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2796371 No.2796371 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently, the Holy Grail grants wishes in Fate/Unlimited Codes.

>> No.2796377

Apparently, Arcueid has a cat version that shoots eye lasers in Melty Blood.

Don't take fighting games seriously.

>> No.2796381

It's canon.

>> No.2796384

Thought that was End of Evangelion for a second.

>> No.2796388
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But Luvia's wish to be better than Rin already came true.

>> No.2796394

What's canon is that it gives you near unlimited energy to do what the fuck you want.
Like Caster bringning back Kuzki at the cost of her life ;__;

>> No.2796400

Can't Sacchin use the Reality Marble in meltan?

>> No.2796403

Bitch didn't even think about bringing her own kids back.

What a shit mother.

>> No.2796408

Yes, bring them back 2300 years later in a japanese mountain.

>> No.2796414

Caster thinks that her children would be better off dead, than suffer a life of torture.

>> No.2796417

that was a bad example.

>> No.2796421

Fuck dem kids.

>> No.2796428
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You can bring a Servant back to the Real World with enough skill and resources(Golem).

>> No.2796435
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You can also corrupt a king of knights.

>> No.2796444
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Of course, you can be an ass and just let the curse pour out.

>> No.2796448
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A Gaijin will fuck up the Grail War just to settle some friendly rivalry.

>> No.2796455

They wouldn't suffer. It would be their chance to finally live a peaceful life.

>> No.2796460

But what about a Knight of kings?

>> No.2796463
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You can even NOT give a flying fuck about the Grail and just fight to your heart's content and then gracefully disappear from this world you shouldn't be in the first place.

>> No.2796467


>> No.2796472

>It's canon.

it's techically a "beam"

>> No.2796483

What's it like to hold all evils of the world in your arms?

>> No.2796490

Why the hell would you want to hold a woman?

>> No.2796494
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>> No.2796504

Excellent work.

>> No.2796505
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If you like mindfucks, you can even imagine you beat the manifestation of your pre-corrupted self and and continue your work as the enforcer of the silly girl that will implode into all the evils of the world.

>> No.2796506
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Congratulations, You have just won the Holy Grail War!


>> No.2796512


She just can't catch a break, can she?


>> No.2796515
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Lancer's storyline is LOL, eh Steals Rule Breaker from Caster and Kills Kirei.

>> No.2796516

It's hard to do with only one hand.

Oh ho ho ho.

>> No.2796519
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It's a maid's duty to bitchslap corrupted bitches and rescue her master.

>> No.2796530
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Rider still disappears from the world.

>> No.2796546

Hos before bros

..wait a minute...

>> No.2796559

Leysritt's story was the best.

>> No.2796553

/r/ Hassan's end


Who are those silhouettes?
Jubstacheit von Einsbern?

>> No.2796556

Oh wow, what can't Lancer do?

>> No.2796562

Stay alive.

>> No.2796580

Don't forget he follows this up by Beating and killing every single combatant. Then after single handedly winning the Grail War he sits down on a rooftop with all his battle scars and laughs about it.

>> No.2796594

Then he removes his plot armor and goes to bed

>> No.2796598 [DELETED] 


Are you trolling, right? Hassan is not in the game.

And the silhouettes are Sakura and Saber Alter.

>> No.2796625

Turn down a woman offering him dog meat.

>> No.2796627

Fuck Bazett.

>> No.2796707

There is no True Assassin in F/UC

>> No.2796751


Oh what.

I must be thinking of Fatal Fake then.

>> No.2796756

There are no endings in that.

>> No.2796759
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But there is still Hassan.

>> No.2796836

Command Seal + Rain of Darks + Zabaniya

>> No.2796917

So... is F/UC suppose to be a recon of the original games or what?

>> No.2796958

I think Leysritt is a cool maid, Eh confront Saber Alter and Sakura and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2796964

I like how Shinji is nonexistent in this game.

>> No.2796972

What would he do if he was in the game?

>> No.2796981

He'd be the Dan Hibiki.

>> No.2796993

Throw harmless shadows.

>> No.2796998
File: 49 KB, 1024x768, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They managed to throw in Zero Lancer but not Kuzuki-Sensei?!

>> No.2797005

Sakura raping minigame.

>> No.2797006

So he'd be a humorless joke character?
At least Dan is funny.

>> No.2797023

I don't really understand Sakura's ending in this game.

Someone care to explain?

>> No.2797159

Does anyone have translations of all the endings?

>> No.2797322
File: 35 KB, 414x448, rinarcherleash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, F/UC has a cannon Rin/Archer ending too, which is hilarious. I mean, Rin is shown older in his ending and she kept him. You know she's going to want to see the bone of his sword.

>> No.2797335

Best stories. I cried like a bitch.

>> No.2798077

I love how they finally gave him his Alt. Costume. Lancer isn't Lancer without his ALOHA.

>> No.2798149
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This,god fucking dammit. I was going to main the shit out of Kuzuki and punch some girls with my manly fists but he ends up not even being in the friggen' game. Whats the matter Capcom? Afraid Kuzuki would be too GOD TIER for your game?

Fuck your shit,i'm going back to Fatal/Fake Crucis.

>> No.2798164
File: 151 KB, 640x368, sakura0gj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get why Sakura is in this game.

>> No.2798165


Just use Bazette.

>> No.2798199
File: 36 KB, 640x368, soniamdissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bazette is a woman

>I wanted manly fists

Does not compute

>> No.2798221

We have two broadsword users, three polearm users, two tracing magic users, two gem magic users, etc.

What's wrong with another proper fist fighter then?

>> No.2798299

But... she does.

>> No.2798346

Bazette VS Kuzuki would be . . . fuck awesome actually, but I'd put my money on Bazette. She's got Fraggle Rock.

>> No.2798350
File: 96 KB, 400x480, dsakuraclaimarcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Sakura's kinda hard to use actually, give me the sword fighters.

I can't wait for the English version though so I can find out what they're really saying. And is it me or is Gilgamesh kinda gay for Archer?

Do you really need seven syllables to say "Faker"?

>> No.2798485

Ilya's the dirtiest whore of them all. I mean, taking that grail inside of her . . . shit.
