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2744893 No.2744893 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of Maikaze?

>> No.2744905

Good attempt, except for the most part it's shit.

>> No.2744897

It's shit

>> No.2744906

The circle itself or the fanmade anime?

>> No.2744916

Anime of course.

>> No.2744917

Suika's voice is so sexy.

>> No.2744921

Aya was really in character.

By which I mean an annoying, nosy, book-throwing slut.

>> No.2744928

It seems to be defunct. The site has not updatesd since last comiket, and the page to the touhou doujin anime is 404.

>> No.2744930

Props to them for getting some of that voice 'talent'.
Would be willing to watch more episodes even if nothing happens in them, like the first one.

>> No.2744942

I disliked how they made Sakuya, and Marisa's voice bothered me. Other than that it was okay I guess.

>> No.2744943


Defunct? After going to the trouble of getting that voice talent onboard, they just lose interest? I hope not.

Also, Reimu karate-kicking through a brick wall is still retarded.

>> No.2744952

Sakuya =/= Maria

>> No.2744956

Marisa's voice was sex.

>> No.2744957

Even though all you do nowadays is throw around the word "slut," I'll have to agree with you on that one.

>> No.2744962


Stop that.

And Aya's voice is sex.

>> No.2744963

Summary of Maikaze

>> No.2744960
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Annoying and nosy? It's genki.

>> No.2744966

pretty much the same thing.

>> No.2744996

I want to stick my dick in Aya.

>> No.2745012

Luckily for you that is an easy thing to accomplish. She would gladly take a cock inside of her.

>> No.2745019
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Aya is not a slut.

>> No.2745597
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But she already has a crow.

>> No.2745669

I thought it was quite good

>> No.2745737

It may be a good effort at a Touhou anime, but I can't stand all the slice of life moe moe shit in it and I fear that it'll be like that through out all the episodes that they plan to release.

>> No.2746761

I love Maikaze period.

>> No.2747828

Weird. The site says that it had something to show for CM76, but I see no news of what they had to offer.

>> No.2747835

Anime was mediocre
Circle does good remixes

>> No.2747844
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>It may be a good effort at a Touhou anime, but I can't stand all the slice of life moe moe shit in it and I fear that it'll be like that through out all the episodes that they plan to release.
Touhou IS slice of life moe moe shit.

>> No.2747851

Suika's severe degradation didn't fly well for me.

>> No.2747875

I'm really looking forward to seeing Flandre.

>> No.2747880

Needs more Yukari

>> No.2747883

stupid fucks who just want to make money from touhou

>> No.2747890

good seiyuu, average otherwise\

>> No.2747897

>ignoring that doujin artists and fan composers charge for their work


>> No.2747904

I view them the same way.

Stupid fucks who don't know shit about touhou and invent stupid fanon shit.

>> No.2747915

Without fans and fanwork, touhou would just be another obscure japanese video game out that nobody's heard of, ZUN would probably have stopped making the game owing to a lack of success, and the characters would continue to be more or less without personality as they are in the game

Face it, without fanwork, Touhou is little more than just another hobby game

>> No.2747918

Yeah. And let's not forget this stupid fuck ZUN, charging money for his games and stories. Invonceivable.

>> No.2747922

Way to retard.

Just ignore the sales he's already made from the games. Why would he need to give a shit about fanworks. Stupid.

>> No.2747924
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quoted for truth.

I think he's just butthurt at the idea that someone makes money off of a fanwork, EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FREE AM I RITE?

That or he's concocted the erroneous idea that there's some kind of dichotomy between canon and fanwork, as if there's ONLY "canon smarmy youkai alice" and ONLY "SUPER TSUNDERE SHIT ALICE"

>> No.2747927

>Why would he need to give a shit about fanworks. Stupid.

I'll give you one guess how most people get into the games

>> No.2747947 [DELETED] 


Quite a lot? How many people out of what sort of selection or crowd?

>> No.2747951

no, i'm pretty sure ZUN just doesn't want people to think the doujins and anime were first and then the games were created afterwards

>> No.2747953

the fandom pooshlmer-esque shit is the cancer killing touhou

>> No.2747954


Ignore my last post I misread you

>> No.2747959

it is a hobby game to him though, he said he's only making the games because he enjoys playing them, I don't think he gives a toss about the fans, as long as people knows that he made the games and the games came first

>> No.2747961

ZUN doesn't give a shit, he's a pedophile who's just trying to make money for more booze.

>> No.2747970

>ZUN doesn't give a shit

'sup, baseless Anon. What other "facts" do you plan to pull out of your ass today?

>> No.2747979

ZUN cured cancer whilst drunk but forgot which beer was required to make the serum.

How's that one?

>> No.2747990
File: 70 KB, 400x399, 49fce635e172d6c2bef34e1f8189b8989036343c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Marisa's voice. She sounded like the sort of rough harlot that smokes a pack a day and drinks whiskey early in the morning as a pick-me-up.

>> No.2748000
File: 24 KB, 704x396, 9067da4757443d9cd14f723f0fe471d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain did a backflip when I realized what voice that was

>> No.2748002 [DELETED] 

Umineko sucks.

>> No.2748003
File: 149 KB, 850x637, 40033e2cd5874c41cccb23f6aa73131d07cd9c0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2748015

Did so many things wrong then made a lot of people attempt an OVA and made retarded fans want more. As much as I dislike her, they ruined Marisa's screen time. I love Miyuki Sawashiro, but she did a crap job at voicing her. Basically replaced her with Aya.

However, the action was pretty cool.

>> No.2748017
File: 350 KB, 1062x1504, Charming_border_of_life_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like derivative works.

>> No.2748024


>> No.2748031

moar please.

>> No.2748036


Filename for title.

>> No.2748054

I'm getting a 403 Forbidden error.

>> No.2748070

Hmm. I don't know what's going on there. Maybe technical problems? Well, I can't do much about that.

>> No.2748082


that's why

>> No.2748108

i don't like their art style and i didn't like aya's or sakuya's voices.

>> No.2748165

I refuse to believe in your lies.

>> No.2748194

There was no Alice. It was shit. It was still shit after appreciating that there was no Alice. ZUN agreed, don't even bother opening your fuckin' mouth about it to him.

Heartfelt SAGE from moi.

>> No.2748199

Am I the only one who imagined Marisa to have a more girly voice or is she supposed to be a tomboy?

>> No.2748210

>i didn't like aya's voice

what are you some, some kind of faggot?

>> No.2748216

We had that discussion a few times already and ITT:
>Marisa's voice bothered me

The last time I said...
>The only REALLY bad voice is Marisa. She's a cute little blonde girl. She absolutely can't have the voice of a boy. It's like they saw the "da ze" and concluded that it must sound boyish.

>> No.2748215

Sound Holic's work was better than Maikaze's shit.

>> No.2748222

>>ZUN agreed, don't even bother opening your fuckin' mouth about it to him.

ITT we're so mind-numbingly delusional that we base our opinions of fanworks off of ZUN's opinion about them.

That said, it was okay, not great. Just okay.

>> No.2748233


I happen to agree with the official stance. Thank you.

>> No.2748247

fandom is faggotry, just play the games

>> No.2748252

Then you wouldn't say "ZUN thinks it's shit"
you'd say "I think it's shit"

Enjoy having someone else form your opinions for you for the sake of elitism

>> No.2748257

Reimu is the one busting into vampire mansions and Marisa is the one saying 'hey wait', something's not right about that.

>> No.2748267

ZUN despises this abomination and rejects its existence, that's how much of a horrible product it really is.

>> No.2748274

They messed up a lot of characters personalities like others have said in this thread, Marisa is not supposed to be a tsukkomi.

>> No.2748279


I never said ZUN said it was shit. I said ZUN AGREED it was shit, implied a statement of which he agreed with came first, which it did, that statement was my opinion. Which was when I quite clearly said "It was shit."

Fuck man, srsly.

>> No.2748298

How do you know that ZUN agrees with you?

>> No.2748299

Entire anime felt like the makers had no idea about the characters. Suika acting like a retard was shit stupid. Didn't they even see how she was in IaMP? Marisa acting boyish was also shit.

Everything about it was shit, just like all fanon stuff.

>> No.2748307

And what, pray tell, does ZUN's opinion have to do with it.

Does it validate your opinion or something? Please.

>> No.2748316

>Multiple controversies have surrounded the announcement of the anime. Most notably, ZUN himself voiced his displeasure and slight concern on his blog, citing concerns that doujin anime may be misinterpreted as official goods. He was also concerned that the rapid expansion of the Touhou franchise will lead to a slew of Touhou fans who haven’t played the actual games at all.

>slew of Touhou fans who haven't played the actual games at all.


>> No.2748319


you logic confuses and infuriates me

>> No.2748321

hahaha owow so 2hu niggers learnt the hard way about 2hu being utter shit even if the anime succeeded in bringing the retarded -a-5-years-old-could-come-up-with-this-shit characters to dubious life.
You want to know why zun never agreed to cash on this 2hus? Because in his inner self he knows how retarded his fiction is and he would be ashamed to the rest of his life, selling licenses of this crap.

>> No.2748322


Even ZUN hates those fanon faggots

>> No.2748323

Oh man, if he only knew he's living in such a delusional world.

>> No.2748329

ZUN's dislike of the show had nothing to do with how good/bad it was. He was just miffed at someone making a "Touhou anime". He'd rather people come to know of Touhou by playing his games.
You can't justify the show being bad by saying ZUN didn't like it.
That said, it wasn't bad. There were many things wrong with it, but I just watched it like I would any other Touhou MAD. Nothing to rage over.

>> No.2748336


It was bad, stop kidding yourself.

>> No.2748338

Okay, I meant I didn't feel it was bad. Your tastes may differ.

>> No.2748355

>Touhou fans who haven't played the actual games at all.

That's like, 90% of the people here lol
