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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 116 KB, 801x599, rance kensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2771878 No.2771878 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese male speaks wisdom.

>> No.2771888

MC is an asshole and rapes little children. Seriously what good are you seeing in this game?

>> No.2771897

He doesn;t rape children, and the worth of a game and it's entertainment value is not determined by the lead's moral compass.

>> No.2771898

>and rapes little children.
>what good are you seeing in this game?

you answered your own question.

>> No.2771899
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Why so butthurt, liberalfag?

>> No.2771902

Commander Chargan, war gaeman

>> No.2771906

Japense produces can only cash on rape and perverts

>> No.2771911

A noble cause, but will it be able to stand against Rance's arguably nobler cause?

>> No.2771914

Rance doesn't rape underage,and you don't actually play a strategy eroge only for the eroge part

faggots that don't like this game should stop trolling its threads and jerk off to whatever THEY like

>> No.2771921

>Seriously what good are you seeing in this game?
Kenshin is fucking adorable.
The maids are hot.
Xavier is a good father.
Gameplay is fucking addictive.

>> No.2771938

>Xavier is a good father.
While Chaos is a saint.

>> No.2771940
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Little warlords loev shota.

>> No.2771941

>Xavier is a good father.
Kurohime would like to have a word with you.

>> No.2771943

I played this all day yesterday and fucked up majorly. Got crushed by Takeda in a matter of like 10 turns.

Restarting now that I actually know what I'm doing.

>> No.2771944

What? He rapes plenty of underaged girls, just not prepubescent ones. He waits a few years before raping those.

>> No.2771951

This game is meant to be a big joke, and it does it well. Fuck the trolls.

Also foot soldiers are incredibly annoying on 5 stars. If you don't have a good (read god tier) monk in your team, your front row can just go and commit suicide on those 5000-8000 units walls. And since most of the enemy platoons have 2 or 3 of them after the first half of the game, it just comes down to spamming ally guard yourself and casting AoE spells.

>> No.2771952


Bitch talked. It was OK for Xavier to force a dagger down her troath.
Everything else was fatherly love and sexual education.

>> No.2771963

Is Ran route translated?

>> No.2771966
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> MC is an asshole and rapes little children. Seriously what good are you seeing in this game?

>> No.2771979
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>Seriously what good are you seeing in this game?

>> No.2771986
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>> No.2771987

Rance never rapes anyone.

All the girls lust after the hyper weapon

>> No.2771994

He pretty clearly rapes a lot of girls. A few attempt to kill him afterwards. They're tsundere.

>> No.2771998
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't rape children.

and Rance is a fucking awesome protagonist, not to mention the gameplay is addicting.

>> No.2772000
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>> No.2772017
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Is there a way to prevent poor Chinu from exploding and giving birth to the apostle? ;_;

>> No.2772024

Ran Route or kill the monkey.

>> No.2772031
File: 115 KB, 800x600, ALCG0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for a DEEP question.

How comes Teru's attack counts as "Spear",yet her feather duster has less reach than a sword?

>> No.2772035

Kill the Monkey route/Ran route.Otherwise she'll always die.

>> No.2772038

What matters is the fighting style, not what you hold.

>> No.2772042

OH GOD RANCE IS HOT! *fap fap fap*

>> No.2772083

Rance doesn't rape underage children, you faggot. He would only bang those that are above the age limit of 15-16 and in Japan, that's legal. The only time he even did a loli in this game, he was drunk and saw a grown up version, and the girl was 20.

Just another example of a fucking troll.

Besides, game is fun.

>> No.2772088

Yeah, Rance sure is concerned by the legality of matters.

>> No.2772102

>I haven't played the game.

>> No.2772134

I have. When the fuck has he ever been concerned by the legality of things? He rapes the women he wants and kills the men he hates. He is the law.

>> No.2772139


Only his preferences keeps him from loli raping.

>> No.2772141


Much better game, without the need to include dubious obscenity

>> No.2772161
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>> No.2772170

Yeah,probably because he doesn't an obvious loser like you would if you were in his stead.

Saying that you would miss a chance to kil someone you'd hatel or rape some girl that looks totally awesome,in a place and time where YOU are the ruler,makes you more than just a gigantic faggot.

And the game DOES have choices,fyi,I always pick the kill when it's available.

in b4 don't answer to trolls,it's just another eroge,etc

>> No.2772171
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>> No.2772189

Congratulations, that is the most worthless post I have seen on /jp/ all day.

>> No.2772232


Commas don't work that way, bro.

>> No.2772235

What's the point in sexing loli if she isn't smiling?

>> No.2772249

Theres people that like rape, guro and are sadistic.

>> No.2772261

I thought that everyone in /jp/ was submissive.

>> No.2772305

I know I am. I wish to be the loli's furniture.

>> No.2772319

You called?

>> No.2772331

Somebody provide me the trainer.

I want to wreck shit out.

>> No.2772343

What game is this?

>> No.2772346


Trainers, all Hscenes and cheats available on this page, I don't remember which one works though.

>> No.2772358

So I got the bonus character deal at the start on my game, the one handed ninja showed up and I got Maria but Shizuka is nowhere to be seen, what am I doing wrong?

I also turtled for 25 turns but I didn't get the staff, it seems that you have to do it at the start of the game or it's no good.

>> No.2772379

There's only savedata in this place.

I want a trainer.

>> No.2772389

The game is a pretty fun turn base strategy game with ero elements.
Does /v/ knows about this game?

>> No.2772392

That savedata has unlimited money, national power and a bunch of stuff.

I don't know if a trainer exists though.

>> No.2772401

I saw a thread about Rance in /v/ the other day... after the first four post it turned into a "reaction pics with funny names" shitthread.

>> No.2772434

is there any way from preventing Suzaku from bursting out of the tsundere?

I swear, I seem to have a bad history with all characters named Suzaku

>> No.2772451

Ran route or kill the monkey.

>> No.2772455

Suzaku raped me in the ass... literally...

>> No.2772461

Go into her route. Or kill the monkey. Or just forget about her, she's not a great unit anyway.

>> No.2772481

I love her poison skill,works wonders with Natori's Miko Storm

btw I don't think Chinu is tsundere,Teru must be though

>> No.2772487

So how much of Rance is actually playable in english?

>> No.2772489

The one who bursts out of Chinu is Genbu and the one that comes out of Ran is Suzaku.

Kiku is the superior Mori sister.

>> No.2772492

The normal route and the Kenshin route are both translated.

>> No.2772501


Why does this remind me of Luca Blight?

>> No.2772504

Because of the armor?

>> No.2772520

Not fully translated though, especially a lot of the demon army events are not translated.

>> No.2772522

superior for manliness?still can't get her chara cleared

>> No.2772523

The Naoe Ai character clear storyline pretty much explains what kind of person Rance is. The other character clears also show much more of the other sides to Rance.

Yes, he's an asshole, but he's a great asshole, SO UNLIKE the many other shitty eroge protagonists that have zero balls. And no, he doesn't rape little children, when he's got his senses right about him, because he doesn't have a taste for it.

Gameplay is addictive.

You're a faggot.

>> No.2772545

Politely typing fuck you. At least Kiku's not a slut like Chinu nor a 90% tsun 9% masochist 1% dere bossy hag like Teru.

I'd say Kiku is the cutest of the three. Isn't she translated yet?

Character clear is at the alicesoft wiki.

>> No.2772556

I'd still prefer slutty or tsundere types instead of manly ones.

>> No.2772560

>slut like Chinu
At least she loves Rance the most, even though she can't stop having sex with other men.

>> No.2772562

She ain't manly, fucker!

>> No.2772568

Because raping grown women is so much better.

>> No.2772570

enjoy your manly girl sir.

then again,there are nice manly girls,like Kenshin.

>> No.2772578

It's not rape if they're willing.

the above does not apply to underage

make the calculations

>> No.2772581

>moralfag detected

>> No.2772584

It's you and your ilk that's destroying Japan's eroge industry. HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE

>> No.2772590 [DELETED] 

>normalfag detected

>> No.2772595

Normalfag detected. Enjoy your parties and date rape.

>> No.2772597

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2772601

but he speaks the truth

>> No.2772691
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You know, suzaku killed her along with Sounn.

>> No.2772701

You know.. this game has great guitar riffs...

Mars, Ontology and Rebirth the Edge are great

>> No.2772723

The soundtrack change and the new pace of the tracks builds a nice mood, and while the demons are not that hard, makes each battle seem that much more important and dramatic then the rest.

>> No.2772735

This game has sound?

My sound card is still broke ;_;

>> No.2772763

She has one of the few BJ scenes. Argument invalid.

>> No.2772765
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>> No.2772793
File: 110 KB, 850x680, sample-962ab9f2995c2dba82b4235d42de05b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2772796
File: 146 KB, 802x622, FFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do these options actually do in FFA?

>> No.2772799

you pussy

pick a country somewhere in the middle

>> No.2772817

If I install the English patch will it overwrite my Japanese version?

I'd like the option to go back

>> No.2772837

Best way to do that is make a copy of your SAVEDATA folder somewhere else.

>> No.2772851


But then I realized it was FFA mode.

Sounds a lot more fun than LOL DEMON ARMY.

>> No.2772857


I just realized, if you play as a different house you probably won't get an H-scenes when you conquer an enemy territory.

No raping in Oda :[

>> No.2772858

Wait what is this FFA mode ?

>> No.2772863

I would like to know more about this FFA mode as well.

>> No.2772866


Start a 5-star game.

Declare war on all neighbouring countries.

Enjoy your FFA.

>> No.2772868

Pick it when you play a second game.

>> No.2772869

Beat the game once, and then select "New Game"

>> No.2772876

FFA is available on your second playthrough. Pick a house, conquer JAPAN with it, no storyline, fights only.

>> No.2772893

>no H-scenes
No rewards?

>> No.2772907

You get Kou-chan's exclusive Hscene if you clear FFA with the Hannys.

>> No.2772914

I would still like to know what these do

>> No.2772946


>> No.2772952

* 敵国が侵入しにくくする施設(ランクx)拡張:Expanding for preventing enemy invasions(Rank x)[not too sure what this does]
* 武家屋敷を建築(兵の自然増加+1):Construct Warrior Mansion(Increases Max Unit +1)
* 楽市楽座を建築(収入+3%):Construct Relaxation Seat(Income +3%)
* 高内商店を建築(収入+200):Construct Imperial Palace(Income +200)
* 野戦病院を建築(ターン回復10名):Construct Field Hospital(Heals 10 people per unit per turn)
* 大仏を建築(????):Construct Buddha Statue (????)[Gives random items when you build enough]
* 管理センターを建築(兵数上限+200):Construct Administration Center(Max Unit Capacity +200)

>> No.2773013

For some reason I don't believe you.
I'd like some proof and confirmation from others first.

>> No.2773022


I think you are lying, Anonymous.


>> No.2773041

Oh you.
Can you even win with them? Their troops are all awful.

>> No.2773072

It's possible, since they can hire commanders instead of just capturing.

The Kou deal is true, I cleared it with the unlimited gold savefile though.

It's not that great anyway, the king fucks her.

>> No.2773236
File: 29 KB, 254x350, erik..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, am I the only person who can't get the image of Erich Honecker out of my head during the H scenes?

>> No.2773257

Post it.
Link it.
Do something.

>> No.2773259

why is that?

>> No.2773281


Compare this to the music during H-scenes. It's "My Glorious Days" in the music menu.

>> No.2773296 [DELETED] 

I cant hear the similarity

>> No.2773305

aw crap

>> No.2773317

So why did she get raped?

>> No.2773358

the Rance theme song does resemble a certain national anthem

>> No.2773375

So hey, here I was playing around with some generic warrior and noticed the guard break skill doesn't work, it doesn't ignore footsoldiers nor cancels their defense.

Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.2773385

Who, Kou? Nobunaga ordered it because she realized that he was a demon.

That particular picture refers to how Ran suddenly came back from the dead to say that though.

>> No.2773388

When you attack a guarded footsoldier they receive a huge boost in defense

guard break cancels that and helps you kill them faster

otherwise you'll waste too many turns on dealing miniscule them

>> No.2773400

The best way to deal with guarded footsoldiers is to use an onmyouji to cancel their guard or use a Ninja's assassination and hope it hits

>> No.2773430

The loli musketeer is great too.

Also I just got the shimazu brothers, are they worth it?

>> No.2773505


>> No.2774455

>>The Naoe Ai character clear storyline pretty much explains what kind of person Rance is.

Thank you for reminding me that I haven't cleared her yet.

>> No.2775181

bump for help

I still can't get Shizuka, she didn't come with Maria.

What did I do wrong?

>> No.2775484

you need the bonus character option selected on your 2nd play and after

but you're not missing much

Shizuka doesn't have any events and she only has 2 actions bars

>> No.2775665
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>> No.2775673

definitely are,they have nice stats like the Youkai girls,plus one of them is a good musketeer

>> No.2775685

It takes a few turns before she shows up, not sure what triggers it but both times for me took 5+ turns

>> No.2775745

Maybe you didn't have enough National Power or something?

>> No.2776028

Chaos is such a perverted psychopath

best talking sword ever

>> No.2776048


>> No.2776307

bumping a Rance thread.
