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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2798549 No.2798549 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.2798555

Oh, okay.

>> No.2798556

This was just fucking posted AND linked to in two seperate threads, dipshit.


Good job.

>> No.2798558


Looks like moot is the true directionless pedo here.

>> No.2798559

Why the fuck do you post this shit?

>> No.2798568
File: 786 KB, 1328x1887, rika34344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But /a/ and /jp/ are equally pedo for her.

>> No.2798590

All boards are pedo for Rika.
Even /cm/
Yes, even /cm/

>> No.2800615
File: 84 KB, 430x600, 1210565531820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2800630

Why does moot hate pedos?

Aren't Shii and Censored_Vagina huge ones? Especially the latter?

We're not even real pedos, anyway.

>> No.2800632

>Has an opinion

I don't see how that's relevant to anything we care about, good sir.

>> No.2800635

the problem are the ikaruga-wannabe and anime game players, not the pedos though.

>> No.2800641

I'm not Pedo for Rika. Rika sucks, unless there's a good artist drawing her, like in OP image. Otherwise, she can fuck off my image folder.

>> No.2800652

Yeah, Ikaruga is a pretty damn shitty game. I wish people wouldn't try to discuss it in /jp/.

>> No.2800656


There is no occasionally pedo.

>> No.2800669

We are not the ones spamming Child porn cause we disagree with threads though...

>> No.2800672


>> No.2800683

You are mistaken. I like my Illya, Miyako and Flan quite fine. I just don't find appeal in Rika unless she's drawn by a good artist, which usually strays off from the original or animu art.

>> No.2800691

Moot used to post in A fucking DTRW

>> No.2800690

Terribly ironic. /a/ is filled with underageb&.

And those underageb&s with boyfriends/girlfriends are technically pedo.

>> No.2800717

nobody does discuss it, because it doesn't belong here, just like the far inferior cheap copy.

>> No.2800721


>> No.2800740

Why does he hate us so much?

Over the past two years I learned to ignore what Moot says.

>> No.2800744

Not just that, he used to post in ADTRW before the great pedo purge.

>> No.2800746


So moot has a stick up his ass. What's new?

>> No.2800770

He doesn't. If he really hated /jp/, he wouldn't bring it for no reason at all unless he's an attention whore who constantly blogs about things no one cares about. Hmm.

>> No.2800791

What a shameless /a/ promotion. But he's right about the pedos, anything is pretty much better than a haven of pedos.
/jp/ has 1 thread that is good and I don't know what the fuck /a/ has, so its still superior.

>> No.2800818

We're not /b/, we do not actually care about what moot think of us.
There's at least another one beside those two.

>> No.2800824

cool troll bro

>> No.2800838
File: 95 KB, 222x186, toom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2800848

>a bad thing

Oh 4chan, how far you've fallen

>> No.2800908

Coming from the man who used to have a Loli board?

moot's a hypocritical hipster faggot.

>> No.2800929

moot is originally from SA's forums. This alone makes him worthless.

>> No.2800944 [DELETED] 

Dont forget not4cchn.org

>> No.2800941

PROTIP: Shii and C_V never liked moot. Hell, moot wasn't exactly the most beloved member of ADTRW or #raspberryheaven.

>> No.2800947

Dont forget not4chan.org

>> No.2800979

moot is actually tsundere for /jp/

Why do you think it's always on his mind?

>> No.2800990

doin it wrong

>> No.2800998

The thought crossed my mind, he just can't stop telling everyone how much he hates us.

>> No.2800993

We love you moot!

>> No.2801005

so, what you are saying is that moot dreams of /jp/ taking his anal virginity?

>> No.2801010


>> No.2801022

You're telling me that out of the possible weeaboos that started this, we got stuck with someone not even those weeaboos like?


>> No.2801026

He's not only the owner of this shithole but also a Macfag, I doubt that asshole is virgin anymore and I, for one, wouldn't touch it.

>> No.2801035

Ah, for fucksake...

>> No.2801039
File: 247 KB, 800x1130, 1198941932112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2801049

You know who used to like moot? Kirtaner.

>> No.2801052

Kirtaner also likes children and drugs.

>> No.2801074


>> No.2801084

Not relevant for /jp/.
We don't care about what moot has to say.

>> No.2801079

Doesn't helps that Kirt and moot were 15/16 in the days of BFF. And even Kirt got tired of moot.

>> No.2801089

<otaku> HELLO MOOT
<@rizzov[vrooooo]> probably because he has you blocked
<@rizzov[vrooooo]> like most everybody else
<moot> that wasnt funny because its not a joke

In before the inevitable threadban

>> No.2801108

>In before the inevitable threadban
Somebody better post the whole moot/Snacks conversation before that.

>> No.2801180

Moot can kill /jp/. Discuss.

>> No.2801253

He's going after /hc/ first.

>> No.2801264

>In before the inevitable threadban
What's this about?

>> No.2801273

What about those of us who ARE NOT pedophiles?

>> No.2801277


He won't kill /jp/ because he loves /a/ too much. /jp/ was made to get rid of you faggots from shitting up /a/ with non-/a related content.

>> No.2801279


Punch threadban into the archive search and see how moot's last big thread went.

>> No.2801287

I wouldn't know

>> No.2801284

What exactly defines /a/-content anyway?

>> No.2801283

You're faggots.

>> No.2801281

Is this a real log? Wow. 4chan is so going down soon.

>> No.2801280

They don't exist.

>> No.2801289

This is a log from #raspberryheaven. Most likely before 2003.

>> No.2801297


Naruto and Bleach.

>> No.2801298

Naruto, Bleach, 1P

>> No.2801303

That hub was pretty shit.

>> No.2801309

> That hub was pretty shit.

UNRELATED: Why do you people keep using shit in this context? It's noun, isn't it? At least say shitty.

>> No.2801313

Yes, I am shit. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my curry spirit long ago and I am happy together with my boyfriend (who is a psychotic muderer!). We have a fucking lot of enemies in and outside of humanity and I am pretty chubby and average looking.
But thanks anyway asshole. Go and post your stupid "it's shit, right" threads while I eat SHIT with my boyfriend.

>> No.2801376

I've wondered why moot has such issues with /jp/, other than the whole pedo thing (which is obviously exaggerated). Why does he hate touhou? Is he the kind of person that only respects mainstream generic trash entertainment? Someone explain it to me, please.
In my opinion, /jp/ is home to some of the most sophisticated and knowledgeable people on 4chan.

>> No.2801383

>In my opinion, /jp/ is home to some of the most sophisticated and knowledgeable people on 4chan.
Now, let's not push it.

>> No.2801390

>In my opinion, /jp/ is home to some of the most sophisticated and knowledgeable people on 4chan.

>sophisticated and knowledgeable
Because an imageboard entirely composed of unemployed, morbidly obese high school dropouts incapable of interacting with others is sophisticated and knowledable, right?

>> No.2801394


That's why the classical threads from a few days ago were reported and deleted.
also, lit threads are saged by the same group of dipshits.
Sophisticated and knowledgeable indeed.

>> No.2801425


Neither have the slightest connection with /jp/.

>> No.2801442


This is precisely the kind of baseless attack that I can't stand. Let's use me as an example shall we?

Nope. Test Engineer II
F5 Networks.

>morbidly obese
6'1" @ 145lbs

>high school dropout
Graduated university with two degrees. One Liberal-Arts degree and one Computer Science degree.

>incapable of interacting with others

I have a friend reading this thread with me right now...


Now, that is a shame. I was unaware of that.
Even so, I still think that /jp/ posters generally know more about obscure Japanese games and modern entertainment than say, /v/ or /a/.

>> No.2801447

Most people on /jp/ are college dropouts.

>> No.2801459


>> No.2801461


Yes. Neither are /jp/ related. Still, both topics received unwarranted hostility despite the fact that both talked about 'Japanese' literature and music.
It's a stretch to call the population of this board 'sophisticated and knowledgeable' if they can't even appreciate some off-topic discussion of music and literature.

>> No.2801469


Nah dude, he's right.
Case in point, angry NEETs like >>2801459

>> No.2801482

>hate touhou?
>Is he the kind of person that only respects mainstream generic trash entertainment?
Touhou is to /jp/ as generic trash entertainment is to normalfags though.

>> No.2801485

>Graduated university with two degrees.
>One Liberal-Arts degree and one Computer Science degree.
what is this I don't even

>> No.2801489

Dude, we don't like Japan any more than /mu/ or /trv/.

>> No.2801493


I have an accounting degree and got my CPA liscence. Going for MBA since I didn't go public accounting. So fuck you. I'm just a shut in so I sympathize with /jp/ interests.

>> No.2801498



>> No.2801511


And I'm sure if you work at it, you'll get a great CFO position someday.

>> No.2801519

/jp/ is not a single person. I like Japan just fine.

>> No.2801531


Would you trust a /jp/ anon in such a high position? He'll probably hire high school interns to be his secretaries and make them wear school uniforms.

>> No.2801535 [DELETED] 

I'm sure you'll find someone on /mu/ or /trv/ who like Japan, too.

>> No.2801543

I'm sure you'll people on /mu/ or /trv/ who like Japan, too.

>> No.2801547


Yes, I would.

Speaking of that...I worked for a company once that hired high school interns to do filing work for the Comptroller and CFO. It was awesome.... Although it was a little strange when one of my friends started dating one of them, but whatever.

>> No.2801560

Well high school interns sure didn't led us to the current crisis, so why not?

>> No.2801562

I like American literature and music better.

>> No.2801728

Only normalfaggots have friends, jobs, education or a need for physical fitness. If you have any of the former, you need to go back to /b/ or whatever other terrible board the normals are infesting these days. This board is NEET only.

>> No.2801731

Go back to school, man. It's not like you're required to interact with other people, just show up to labs and exams.
And sooner or later your parents will kick you out and you'll need a job, so it may as well be better than minimum wage shit.

>> No.2801735

My parents would never kick me out. Though I'm not sure what I'm going to do when they die.

>> No.2801741

Moot is mistaken. /a/ has far more people and the majority of those people like little girls.

>> No.2801767
File: 37 KB, 400x305, calvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, have fun with your 2nd grade shit.
