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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 800x600, betterprotagonist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2802245 No.2802245 [Reply] [Original]

Better protagonist material right here.

>> No.2802265

But everyone is better than Rance.

>> No.2802266

'Oh, I can see your boobs'.
Rinse and repeat.


>> No.2802270

You best be trolling. Rance is far superior to that wussy.

>> No.2802447

He looks like a complete faggot. I doubt he has ever raped even a single girl.

>> No.2802469

Rance is the redneck.
THIS is the real protagonist that should be.

>> No.2802487

Does he look like a sentient turd? Because that's the only thing Rance is superior to...
Scratch that; A sentient turd still has the possibility of being interesting.

>> No.2802621

Doesn't matter if he is a redneck, he's much more interesting than this cookie cutter type protagonist that exist in just about every other Japanese game ever.

>> No.2802638

I prefer generic to shit.

>> No.2802655

Spoiler: Kentarou was the protagonist before Rance.

>> No.2802676

What? No he wasn't.

>> No.2802695

Too generic.

>> No.2802713

Back when Alicesoft was Princess Soft, at mid 80's.
They released a game for PC88 called "Little Princess" where Kentarou saved his childhood friend Miki.

>> No.2802757


No, Rance is on the same level as being a cookie-cutter character, he's just on the opposite end If there was anything interesting about Rance, After 7 or more games the novelty of having a jerk who's only interested in sex has worn out. Atleast Kentarou can bring some sort of unexplained backstory or offer character development of a young hero who can go down multiple paths.

>> No.2802794

You're retarded.

>> No.2802838

Is that hentai?

>> No.2802845


Why do you want to know, underage?

>> No.2802860

I don't know. Tried to emulate it, but no success with the game interface.

>> No.2802865

Haha. Summer is here, indeed.

The guy just gave you a compelling argument, and the best you can do is act like a troll?

>> No.2802961

It's not compelling.
There are thousands games that take a blank slate character who is a normal guy mostly and you see different paths or whatever.
Rance is interesting cause he follows a very different process which causes unpredictable events. And the overall nature of the games relies on unpredictability and comedic events as much as normal plot and interaction.
If you find that 'distasteful', then just don't play Rance games.
Saying shit like 'It would be better if Rance wasn't rance' is silly and pointless.

>> No.2802980

I get it. You're tsundere for Kentarou, d'awwwwww :3

>> No.2802993

...I don't like or hate the guy and it's the first time I posted in the thread.
I'm just saying you guys demand a very different game.

'I don't like Mario and his Mama Mia, Toad should be the lead character'.

>> No.2803010

...This is sad.

>> No.2803036

But the fact that the female characters in this game are so fappilicious, makes anon wish that they could change the protagonist to make the game suit their taste instead.

Thanks for your comments. But in this thread we're all joking anyways.

>> No.2803055
File: 121 KB, 1146x600, case and point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I, personally, find Rance to be 100% awesome.

>> No.2803057
File: 75 KB, 640x480, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better protaganist, get the girls and doesn't act like a jerk.

Kentarou as an eroge protagonist would suck, I don't think he would fuck anyone except Miki.

>> No.2803066

That faggot Kentarou would take a whole game to get a single sex scene though.

After all these years he hasn't even fucked Miki.

>> No.2803069

The point is that most of them don't much focus where you have 'routes' and events for a different lead to have a point. The lead you suggest would not take advantage of different women and only focus on the two or three provided. Plus, this is the fucking seventh Rance game, where many of the mechanics and interactions depend on his set character.

If you have waifu fantasies, keep them in your head, fulfilling them through the game would not make it better.
Also, try to hide your newfaginess a bit.

>> No.2803072

There is a smiley on your shoulder :)

>> No.2803074

>>also has that retarded smile/grinning look
Do not want.
The girls would come to Kentarou anyway, who says they have to be passive.

Kentarou should have his own game.

>> No.2803083

Your serious business mode is hilarious.
Vehemently defending a game like that makes you look retarded. Lol.

>> No.2803084

Wait, you actually prefer the generic nice guy harem lead loser?

this is a rape game, protag should be an asshole. Only thing I don't like about Rance is he is not into lolis. Other than that he is an awesome jerk.

>> No.2803086

Not really, no.

>> No.2803088

It's not a rape game.
And he likes women, not children.
It's all about tastes.

>> No.2803090

Jesus christ sage.

>> No.2803093

I like losers.

>> No.2803096

/jp/ = losers
That's something Rance expert should take note of before spouting his butthurt speech.

>> No.2803103

No guarantee he would make a good game.
Just saying 'Make him a lead' and nothing else is stupid.
What would he do for the game to be endearing to you?

>> No.2803104

In Kentarou's defense, there is a strong chance that trying to bang Miki would result in him being vaporized and Little Princess awakening and taking over the world. In this case, discretion is definitely the better part of valor.

>> No.2803117

The presumption that the majority strongly appreciates characters they vaguely relate into (Kentarou is not really the brand of loser the userbase here is) is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.

>> No.2803128

sage for ultra political correctness

>> No.2803141
File: 121 KB, 1146x600, Good times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, what other protagonist would say something like this?

Good times.

>> No.2803142

That's not an excuse now. He's fucking immortal.

>> No.2803163

Actually, demons can kill demons.
Imagine what the demon king can do.

>> No.2803167

Would you preferOMFG xD miki is moe LOL x3?

Oh wait you would, Back to /a/ with you.

Also, Kentarou is a fag, he probably wouldn't fuck anyone except Miki, and if he ever does all you get is a bad end.
More than half of the girls are raped, Ran route has lots of rape, and older Rance games were even worse, can you say that the game is not big on rape?

>> No.2803171

Hey, you know what would be a great idea?
Instead of having a fag like Rance getting a dozen shitty sex scenes with a dozen cookie cutter girls, focus on developing two characters and give them a few actually good scenes.

Nah, let's just have "no personality beyond being a dick" Rance and an utterly forgettable CG gallery.

>> No.2803174

Jesus Christ, that's such a cool original speech, bro.

>> No.2803192

Nowhere near half, counting the whole game.
Rape mostly happens after conquering countries, while almost all character clears are not.Rape scenes through and through are much less in comparison. But the fact that more than one exists wgilke the SEX is not teh focus on the game creates this impression.
Except the point is not in RELATIONSHIPS with girls, fucking retard. There are few cases where they are under focus, and is related to the main plot events. And CGs being hot or not is completely unrelated to what happens in-game pretty much and very subjective.

>> No.2803234

I disagree with this, there are far too many games with this formula, I for one enjoy Rance as it is, seeing something different instead of the usual obnoxious ignorant moralfag main character.

And he's not 100% dick, except in Ran route.

>> No.2803256

Like I said, Kentarou as an eroge protagonist would really suck. He wouldn't bang anyone except Miki (if he can even bang her). Banging other girls would be out-of-character for him since he's in love with Miki. Maybe they can make an eroge where Miki is the only heroine but alicesoft doesn't really make games like that.

Rance really is the best protagonist for this type of games. If you tried to put a decent guy on a conquest eroge you'd end up with something like Daibanchou, where there's a lot of rape but you're not the one doing the raping. Seeing other people raping your recruitable chars isn't fun.

>> No.2804079

There's also Akuji from Dai Akuji

but he's worse than Rance

at least Rance doesn't force people into prostitution

>> No.2804112
File: 309 KB, 1600x1600, j02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Sengoku Rance is one of the few eroge I've been this interested in because I fap to Sengoku-era stuff. The gender swapping is very well done and the art is above par from some of the other historical genderswap SEXAN GAEMZ so far.

But the MAIN CHARACTER kind of ruins it.

>> No.2804116

Plus Kentarou makes a perfect foil for Rance. Just the fact that he's in there and interacting with Rance makes things better for most parties involved. Those who don't like Rance as a protagonist can still have a significant character to read the story for, and the material practically writes itself for more instances to show Rance's alpha male tendencies.

>> No.2804137

Too bad Alicesoft lost their main writer this year. I'm pretty sure she wrote all of the Rance games.

>> No.2804144


>> No.2804158


>> No.2804165

But Miki is moe!

>> No.2804169

>Implying the story in Rance was anything more than an excuse for CONQURAN and SEXAN.

>> No.2804175

Well, I'll be damned.

>> No.2804191

But demons man! Fucking demons trying to fuck up my war man! I aint having that!

>> No.2804207
File: 167 KB, 640x480, 121c26db93ebad9ebff5746b77335bcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>force people into prostitution
that was the best part about that game though

>> No.2804230

What about Beat Blades Haruka? They beg to be raped and abused because it makes them more ninja-y.

>> No.2804239

This thread:

Bawww why does this game not enforce my delusions that utterly bland and uninteresting male characters are somehow entitled to romance. Why is a succesful, confident guy surrounded by women? It's almost like real life! This game sucks! I'll go back to /a/ and watch the latest harem anime adaptation of generic Key clone bullshit, whereby girls throw themselves at a spineless main character for no apparent reason. That way I won't have to deal with how worthless faggots like myself will never acheive anything.

>> No.2804244
File: 52 KB, 775x1128, 1245423761790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot you're pic

>> No.2804249


FUCK, hopefully the new Rance writer has access to her notes for her future planned scenarios. I want my HornetxSetera

>> No.2804267

I don't like that Rance guy. I don't like the cut of his jib or the way he combs his hair.

>> No.2804273

Rance is such a pig disgusting bastard of a bastard. I wish he didn't exist so all my lovely ladies can then get to know each other vvvery well (if you know what I mean ;) ). Fuck these men and their arrogant attitudes, woman and yuri for life!

>> No.2804286


And that doesn't mean I would rather have this Kentarou guy instead, none of that 'I'm a nice guy so lol I think you own me a roadie head' and then BAM rape, nah-uh no way sister.

>> No.2804287

this game is piece of shit

>> No.2804298


>> No.2804300

Shitty eroge for a shitty main character.

>> No.2804328

shitty hero is shitty, eheheh, ehehehehehhehehehehhhhh,,,.....
oh god why am i such a virgin ;_;, atleast my moe will never betray me

>> No.2804331
File: 61 KB, 500x628, Ouuuuuugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyborian Rance

>> No.2804339
File: 228 KB, 1032x776, retrofuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2001 Rance

>> No.2805217

My problem with Rance isn't so much with Rance himself, but rather the shitty sex-game comedy vibe he represents. I like having ero scenes, the more the better -- I don't want to try and identify with an average-looking Marty Stue dumbass who constantly makes jeuvenile refrences to sex and "doing" girls. What makes it completely absurd and drags down the experience is that the girls actually take it -- "Hey wanna fuck?!" Lol. So what makes this any better than a typical fap-tool game?

A better writer could have kept the best parts of the humour, while creating a hero we WANT to identify with who doesn't mouth facepalming dialouge every scene he is in, and then see girls, completely without any semblence of reality of action or behavior, immediatele spread their legs.

>> No.2805239

You don't have to identify with a main character you know. Infact, most of the time you are not supposed to.

>> No.2805277

Yes you are. The protagonist represents the penis of the player; when he gets a girl, we, the player, get the girl. Rance acts like that because the creators decided to go Screw it, he just wants to put his dick into hot chicks because that's all the player wants. Which is essentially true, but we demand at least some immersion.

>> No.2805282


I enjoyed Rance's juvenile behavior. It was a fun break from super-serious or faceless protagonists.

>> No.2805296

You aint seeerious? Blud, you cant be seeeeriouuuuus? You aint serious.

>> No.2805311

Well I'm not a fucking rorney virgin and I don't need to relate to the protagonist, in fact I rather not relate to it and just have fun seeing a superhero-like man running around porking hot chicks and laughing the whole way through while cleaving through demons, and I think most people feel the same way.

>> No.2806794

The fact that they're hiring for a new writer to replace her in Rance Team would mean that another Rance game is in development yes?

>> No.2806812

There will always be a new Rance game. It will never end.

>> No.2806834

Too bad rape is banned Rance will become just another boring guy that would need to asks for consent or the girls would become shitty one dimensional characters that for some reason fell in love at first sight with him and would go out of their way to fuck him.

>> No.2806849

I was going to suggest hypnotism magic, but I think that was one of the banned things too.

>> No.2806853

I thought that really only affected rape simulators. Even Rance 7 isn't 100% rape, so it would likely be allowed.

>> No.2806871

Stop being retarded, rape wasn't banned.

>> No.2806886

Rance kind of reminds me of Captain Gordon

>> No.2806895
File: 37 KB, 427x460, disgaea-gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A true hero of justice has so many women he never needs to rape!

>> No.2806906
File: 199 KB, 800x1200, consensual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you on about? Rance is a decent human being; he could never lower himself to do something as horrible as rape. The so called rape in Sengoku Rance is just a myth perpetrated by disgruntled KS devs, to keep people from playing game.

>> No.2806912

Goddamn KS devs

>> No.2806928

I like Rance's reasoning there. "I'm going to fuck you whether you want it or not so it makes everything a lot nicer if you just accept it." Rape is eliminated if everyone just say yes.

>> No.2806934

I find Sengoku Rance to be a quite amusing game.
Besides from the fact that the game have more R-18 content than even most R-18 games I still find the gameplay (Yes, the safe for work non ero gameplay) to be better than the gameplay of the "Total War" series for an example.

If you don't have something against the "genre" (the genre of the safe gameplay) itself, you can't say that the gameplay is bad, can you?

>> No.2806947


That said, while Kentarou is a good guy, he's a fucking lame loser. He keeps messing up and Rance always points to that fact.

>> No.2806954

Hahaha, a rape game.
No different than those black lillith games.

Thanks, /jp/sies. I've made up my mind about this unko game.

>> No.2806958

>A better writer could have kept the best parts of the humour, while creating a hero we WANT to identify with who doesn't mouth facepalming dialouge every scene he is in, and then see girls, completely without any semblence of reality of action or behavior, immediatele spread their legs.

ur a faggot

Rance is a good-natured Genghis Khan.

>> No.2806963

>same ks dev

>> No.2806971

Anyone in this thread who is not a KS dev is a Sengoku Rance translator.

>> No.2806976

Shut up, KS dev. I played the game long before somebody decided to translate it.

>> No.2806983

whatever, parrot.

>> No.2806993

So many fucking pussies here? Can't handle the rape? GTFO

>> No.2806994

Rance isn't that bad as say Akuji from DaiAkuji who train and whore out his girls to earn money.

>> No.2807016

That sounds a lot more awesome.

>> No.2807024

Why would you want Rance to not be Rance? Are you an unreliable spineless fag? Afraid of playing a real life jock as your MC?

Bunch of spineless fags.

>> No.2807062
File: 84 KB, 750x600, lolrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, OP.

>> No.2807081


>> No.2807093

I agree, the game itself is pretty fun and accessable - most of the time I was just pressing Ctrl to skip the H-scenes so I can get back to the fray. That said, the character designs were quite good for the most part, though the actual scenes themselves were mainly the standard, oomf oomf type deal.

>> No.2807094

See why we hate Rance?
/b/ loevs Rance.

>> No.2807106
File: 126 KB, 800x600, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first, I thought Rance had no taste in women, but it turns out he has at least some taste.

>> No.2807111

/b/ likes loli, too.

>> No.2807116

Get over yourself, spineless protagonist loving faggot.

>> No.2807118

banging -> raping

>> No.2807123

>jealous and butthurt ks dev

>> No.2807124

They only loev CP. Faggot.

>> No.2807133

Wow, Rance supporters sure have big loud mouths.
I didn't intend to, but I think I ended up trolling them.

>> No.2807134

It ain't /b/, you retard. It's /tg/. Retard.

>> No.2807140

says the faggot with the bigger and louder mouth trolling on /jp/

>> No.2807145

whatever, redneck in butthurt mode.

>> No.2807154
File: 17 KB, 256x352, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Endless summer.

>> No.2807151 [DELETED] 

I think you mean "gahahahaha".

>> No.2807156

who's more butthurt? the guy complaining about an MC not being a generic loser (you), or, the guy explaining that the former is a retard for even bringing it up (me)?

former is the answer.

>> No.2807159

>>Rance supporters are behaving like /b/tards
Fixed for truthfulness.

>> No.2807161

Please stop samefagging and shitting up our threads and get back to your own board already. Yes, yes, we get it XD LOL OWNED MOOT SURE TOLD YOU. We get it already. You win. Now get the fuck out.

>> No.2807163

I do believe so.

>> No.2807164

>Rance haters are behaving like /b/tards
fixed for accuracy

>> No.2807167

says the guy who keeps on trolling Rance threads, gb2/b/, you faggot.

>> No.2807177


>> No.2807183

This thread has been saged to death due to /b/tard Rance faggots.

>> No.2807191

get a life and stop trolling, ks dev
