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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 995 KB, 800x600, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27751942 No.27751942 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>27376099

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.27752281

Next Atelier Kaguya trial

>> No.27753007

Post what October release you will read first. Hard mode - no Maitetsu

>> No.27753351


>> No.27753730

is there anything else worth reading coming out besides from aikome?

>> No.27753866


>> No.27753917

The only real game seems to be >>27753730 but I'm not reading Niijima Yuu shit so maybe I'll just try out the dragon girl low price game.

>> No.27754996

>usual monthly shovelware from shit like Appetite and Miel, some kusoge, some re-releases and that's basically it
Dead month. Onomatopoeias game might be good for a wank I guess.

>> No.27755164

>good for a wank
Art looks fucking ugly though

>> No.27755230

As long as it has decent fetishes I can handle some shoddy art. People back in the day used to fap to early 80's eroge.

>> No.27755531

>予約特典CD「まいてつLR feat. VTubers」
Fucking vtuber scum
Yeah not really interested in Maitetsu either so I'm gonna read Aikome and then it's backlog time.

>> No.27755837

Any good sites that keep track of upcoming eroge releases?

>> No.27755976

vndb, sweetie

>> No.27756036


>> No.27756099


>> No.27756137

Hayase Yayoi was already Nagi since the original, she's just calling herself a vtuber now.
That's the future of eroge seiyuu.

>> No.27759430

Anyone has the Windows 10 version of Jingai Makyou?
In exchange for it, i'll directly upload the Windows 10 version of SayoOshi (and with no need for cracks at all, just install and play)

>> No.27759975

I'm glad that they're going back to having lucle write the kind of thing that won't be hurt too badly by garbage production values and weird art.

>> No.27769544

Just buy it, faggot

>> No.27771100

kill yourself hapa faggot

>> No.27771523
File: 273 KB, 1026x817, Zenra Toukou Training.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys so uh ...

>> No.27771552
File: 318 KB, 1282x747, dear sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

The first screenshot is from 4Hs Zenra Toukou Training. The second screenshot is from Sister Soft's Dear Sister. Is there like a website with free VN backgrounds or something? Are there more examples of this street in VNs?

>> No.27771623

Assuming this is the same developer, it's normal that they reuse their own shit across different games.

>> No.27771896
File: 179 KB, 1282x705, madou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corona-chan is so cute.

>> No.27771927

>. Is there like a website with free VN backgrounds or something? Are there more examples of this street in VNs?
Enko street is in literally hundreds of VNs, possibly thousands. Yes, there's tons of free VN backgrounds available that cheap devs use instead of using their own.

>> No.27771981

Do you have a download for Dear Sister or at least can share the voice file? The torrent's been stuck at 99.8% for over a year.

>> No.27771987

But they're 2 different doujin companies.

>> No.27772032

No I own it. I don't often torrent games anymore.

>> No.27772100

Ahh cool, I learned something today!

>> No.27772408

Could you please upload the files "voice.ypf" and "ysbin.ypf" to anonfiles, catbox or whatever?

>> No.27773214


>> No.27773648

i've seen that stock background in like 30 vns

>> No.27773935

Finally the imouto is voiced. Thanks a ton!

>> No.27774988

I got the link. No password for the archive though.

>> No.27776233

Hata calling other people "faggots"? lmfao

>> No.27776420

Its nice that we have now virgin girls but I'd rather be a game with adult virgin girls.

>> No.27778194

I clearly haven’t played enough VNs

>> No.27786110

Fuck off fucking hata

>> No.27786500

She did nothing wrong.

Cope? No. Just men and women who stood up to support her when she needed it most.

>> No.27795582

Sayonara wo Oshiete Windows 10 Edition was uploaded to nyaa a while ago if anyone's interesed.
Doesn't require cracks or any weird shit like that. Just simple install and enjoy the game.

>> No.27795594

been uploaded ages ago on AB, sweetie

>> No.27795690

And even longer since someone uploaded it in these threads.
It massacres orange filter and the font anyway so the original is still the way to go.

>> No.27795893

Oh, i see. Still wanted to say it for any newfag or uniformed anon out here.
Isn't the original supossed to have no backlog and such? Must be annoying to play.

>> No.27796097
File: 468 KB, 640x960, sayooshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And even longer since someone uploaded it in these threads
not everyone checks every fucking thread, faggot

>It massacres orange filter
looks better without one anyway

>the font
who even cares about font as long as font is readable, or you can change it to something else
playing original version is too much pain in the ass and you can even resize window in w10 ver

>> No.27796629

Iwaihime Matsuri probably, with it getting a PC release now.
End of month looks dry, but who knows, maybe Mebius doing another game isn't going to end in a complete disaster? Okay, who am I kidding...

>> No.27797854

Now this is a pleb take if I've ever seen one.

>> No.27798012

>muh sekrit club
kill yourself

>> No.27798110

keep seething, sweetie
> literally everyone got AB access nowadays
> sekrit club
are you alright, onii-chan?

>> No.27799599

fuck off hata

>> No.27800975

i'm not a fucking hapa, faggot
fix your fucking hapa detector

>> No.27806036

what's the easiest way to play eroge in my bed if I have my pc and bed in separate rooms? any remote desktop apps that are not shitty?

also, finished Yuuka's route in 果てしなく青い、この空の下で
pretty good, but the ending is kind of abrupt, just like in Amane's route iirc
the feeling of the game is really where it shines

>> No.27806101

try steam link, google rd, microsoft rd
which one works better for you

>> No.27810860
File: 176 KB, 848x1200, 71t1ys5qSaL._AC_SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any download link for this? No baidu or anything that throttles download speed.

>> No.27811983

That's a cool game, hope you can find the link anon. The sequel/prequel isn't as good though (Rebellions or something like that)

>> No.27812011

Did you try the one on nyaa already?
I was interested in this too, is like a remake of https://vndb.org/v105 or do I need to play that one first?

>> No.27812617

It is more than a remake, Killer Queen only has two routes and Depth Edition has 4 plus the scenario was rewritten.

It would bea good idea to play Killer Queen first to see the differences. It is a short game, around 14 hours to clear both routes.

>> No.27812894


>> No.27814265
File: 219 KB, 800x600, 38570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when best girl comes with a special package

>> No.27815487

Watch someone else play it on youtube/pornhub

>> No.27815627

Why is blue so happy when everyone else is frowning?

>> No.27817356

>Kurisu is a true honor student who is kind to everyone and has a refined appearance. Despite her perfect grades, popularity in the class and humble personality, she is actually addicted to masturbating.
>Subject of (Sexual): Anal Sex

>> No.27818069

How do I stop starting new games when I already have 12 of them started

>> No.27819851

Alright, it's your fault that the number is 13 now.

>> No.27820748

That's nothing. I stopped counting at 50. I have maybe 10 times as many installed and keep downloading at least 2 eroge per day. Only thing stopping me is limited disk space....

>> No.27822386

Switch up the media you consume. Get into manga, LNs, or anime whenever you feel like you’re getting burnt out with a game, and just rotate between that.

>> No.27822620

Dead link

>> No.27822721
File: 3 KB, 203x124, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, about that...

>> No.27835530

What's the visual novel in the OP?

>> No.27836111

So, is Ricotta bankrupted or something? Or is it just exists as a name on paper now?

>> No.27836215

why dont you ask them

>> No.27837242

Ask hata, he knows everything as industry insider

>> No.27837710
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『イベントにも陰と陽がある』hamidashi (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this is madosoft gently testing the waters to see if people wouldn't be put off by a trap sub-heroine.

>> No.27837769
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 554197-relucks_776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure those waters have been tested thoroughly already.
And the opinion is
>nobody cares!

>> No.27838574

Who's Hata?

>> No.27839034

People got enough piss already.

>> No.27840422

I didn't even realize they could NOT make him a heroine in the possible fandisk until I remembered wagahigh. But he's displaying a lot more open affection towards MC here.

>> No.27841475

>anal sex

Best girl.

>> No.27842416

Has a game like Kakyuusei been made in these past couple of years?

>> No.27849469

>Enko street
Isn't it just Akihabara?

>> No.27850287

Kusoge? Many.

>> No.27850408

If standards were so high that games like Kakyuusei would be considered a kusoge, I would be the happiest man to ever exist.

>> No.27850482

Didn't MaybeSoft make a transgender heroine(?) not so long ago? I don't recall anyone minding all that much.

Hell, as I recall, Shoko from that Saimin Reido game was considered the main heroine by most of the player base.

>> No.27850532

That was an amazing revenge route, would have been better if MC could make him switch back every now and then for hatesex.

>> No.27850613

Did you really just imply that trap and tranny is the same?

>> No.27850742
File: 306 KB, 637x279, 2020-10-18 09_49_12-0462.jpg (640×480).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will be the same after I am done with them.

>> No.27852123

cuck you say?

>> No.27852475

That's Kakyuusei 2, not 1.

>> No.27853843

Iro Yoridori

>> No.27854286

>cheaply made bottom of the barrel cuckshit
If you are gonna recommend NTR, at least do it with something worthwhile

>> No.27859963

>cheaply made
it's called passion
> bottom of the barrel
it's top-tier
Egao no Riyuu is better though.

>> No.27863506

How can you say that with a straight face?

>> No.27869477

i-invite pls?

>> No.27873114

While Alicesoft, Giga and Eushully keep delivering gameplay greatness in eroge proper dating sims are very rare nowadays. Even all-ages ones like Tokimeki.

>> No.27873590

>Alicesoft, Giga and Eushully
>keep delivering gameplay greatness

>> No.27873652

Dohna Dohna looks like kamige

>> No.27877042

Art-style aside, it looks like a shitty phone game

>> No.27877307

Fuck off.

>> No.27877502

>all those eops in the comments

>> No.27877688

You can fuck off to /ddg/ on /vg/ or /vmg/ when that shit comes out.

What do you expect from dumb hannies. They'll beg MG for scraps, or some retard to make an MTL interface patch.

>> No.27878805 [DELETED] 

> implying something wrong with eops
Why are you so fucking insecure, my dudes?
Worried that much about more people touching your uNtRaNsLaTaBlE KaMiGeS?

>> No.27878975

>They'll beg MG for scraps, or some retard to make an MTL interface patch.
Textractor exists so neither is required. Dohna Dohna looks great, cant wait to play it.

>> No.27879076

this is bad

>> No.27879305

so do you guys all know enough Japanese to read these or do you just stumble through vaguely understanding it and mostly just jerking off to the art?

just curious

also, if you do read them, how much Japanese do you actually know?

>> No.27879810

>so do you guys all know enough Japanese to read these

>also, if you do read them, how much Japanese do you actually know?

Enough to be able to read and understand anime porn powerpoints without needing to look up words/kanji much if at all, maybe except for the rare idiom or internet slang I'm not familiar with.

>> No.27880178

what do you use your 日本語 ability for besides vns?

>> No.27880312

jerking off to dlsite voice works, mostly ones where some girl pretends to my mother and jerks me off.
not sure what you expected

>> No.27880490


>> No.27880524

Yeah, it's always so cringe to see 'em.

>> No.27880547

Fuck off, subhuman.

>> No.27880600

Barely understand shit while feeding infodumps to deepl, later asking people who finished vn to fill gaps

>> No.27881049

I've been getting big into ASMR lately, although I prefer the ones where (You) actually have sex instead of the pure jerk off aid/ear licking/r15 ones. It's been good.

>> No.27884006

>know enough Japanese to read these
that's literally the point of this thread, if you don't fit this description you shouldn't be contributing here since there's plenty of other threads for eops

MMOs, mobage, LNs

>> No.27884233
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, hamidashi_2020-10-17_19-52-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember dropping madosoft's other games pretty quickly when they came out, but I'm actually enjoying this one somehow. I hope getting a job and losing free time hasn't completely ruined my taste.

What playable japanese mmos are there?

>> No.27884522

Haven't played it yet but I see a lot of praise from japs, some guy was saying from now Madosoft won't be known for making Wagahai but for making Hamikuri or how this game took what was good from Wagahai and fixed the bad parts, I guess their other games outside these two aren't very remarkable.

>> No.27884845

Has Utawarerumono 2 and 3 for PC been uploaded somewhere in japanese?
Can only find the english versions.

>> No.27884964
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, 【03A-強がりシャルローネ】_2020-10-19_20-07-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor MC, all he wanted was pure love.

>> No.27885125

And the routes are quite different from each other too. Kano's is passion, Shio's is hardwork, big plot, and focus on MC's character development. Hiyori's is ichaicha and fame troubles, Asumi's route is just kinda there. Maybe it's because I hate vtubers. She was cute though.

>> No.27885153

>What playable japanese mmos are there?
i dunno i just play PSO2 nowadays and although it has an eop server now it took 8 years for that to happen, played some korean game that only had a jp server before that. but the best thing about playing with nips is the fact that they're nips, meaning they don't care about all the dumb cancerous autism the west does. they don't complain about LGBT or tranny shit, politics, they don't ERP, don't care about nudity. the nip communities are generally just better, even for something with an eop server like ffxiv

>> No.27885341

Buy them, piratefag.

>> No.27885389

But he is getting pure love? 5 times more pure love than most other people get too

>> No.27895703

Just finished 化石の歌. Not really sure how I feel about this one exactly. It has some concepts I found cool (SF computer shit, lost technology, dream worlds, etc.), but I guess the overall execution was kind of lacking. I didn't think it was bad, but I feel like it could have been a lot more impactful. The end sort of infodumps a bunch of shit on you and then things just happen. There were some nice sendoffs in it. Especially Mary and Kururu's final shots, but overall the mystery reveal was a little underwhelming to me. Mary has a top-tier design though, so they did get that right at least. I guess it was a decent game.

>> No.27896890

im pretty sure i saw 2 got uploaded earlier in jp but dont know about 3

but u should buy them so aquaplus can port their other console only shit to pc

>> No.27897715

Haremshit will never be pure love. Only single heroine/girl (male)/shota or 3P with loli/shota can be pure love.

>> No.27903013
File: 157 KB, 1024x576, 1592782064729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No twins? I don't believe you.

>> No.27903586
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x2160, 【プロローグ01】_2020-10-20_02-37-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but consider this

>> No.27906996

Is "H2O Fooprints in the Sand" easy to read? Difficulty lvl of this?

>> No.27907193


u can try reading it and determine for urself

good luck soldier

>> No.27916810

Learn Japanese.

>> No.27918280
File: 25 KB, 250x300, 2909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twins are fine, but there should always be options:
a. both twins; b. twin A; c. twin B

Speaking of Midori no Umi, there's something that I didn't understand. At the end of Makina's route(s) at the pond, the writing got confusing and made me think that MC and the bitch were going through time loops. I don't remember the exact order of events but I think the first time MC drowned her because annoying cunt and second time she said that she remembered him drowning her and so she pulled him down with her as revenge. Or something like that. That didn't make sense to me because there was no supernatural element to the story or any time loops.
Oh yeah, gotta say the H-scenes were fantastic. Twins and Haina especially. Chisha's also hot. Fuck that Tsumugi twist.

>> No.27922068

> not just learning naturally while reading
Yeah fuck off subhuman

>> No.27930660


>> No.27930754


>> No.27930927


No this is not it, because it was all in Japanese language and I think the website like pink or red.

>> No.27932094

>nip VNfag
>this VN is good. Kinda flawed but worth it in the end.

>Western JOP
>my life is changing. I am getting enlightened. I can feel it. What a treasure trove of knowledge

>> No.27932686

>implying all JOPs are like moogy or quof or hadler or their braindead friends

>> No.27933874
File: 64 KB, 627x100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even fucking eops infected with this shit nowadays, have you seen rainspectre?

>> No.27935977

It's just when you are young. And there are no young VN readers in Japan anymore. Those are getting "my life got CHANGED" over gacha. Truth be told, it's quite believable there. If you spend thousands of bucks on gacha, your life definitely changed.

I mean, weren't you yourself amazed at some kind of thing when you were younger?

>> No.27937097

Ayana is an exception. He gets off from sucking moogy's cock

>> No.27938774

>I mean, weren't you yourself amazed at some kind of thing when you were younger?

Being amazed and spewing bullshit like "subahibi changed my life" is kinda different, don't you think so?

I can see someone life can changed for example after reading Rikka route in Hoshi Ori and starting playing piano afterwards.

Someone being impressed by subahibi?
How it made him to think about something? Okay, sure.

Some retarded subhuman animal telling how his life completely changed after X without any details while slapping 10/10 masterpiece on it? Ahaha oh wow kill yourself fucking subhuman imbecile.

>> No.27941952

What makes you think that people owe you walls of text explaining how, why, and when exactly Subahibi (or a different work) changed their life? Just because the phrase 'changed my life' is a dead horse that's still being abused doesn't mean that people have to essentially throw away their privacy and all things related to it just to sate some seething 4chainer's curiosity.

>> No.27943495

It's just a meme, bro. People see others saying subahibi changed their life and then they copy them because every cool kid in the town is making same claims. People just love to assert their intelligence using VNs that can be considered to be deep and intelligence.

>> No.27943541

>t. faggot who thinks subahibi is life-changing

>> No.27944255

what's the lewdest ntr eroge?

>> No.27946985

This is so sad.

>> No.27947526

Hajimete no Kanojo

>> No.27947698

The amount of fiction that "changed your life" should be counted on one hand.

>> No.27952338

>Subahibi (or a different work) changed my life
That's just a meme and even the original people who said it being sarcastic. They don't actually believe any of that crap.

Also fuck off hata and his friends. Kill yourselves.

>> No.27953201

>even the original people who said it being sarcastic.
Lol newfag.

>> No.27966139

Found it. I knew it was from WillPlus but goddamn that company has like 100500 sub-brands. OP's game is under ensemble.

>> No.27968878
File: 789 KB, 800x600, 534532132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact, one of the heroines drugs MC and sexually assaults him while he's asleep
pic unrelated

>> No.27969734

Sure mate. You need to brush up on your cartel lore if you think fags like moggy-chan or conjupoo or queef are serious when they call kusoge life-changing. It's sarcasm to throw off dumb EOPs and cartel fanboys like those hatatards who eat up all the shit the cartel spews out. Fun fact: they don't actually hate moege. It's all just a huge pretend play to shit on retards and the "dead industry."

>> No.27973176

Are there any eroge where the all-ages re-release is better than the original?

>> No.27974355

Utawhateverumono or any other 20+ years old H-game that got a console remaster recently.

>> No.27976443

stuff like realta nua adds voices, bgms, cgs to the game but its censored so yeah.

>> No.27976647

Realta Nua has a fanpatch that uncensors it at least, can't do that with the more comprehensive all ages re-releases.

>> No.27976874

>or any other 20+ years old H-game that got a console remaster recently
lol no

>> No.27977015
File: 2.83 MB, 2556x3190, chara__dress@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This look so shit, people complain about sameface but I'd rather have that over two artists with clashing artstyles.
That Saga Planets artist seems to be getting worse too.

>> No.27977057

is akebono no hikari censored? I know amantes amentes is

>> No.27981313

thanks anon

>> No.27981360

Yes, sweetie.

>> No.27981452

Keep seething, sweetie

>> No.27983689

It has no H if that is what you mean. You will still want to play it because the regular version is just straight up incomplete and missing shit like a good chunk of the common route. If you want the H you need to download both versions and dual wield

>> No.27984192

you could club someone to death with those thighs holy shit

>> No.27984298


>> No.27984305

its so fucking dumb that this medium has issues like this, content just straight up missing from certain versions with no complete edition that packs everything into one.

>> No.27985835

>reading eroge with small dick protags

>> No.27986461

just like your small broken dick, piggy

>> No.27986669

Yeah but I'm not an eroge protag am I shit-for-brains

>> No.27988972

Original white album is the classic example.

>> No.27989582

Fuck off ayana

>> No.27994589

homo or pedo?

>> No.27997342
File: 50 KB, 256x372, 17953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, I have a problem. I'm playing fushigi densha, but music doesn't loop, does anymore know how to fix that?

>> No.27997479

neither, fuck off with your fatty murica burger shit, this is not fucking healthy

>> No.27997958


>> No.27999093
File: 13 KB, 933x391, explorer_2020-10-21_16-08-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm it says I need to convert game audio into mp3, but where do I find game audio? This is all that is inside of the DATA folder of the game, and there is nothing else

>> No.27999409

you need to rip them with something like windows media player

>> No.28003054


>> No.28007458

guess i will download both and try to see when does the new content starts

>> No.28013492

The best thing is that if you bought the Masada Premium box for 200 dollars you only get the 18+ versions of every title because they couldn't be bothered

>> No.28016169

This guy read Musicus, experienced some kind of existential epiphany, and then never came back


>> No.28016632

I read https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rddjogBoOio and experienced some kind of existential epiphany. Never came back to eroge after that life changing experience.

>> No.28018282

corona-chan just payed him a visit, that's all

>> No.28024843

Does anyone know if there's any difference at all between the PC-98 and Windows versions of Shizuku and Kizuato?

>> No.28031889


>> No.28031961
File: 12 KB, 599x142, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not talking about the Renewal versions with the new art, I mean the windows ports of the PC-98 originals that came out in the same year.

>> No.28033532

Someone remind me the resource that ranks vn difficulty? Couldn't find in archive

>> No.28033787

Will Lose make additional appends to Last Run or is it meant as a definitive version like Monobeno Happy End?

>> No.28034180

You don't even know english

>> No.28034248

Trust them to milk everything forever, because they sure are spamming the fuck out of my dlsite feed with ASMR based on their brands.

>> No.28034925

Speaking of definitive versions and such, how do you guys keep track of whether a game has patches or additional content like BugBug releases?

Like most downloads are base versions and if they come with updates they're often outdated. I used to not care, now I always go to the official site to look for updates. But sometimes sites don't even list patches for whatever reason.

And vndb doesn't always list BugBug expansions but I'm too lazy to look up if there is one for every game I hoard. Not to mention downloading those dlcs sucks because it's always on shitty file hosts or dead links, and then it's the whole disc instead of just individual patches. I don't even want to think about how many updates are not available anymore. There should be some kind of archives with backup sites. inb4 "it's on AB" retard pops up

>> No.28035508

Happy End got million appends, fag.

>> No.28036922

If it's not listed on VNDB and I can't find details on whatever the title edition is on the first page of google the devs can suck my fucking dick

>> No.28037672

So what?
I don't need fucking burger language, fuck off of me, besides reading language and speaking is two different things, so fuck off.

>> No.28037844

Kill yourself, anglocuck troll.

>> No.28051688

At least check EGS too but yeah pretty much.

>> No.28055202

Pretty soulful for a 90s game remake.

>> No.28057164


>> No.28058679
File: 1.92 MB, 4093x2894, kara3_pamp01-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets.

>> No.28060674

Touko gets heroine from old game protection, I doubt she bites the dust.

>> No.28065455

I really should get round to re-reading the first and second game
It's been 7 years and I can't remember shit...

>> No.28074310

50/50 on Yukari surviving.
Killing her is kind of expected, it would be more of a surprise if they'd let her live imo.

>> No.28074997

Well, for that anon looking for vn similar to kakyuusei 1, congratulations.

>> No.28076618
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is that actual proper Doukyuusei remake that I see. I wonder if they will put this trigger warning again at the start screen or or "fix" Satomi's route just like how they fix Tamaki in the gacha game.

>> No.28076975

Yeah, I was happy to hear about it, but I still feel some trepidation. Hopefully it is faithful.

>> No.28077309

When they revealed the game in Denmo the said save for some changes they have to make to comply with sofurin the scenario would be exactly the same.
I don't know much about this one, what would they have to "fix" from her route? She mentions her ex-boyfriend too or something?

>> No.28077572

I'm interested in playing the saturn version. can anyone help me with that? can't find a working download for the rom so far.

>> No.28078274

What could have been there that would have been problematic?

Text making it clear the girls are high schoolers?

>> No.28078339


>> No.28078472

tyvm based anon.

>> No.28082273

Wow. I didn't know Can Can Bunny was also released for the SS.

>> No.28088066

uh, mind helping a newbie with getting it to run on retroarch anon? I already put the jp bios which I got from planet emu and it still wouldn't run with any of the cores.

>> No.28088418

alright nvm got it running on mednafen so far.

>> No.28092677
File: 974 KB, 1280x720, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『時給10万円の世界』hamidashi (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm actually reading a VN that goes into the details about the flaws in Youtube's copyright and DMCA systems and how these can screw over content creators. What a world.

>> No.28094367

I got この青空に約束を― from the masterlist and after installing it, updating it and using the alpharom thing, it won't boot up.

Double clicking the exe just does nothing.
Anyone know what I can do to make it work?

>> No.28095350

Iirc parfait and konnyaku exe needs to be tweaked for win 10

>> No.28096629

i do this too,i recently deleted a lot of games and left only the games that i read a little bit (wich were 4/20 games) that was enough to stop me from downloading more

>> No.28105832

fuck off retard

>> No.28107400

Do I need to read up on jap history to enjoy inre games? Like do they reference shit you should learn during high school or something like that?

>> No.28107706

No ero for them maybe?

>> No.28113102

>Too bad the game is meh.
That's almost every yuzuge, mind-numblingly meh experiences.

>> No.28113167

The problem is that I've read the whole common route and at least one heroine route in all of them.

>> No.28113817

Doukyuusei had assorted weird things happening in the background in the PC98 version. For example, at the school, the animated background has this guy shitting in public, and a girl pissing into the pool.

Then you have the fandisks, which have even more weirdness and the devs avatars being total creeps.

>> No.28114272
File: 486 KB, 647x1678, cant defeat vanillafags no matter how her tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then you have the fandisks
That was fun. Funny that elf ends up like Shuusaku in the end.

>> No.28117232

I did that for some of them already, but I kinda want to read the remaining routes in the rest. The problem is when something else suddenly looks more appealing.

>> No.28135784

That's a nukige idiot, I don't know what moege >>28125624 is talking about but it was probably a more comedy focused one like AsaPro's stuff, sounds more like funny situation than something meant to be hot.

>> No.28174951
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>> No.28176886

It feels like a very good way of bringing the old designs with modern colouring and drawing style. It kinda retains that retro style despite the modern look?

>> No.28204569

I just want to thank the anon who made the preinstal for jisatsu101.

>> No.28212571

Fuck off retarded retro faggot, no one needs your old crap here

>> No.28214743

I like the sunset in the old one but that's about it.

>> No.28216971

anyone that can bear children should be considered by law to be an adult

>> No.28217244

Store literally won't sell your game if you do that

>> No.28229570

And the availability of these versions is extremely limited.

>> No.28231815

It was Mashimaro.

>> No.28244840

I know of one manga but no eroge.

>> No.28248688

I can't quite remember, but was it the drooling glasses guy exposing his dick to you with the surrealistic moving background and creepy music?

>> No.28248766

The only thing that they should fix about Doukyuusei, in my opinion, was the ending.

Sure, you fucked over a dozen of girls, and then you get to choose your happy ending? Fuck that. Doukyuusei did the right thing by fixing that no consequences bullshit.

>> No.28249334

What is Doukyuusei really about? Pumping and dumping all the girls? Why does it look like a romance game?

>> No.28261193


It's probably this https://vndb.org/v1823

>> No.28264663

Aren't they all Nishimata Aoi-drawn art? At the very least, the latter two are.

>> No.28267863

>Doujin game
>Sold only on CD at comiket
>43k yen on suruga-ya

Yeah, good luck

>> No.28268298

I found a guy who had it on twitter but he wanted me to pay him for a copy

>> No.28278520

>he doesn't recognize https://vndb.org/v4690

>> No.28279902

Die you fucking retard

>> No.28282298

Thanks anon. I was trying to sort by votes around 2001-2005 on EGS since the other stuff on that guy’s wall is just your usual popular moege at the time. Never thought it would be an all-age doujin work.

>> No.28285118
File: 101 KB, 640x480, ev179n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of this scene? I'd rather not fucking my waifu if it means she has to content doing it with her rapist's body.

>> No.28289282


3 new kamige to wait for.

>> No.28289363

I like scifi shit so this might be good.

>> No.28289374

3 words for you.
All ages kusoge

>> No.28290457

What a fucking pleb you are.

>> No.28296680
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 105935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh how nice it is to find a VN I forgot the name of with just 2 tags amnesia & cafe

>> No.28296856

This got delayed like 10 times and finally came out last month. Anyone tried it to see if it was worth delaying?

>> No.28297846


Death Stranding, but good?

>> No.28300116

She is already addicted to Shuusaku's cock.
She is happy having you and her favorite dick.

>> No.28302433
File: 613 KB, 1920x1080, ExHIBIT.log_2020-09-26_14-46-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it, but it's only worth playing if you have garbage taste like me and already like Cabbit's games.
Most people in this thread would hate it and I'm surprised that the EGS score is as high as it is.
