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2807865 No.2807865 [Reply] [Original]

Rider (Medusa, not Iskander) is your servant. How do you win?

Hard mode: no trading her for another servant and no rape/command sex.

>> No.2807874

>(Medusa, not Iskander)


>> No.2807882

Command spell suicide.

Become Gilgamesh's slave.

>> No.2807884

>rape/command sex.

>> No.2807890


>Command spell suicide.

But you didn't get Lancer!

>> No.2807894

Command spell to order her to kill masters fast, instead of taking her sweet time having orgasms diesmembering them slowly.
If we we by Fate or UBW, Saber is out at least.

>> No.2807895

Petrify Masters. Everyone but Kotomine either hangs out near their Servant or the Servant in question doesn't have enough magic resistance to avoid petrification. Gilgamesh is the biggest danger, don't know if Archer has enough magical resistance but he may be annoying if he does, temporarily ally with someone until he's gotten rid of.

Rider is quite easy mode really.

>> No.2807900

Don't worry, if you're a good enough master and she takes a liking to you, she'll sleep with you on her own.

>> No.2807903


God she held that out long in the anime.

>> No.2807919


>> No.2807923

Ok, You have no servant, You are not a master, but you have lots and lots of money and is known throughout the magic association and the church.

You want to win the grail war, how do you win?

>> No.2807928

Get lots of gold

Offer it to Gilgamesh.

>> No.2807937

>tempted by gold
Best way is contracting a Master out of his wish I guess.

>> No.2807939

Yes, offer it to the man the man who has enough gold to be he richest being in any time and place.

>> No.2807941
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Turn her into a Kamen Rider.

>> No.2807967

You'd just be giving him what he already owns.

Then he'd kill you. Good job.

>> No.2807971

Even if you are a rich bastard I would think that Gilgamesh would "Out-rich" you by some billion percent or more. If something I belive Gil would become pissed if someone claimed to be rich and he heared it.

>> No.2807982

She wears a mask.
She is Rider.
Making her a Kamen Rider is redundant.

>> No.2808104
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If I won, I would want to keep Rider as my loyal waifu after the war, but I know I couldn't keep her. Ronery forever.

>> No.2808670

Killing masters doesn't equal a guaranteed victory, especially for Archers, who can operate without masters for a while.

Also, don't forget that YOU are also a target. You better hope Rider can take out the other masters before you get taken out yourself.

>> No.2808683


Buy off a master.

Screw the rules, I have money.

>> No.2808761
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Get in there and fuck shit up.

>> No.2809029

Step One: Steal Grail
Step Two: Drop one or two atom bombs on the town.

>> No.2809043

This. Go for Masters, not Servants.

>> No.2809060

The way to a servants heart is through her master?

>> No.2809067

I buy something for Sakura and she'll love me and let me win.

>> No.2809099

Enjoy being sucked into the black hole.

>> No.2809108

Buy mercenary bodyguards, take a vacation in space, Nuke EVERYTHNG.
Take the grail and become KING.

Oh, king of heroes, not even you can survive when your planet is dead.

>> No.2809151

So you're suggesting you become the cause for NOTES? AWESOME

>> No.2809154

That was a good one.
Even though Servants can't die from non-magical attacks I guess they would die if all possible masters died.

But in the end I believe you would fail.
The Archer class has independent action and I am pretty sure that Archer can hit interstellar objects and Gilgamesh even got a Spaceship.

I guess they would have to find out that you are in space though.

>> No.2809164

Y'know, I wouldn't make Rider harm innocent people for mana. I'd gain her trust and respect, then JAM IT IN. It wouldn't be consensual, not rape. And she would enjoy it.

>> No.2809185

I'd hire hit men, then I'd hire someone to tape it from afar (like a van outside). They can't use magic, and they have to chase after the guy in a van, leaving the master open.

Then I'd have to kill the hit men myself in order to be square with the magic council. I'd probably offer some sort of "half now half later" thing and just kill them all on the second payment.

My wish would be for some sort of weird awesome power, and I'd use that power to kill off any loose ends and wipe minds of the people that remain. With my massively gratuitous amount of mana, I can keep Rider.

>> No.2809186

Servants take damage and can die from physical damage, unless you are thinking of their Spirit Form, but in that case they're the ones that can't interfere through physical means.

>> No.2809195

Well, even if the Grail is contaminated with all the evils of this world... I guess that if you knew some magic yourself you could do quite a lot if you had an infinite mana source.

Would it be possible for an average magus to ressurect the earth if he had unlimited prana?

I guess not, but NOTES wasn't that bad, was it?.... xD

>> No.2809197

How many of those blood forts can she construct?

>> No.2809208

>It wouldn't be consensual, not rape.

It has to be one or the other.

>> No.2809222


Can't really reconstruct stuff when the basic intention of the contaminated grail is to kill and destroy.

>> No.2809226

I would do this following the style greatest man to live in the Nasuverse - Emiya Kiritsugu.

I'd get another magi to APPEAR to be Rider's master. He/she would be good in healing and defensive magic to back up Rider. Mean while, I in the background attack and kill the master with GUNS. Perhaps have a partner to also snipe in case things get difficult.

May also partner with master of Assassin. They fake Assassin's death, by killing one. Other Assassins can then make the kill on unknowing masters. If master of Assassin isn't already simply working for me and has no interest in grail, I'll kill them at convenient time/beginning using Medusa's petrification, and take Assassin for myself.

Problems will be Gilgamesh and Archer who has independent action. Knowing Archer just wants to kill Shirou, I may use that to get him on my side. After which, have Archer fight and kill Gilgamesh.

At night, I get Rider on her good side, and make sweet mana transfer with her. She's a slut anyway (at least used to be in lifetime), so she's easy.

I'll keep Illya alive so she can get rid of corrupted Holy Grail as she did at end of HF. Rider stays afterward, and she becomes my wife. And we live happily ever after. The End.

>> No.2809241


Aside from the whole problem of becoming as skilled as Kiritsugu, you wouldn't be able to maintain Rider after the war after sealing the grail. Sakura was able to only because she still had a connection to the grail.

>> No.2809245

Not all Assassins can 'split', not is True Assassin always summoned.

>> No.2809252


Wouldn't the World unleashed its CGs on you before you can even pull out your plan ?

Also, what happened to the Servant that is also a CG ?(in this case, Archer) if his master become the one that threaten the World ?

>> No.2809255

Under assumption that it is True Assasin and they are multiple ones.

Damn, you're right. In that case I'd just use corrupted Grail to make Rider stay in this world.

>> No.2809262


For the first part, probably.

For the second part, most likely stand aside and let you die.

>> No.2809266

>>2809255 use corrupted Grail to make Rider stay in this world

Enjoy your Dark Rider who will try and kill you

>> No.2809273

No she won't. Because I'll use the grail to become Dark Anon, and obtain POWAH.

>> No.2809278


And if I command spell'd him to protect me and go against the World ?

>> No.2809291

He is a copy from the throne, so no problems.
Though there could be an Archer vs Archer.
Becoming a vessel or linked to the Grail requires long term preparation or being a servant and getting corrupted from it.
More specifically, she had the absurd amount of mana left over from absorbing the Servant souls. Rin can sustain Saber with a strain after all.

>> No.2809308

Ugh. Alright then fuck it. Won't bother keep Rider in the end. Still use my wish for POWAH though.

>> No.2809316


The world can deploy its hero more than ONCE ? Haha oh wow, then we would have millions of same-looking Archer ?

>> No.2809323

You can keep her around, just don't expect her climbing skyscrapers or summoning Pegasi.

>> No.2809325

>Average magus
>Revive a planet
No. Regardless of prana capabilities, such a thing could only be completed through sorcery-level magic, and in that case he wouldn't be an average magus but a Sorcerer.

If we take a look at the world in NOTES it becomes apparent that mankind tried to revive Gaia and failed to do so, either through science, magic or both. Their only choice was to adapt to the barren wasteland.

Honestly no idea, but wouldn't "How large can she make the blood fort" be enough? World-size class fort, a party that everyone's dying for.

>Now for something completely theoretical. Ignore the fact that the planet's unfathomable Mana would be gone.
Would the Third Sorcery be able to materialize a soul for a planet? As far-fetched as this may sound, maybe it would be possible to create a 'new Gaia' instead.

>> No.2809329

Err, yes. That should say WOULD.

>> No.2809331

Oh, well I never wanted that. I just want to fuck her man.

>> No.2809335

Not exactly.
Servants are a COPY of the original soul, stored in the Throne.
So if a copy exists, at least the original can come too.
Whether multiple copies can exist/be pulled over in the same time frame is not known.

>> No.2809349


>I'd hire hit men

Isnt one of the rules of Grail War to not deeply involve normal people? But then again,considering how Shirou's Grail War went nobody even tries to acknowledge those rules except for the really kind people.

>> No.2809355

Same her, my good man. Same here.

>> No.2809363


So you can have Archer Armies ! It's a fuckton of GARness !

>> No.2809365

It's the rule of Magi in general.
Don't let magic be known, kill witnesess if necessary, sacrificing a couple bystanders is ok, as long as the scale is small etc.
A magus is by default a blood-stained asshole, and following the Association and being in a good standing requires following such guidelines.
Kiritsugu didn't really care about such shit, nor does Shirou.

>> No.2809372

Possible, in theory.
Though having something a bit more diverse would be better.
Like Archer making weapons for 4th Berserker.

>> No.2809373

Caster (Medea) is your servant. How do you win?

Hard mode: no trading her for another servant and no rape/command sex.

>> No.2809374

Aren't there also more Counter Guardians other than EMIYA? So wouldn't the world just deplot them as well rather than an an EMIYA army

>> No.2809381

Her UBW method is really the best.
Fortify yourself, and create opportunity for Rulebreaker.

>> No.2809384

Have her go around town finding any spirits haunting areas.

Conquer spirits and force them to work for me, making them work as spys to track down the other masters

Find masters, blow them up from far away using a heavily enchanted bomb.

>> No.2809385

Yes, but it's funnier to have a chorus of 'I am the bone of my sword'.

>> No.2809387

It's definitely against the rules.

That's why they're either distractions if they die early or they're cannon fodder for whatever power I would get.

Of course, that would be the plan, and it's assuming I don't know the grail has AIDS. And there are plenty of ways to get them indirectly involved, by say using a suggestion spell to someone that these 6 guys all have some large amount of money in their house, but you have to kill everyone in it for the money.

I mean, I need to find out who the masters are, but so does everyone. Besides, this plan doesn't really do much other than have some distractions long enough to use an opening for whatever.

And I have 3 opportunities to cover my ass by using a command spell to "Kill all witnesses without being seen". Considering that we'd prefer to have other servants kill each other first, that's probably enough.

Fuck, I have fucking Rider as my servant. I can't do shit without cheating.

>> No.2809392


Well, we're discussing the possibility of Emiya Armies. Since it would be fucking awesome.

>> No.2809410


Goddamn now you got me picturing how awesome it would be for archers to chant all at the same time.

>> No.2809431

What? No way.

Let her kill and orgasm all she wants.

>> No.2809442

>>2809278 And if I command spell'd him to protect me and go against the World ?

Then you just wasted a command spell on an extremely vague command.

>>2809325 Honestly no idea, but wouldn't "How large can she make the blood fort" be enough?

The thing is I don't want to kill everyone through it. I'd just like to establish a couple of them over heavily populated areas to try and force other masters into eliminating them, thereby either having the chance to kill them or, at the least, identify them.

>> No.2809447

She must be an easy girl to please.

>> No.2809509


Hard mode isnt even hard. Just waltz around and blatantly flaunt that you're a Master to another Master then continuously lie about who your actual servant is. Meanwhile have Caster set down magical traps nearby the places you frequently visit. Await servant,servant shows up,run away to the area of the trap,activate and have Caster stab with Rule Breaker. Become more aggressive since you now have a servant that can fight and proceed to win the war by weaking servants then stealing them. Basically I would use her like I would Assasin. Although if I obtained Saber using this method i'd just forget capturing anyone else and just simply slaughter everyone continuing on a path of victory. Only flaw in this plan though is that its extremely reckless.....But hey,in FSN pulling reckless shit in the beginning earns you GOOD ENDS.

For Medusa,i'd just have her spam her eyes of petrification. I would take it easy and let them come to me,since Rider seems to do well enough when it comes to self defense. Most likely I could just sit on my ass and if ever attacked Rider would be able to save me then instantly petrify them. If she refuses to ever use her eyes though,thats what command spells are for.

>> No.2809512


Vague ? How so ? It specifically told him to go against his nature as CG.

>> No.2809548
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You didn't give him any specific method or any real objective. "Protect me and go against the World"?

At best, he'll shield you from any one of these while you get struck down by lightning.

>> No.2809568


Two, maybe 3, obvious problems with your plan: Before you get to the trap

1) Archer snipes you
2) Assassin assassinates you
3) if 5th war, Lancer Gae Bulga's you

You die and Caster is fucked. BAD END

>> No.2809595


Unless you're suggesting that you become as great of a magus as Rin when you summon a Servant, your Servant isn't going to give a shit about that Command Spell. Even in Rin's case, Archer was only weakened when not following her general orders; he can still ignore her.

>> No.2809617


But hey, just for the sake of argument, let's say that your Servant follows you blindly with that "Protect me from the World" command. There's still only so much your Servant can do. The World, for our purposes, has no limit to what it can do. Your Servant gets overwhelmed and dies. You're screwed.

>> No.2809680

Caster is probably fucked in more ways than one if 5th Lancer gets his way, considering his reputation with witches

>> No.2809695


You dont have to tell me that much I already know its a stupid plan full of risks. But assuming i'm not a terrible magus I should be able to run as far as the planned trapping point.

I'd only be using it once anyhow.

>> No.2809739

>But assuming i'm not a terrible magus I should be able to run as far as the planned trapping point.

Even assuming that you're an excellent magus, if you're targeted by Archer, Assassin, or Lancer, you're fucked.

Archer can just shoot you down.
Assassin can kill you without you even realizing it.
Lancer has the fastest foot speed of any class, and Servants are fucking fast already.

Of course, the very basis of your plan relies upon you actually finding out who the Masters are in the first place, and that's a fatal flaw.

>> No.2809759
File: 69 KB, 600x450, bladeworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the entire planet being enveloped by UBW.

>> No.2809761

Wait since when can Summoned Servants Summon Servants?

>> No.2809769


>if you're targeted by Archer, Assassin, or Lancer, you're fucked.

Tell that to Shirou bub.

>> No.2809774

Since Sasaki Kojiro.

>> No.2809778

They can't.
You can summon Wraiths that are bound in the summoning place.

>> No.2809784

So in that case i'll just fucking rule over the world after killing Kotomine and Gilgamesh. I'll take Rin as my bitch and Rider can have Sakura

>> No.2809786
File: 46 KB, 800x600, you_were_my_sheath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalon says hi.

>> No.2809790


>the very basis of your plan relies upon you actually finding out who the Masters are in the first place, and that's a fatal flaw.

No it does not,the plan relies on me being ATTACKED by Servants. Thats exactly why i'll be so talkative about the fact in the first place.

I really dont know why you're trying to argue about this with me,I've already said and agreed its extremely stupid and risky. What more could you possibly want?

>> No.2809807

The 5th War Archer is with Rin, who is Shirou's ally. He could've easily sniped Shirou, and he makes sure Shirou knows that at the end of the graveyard fight.

The 5th War True Assassin can kill Shirou at any time, but there was no need for him to. He does kill Shirou if he does get reckless.

The 5th War Lancer did kill Shirou. The second time he just played around with him long enough for Saber to be summoned.

>> No.2809810

Hide and wait for the others to kill themselves, and hopefully Gilgamesh.
Petrify surviving masters.

>> No.2809817

yeah that was my mistake, who knew that prick would still live.

>> No.2810129

Role-playing is bad, and you should feel bad about it. Keep it to /a/.

>> No.2810674
File: 115 KB, 800x600, archerissex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An army of Archers chanting Unlimited Blade Works would be like . . . a walking panties flood.


>> No.2810707

Haven't you fags learned ANYTHING from HS? Fuyuki Grail War: The only way to win is not to play.

>> No.2810788

Decapitate her and use her head as a catalyst to summon Saber Persues before saber arturia is summoned.

Perseus is almost as h4x as gilgamesh,but because I have no mana myself have him empty out some hospices(dying mana is just as good as not dying mana).

use his invisibility hax to kill the melee servants and his shield to kill caster.

call gilgamesh a queer and while he's speeching away have Saber gank his ass from behind.

If I'm forced to keep rider I just give her to rin and take sanctum at rin's house( and look through her underwear)

also I accept kotomine's tofu so we're bros.

>> No.2810817

and even then you might be end up in the neighbourhood while sakura is naked and horny.

>> No.2810898

I'm not a slut or a sadist.

I couldn't summon her.

>> No.2810932

Well, if I had the knowledge of the fifth war that I do now . . .

I'd go to Rin before Shirou summons Saber and ask for an alliance. Then I'd pull Archer aside and make a deal with him. I'd have Rider corner Shirou and let him have the kill shot if he traces Rule Breaker to get Lancer. Lancer gets Rule Breaker'ed, and Shirou never gets Gae Bolg'ed.

However, Shirou still sees the fight and I order Rider to take out Shirou.

Cuz, you know, know survivors.

Then Rin orders Archer to kill Rider to protect Shirou, but OOPS too much power in that Broken Phantasm. Rider's dead, Shirou's dead, and Lancer has no Master.

I contract Lancer and convince Archer to console Rin for the rest of the war while we kick ass with epic team GAR.

>> No.2810985

Then you should learn to become one. Either one, doesn't matter.

>> No.2811245
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I don't care about rules, I'd fuck her like the whore she is.

>> No.2811423

Ah i'd take it differently, I'd wait untill Shirou summons Saber and makes his partnership with Rin, and then present myself just before they arrive at the church. I'd then offer to form an alliance with them saying I have no intention of winning the war, and that I only wish to see a good battle.

If they accept my proposition, then i'll use the information I know of the grail war and attack the church.

If I have caster as my servant, we bombard it from afar, blowing the whole damn place up.

If I have rider as my servant, I have Rider summon Pegasus and ride tandem with Saber and make a charge at the Church, destroying it with a combination Bellophan/Excalibur.

Of course before any of this could occur I'd have to explain that I know exactly how this grail war is going to end and then I am some sort of mystical time wizard from the future.

>> No.2811437



>> No.2811465

Okay, but you guys do know that if you take out the main threats early on, some contrived shit is going to happen like all of your allies getting mind controlled and then someone else is just going to become the new Big Bad, at least until Gilgamesh steals the show in the final act.

>> No.2811492

First, I find a kubelwagen, for if CoH has taught me anything it's that kubelwagens are god-tier mounts. Then I put Rider in the passenger seat and have her snipe enemy masters with her sewing needles. The war would be over in a single night.
