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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 600x600, 1238813592094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2792149 No.2792149 [Reply] [Original]

Loli images are punishable by death in the US. Do you resist and keep them? Or surrender like the spineless NEETs you are?

>> No.2792155

fight the power

>> No.2792160

Are you from the future?

>> No.2792163

I don't like lolis much, I'm perfectly happy with my more attractive adult waifus.

>> No.2792164

I'd say she's a youkai older than me, so no problem.

>> No.2792173

Isn't it illegal now? I remember that comic book guy got arrested and convicted but he had actual doujins. But looking at the protect act, it looks like any drawings involving minors engaging in sex is illegal or something. So all cartoon porn must be 18+? Explain this to a Finnfag that doesn't understand your laws.

>> No.2792181

Don't try to understand them, they are all extremely retarded.

>> No.2792188

This wouldn't be a problem if most of /jp/ would stop being pedophiles and learned to appreciate the real beauty of a full bodied woman

>> No.2792197


Basically, it's narrowly defined when we are talking about graphic generated porn like CGI shit. But under drawings of porn it gets a bit muddy. The Miller Test is involved, which requires the community to find the art obscene. Also it doesn't say anything about girls that are really 800 years old but look like they are in high school or 12 or whatever. I guess the Miller test would have to rule whether or not the sex made sense in context or not.

>> No.2792201

Reported for trolling.

>> No.2792205


I don't think most of /jp/ sexualizes lolis but they just see them as a little imouto to be petted and hugged and loved.

>> No.2792209


>> No.2792214


>> No.2792219

The vast amount of sexual images of said lolis posted and discussed seems to contradict this statement, otherwise I'd agree with you

>> No.2792226


Yeah I know. But those seem to be mainly contained in image dumping threads.

>> No.2792227

Ah, but that's how they get ya.
You start off all 'cute not pedo' and before you know it, you can't even tell the difference anymore.

>> No.2792243

Still not convinced that the American pigs are lying to you? Here is proof that America is nothing but a Capitalistic wasteland filled with death, drugs, guns, and squalor. Whenever you see those "typically American" neighborhoods where there is a car and house for every family in clean communities, remember that those are the lies that Hollywood propagandists are feeding to you. This, is what truly awaits those foolish enough to go to the insidious rat holes that the Americans try to hide. Believe me when I say that America is teetering on the brink of destruction even now. You would do best to avoid visiting this destitute wasteland, filled with ravaged forests half filled with trees, deserts that have plastic packaging all around it, and bombed out cities from the race wars. There are many that claim that America is nothing but a trash pile that needs to be wiped off the face of the earth, but few that actually get to see that it truly is just that. Now look upon just a glimpse of what awaits in this natural freak show. Just one of vast amounts covering the entirety of this "United States of America"...

>> No.2792246

Stop replying to yourself, OP.

>> No.2792269


Is this a new meme now? I see this in almost every thread a tripfag posts in.

>> No.2792304
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They cannot crack the AES.

>> No.2792313


They can just break some of your bones, or hit your head with a baseball to simply make you sing.

>> No.2792328

There are benefits of not being a US citizen and living in the US. When arrested, they have to complain to the state department to do anything. At this point the state depart decides if they want to deport my ass or not (Where they will likely have you stand similar charges at home. Yay, UK(Who might even let them try me in the US, whee)).

Other options are to make a quick run for Venezuela or some other country that the US doesn't have extradition with.

>> No.2792330

Hey now, I appreciate almost the entire spectrum of 2D feminine beauty. From the charming innocence of a girl to the youthful glow of a maiden to the grace and tenderness of a woman. Full breasted or flat chested, it matters not. All have their own unique appeal, and all are very dear to my heart.

Appreciation for the fairer sex is the best part about being a man. Why limit yourself to a single aesthetic?

>> No.2792333
File: 49 KB, 800x600, 1195354850634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the criminal.

This image shows a perverted Pedophile after sex with a Minor

>> No.2792337

Ilya isn't as tall as 5 heads. She never got sexed.

>> No.2792345

But she did.

By Berserker

>> No.2792348

Technically, in the US, as long as your doujins aren't just straight up rapecore with random 8 year olds, you can get away with artistic merit in the obscenity laws and you won't get arrested. That is... IF your lawyer actually bothers to tell you that.

There's some sort of test for defining something as obscene, or saying it has literary, artistic, scientific, or the like, merit, and if it has any of these, then it is not obscene and you shouldn't receive prosecution. That's the way I've understood it to be, and the way my government teacher explained it.

>> No.2792360

Ahh, here it is, the Miller test.

The Miller test is the United States Supreme Court's test for determining whether speech or expression can be labeled obscene, in which case it is not protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and can be prohibited.

he Miller test was developed in the 1973 case Miller v. California.[1] It has three parts:

* Whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
* Whether the work depicts/describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions[2] specifically defined by applicable state law,
* Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. (This is also known as the (S)LAPS test- [Serious] Literary, Artistic, Political, Scientific.)

The work is considered obscene only if all three conditions are satisfied.

>> No.2792361

I- I'm no NEET! I have a job! I'm j- just a freeter! Stop being so quick to judge anon!

>> No.2792376

I've lived inside a $200,000 lie my whole life, isn't that great? Apparently my middle class neighborhood doesn't exist? I guess I missed the trash and decaying buildings on my way to work.

>> No.2792382


So is the "average" person in this sense someone from the US or someone in your hometown?

>> No.2792383

>and you won't get arrested
You'll still get arrested and have to prove in court that it's not obscene.

Loli porn is as legal as any other porn: you can only get in trouble for it if your community finds it obscene.

>> No.2792390


Good thing I live in the SF bay area. Nothing is obscene here.

>> No.2792394

Wait, does that mean I'm safe too then?

>> No.2792397

Race wars? what race wars? I have to go about 100 miles to even see anyone who isn't white.

>> No.2792405

I have 10 volumes of comic LO, and I live in the USA.

I brought 8 of them back from japan in my checked baggage, and 2 in my carryon.

>> No.2792414

>>Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

Seriously, how the fuck does one determine if something has "serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value" or not?

>> No.2792419

Congratulations. You've figured out why the Miller Test is retarded.

Try harder.

>> No.2792423



>> No.2792426


So the Miller test is just applying some subjective community tastes to art? Wow you must be fucked as hell if you get arrested in Texas as opposed to NY or CA.

>> No.2792435

You will know it when you see it. Manga as a whole will generally fail the serious artistic portion. Serious literary would be something like: is it sex with a loose plot? then it fails. Scientific is kind of obvious.

>> No.2792436

Pretty much. In my opinion, art should only be considered illegal if it can be proven that its production hurt others against their will. The encouragement of illegal activity might also be a good reason, but I think that it would be too hard to figure out where to draw the line in such a case.

>> No.2792437


Pretty much. Though there are the conservative crabby fuck bits of CA and NY and the relatively more open parts of, say, the South.

Fuck community standards anyway. I hate the damn community.

>> No.2792438

Are you seriously trying to defend that?

>> No.2792439

Well I'm not in the USA so I'll just keep them.

But I have to ask why?

>> No.2792440

Unless you're in Austin.
Also, a quote related to the Miller test:
"I'll know it when I see it!"

>> No.2792442

>>Ilya isn't as tall as 5 heads. She never got sexed.

that doesn't matter. ilya's 18 so she's the adult. shirou's the minor.

>> No.2792443


Maybe if they made a manga that teaches you how to successfully kidnap lolis and rape them and destroy all evidence. Or many some communist manifesto screed that will teach you how to run some guerrilla unit.

>> No.2792446

Because the US unfortunately has a vocal minority of Puritan fuckheads that can't mind their own business.

>> No.2792452


At the very least, the Miller test ensures that those pricks can't dictate what's okay to read or watch if you live in a pretty liberal city like the one I'm in. Still retarded, though.

>> No.2792453

At least we're not like the UK where they will ban shit like 120 days of sodom.

>> No.2792454

Yes, those would be good examples. But unfortunately, to determine what would constitute sufficient illegal activity, you once again have to look for a subjective judgment, and we would thus end up with something similar to the Miller Test.

>> No.2792464

As much as you don't like the Miller test it is the best you are going to get as a middle ground between being able to silence some fuckheads and keep your precious free speech that you barely deserve.

Get off your ass and earn your damned rights you fucking slugs. Don't sit around let things go away because you are a lethargic bunch of whiners who think the only solution is TOTAL freedom. It isn't, and you would know this if you got out of your fucking hole and took your head out of your ass.

>> No.2792468


Yeah probably. The ACLU would jump to any ronery otaku's defence along with the Asian American special interest groups who will defend Japan's quirky perverted doujins as culture and shit.

>> No.2792471


Noone said anything about total freedom. Stop trying to troll.

>> No.2792474

I don't think anyone here is advocating "TOTAL freedom." I mean, if it could be proven that the production or sale of loli doujins hurt children in some way, then I would have no problem with it being illegal. But it doesn't. No one is harmed.

As for fighting for one's rights, America isn't really the best place to be known as "that guy that supports pedophile comics." I know that isn't a real excuse, but asking an average person (especially a /jp/ user) to take action against this is a bit much.

>> No.2792481
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The Miller test only applies insofar as local community standards laws are concerned. However, when it comes to loli, it will never be permanently banned in America without scrapping the First Amendment.

In a nutshell, you cannot justify censorship of drawings when freedom of speech is concerned hence why OP's scenario will never come to be. But in the quadrillion to one chance that the government gets overthrown by sentient apes and the Bill of Rights gets rewritten, no I won't delete my Touhou pics and nor will you.

>> No.2792482


>> No.2792486


Sir, I will defend my lolis to the death. When the threat of tyranny hung above our young nation's head, did George Washington give up because it would be easier? No! He mustered the might of the American people's to defend their God given rights and so should we. If they come to take my loli away I shall lift rifle, pike and saber to her defense. To arms! To arms! TO ARMS!

>> No.2792492

I doubt you would feel the same way with the FBI bursting through your door.

>> No.2792493

You're only options are to find a rights group in the US to help you or do it yourself. Both constitute fighting, and only one brings you public attention. If you do not fight for your rights you will loose them, and you do not really have a right to whine about it if you did nothing to stop it.

However, to argue that the Miller test is retarded is to totally disregard the fact that what you are saying it is poor at telling about is very minor amount of what it is used for. It winds up mostly keeping photos and video considered obscene. Manga is so very niche, and loli manga even more so that it is almost a waste of the courts time to try to revise it so that it doesn't let other media (that shouldn't be) become art.

>> No.2792494


Honestly, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is already doing a good enough job protecting lolicons in America from overzealous application of the law. The only reason why that idiot who recently got thrown in jail was convicted was because he pleaded guilty and settled. There is no way in hell a guilty verdict would hold up in a court of law and even if a jury convicted him, he would have easily gotten out on appeal. I'm sure the investigators blackmailed him and threatened to ruin his reputation-- poor bastard should have spoken to a lawyer first.

>> No.2792496

I never liked this. Too vague.

Half of anything you could take a picture of on the street would pass that test at least some of the time.

>> No.2792501
File: 86 KB, 510x396, 1206804294322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reality, you have to admit that you'll just sit by meekly, afraid while your rights (fundamental or otherwise) are slowly chipped away by an increasingly central and powerful government. To avoid looking like a radical or a traitor, you'll sit idly by like everyone else. Admit it to yourself, you and every other American is a glorified slave.

>> No.2792502

True. Also, wasn't the reason he was caught the fact that he had actual CP on his computer? Or am I thinking of someone else?

>> No.2792503


Nah. Unlike you spineless bastard OP, I actually fight for my principles because I understand and exercise my rights as an American citizen.

>> No.2792504

guys what about canada

>> No.2792505

Even worse than the United States on the matter of privacy.

>> No.2792508


Yeah I heard he pretty much just bitched out. He could've taken it all the way to the Supreme Court. Sure it's a waste of time but seeing as he reads loli doujins and probably is a /jp/ anon, I doubt he would miss any of it.

>> No.2792512

If you actually understood your rights and exercised them as a United States citizen, you would have been gunned down or put in prison many years ago for breaking a plethora of our fine country's Orwellian laws.

>> No.2792516

>Admit it to yourself, you and every other American is a glorified slave.

To a degree, yes. But I also feel very content and safe, so it evens out I suppose.

>> No.2792519

"The man who gives up his liberty in exchange for security deserves neither and loses both." - Benjamin Franklin

>> No.2792522

If only I could be an active freedom fighter like you, Anonymous.

>> No.2792524


Or, quite simply, the fact of the matter is that most Americans don't have to exercise their rights to get through life. Rights are there primarily to protect the minority against the tyranny of the majority powers, whether those powers be decided democratically/en masse or through executive will. Lolicons are clearly the minority party in this discussion and it only follows that they, more than any one, should be protected by the rights stipulated in the Constitution.

>> No.2792525

I'm no freedom fighter, I'm a herd bovine just like any of the rest of the American citizenry, just pointing out to you that there's no point in trying to put up the illusion that you care for or will even lift a finger to protect our so-called "rights" in such heroic terms when it's obvious both to you and the rest of us that you're just another cow.

>> No.2792528

I have CP, loli is the least of my worries.

>> No.2792531

I haven't been putting up any illusions. I guess you thought I was >>2792486. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.2792534


Americans are herd bovines now because we are content. Lolicons are disgusting to most normalfags. But some of the normalfags will see the issue as a slippery slope and come to our aid. And maybe more normal fags will see that the Miller test is horribly flawed and it only seemed like a good idea at the time because it was against pedos. But when they see some college kid getting hit with cp charges, they'll wake up and take action. I hope on that day anon, you shall be with the rest of the brave /jp/ anons at the forefront of this fight.

>> No.2792537

Putting it in these terms, I don't even feel any anger or disdain towards the Government that enslaves me. In a pack or a herd, there is always an alpha. The alpha puts itself in power just by being the most fit of the group, nothing more. It is as enslaved by biology as any of us, its role being that of the protector, and at the same time the one that is biologically set to murder any of its followers in order (at least by intention) to keep everyone together as a group and retain its own position. we/the herd cannot help this, it is simply our evolutionary preset, put on a large (national) scale

>> No.2792543

Couldn't be more true.

>> No.2792546

For the gentleman who said that lolicons =! pedos, I have to qualify that statement. Pedos are basically fucktarded lolicons who haven't developed a frontal lobe and thereby feel a need to rape anything wearing knee-high stockings. Lolicons are basically intelligent enough and possess enough self-restraint to delineate between fantasy and reality, thereby satiating themselves with pictures of 2-D armpits.

The sad fact of the matter is no matter how hard the law comes down on lolicons, pedos will go around raping and murdering children with total disregard for the law. It's like punishing military enthusiasts that have never been enlisted for atrocities committed during war. They're punishing an innocent set of people for believing in something that can be considered immoral, even though said people never committed that immoral act.

>> No.2792549

I don't think you know what pedophile means.

>> No.2792555


lolicon != sexual predator

>> No.2792556


Lol troll, have nothing better to say?

>> No.2792557

Child molestation is generally a control crime. It may or may not be related to pedophilia.

>> No.2793480

Liberal? What the fuck is this? There is no such thing. Period. Now you will see those are only fake liberals like those fake democratz, fake republicans, fake communist, and fake free-market priests .....

SOMEWHAT EVERYTHING IS FAKE HUH? Why is that? Maybe because such things doesn't exists in the real world of power, domination and oppression.

What are you talking about? My feelinga are now hurt by your post, today I will report you by the HURTMAFEELINGS agency, have fun with your arrest ....

>> No.2793506


That's what hidden volumes are for. Tough it out for a bit, then 'break' and give up the decoy password. Quantum computing will fuck us over, but that's another story.

As for the guy asking about Canada, despite it being 'illegal', doesn't Sahadou live there and regularly import dirty dirty Nip porno?

>> No.2793740

Yesterday the german parlament decided to make the internet censorship law official. For the moment child pornographie will be banned from access from german ISP's. The ban list will be managed by the federal police and all ISP will have to implement it.

I hope they won't censor 4chan ;_;

It's not the matter tht you can easily trick the "system" with DNS servers or proxy servers, the intention is more than enough to rage about. And once the system is running they will obviously upgrade the infrastructure technically and with more banned contents when fags have acclimated themselves to the new censorship.

So which countries of importance implemented internet censorship so for besides China, Australia and Germany?
Because next will be you!

>> No.2793763



Oh, you.

>> No.2793802

I'm a 24 year old virgin.
I've never kissed a girl.
I'm tall, and have a muscular physique.
I'm Not in Education, Employment or Training.

I greatly enjoy loli.

I'm only a step above the people you're addressing, and really, I certainly deserve my rights and freedoms.

>> No.2793830

Sarcasm ain't gonna work around these parts here, bro.
We're immune to them.

>> No.2793852


Are the firewalls spreading?
I've frequently feared that China's Great Firewall would set a very bad precedent for conservative governments to start censoring the internet everywhere. If too many countries start setting up their own firewalls, I'm going to have to become some kind of internet renegade.
But even in China you don't see that many darknets and work-arounds do you? Lots of people manage to get around the firewall through delicate proxy connections, but it seems the great masses, of Chinese internet users, even those technically minded, are behind the wall and completley helpless.

>> No.2793881


I'm pretty sure getting around China's filter is as simple as switching to OpenDNS.

>> No.2793886

The problem with America is that people simply don't want a democratic government. All the racists and rich and religious would benefit from a totalitarian institution. Children are taught that the Bill of Rights is liberal nonsense, (except for the right to bear arms), and should be superseded by their often fascist religious beliefs.

>> No.2793895

I'd keep em, no doubt.

>> No.2793964

This is way too easy. The demoratz are turning your country into a authoritarian socialistic police state. Both parties are controlled by the same power circles, as are most of the big churches. Conservatism and nationalism are dying around the western world (controlled by the empire), and war was declared on traditional religions decades ago and all children are indoctrinated with the scientific dictatorship sub-religion like the Church of Gaia, Church of Population-Control, Church of Globalism, Church of Humanism and Genetics

You shouldn't point the finger on some conservatives, the times have changed dramatically

>> No.2793981

>So which countries of importance implemented internet censorship so for besides China, Australia and Germany?


Though the most fun part is that you end up at a page saying "This page has questionable content and you are not allowed to visit it. If you think you should be able to visit it, please contact us."

It is hard to claim I should be able to visit something I've never visited before. Oh well, at least it will work the day they censor something I frequent more often.

>> No.2793994


I haven't been indocrinated into any of those and I've never heard of anyone who has.

>> No.2794012

>Church of Gaia, Church of Population-Control, Church of Globalism, Church of Humanism and Genetics

Haha what a nutcase

>> No.2794035

huh, when did that happen? i'm swedish and can't say i ever heard of any governmental internet censorship before and i most definitely never encountered it

>> No.2794048


Try going here


>> No.2794054

Sure you never heard of overpopulation, global warming, bad carbon monsters and carbon footprints, carbon taxes, new global financial system and many other things.

Get your hands on "Tragedy & Hope" , "The Limits to Growth", "Between to Ages", "Superclass", and the Agenda 21 papers from the UN.

You can find those easily on the internet for free

All of this global warming scam and Gaia cult was invented by this elite financed think-thank, with influence in the whole world. Must read papers.

>> No.2794084


That's the biggest load of bullshit since awhile. Suddendly, if your community says so, your first amendment is RETROACTIVELY revoked ? What the fuck ?

>> No.2794094

Huh. I always thought of Sweden as one of the most hands-off as far as governments go...Damn, where the hell can I move to now?

>> No.2794097

It got published, right? No first amendment violations there. You just can't view porn in public without being arrested for obscenity.

>> No.2794126

International waters.

>> No.2794139 [DELETED] 

Will be handed to the UN this century. THERE WON'T BE ANY PLACE TO RUN TO. Fags need to educate themselves or else it won't take much time until you will be taxed for breathing. An editorial from The Times wrote in 2007:
"Right now, everyone is using the atmosphere like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free" and then suggested "start charging for the privilege" by imposing a "carbon tax."

>> No.2794142

Will be handed to the UN this century. THERE WON'T BE ANY PLACE TO RUN TO. Fags need to educate themselves or else it won't take much time until you will be taxed for breathing. An editorial from The Times wrote in 2007:
"Right now, everyone is using the atmosphere like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free" and then suggested "start charging for the privilege by imposing a carbon tax"

>> No.2794150

What are you talking about? Re-read the thread.

>> No.2794152


I assume they were talking about taxing companies, not individuals.

>> No.2794191

The individuals too (obviously the big corps with connections to the highest circles won't have to). The future looks grimdark as long those faggots rule. Everyhting will be regulated - your energy demand, your movement profile, your food-supply and an additional general carbon tax.
Children will be handed to the goverment and raised within special dorms where their life and future will be determined by technocratz supported by guidelines like genetic potential, social class affiliation and by policies like actuall demand in the totally controlled socialistic economy

>> No.2794207

You see, only disgusting stuff is banned. I'm sure the founding fathers would be overjoyed to hear we didn't let them accidentally make pornography constitutionally protected.

>> No.2794238


I'm preaching to the choir here, but the Miller test is the biggest, most flawed piece of shit ever.

>> No.2794244

Wow, you all sound so educated I can barely follow what the fuck you guys are talking about. Are you sure you are all NEETs or just that passionate about your loli?

>> No.2794256

works fine, it's probably your isp that blocks it or some other netfilter that you are subjected to
internet isn't censored, but can't say that our government is exactly hands-off though

>> No.2794265

Really? Thank god. I'm still moving to Sweden then. Just have to get used to the cold.

>> No.2794267


/jp/ posters being neets is a running gag. Most of us are well educated and have comfortable jobs.

>> No.2794280 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2794303


>> No.2794376


Not all ISPs implement the blocking scheme.

Most do.

>> No.2794396

Every single time one of you dumb fucks spam your retarded cancer on our board, or it goes down for one minute for any reason, you get 10,000 more of these messages all over your shithole. Enjoy your current 100,000,000 spam messages and counting.

http://www.EnonTalk.com/ (Enon = Anon)


>> No.2794405

This post is a lie. The reason we are so "well educated" is because we are NEETs who have nothing better to do than read about shit nobody else cares about.

>> No.2794407
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>> No.2794472

what fuckheads do we need to silence that we can't just ignore?

Other than religious freaks good god I hate them.
