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2778348 No.2778348 [Reply] [Original]

Best girl. And it's not close.

>> No.2778450

Asuka clone.

>> No.2778464 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 1244912960554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That skank has NOTHING on the real best girl.

>> No.2778485

Luvia is Rin done right.

>> No.2778499


I always remember her name as "Lucia". :/

>> No.2778513

These "Rin vs Luvia" threads are so boring.
It's always just the same five images of Luvia, with the possible addition of that one doujin, and a whole bunch of "hurr Luvia is better", "hurr Rin is better" posts.

Just accept it, Rin is hotter than your finnish skank will ever be.

>> No.2778530

There should be a word that means the opposite of slut but is equally insulting. Like "cocktease" but more derisive.

Hey, it's not our fault there's so damn little of her in the interwebs.
Also, requesting said doujin so that the thread is complete.

>> No.2778537 [DELETED] 
File: 663 KB, 800x600, rinlaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl
>not Rin

>> No.2778534

Forget the name, Royal something maybe.

Also, no, because it shouldn't be insulting to not be a whore.

>> No.2778538 [DELETED] 
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Is it this, maybe?


>> No.2778539 [DELETED] 
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>Best girl
>not Rin

>> No.2778541 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 508x581, dohohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luvia was created to be superior to Rin.

Rin never had any competition at her high school. She was the best there was. When she went to London, she learned that just because she was the best in one place, it didn't automatically make her the best somewhere else.

>> No.2778545 [DELETED] 
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>implying Illya isn't the best girl

>> No.2778549


A download would be more useful.

>> No.2778552 [DELETED] 


Yeah, but that way it would be easy to insult any woman on the basis of whether she has a lot of sex or not.

On second thought, we could just skip to the end and make "woman" a cussword.

>> No.2778553


Frigid bitch?

>> No.2778564 [DELETED] 
File: 655 KB, 800x600, maiwaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your dead waifu.

>> No.2778569

Enjoy your waifu that doesn't know how to please you.

>> No.2778570

Why are Rinfags so obnoxious?

>> No.2778573

They're pretentious and stuck-up. Just like Rin herself.

>> No.2778575

What IS Hollow Ataraxia anyway? A sequel to FSN, an add-on, a spinoff or an alternate continuity?

>> No.2778579

Time loop made by Avenger

>> No.2778582

Pointless fan service developed to rake in more cash.

>> No.2778586 [DELETED] 
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She pleases me just fine, thank you.

>> No.2778585

Why are Luviafags so pretentious?

>> No.2778588

They have an inferiority complex because their waifu is inferior to Rin.

>> No.2778592

But that would suggest Rin is superior to anybody.

>> No.2778595

I mean sexually.

Hell, she didn't even know what an erection was.

>> No.2778598


(prove me worng)

>> No.2778599

Saberfags: Sakura is a slut xD
Sakurafags: Leave my waifu alone ;_;

>> No.2778601

She's superior to everyone.>>2778595
It's not like I have any experience with women either, so she's not any worse than me in that department.

>> No.2778604

>tsundere = Asuka ripoff
Not really

>> No.2778606

>Biggest whore. And it's not close.

>> No.2778613


Tsundere, speaks German, main color red, twintails with weird hair accessories.

But she's got a miniskirt so I guess that's original.

>> No.2778626

She's not a whore, though. She knows almost nothing about sex other than "feels good, makes babies, MANA TRANSFER".

>> No.2778631


Pretty nonchalant about it during the "Okay Shirou you need to fuck Saber now so let me get her ready for you" scene though.

>> No.2778643

Excuse to whore around.

>> No.2778648

I liked Rin better when I was playing as her.

>> No.2778650

Because she wasn't the one getting jackhammered.

>> No.2778655

Which is why she'd never done it before, and swore to never do it again, right?

>> No.2778659

rin's a slut.

>> No.2778665

Saber is a bigger slut than Rin

Prove me wrong

>> No.2778672 [DELETED] 
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Just an angry lie. They made up and did it again. She actually enjoyed it since no defloration was involved.

>> No.2778671

what's up with the massive amount of troll on /jp/ lately

>> No.2778677

She's pure and holy.

>> No.2778678

F/HA never actually happened, bro.

>> No.2778679

It happened in my mind, so for me it happened.

>> No.2778682

That's why she stuffed Shirou's big cock in her mouth right?

>> No.2778684

"I know how to please a man."

>> No.2778686

'sup Angra Mainyu

>> No.2778692

He has a pretty holy cock, what can I say.

>> No.2778694

Why didn't Shiki get to fuck everyone in sight during HIS dream?

>> No.2778695

Blowjobs were part of the knighting process.

>> No.2778699 [DELETED] 
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So she served him the strait sauce?

>> No.2778702

Well, all those H-scenes are all side stories. Self-contained and separate from the main storyline.

>> No.2778722

What happens in HA? I'm having a hard time imagining a version of F/SN that doesn't revolve entirely around the Grail thing.

>> No.2778735

Caster goes shopping.
Saber plays soccer and confuses it with golf.
Rin bitches about shit.
Sakura cooks.

>> No.2778743

Rin's sex scene is the lamest. She doesn't even give you a blowjob, the frigid bitch.

>> No.2778748

The bigger crime is no anal at all in F/sn.

>> No.2778749


Sounds exciting!

>> No.2778750

Not even in Sakura's route, which was surprising.

>> No.2778765 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 800x600, 471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She refused to blow him and forced him to pull out.

Guess what happens in HA?

>> No.2778769

Rin is a dignified lady, she doesn't do that sort of thing.

>> No.2778784

She said she wouldn't do it because it was their first time. And that's all.

>> No.2778789

No no, its ok. She sucks cocks with refined elegance. See how she has her right pinky finger out? She learned that at the academy in Britain.

>> No.2778794

They didn't fuck again after that though, because of Shirou's inconsiderate jackhammering.

>> No.2778807

Fuck yeah, Professor Charisma.

>> No.2778808 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2778814

She was just being a typical tsundere. Of course they fucked again after that. It's what lovers do, right?

>> No.2778839

I downloaded FSN, installed it and the patch and started reading it and it took me half a minute to start regretting it.

Damn this is awkwardly written. And I'm not even at the mollusk-fucking parts. :/

>> No.2778845

Wrong game bro
>this is awkwardly translated

>> No.2778852


What, there's no copulating with marine wildlife in FS/N? I HAVE BEEN DECEIVED

>> No.2778860

Mollusk-sex is only in ONE of the ten side-stories of Kagetsu Tohya. I have never seen it anywhere else.

Of course, this is /jp/. We take one aspect of a person and make it their entire personality (Curry-lover, Singer McSuicidey, etc), so it's not surprise that every time anybody talk about Nasu sex scenes somebody brings up mollusks.

>> No.2778873

It's a great game, if you give up so easily you're just missing out.

>> No.2778896


get your money back bro

>> No.2778901 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 800x600, fate554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to pretend the Rider-induced dream scene actually takes place during the end of UBW.

Of course it doesn't. But oh well.

>> No.2778911


We'll see about that. Guess I'll give it a try since I've gone through the trouble of getting it already.

>> No.2778914

F/SN actually reminded me of Dostoevsky. Certainly not in quality, but in how the first 10% or so was some of the most boring shit you'll ever read, but was absolutely vital to character development and if you skipped it then sure, you get to the more exciting parts sooner, but you also miss out on a crapload of stuff you would understand if you'd just read that first 10%.

>> No.2778918

Well, considering most people go straight from UBW to HF, it pretty much did...

>> No.2778923

Well, I meant during that same scene as Rin sitting by the window and smiling.

>> No.2778937

Now introducing to personal canon

>> No.2778938

It's 4chan, bitching is to be expected.

On the other hand, imagine this: you're writing a story, have to incorporate an obligatory sex scene to rake in even more fucking dough, and what do you come up with?


Mother. Fucking. Molluscs. Of all the god damn analogies you could have used to give it that special Nasu™ style, you use molluscs. How can you not be ridiculed for that?

>> No.2778943

Not those of us who had to wait forever for the HF patch.

>> No.2778948

>but in how the first 10% or so was some of the most boring shit you'll ever read


>> No.2778969


Gotta admit that the mental picture I had formed in my mind based on 4chan was that every single sex scene Nasu has ever written was a prose version of that "I will now pleasure myself with this fish" screencap.

I think I'm a little bit disppointed. /:I

>> No.2778975

Wait, she can make people dream?

>> No.2778980

Go back to /a/

>> No.2778986


Erotic dreams, at that.

>> No.2778993

so just think len with an actual personality.

>> No.2779007

>>2778993 with an actual personality
What? No.

>> No.2779038

Ren has a personality. You just don't like it.

>> No.2779042

Goddamn whoever said the beginning is boring as all hell wasn't kidding

Who are all these stupid schoolkids and why should I care when I know already they aren't main characters and I won't see any of them again

>> No.2779043

Yeah, no.

>> No.2779055

All Nasu girls are horrible.

>> No.2779061 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2779064 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2779062

Fanfiction-level writing + Deviantart level art = not something that isn't shit.

>> No.2779073

Sure. next you'll tell me that akiha isn't just a combination of two cookie cutter personalities.

>> No.2779106

She isn't, though, so why do you need me to say what should be obvious, good sir?

>> No.2779227 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 2266x2872, rintierlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Rin sure is a conversation starter.

>> No.2779249 [DELETED] 

IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!


>> No.2779253 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 800x600, 1226200258374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin == Saber > Illya > Sakura == Luvia

>> No.2779283 [DELETED] 
File: 397 KB, 594x765, 1232079883469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what that has to do with anything, so have a Rinkick to the face.

>> No.2779289

Oh damn, it's Player 2 Shirou.

>> No.2779296 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 291x557, luviainrinclothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rin == Luvia


>> No.2779302

I was being sarcastic....

>> No.2779322 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 655x583, hugme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ok.

Have a Rinhug.
