> No.2810008

Hence it being a 'theory' and not 'official truth'.

The same way Hercules and Gilgamesh aren't Archers, yet qualify as one and Hercules was also known for his god-like strength. Like it's been stated before, this is all theory and it's an accepted fact and truth that heroes of the past were well versed in both melee and ranged combat. Ajax fills the necessary slots for Archer, so the theory was accepted.

>Calabolg, which is some Irish dude who Cu Chulainn can't fight due to his Geass.
Caladbolg isn't a dude, but a sword which forces Cu Chulainn to be struck once if the wielder is Ulster born.

>> No.2810026

I meant to say WIELDED by some Irish dude.

Heracles IS Archer class, as he was a VERY good archer. He was meant to be Archer class, but Illya just summoned him as Berserker.

>> No.2810027

I know that I was saying if there was a class, thats where he be.

Also if Ajax was Archer then Achilles would be Berserker?

>> No.2810038

In order to be Berseker they have to be summoned using a Mad Enhancement ritual and something that's close to their Berseker state. In the case of Heracles, it's his club.

Achilles would otherwise be Saber.

>> No.2810045

Considering how Achilleus fought, he's a consummate Lancer.

>> No.2810059

Lancer, Saber, or even Rider

>> No.2810066

No, since Ilya's summoning catalyst would still be the slab of rock from Hercules' temple.
Likewise, Shirou would still summon Arturia, Sakura would still summon Medusa, Caster would still be Medea, etc.

>> No.2810072

You confuse it with the fact that they used as a catalyst STONE from a temple Hercules built (which his club sword is made from).
Also, to qualify for a berserker, you must have gone berserk during your life.
Mad enhancements is when you activate it on the servant to get the stats boost, but Ilya kept it on all the time.
He could be Berserker, Lancer or Saber.
Hercules was actually very skilled with the bow and even one of his trials is based on his excellent skill with it.

>> No.2810079

I would think the fact that he was dipped in the river Styx and made almost immortal to be a fact for Berserker as he was 99.9% god 0.01% human

>> No.2810086

Archer didn't experience any of what Shirou goes through during F/SN.

He pointed out he lost his left arm the first time he tried to project something.

>> No.2810093

So the Berseker state can be toggled on and off? Why didn't what's his name do that with Lancelot? I'm pretty sure it's permanent once you summon them as Berserker.

>> No.2810094

He was not a god, just invulnerable due to his doring mother.
He had similar experiences, since he mostly knows what happens during the war and before that.
But many things are different, of course.

>> No.2810097

Only Ajax qualifies as that, you need to have gone mad once in your life to fill the requirements for the Berserker class, and he pretty much passed it with flying colors by slaughtering everyone thinking of them as sheep through Athena's curse.

>> No.2810104

He kept it on most of the time you see them (where they are in battle), plus even without it, Black Knight goes on a rage whenever he sees Saber.
He can act coherently enough to perfectly act as another while disguising himself.

>> No.2810111

I know that but you still be a god if no one could kill you, he was just unlucky someone found the one weakness abet a lucky and random off chance shot.

>> No.2810122

Being a god entails much more than being invincible.
And the shot was 'guided' and dictated if you will.

>> No.2810140

"According to a fragment of an Achilleis— the Achilleid, written by Statius in the first century AD, and to no other sources, when Achilles was born Thetis tried to make him immortal by dipping him in the river Styx. However, he was left vulnerable at the part of the body she held him by, his heel."

"However none of the sources before Statius makes any reference to this general invulnerability. To the contrary, in the Iliad Homer mentions Achilles being wounded: in Book 21 the Paeonian hero Asteropaeus, son of Pelagon, challenged Achilles by the river Scamander. He cast two spears at once, one grazed Achilles' elbow, 'drawing a spurt of blood.'"

He wasn't invulnerable. That was just added later.

>> No.2810148

He's just invincible, except for his heel and foot. Being a GOD is MUCH more than just being invincible.

>> No.2810151

Okay so maybe then Ajax would be Berserker and Achilles would be Archer. So then in order for archer to have the shield he would have to have read it out of a book and his Achilles case he saw it first hand and summoned it to stop Lancer from that time or something

>> No.2810161

"As he grieved over the death of such a rare beauty, a notorious Greek jeerer by the name of Thersites laughed and mocked the great Achilles. Annoyed by his insensitivity and disrespect, Achilles punched him in the face and killed him instantly."

He's also a major asshole. Just read the Iliad. Achilleus would be the biggest asshole in any grail war, ever.

>> No.2810164

forgot that part, meh mind is blah today.

>> No.2810165

Archer doesn't read stuff out of books and can suddenly project them. He needs to see it first. Exception being the Jeweled Sword, but he was helped by both Rin and Illya for that.

>> No.2810172

The 'invulnerability' in the original Iliad is not mentioned.
His mom just gets him beautiful armor and weapons made by Hephaestus.

>> No.2810174

More of an asshole than Gilgamesh?

>> No.2810176

Exactly. An invulnerable man would not need armor, except for his heel, obviously.

He's not invulnerable, just an over-qualified asshole.

>> No.2810177

so then Archer would have had to been around during the time of the Trojan war. which means Ajax/Achilles could have been an Archer at one point and they past the knowledge along?

>> No.2810185

Achilles as an Archer makes no real sense.
Ilya as a homunculus is a living info folder (she doesn't learn how to cast magic, she already knows how etc).
Shirou got the data for the jeweled sword from her, instead of seeing it and analyzing it himself.

>> No.2810190

...to be fair, I chose to punch shinji when he was harassing sakura too.
Then again, what was I thinking?

>> No.2810191

...It's possible he acquired the shield in a different way than 'seeing' it live.

>> No.2810193


He looked into her memories and "saw" it himself. She records everything she sees to the slightest detail and can probably pick up the intricacies of the thing. Shirou shares the memory and can then envision what the sword was, thereby reproducing it.

>> No.2810198

No. Just means that Archer saw Achilles, Ajax, etc. sometime later. Most likely another Grail War.

>> No.2810203

That's what I mean, he saw it from her own memory (like he did with Saber's Caliburn).
But he can't do it from pictures or simple blueprints.

>> No.2810209

who didn't punch shinji? Shinji was another over qualified asshole and rapist and sex offender.

>> No.2810214

Most of the 'heroes' in Iliad are pricks.
Odysseus is another prime example.
You only see his better qualities in Oddysey.

>> No.2810216

Now that I think about it, willam tell would make a pretty good archer.

>> No.2810218

Shinji is not overqualified.

>> No.2810238

The only other way he could have seen it was if he was fighting Gilgamesh and he used it while he was Shirou in the before he was archer world. Like he could have been protected by Archer as he fired something at Gil and he pulled out the shield and saw it break 6 layers.

>> No.2810242

Archer saw Archer use the shield while he was shirou in the first grail war.


>> No.2810270

It's pretty obvious that you have a wrong grasp about the mechanics in the first place.
Also 'It's the only way' is a pretty strong word.

For example, Avalon still survives to this day.
Shirou, due to his unique skills could activate it even without Saber.
Finding Relics and skills across the world would not be impossible.

>> No.2810276

That is most likely how he did it. Shirou got knowledge of a bunch of weapons thanks to Gil. Also Archer. That's how he knows of those Chinese blades. Yeah - fuckin paradox.

>> No.2810292

sure he was, he beats, slaps, kicks, fucks, rapes, forces, yells, cums in hair, eyes, nose, pussy, ass when he is with Sakura, then he yells at her at school, bitches about her leaving him for Shirou, also i'm pretty sure he also raped that archer girl as Sakura was with Shirou.

>> No.2810298

...Do you know what 'overqualified' even means?

>> No.2810299

Archer could acquire the weapons and Rho Aias either by:
Seeing them from the servant themselves
Finding/seeing the relic itself
From Gilgamesh
From himself during the war

>> No.2810323

Overqualified would mean that Shiji was a damn good magi.

>> No.2810325

I sorta get it but in this case its hard to say anything really.

If he has to see it first hand then the only way is either Gil (I own everything) or they had a Trojan war gallery in the museum and he happened to see it that one day.

>> No.2810328

>raped that archer girl

Yeah right. She would kick his ass.

>> No.2810336

but I was calling him an asshole in general, not a magi.

As for Archer girl, Rider got to her first

>> No.2810350

Pictures do not work. If the ACTUAL shield was there, bingo.
Still didn't make sense.
You added overqualified where you shouldn't.

>> No.2810355

>Trojan war gallery

Good thing I'm stoned right now, that wouldn't have made me laugh otherwise.

>> No.2810436
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My question would be who the bloody hell was Archer's lover?

From what we know of him, and how he interacted with her, it wasn't Saber. In fact he seemed to ENJOY pissing her off, and not in the teasing/flirtatious way he did to Rin.

We don't know anything about him and Sakura, but he did know about the Shadow, so he either saw that in his time or saw it in an alternate Grail War.

What I get the impression of is that Archer's been through countless Grail Wars in his endless loop. There's "Archer" who gets summoned into the countless Grail Wars because of the pendent, and that it mentions he's seen wars where Emiya Shirou did not fight, and then there's EMIYA who's the counter guardian. Then there's Emiya Shirou who's in the Throne who gets the records of both and it twists him more and more each time he reads stuff. In turn, twisting Archer more and more each time he gets summoned.

>> No.2810447

Shirou's copies of Archer's blades are degraded quality though, just like every sword he makes. In the game's description of Unlimited Blade Works, it says that each sword is one rank lower than the original. Archer must have seen the real thing in his lifetime.

>> No.2810457

The shadow is pure manifestation of human evil, he must have fought such shit a lot of times as a CG.
Lover could be Rin(many things hint he knows her habits all too well)

>> No.2810523

The lover could have been Rin, Sakura, or most likely just some random girl we've never seen yet.

>> No.2810529

He was his own lover.

>> No.2810537

Completely off topic, but can anyone tell me how to get to the Last Episode after completing all the endings? I installed the Realta Nua patch, but I have no idea how to get it.

>> No.2810549

Try again.
View all the endings.

>> No.2810551

You have to beat the game 100%

>> No.2810564

He's a lolicon

>> No.2810569

I have all the endings, all the tiger stamps, and everything in the gallery. How do I see it after all of that?

>> No.2810588

Illya died

>> No.2810592

Starting screen/
There should be an option below everything else.

>> No.2810595

It's funny because it was hinted he's from the scrapped Ilya's route.

>> No.2810600

You DO know that it shows up on the main page, right?

>> No.2810624

Something's wrong then. I must've screwed up the patch. Thanks, anon.

>> No.2810642

try finishing a route (any route) now that the patch is applied. You might need to trigger the auto-save for the patch to take effect or something.

>> No.2810662

Archer "sword" was too much for her.

>> No.2810666
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Cue happy tears.

>> No.2810773
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>A guardian may become free of the control of the Counter Force by having his legend known and being revered for that
Nasu said that Archer's origin is Shirou from the lost Ilya's route so... yeah.

>> No.2810790
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There's evidence pointing to this and evidence pointing away from this.

It's obvious from Fate and HF that Archer is very fond of Rin. Especially the end bit about him running his fingers tenderly through Rin's hair before he went to go do arm transplant to Shirou. Then in Fate Rin's actually heavily mourning Archer after he sacrifices himself to gain them time and withdraws from the group into herself after that. Then in the prologue after Archer's summoned he makes sure that Rin sleeps in and when she wakes up the house is warm, something that hadn't happened previously when she lived alone. That, and he knows EXACTLY how she likes her tea.

Then, on the flipside in UBW he leaves her tied up in a chair for Shinji (however it could be argued that he knows that Lancer's on his way to save her since he just fought Lancer who was working with Rin and Shirou.) And when he's telling her good bye he says if Rin stays with Emiya Shirou a hero like him will never be born.

So, argued either way.

So either they were lovers, or he had a mad crush on her and it didn't work out or something really bad happened to Rin that he couldn't prevent.

>> No.2810792

He said that? Well then we've answered that one.

But there's no good end for Illya, since she ends up dying anyway, so she's still not Archer's lover.

>> No.2810803

He knows how to make her tea because of the time she spends with Shirou in every route

>> No.2810823

except it's definite from the ending that ubw shirou becomes the same archer who fought ubw shirou

>> No.2810833

Where's that pic from? HA? Anyone got a better version?

>> No.2810844

Can someone explain to me what this "Throne" is that Shirou is in? I don't quite understand.

>> No.2810856

It's from FHA, and look at Ilya's skeletal hand . . . CREEPY.

>> No.2810869

Oh God, can't unsee!
The Throne of Heroes. That's where all Heroic Spirits go and are summoned from.

>> No.2810885

Archer can't be from ANY Fate/Stay Night route, because he never met himself in the past.

>> No.2810888

We do not actually know that.

>> No.2810890
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>> No.2810931
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pic related, read it if you haven't, it plays after the ubw credits

>> No.2810953

Bloody TOLD you. Why doesn't someone shoop Ilya's hand where she doesn't look like the Cryptkeeper?

>> No.2810957

God I hate his goofy look.

>> No.2810968

Ignoring the hand...this a cute pic. Makes her dying even sadder ;_;

>> No.2810980


>> No.2811004

Shirou's adorable there. Hush.

>> No.2811055

You're worried about a skelly hand? How about the fact that it looks more like fingers coming out of a bent arm instead of an hand?

>> No.2811064
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>> No.2811084
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>112 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2811100

Good End or True End?

>> No.2811115

True End.

>> No.2811135


>> No.2811223

So at what point does Emiya decide to get a tan, change his eye colour, and dye his hair white and gel it backwards?

>> No.2811240

man I bet he could do all that with one simple "change physical appearance" spell

>> No.2811248

Why would he do that?

>> No.2811263

well, to be frank, Emiya Shirou looks like a faggot and orange hair would clash horribly with the red outfit that he wanted.

>> No.2811269
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The tan was because he fried all of his circuits.

Stress turned his hair prematurely white.

His eyes were turned steel grey by constant reinforcement. Remember in the anime every time he reinforced something it turned into steel? Well, he did that to his his eyes.

As for the David Boreanaz look with his hair? He probably did that so no one would recognize who the hell he was.

>> No.2811277

It's from damaginbg hos body via so much projection.

>> No.2811306

It's because all his magic circuits are maxed out. >_>

Like when Megatron's circuits were supercharged by Cybertron\Planettron\whatever >_>

>> No.2811443

When he goes SSS (Super Saiya Shirou)

>> No.2811503

Shirou can't project Excalibur because it's too much for him to handle. Can Archer do it?

>> No.2811515

>Shirou can't project Excalibur
yet he can project Caliburn just fine?

>> No.2811516


Rule 3: Don't use smilies - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. We are all heartless bastards who don't want to see what kind of faces you make IRL while posting (This also applies to reaction images, if you want to post them so badly go to /a/ or /v/) Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

>> No.2811521

Shirou can project any weapon, even Excalibur. He just can't use it. Well he can, but he would die in the process as would Archer.

>> No.2811525

Archer's output isn't high enough to use the blast. He wouldn't survive it.

>> No.2811534

So it depends on his magic level? What is he, a C?

>> No.2811542

No, it's the whole water and pipe thing. Excalibur forces out more water than Archer's pipe can handle.

>> No.2811551

Using a Noble Phantasm depends solely upon one's total prana pool, and output.
Lets say excalibur needs and output of 1000 to use. Archer can only output lets say 700. He could use Excalibur, but the odds are he will die using it.

>> No.2811562


But according to Rin, Shirou's pipe is pretty big.

>> No.2811567
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>> No.2811574

She's a virgin. If she marries a foreigner, she'll find out what big means.

>> No.2811576

Bigger than she expected, at least.

>> No.2811678

That's because she is rather compact.

>> No.2811707

So can you make your pipe bigger? lol

>> No.2811728

Innuendo aside, the reason Archer's tanned and white-haired is that he forcibly enlarged his pipe every time he used magic, instead of using what was already there.
It can be done, but the strain on the body is immense.

See also: Kariya, from Fate/zero.

>> No.2811771

Does EMIYA still have Avalon in his body?

>> No.2811775

>the reason Archer's tanned
>he forcibly enlarged his pipe every time he used magic
So blacks have biggest pipes?

>> No.2811788

No. I remember in UBW when he's fighting Shirou he says something along the lines of "Aw shit, he still has the sheath!"

>> No.2811799

Yeah. We do.

>> No.2811802

Well played, sir.

>> No.2812028

So what would happen if he tried to keep making his pipe bigger? would he have to consult a doctor if it persisted for more than 4 hours

>> No.2812067

I think in HF he had to consult a coroner...
