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File: 100 KB, 576x821, 1244576709421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2752644 No.2752644 [Reply] [Original]

"The judgment that comes from the sea is unavoidable, nobody can defend from the sin that's flowing through the veins"

Damn hinting at stuff first thing in the OP.

>> No.2752648

I originally thought that Maria's character art was hideous, but looking at it now in context it really isn't that bad.

>> No.2752651

That almost makes it sound like it's about sailing.

>> No.2752666

I hope they animate Jessica's heavenly ass.

>> No.2752680

is there any loli fan service in this?

>> No.2752685

Rokkenjima syndrome

>> No.2752697

No. Just Maria tripping balls.

>> No.2752708
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Only shota.

>> No.2752710

who the hell is Maria

>> No.2752715

Maria-sama. Clearly.

>> No.2752718

side crown girl

>> No.2752737


They need to show her innocent maidenly ass getting slapped in the anime for sure.

>> No.2752752
File: 378 KB, 537x1603, dunduunDUUUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Goldsmith animated.

>> No.2752757

I want to see this animated.

*grabs dick*

>> No.2752769

I want to see the Stakes asses.
One of the few reason Battler could take such brutal ends by them.

>> No.2752797

U gonna get uu'd.

>> No.2752816 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 710x4046, criticalspoilers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see this animated.

>> No.2752830


Is that a Pikmin standing next to Beato in the first panel?

>> No.2752839

I got used to all the anime designs by now except for fucking Battler. How could they fuck him up so bad, damn. Maybe it's just promo art though. I hope.

>> No.2752840

Any new info in this, like how much the anime will cover?

>> No.2752845

He can look all the fabulous in the world, but as long as he's still awesome when he's battling Beato then he's alright with me.

>> No.2752856

Crap, I should start playing the game before the animu airs.

>> No.2752939
File: 127 KB, 693x800, battlerspov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You expect this in the anime, right?

>> No.2752950
File: 588 KB, 1115x1600, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see this animated.

>> No.2752969 [SPOILER] 
File: 167 KB, 747x800, beatricespov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get this.

>> No.2753023

I like George in that picture.

It's fine with me.

>> No.2753026


He doesn't even need to change his pose to look sexy.

>> No.2753036
File: 60 KB, 632x472, 212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see this animated.

Sadly it will never make it past the censors.

>> No.2753053
File: 86 KB, 645x506, umineko_rosa_secondhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to listen this with Koshimizu's voice.

>> No.2753081

I really wonder how heavy the censors will be in Umineko.

Higurashi was pretty tame, but Umineko has a lot more gore than Higurashi. I'm sure DEEN will still be really light on the blood and guts though.

>> No.2753110

I wish this was translated.

>> No.2753116

I am expecting it to be pretty bad.

>> No.2753121

I hope you enjoy looking at shadows and people feet with blood on the floor.

>> No.2753129

And lots of shocked faces.

Can't forget those.

>> No.2753143
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you are forgetting black blood.

>> No.2753169
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>> No.2753171
File: 26 KB, 704x396, higurashi_violent2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and this are the limit for violence I would say.

>> No.2753173

aren't those the dvd versions though?

>> No.2753177

You're right, I missed that. I assumed all Triad releases were TV rips, but after looking it up, it seems like that particular episode was a DVD rip.

Hmm. Could someone who has TV rips post screenshots of those scenes?

>> No.2753179
File: 688 KB, 1164x829, d5392249ed2fa1ff57cea4bfdc5b2c5e4a07816f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2753181

Wikipedia lists Higurashi as: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological thriller

It lists Umineko as: Drama, Mystery, Psychological thriller

Umineko isn't a horror in their eyes but Higurashi is.

>> No.2753186

I guess Halloween party and burst stomachs is not as horrifying as a crucified loli.

>> No.2753187

I thought the first 2 episodes of Umineko were pretty scary. Scarier than Higurashi, at least.

>> No.2753189
File: 9 KB, 704x396, 322``.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is basically what it looked like.

You couldnt see shit because of all the shadows.

>> No.2753190

I think small bombs are scary as hell.

>> No.2753191

On the talk page, they're discussing whether it's horror or not, if I remember correctly. (Higurashi, that is)

Higurashi wasn't even supposed to be as much of a horror story but they made the anime more horror-like, at least according to what I have heard.

>> No.2753209

Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Closed Room Closed RoomBattler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Closed Room Closed RoomBattler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Closed Room Closed RoomBattler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Closed Room Closed RoomBattler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Battler Argh! A Stake A Stake Stake A Staaake Ohhhh It's a StakeSmall Bombs

>> No.2753214

I smiled

>> No.2753215

Someone should make a real video and song with this.

Hell, I'd do it, but I suck at art and music creation.

>> No.2753216

Umineko, on the other hand, does seem to be almost set up to be a horror.

It's almost as if Ryukishi07 designed Umineko so it would be more similar to what DEEN made the first season of Higurashi like. Almost as if he wanted to make Umineko easier to translate to anime.

>> No.2753219

I laughed at the small bombs

>> No.2753223


>> No.2753232

It IS "When They Cry 3". They practically created it to be a sequel to Kai.

>> No.2753238

In a sense, this is true. But as for the actual scenario, that's not really true.

>> No.2753296
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>> No.2753301
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>> No.2753302

That's sure one convenient shadow.

>> No.2753304

... *sigh*

Oh well, we'll see how bad the censor is when it airs.

>> No.2753323

It's also airing on AT-X, though the episodes are like a week behind.

They're airing the uncensored version of Queen's Blade, they should air the uncensored version of Umineko.

>> No.2753360


Shit, whys there no Kumasawa in this picture.

>> No.2753366

man at-x raws look like fucking shit though.

>> No.2753371

They do, and they're usually SD.

>> No.2753532


But there is

>> No.2753556
File: 20 KB, 400x450, 1244187578260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Umineko is scary

>> No.2753584

...I got scared of walking around my house without lights on after I played Umineko.

>> No.2753585

yes, it was scary to me.
so what now?

>> No.2753586

You guys not very experienced with scariness? Umineko is suspenseful, but not scary.

>> No.2753590

Scariest VN is Ever17.

Just because I felt like I was really going insane.

Or maybe I'm just a fag. Either way.

>> No.2753592

I cannot deal with fear coming from supernatural forces, even if it doesn't exist.

>> No.2753594

Saya no Uta scared me quite a bit.

>> No.2753597

Don't forget intense and brutal.

>> No.2753600

Those eyes.

>> No.2753604

Really? Well, at the beginning it can be somewhat creepy since you don't know what's going on, but the further you get into it the more you get used to witches and demons and the like.

I never thought of Umineko as horror though. Just mystery and suspense.

>> No.2753605

It's definitely nauseating, in ep 2 where "kanon" pushed his two fingers into his chest cavity, fuck i was getting a little light headed, delicious active imagination

>> No.2753610


>> No.2753618

the first episode is very tense, but the series gets progressively less suspenseful as it goes on and becomes more and more over the top.

>> No.2753627

maybe im just a coward and imagining too much

>> No.2753638


It was definitely creepy. I remember playing episode 1 and at the point where they were all at the shed. The lack of a BGM at that moment and the children running to it, I was expecting to shit my pants. But what do you know?

MOTHERFUCKING rahugoldenslaughterer. THAT'S RIGHT FAGS.

You don't get no creepy ass shit. YOU GET MOTHERFUCKING TECHNO. Even though a lot of people were killed, you can't help but to feel awe for the witch at that point because of that awesome music

>> No.2753642


"Then where are the ones who are supposed to catch me?"



>> No.2753649

doesn't help when mostly everything preceding that moment was all happy and cheerful (besides for the conference and maria/rosa scene)

>> No.2753655


And that was the first techno track too. Everything else was all..I'm not sure what the correct term is. Classic?

>> No.2753660


>> No.2753665

Why no translation?

>> No.2753677

The magic makes it all alright,
the answer arcs are gonna be hell.

>> No.2753694

Because it's basically putting a penis into Kanon's butt while he puts his into Jessica which is already filled by another stake in her butt.

>> No.2753706

Answer arcs suck, theories get more limited each time and the episodes just get more boring and unsatisfying.

>> No.2753707

...So, why no translation?

>> No.2753723

What's the point of a mystery if there's no answer?

Kill yourself.

>> No.2753734

>Kill yourself.

No need to be unnecessarily edgy, this isn't /b/.

>> No.2753749

Holy shit Ryu died yesterday I saw the news
Umineko will never be finished

>> No.2753752

I will miss the confusion.

But after the awnser arcs, we'll just get When They Cry 4 or 5. So, it'll all be alright in the end.

>> No.2753755


>> No.2753762

He's done a village, and a mansion.

...When The Cry 5 will take place ON A MOTHERFUCKING BOAT YEEEEEEEAH.

Or something.

>> No.2753763


*grabs dick*

>> No.2753766

Battler is way too thin, they spend the whole first third of Ep1 talking about how FUCKING HUGE AND MUSCULAR he's gotten.

Also, Maria looks like Stewie from family guy.

>> No.2753771

Jessica: DERP
Battler: HURP

>> No.2753773

>Also, Maria looks like Stewie from family guy.

Can't unsee.
Fuck you.

>> No.2753781


It's not like the two are dissimilar either. Annoying, precocious tots who no one can understand who spout diatribes on death and destruction.

Maria just happens to be a loli.

>> No.2753786

But Umineko's got a motherfucking boat

>> No.2753790

But no murders on a motherfucking boat!

...Actually, a story on like a massive ship would be especially awesome, since most of the characters wouldn't have any sort of pre-existing relationships with one another - making it even harder to figure out motives and whatnot.

>> No.2753818

Playing Umineko at night was pretty creepy, not gonna lie. Episode 1 was even accompanied by a storm.

Before all the witches and demons and what have you, and we just had WICKED SOUND EFFECTS, system0 and rahugoldenslaughterer, and Natsuhi actually did stuff. Man that was fucking awesome.

Animu designs are all okay. Battler could've been noodlier if they wanted so I'm pleased with what I got, although he'll never replace my beloved Ryukishi07 art. George though... the animu design better be able to pull off DAT FACE or there'll be hell to pay, mark my words. George was the man in episode 4 even if Gaap kicked his ass in an imaginary witch fight.

>> No.2753822

It was the game's OP that first had the line "Without love it disappears" that was oft quoted in Ep4.

>> No.2753969

So does this mean the trailer has come out? Or is it just that bit of the opening theme that was leaked a few days ago?

>> No.2753990

Enjoy ur opening

>> No.2754002


damn straight

when system0 kicked in the first time I jumped out my seat a bit because the voices spooked the hell out of me, considering what was going on.

>> No.2754010

Now looks like a great time to mention how much I hate the male character redesigns.

>> No.2754011

Those comments.
Those comments.
Those comments.
Those comments.
Those comments.
Those comments.
Those comments.
Those comments.
Those comments.

>> No.2754014

Kanon seems fine.. But George and Battler... FUCKING CHRIST.

>> No.2754033

I'll say it now. Ryukishi's art is better than Studio DEEN's.

>> No.2754036
File: 79 KB, 670x480, beatricecornerdark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will be able to pull off Beato's troll face.

>> No.2754037



>> No.2754054

Fan made stuff that was decent.

That's it though, the fan artist messed up some of them in my opinin, but eh.

>> No.2754059

黄金の影修正版(ラック眼力) is now playing in your head. small bombs

>> No.2754063

Kinzo and Krauss, for example?

>> No.2754072

Yes. Very much so. Smiling Krauss was creepy. Kinzo just looked wrong.

>> No.2754079

Yes... we spend eight or more Episodes trying to find out who's killing who just to discover that the boat ends up hitting an iceberg regardless and everyone dies even in the Good End.

>> No.2754086
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>> No.2754314
File: 1.23 MB, 710x4090, sakutaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see this animated.

>> No.2754335
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>> No.2754384


it actually made me cum. the "scary" tunes are realy brick shitting though

>> No.2754406
File: 86 KB, 900x900, 4659094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only scene that must be animated is this.

>> No.2754472

How about a train?
And instead of witches we add immortals.

>> No.2754588

Who made those, and where can I find all of them?

>> No.2754611

Some dude on pixiv.

>> No.2754617

I found it, the author is called ひらかわ

>> No.2754635

Thank you, kinda Anon.

>> No.2754709
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>> No.2754724

The version where Battler is the officer is more amusing imo.

>> No.2754738

...umineko reached /b/?

>> No.2754816

Haven't seen it. Requesting.

>> No.2754824 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 180x193, 1244567858498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see this animated.

>> No.2754839

A runaway train full of immortals and massive amounts of plot? Fuckwin.

>> No.2754870 [DELETED] 

No Knox[/spoiler[
No Christie
Ryubroshi only

>> No.2754900

i pooped

>> No.2754923
File: 113 KB, 492x666, sakutarou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is fucking awesome.

>> No.2754965


Also, The Ship no Naku Koro ni I'd want.

>> No.2755284

The title would have to be <Ship> no Naku Koro ni, the main plot point would have to be the ship mysteriously sinking (as in, the start of the action is the captain announcing it, and it takes the boat a few hours to go down), and the cause of the sinking would have to be small mines

>> No.2755295

But what would cry? Barnacles?

>> No.2755297

link to this guy

>> No.2755310

Kamasu no Naku Koro ni

>> No.2755362


Haha, oh wow, i wouldn't have noticed that even if i read that scene 5 times in a row.

>> No.2755390


Same guy that did >>2754314

>> No.2755466
File: 22 KB, 460x215, Boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what I meant.

>> No.2755489


>> No.2755509

see>>2754965, but yes

>> No.2757531


I liked it better when it was called ever17
