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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2768554 No.2768554 [Reply] [Original]


>This game contains examples of:
>Cute Little Fangs
>Go Karting With Bowser
>Hot Shounen Mom
>Mama Bear
>Quirky Miniboss Squad
>Stay In The Kitchen
>Why Did It Have To Be Snakes

Umineko's only "good" because it uses so many tropes

>> No.2768562

>Umineko's only "good" because it uses so many tropes
Just like everything else, right?

>> No.2768560

Like most sites of its nature, TvTropes is only good if you don't take it seriously.

>> No.2768569


>> No.2768582
File: 95 KB, 486x549, TVTropes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fool, what have you done?!

>> No.2768593

Why do people take seriously things which were never meant to be taken seriously in the first place?

Like communism. Who really thought anybody was being serious when they came up with it? Yet they ran with it, and look what happened with that.

>> No.2768608

I know you're trolling when you talk about communism like that but still, fuck you.

>> No.2768628
File: 235 KB, 1263x1330, Nagato - TVTropes - My Girl Is Not A Slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2768629


communism is bullshit. I had the read the communist manifesto for a history class. I honestly could not believe people liked that shit. It was garbage.

>> No.2768642

modern communist ideals are good for executive positions

but it will never work for the masses

>> No.2768645

I had to read it, too. Doesn't it sound like such a nice idea, though?
Too bad it's the kind of idea that can't be implemented in reality.

>> No.2768657

>The magical battle between Beatrice and Virgilia in "Banquet of the Golden Witch." Words cannot describe it.

>Words cannot describe it.


>> No.2768662

The Communist Manifesto, it sucks to infinity.

>> No.2768672

most forms of media can be cut down and distilled into a complex recipe of tropes.

>> No.2768679

Sounds like a nice fantasy to make people put you in charge of making sure everything is "shared equally," so that you will make sure it's shared with people who are more equal than others...

... like yourself.

>> No.2768688

Of course.

>> No.2768695

Everything in the world can be reduced to basic physical and psychological concepts.

>> No.2768702

Why must people analyze everything so intensely? Can't something be enjoyed without comparing it to something you've seen in the past?

>> No.2768711

I never even realized that Rosa had a hime cut. I guess because her hair isn't black.

>> No.2768726

It's fun. It's not analyzing. It's just good fun.


>> No.2768735

Shit, no wonder I liked her on first sight.

>> No.2768742

It's possible to have a hime cut without having black hair? Lies and slander.

>> No.2768744

They want to show off how intelligent they are for using what they learned in college lit class.

>> No.2768762

>college lit class
Maybe I just lucked out, but the one lit class I had to take was the same level as high school. Which is to say, we didn't learn anything and just waxed poetic about nothing in essays to get A's.

>> No.2769006

tv tropes used to be so good. then i recently read their yandere entry. fuckers think EVERYTHING is yandere.


>> No.2769031
File: 70 KB, 400x399, 49fce635e172d6c2bef34e1f8189b8989036343c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, TVtropes is such an informative and interesting website!

>> No.2769033

yeah, there's a lot of people on there who don't think too hard about whether or not something really fits a trope.

>> No.2769052

I am actually disappointed that the yandere entry does not include Frollo.

>> No.2769066


neologisms like "moe", "tsundere", "yandere" etc have been so completely overuesed they have become essentially meaningless.

Its really stupid how Otaku come up with these terms, did we all watch anime in the 90's and get by just fine describing characters without having to make up shit terms like these?

>> No.2769080

There's nothing wrong with TVTropes. It can be a great way to pass the time.

>> No.2769085

terminology's a way for weeaboos to sound cultured and refined in taste

>> No.2769097

oh my god

what HAVE i done!? 2 god damn hours lurking, i even found fucking Ruby Quest on there

>> No.2769100

The first time someone posted a link to TVTropes on /co/, I spent seven hours going through the site.

>> No.2769104

holy fuck, those guys have listed everything

>> No.2769136


See, I can't tell if the upsurge in character archetypes is the industry churning out endless streams of casts that consist entirely of girls that are one dimensional cardboard cutouts designed to sell merch, that can only be described with terms like "the loli", "megannekko", "dojikko", "bukukko", "tsundere" in a pick and choose style by committee.

Commitee: "lets have a yandere, a childhood friend, an Imouto, a meido, and oooh, what's hot now are the Kuuderes, so lets have one of those."

Kuudere? Honestly, what the fuck?

Or maybe it is simply the japanese fandom coming up with terms to simply described preexisting character personalities that have been around for decades, sort of like how tvtropes comes up with stuff like "the wesley", or "draco in leather pants", stuff like that

>> No.2769144

>Or maybe it is simply the japanese fandom coming up with terms to simply described preexisting character personalities that have been around for decades, sort of like how tvtropes comes up with stuff like "the wesley", or "draco in leather pants", stuff like that
I think the community came up with the special words to describe personalities so it's okay to use them when applicable, but if someone on Gaia or wherever throws out phrases like "sugoi genki meganekko loli" then they end up sounding like a pretentious idiot

pardon me for sounding pretentious by using the word pretentious

>> No.2769156

tvtropes needs to make up their damn mind sometimes.

Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh is a
# Badass
# Boobs Of Steel
# Cool Big Sis
# Cloudcuckoolander
# Even The Girls Want Her
# Friend To All Living Things
# Gentle Giant
# Huge Schoolgirl
# I Just Want To Be Normal
# Kuudere
# The Quiet One
# Shrinking Violet
# Spotlight Stealing Squad
# Tall Dark And Bishoujo
# Values Dissonance
# The Woobie

>> No.2769159

New one to me....

>> No.2769171

The latter.

Similar terms could be made to classify all characters in Western media, but we don't have thousands of obsessive NEET otaku who have nothing better to do then come up with terms for every possible archetype.

>> No.2769177

sorry, misspelled

>> No.2769184

>The Woobie
My interest is piqued...

>> No.2769188

Actually wait, I'm stupid. TVtropes proves that we do have people who obsessively categorize everything in fiction.

>> No.2769191

YEah, that makes more sense. Bokukko I know.
