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2744990 No.2744990 [Reply] [Original]

Girugamesh ;_;

>> No.2745006

Nice Avalon HAX, saber.

>> No.2745072
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needs more dual-wielding

>> No.2745093
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>> No.2745098

Avalon pissed me off so much. Should have just let Saber die instead of making up a crappy plot hax item as only explainable way to beat him.

>> No.2745109

Even if that "crappy plot hax item" was the single most important element of the plot and the entire story was based around it?

>> No.2745126

Of course!
Who cares if it's the catalyst that summoned Saber two times, saved Shirou's life, helps him live so that the story continues, gives another view in Saber's and Shirou bond/relationship, and it's among the things her motherfucking legend(even before adapted by Nasu) was built in for the image of the unstoppable warrior king.

It's silly unexplainable hax that appears out of nowhere, cause I said so.

>> No.2745128

What shit have you been on? Sheath was only used to explain why he summoned saber and lived from some bad injuries(it's regen ability), no where did the sheath need Avalon(the name of it's absolute protection and attack reflection) other than making Saber have an excuse to beat gilgamesh.

>> No.2745136

It alludes to the original legend that Excalibur's Scabbard would not let the bearer die from wounds of the battlefield.

Blame the stories of old if you dislike it's role, but denying it's role and repeated use in the story is just silly.

>> No.2745140

Bearer not die != reflecting attack.

>> No.2745145

So its scabbard prevents the wearer from dying. That's fine, I just don't see how this becomes some super powerful gimmick attack.

>> No.2745147

Avalon doesn't reflect attacks, moron.

>> No.2745155

Then explain how she defeated Gilgamesh.

>> No.2745157
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I'd put my sword into Saber's sheath, if you know what I mean

>> No.2745161

Perhaps you should learn to read.

>> No.2745164

One, the legend is adapted. Apart from healing, it serves as as protection for the chosen bearer.
Secondly,It's doesn't reflect the attack in the VN. And Gil doesn't die from that.
But it doesn't absorb it either.
The waves of Ea hit an unmovable Barrier and they dissipate around. Gil can't just stop the attack right away (hey waves of absolute destruction, stop for a minute, would be nice if it worked)
Saber rushes among the confusion and cuts him.

It's not like Ea cannot be defended otherwise either, even Shirou can block it enough so he will survive.

>> No.2745165


>> No.2745247

Because when she hides behind it for some reason Gils attack magically starts splashing back at him even though it doesn't any other time? You fucking read the VN, only time he feels the blast himself is when that shitty shield goes up.

>> No.2745261

That's not what hurts him. It's her activating Avalon, him being unable to turn off his penis machine, and her rushing through the wave and slicing him in twine with a point-blank Excalibur blast.

Lame trolls, HO!

>> No.2745268

The attack never starts splashing back, moron. Learn to read.

It's tearing up everything except Saber in Avalon in it's path because it's a fuck huge blast.

>> No.2745295

Gilgamesh was wounded somehow (at least, his armor was damaged) when Shirou traced Avalon the first time in the park, though. What happened there?

>> No.2745297

Also, people whining about Avalon hax and plot device wouldn't know that the most powerful thing in Arthurian legend wasn't Excalibur, but rather its sheath, which prevented its wearer from dying from otherwise mortal wounds and healing him.

>> No.2745316

Shirou and Saber put the sword into the sheath which deflected EA back to Gil.

>> No.2745322

Gilgamesh was using Gram in the park, demonic sword of ruin and glory. What happened to Gil there was probably the cost of using the sword.

>> No.2745339

I highly suggest you guys reread the scene, just load up a save.

>> No.2745340


>> No.2745358
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Gil only uses Gram against Shirou in Fate route.

>> No.2745407

Doesn't Archer threaten to use Gram against Saber in UBW, saying if she was to fight him that he'd make sure everyone would be mutually destroyed?

>> No.2745423

No, it was Excalibur.

>> No.2745426

No he threatened to use Excalibur.

>> No.2745428


Gil probably used Ea from a short range, and when it was stopped he was caught up in the blast. Remember, they'd be melee-ing right before that.

In the second fight, Gil was keeping Saber away with sword spam, so he was far enough away to avoid the explosion when he used Ea, although he was still killed by Excalibur.

>> No.2745553

I thought he couldn't make Excalibur for the same reason he couldn't make EA. Maybe it was Caliburn he threatened to use.

>> No.2745583


He can make Excalibur just fine. Trying to use Excalibur's attack would kill him.

>> No.2745623


I think Gil's insane luck/charisma prevents him from suffering any ill effects from using cursed weapons.

I mean laughed off the contents of the corrupted grail, which is a curse so strong it's freaking /visible/. I don't think some unlucky swords are gonna do jack to him.

>> No.2745705

Well admittedly, I've never played the VN, only watched the anime but I still thought Gilgamesh was "badass." But I have read so many threads on Gil, it's like all hear about him is him fucking losing every fight, even though he shouldn't with the kind of power he has. Are there any battles where he actually stays badass and wins?

>> No.2745716

A lot of them.

In Fate/Zero.

>> No.2745738

I've heard about something in Hollow Ataraxia...

>> No.2745749

Gilgamesh only loses because he isn't fighting seriously. If anything, it doesn't diminish how awesome he is, but amplifies it - he's giving the WOMEN AND CHILDREN a handicap.

>> No.2745763

>I've never played the VN, only watched the anime
>only watched the anime

I don't think kids who watched /a/ garbages and then come barging making threads without any real clues belong to this place, sonnie.

>> No.2745770
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>> No.2745793

Against anyone that doesn't have plot protection, yes. He gives serious ass kicking in Zero, bitch kills Lancer in Fate, slaughters Berserker in UBW, and mangles an army of demons in Hollow Ataraxia.

>> No.2745805
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>> No.2745811
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What does he do in Heaven's Feel?

>> No.2745838

Actually, Fate/zero has a habit if making Gil look like a joke too. The only thing that really makes him look like a bad ass is when he kills Iskander in the last volume.

Servant-wise Fate/zero is the Iskander wanking story. Not that it's a terrible thing, the Fate/zero servants are a lot more compelling than the ones found in Fate/stay night.

>> No.2745846

I didn't the grail turn Gilgamesh insane?

>> No.2745855

He gets eaten by an erotical black hole.

No. It just puts him back to pre-Enkidu, "I-Am-King-You-Are-Mongrel" days.

>> No.2745876

I haven't read fate/zero yet, but I remember hearing people bitch about how he beat Alexander the Great.

>> No.2745881


Fabulous turrets for the win.

>> No.2745886

He's immune to being corrupted by the Grail, which is why Sakura can only consume him and not turn him into something like Dark Saber.
All that the Grail did was give him a human body, which caused him to change his priority from "find the Grail and get a human body" to "take over the world"

>> No.2745893

Too bad he was demoted to second best most powerful character in Fate losing to counter-guardian Archer

>> No.2745960
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>most powerful character in Fate
Excuse me?

>> No.2745993

And he's practically immortal, so he's very lazy about actually taking over the world.

>> No.2746054
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>> No.2746094

>Implying Archer is the most powerful

Your continuity to fail amaze me.

>> No.2746105

Regular Archer is not that powerful, however Counter Guardian Archer when hes summoned by the World is the most powerful

>> No.2746118

>Avalon(the name of it's absolute protection and attack reflection)

I see you've been playing that WC 3 map shit and come here without any actual knowledge

>> No.2746125



And where'd you get that idea, if I might ask ?

Faggot's lair, I would presume LOL

>> No.2746135

What's up with this "Counter Guardian" Archer anyway?

>> No.2746157

CG Archer is mindless terminator Archer with infinite backup from Alaya.

>> No.2746168

>infinite /b/lackup

Heaven's closed.

>> No.2746172


It's like there're no ORT at all !

also,sage for powerlevel derail.

>> No.2746178


>> No.2746183

HAX Emperor would like a word with you

>> No.2746458

ORT vs. Yukari. FIGHT.
