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2777906 No.2777906 [Reply] [Original]

previous entry >>3232390932

Post your favorite enemy


>> No.2777970 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 608x452, HAVESEXWITHGUYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2777976


What. I remember threads about this a long time ago, but you can't be serious.

>> No.2777977

But I don't feel like having sex with guys just to defeat the succubus...

>> No.2777991

you will have sex with guys whether you like it or not

>> No.2777994

full save file please? CCleaner deleted mine again

>> No.2778130


What about traps? What's the official word on banging those?

Come to think of it, you could implement traps WAY to easily into this game...
Your removing the clothes from this hot brown chick with white hair, you get to the pants and BYO-OING!

>> No.2778149


>> No.2778175

no fag

the sole purpose of the game is being the single man raping armies of women. i should finish my new game+ i started

>> No.2778208


I don't know what to tell you. I was straight before I found 4chan. Now though? It's sorta complicated.

>> No.2778724 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2778738

We're playing Sengoku Rance now. It's just as DEEP as Erotical Night.

>> No.2778741

I'm glad I'm not playing rance then.

>> No.2778742

It's only gay with a trap if you're the one getting fucked

>> No.2778744

sengoku shit

>> No.2778746

Becuase I mean, this game is pretty bad. Really bad.

>> No.2778773

i played this game in hopes of defeating guys by having sex with guys.

suffice it to say i am disappointed.

>> No.2778797 [DELETED] 
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You say that now Sion, but I've seen the game. Around ten of you're waifus are in Sengoku Rance.

There are lots of girls with giant breasts and long, black hair as well. It's like they made this game especially catered towards your tastes.


I was joking. Nothing is a DEEP as Erotical Nights, right?

>> No.2778818 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 608x454, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitgoku rance

>> No.2778955

This game is incredi-bad! Everytime you defeat even a low level grunt, you have to rush to the items shot to buy 10 more things to waste on the next low level grunt. How the fuck do you win against those odds!!??

>> No.2778960

Torrent please.

>> No.2778961

its only hard at the start when you have no toys/decent pants to help. healing items arent that expensive though. i think i heard once that "losing" to aya in a rebattle wont game over you and is just like a heal you can use

>> No.2778970 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 874x545, plotinmyporn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. The plot is intriguing.

>> No.2778981

one thing to keep in mind at the start too is that you can always visit the lottery house after you win a battle. supposedly your chances of getting a higher prize is increased if you won the last battle by defeating them instead of running. sometimes you might just totally luck out and win some 100+ def armor thats good for like 60% of the game and owns everything at the start

>> No.2778984

I once got a diamond and sold it for 10k money.

>> No.2778985

Will do! Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2778991

If you win a fight, and then you run away from another, I think it decreases your chance, but I'm not sure. It seemed that way for me.

>> No.2779014

the most easy money in the game is selling the teleport flute. once you have the movespeed pants you can just take the extra 10 seconds to the nearest warp point and have that insane amount of money spend for the end game
