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File: 38 KB, 636x480, FFFFFFFFFFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2799459 No.2799459 [Reply] [Original]

ok, finished ep2.

Anyway, with magic flying everywhere, isn't that pretty much said magic exist already?

>> No.2799463

none of those actually happened. Keep reading.

>> No.2799465

>Anyway, with magic flying everywhere, isn't that pretty much said magic exist already?
You're fucking weak.

>> No.2799469

If that's what you are saying about episode 2, then brace for impact in episode 4.

>> No.2799474

I don't know.. these people are flying everywhere using some magic blade and barrier to fight one another.

Also didn't Batrice just summon a bunch of people in the end? Magic butterfly flying everywhere killing people and shit? Do science explain those?

>> No.2799484
File: 334 KB, 711x750, worldend dominator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah! I liked Episode 2's ending the best

>> No.2799489
File: 117 KB, 633x480, battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That never happened.

>> No.2799490

How does those work? I thought even Batler saw those crazy shit in the end.

>> No.2799495

He was fucking drunk as shit.

>> No.2799500

oh shit, god damit.. you are right.
Then how do you explain the locked room everywhere then?

>> No.2799501

>Also didn't Batrice just summon a bunch of people
Isn't that against the rules?

>> No.2799503

Yes. Also, this episode's difficulty was hard, so don't feel too bad.

>> No.2799510

Just because you don't know how something works doesn't mean it's magic.

Just as an example, a massive tower rises out of the ground seemingly out of nowhere.

You can argue "It was a magic summoning"

I can argue "There's a hidden military base underneath our feet, the tower was raised up through some mechanical means."

Now you'll say "But how would such a machine work?"

I can argue back "How would magic work?"

>> No.2799511

Battler was tripping balls.

I will not divulge the theories I have on episode 2's closed rooms because you are not finished with episode 4 yet and small bombs.

But yeah, this episode is supposed to be Beatrice's crushing victory so I am not sure we can figure it out just yet. I think we may come close though.

>> No.2799522

Has some wiki gathered all the cases and their related red text?

It'd be nice if I didn't have to replay everything just to find the red text again.

>> No.2799524

well, I can pretty much guess now that every scene without Batler in it are all questionable. and also the scene in the end was due to him drinking.

dam... this shit is good. I am waiting to fap to this furniture scene in anime version already.

>> No.2799525 [SPOILER] 
File: 346 KB, 639x480, BATTLER EAT YUM YUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosa playing DOOM in real life = awesome.
Did you play the Tea Party yet? Episode 2 has a great Tea Party too. Image spoiled in case you haven't read Tea Party 2. If you have, then it's safe to reveal.
Yummy, Maria.

>> No.2799534

But Battler, that is your sistercousin. You can't do that.

>> No.2799536

yes, thats why the battle between them go on. I guess you can never end it unless one of them surrender. Since it doesn't matter if you lose a game - they will just start the next one...

>> No.2799542

Maria didn't say it in red.

>> No.2799543

You argue that you used magic to blow people's heads off. A Magical arrow that can aim with precision and blow half a person's face clean off.

I say it was the work of small bombs, carried by Beatrice's trained army of seagulls.

You ask me how one would go about getting the materials for said bombs.

I argue back; "Problem, Beatrice?

>> No.2799550 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 532x495, problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I argue back; "Problem, Beatrice?

She argues back

>> No.2799551

man, when I first read ep 1 i was just all like "oh okay, so thats what happened, alright" and believed everything that happened as it was told to me.

But i get on the net and look at discussion of it, and the whole umineko world is turned upside down for me, feels good man.

can't wait for ep 4 to arrive in the mail, i have alot of catching up to do!

>> No.2799558

>fucking awesome

oh just wait until Ep3, it will look "meh" compared to it

>> No.2799567
File: 233 KB, 416x500, maria19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast forward 10 years Battler isn't even 30 yet. Some people call this image blasphemous.

>> No.2799568
File: 127 KB, 498x650, 1243703515441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nor could she deny it in red.

>> No.2799573

ep.3 was horrible. Never trust a fucking witch.

>> No.2799576 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 600x450, 3b815077f0bb54d546755c464e3d639c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the contrary, my friend.

>> No.2799580

You can't use red text to predict the future.

Only speak absolute truths.

>> No.2799585 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 600x450, battler-ange2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will admit that a part of me thinks they'd be perfect together, but it's all useless. There'll always be fanart though.

>> No.2799588

the red text is always true isn't it. So it it says 'A will happen' then A will happen definitely. Just like Bratice said Bater will becomes her furniture.
But.. even if Maria said she 'promise' in red. Its only 'promise'. It doesn't mean it will happen.

>> No.2799592 [DELETED] 

Goddammit, I finished the whole VN already but OP clearly hasn't beat episode 3 yet, so why leave a spoiler of episode 3 unspoiler tagged?

I hate you right now, and I wasn't even the one spoiled. Because if I was in OP's shoes I'd be pissed off, why the hell would you ruin a great story like that? I can understand if the thread was a theory thread or some other Umineko general thread. Fine, then it'd kinda be OP's fault for venturing into those kinds of threads himself on his own accord. But this is a thread OP made about episode 2.

I hope for OP's sake he's already left the thread and started on episode 3 himself.

>> No.2799617

Coming and talking about something before finishing it only causes trouble for others that have to hold back.

A spoiler like that is common sense until you over reacted about it and made it seem so very significant.

>> No.2799619

> He was fucking drunk as shit.
It doesn't make sense.
He narrated "My drunkenness was completely blown away."

>> No.2799626

It means nothing to those that havn't played ep.3 As if anyone can see ep3's ending without being told it directly.

>> No.2799628

It wasn't in red.

>> No.2799629

"It's cool guys, I'm totally good to drive.
I'm not drunk at all."

Drunk people are not good judges for their own state of inebriation.

>> No.2799632

I don't think getting drunk works like that though.

>> No.2799635
File: 241 KB, 1000x1000, おかゆ - まもえんキッス - うみねこのなく頃に もっとやれ マモン 百合 縁寿 Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! _2895172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 4 will fuck you up real good.

>> No.2799648

This would be great, I kind of wish I'd noted everything down at the time. I'm sure their are better explanations than small bombs

>> No.2799655

People who believe Battler's narration is real can't accept shitty excuses like it.

>> No.2799659

This is the red text for all the episodes.

>> No.2799663


>> No.2799669

Yes, you don't have to depend on the drunkenness for believing Battler's narration.

>> No.2799689

No, because while episode 3's story is developing they'll have that post in the back of their head and know they'll get their trust betrayed. Spoilers aren't all black and white, you don't have to specifically tell someone every detail of the ending for it to be considered a spoiler. People aren't dumb, they can put two and two together y'know. If you didn't specify episode 3 then it'd be okay, because then it'd be general and he wouldn't have it too much in the back of his head. But now it's going to be there while he plays. The minute he sees things start changing he would have known its too good to be true.

>> No.2799697

Well, there was Beatrice and people wearing goat masks and being eaten alive. I'd like to think being drunk accounts for at least 2/3 of those delusions.

>> No.2799705

It was fine until you over hyped it.

>> No.2799707

The illusions seem too specific. All beatrice related.

>> No.2799721

ep4 Are there 2 battlers? one from kyrie and one from asumu?

>> No.2799733

"Battler was drunk" theory never explain why all Battler's hallucinations have the same setting as other magical scenes.
They are thinking that they will be allowed to say anything if they explain with alcohol.

>> No.2799748

Anyone think that ryukishi07 accidently made it impossible. seriously ep4 small bombs

>> No.2799751

> Well, there was Beatrice and people wearing goat masks and being eaten alive.
It is not what I meant.
Reread EP2. There is no magic in Battler's narration.

>> No.2799753

So when we get any answer arc? (AKA: Battler start winning?)

>> No.2799782

We're working on it. Someone will post a theory already made sooner or later.

>> No.2799788

If you thought episode 2 was great then episode 3 will blow your mind. Episode 3 is like 2 on steroids.

>> No.2799805

Was it all Beato's POV then? Battler was there, but he wasn't narrating? It's been a while and I've forgotten, also tired.

>> No.2799810

Wish it had some chapter jump. holding ctrl gets boring.

>> No.2799821

There is chapter jump. Go to start the episode at the beginning and "Cast a spell" to jump to the chapter you want.

>> No.2799823

Maybe at ep 8 or some PS2/PSP/DS VN spin-offs.

>> No.2799825

There is a chapter jump if you go to start instead of load. You can skip to any chapter you've already cleared. Or maybe the feature is only unlocked after you beat the episode, I've never checked.

>> No.2799854

Guess I only tried before finishing it. Thanks. Was loading my halfway save everytime.

>> No.2799897

Does Beato even 'exist' in ep 2?
I can fucking swear she never appear in the same scene as Battler unless he was fucking drunk.

>> No.2799923

The one wing servants and family all saw her.
not even the 'shared name' trick works since they comapred her to the portrait
I think we're supposed to take that scene as fact. or 'it never happened'

>> No.2799953

ep4 I was waiting patiently for 'warlock battler' to show up and slam beato into the desk after battler faded away
