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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2743505 No.2743505 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2743516
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>> No.2743515

I hope they succeed in banning lolicon. I feel so ashamed for loving a country where pedophiles can freely enter stores and purchase child pornography without anyone doing anything against it.

>> No.2743518

Again, the latest updates of Japan's sex gaming industry, seems some real action will be taken to deal with porn games now. However that's what I'm not willing to see.
Emboldened by their success in turning over the craven eroge industry, Japan’s own spineless politicians are once again obediently heeding international demands for a complete ban on artistic depictions of minors engaged in sexual activity.
The latest assault on the artistic freedoms guaranteed by the Japanese Constitution comes from the Komeito (”Clean Government Party”), which exclusively represents the interests of a Buddhist cult, the Sokka Gakkai, and consequently is a great fan of censorship and attempting to legislate public morality. UNICEF Japan honcho Agnes Chan herself is a member of the cult.
Responding to the usual outrageous international claims that Japan is causing child abuse and encouraging lolicon in other countries with its liberal laws on pornography, the Komeito obediently proclaimed that Japan should obey these demands:
“Being called ‘a child porn power’ is shameful and we must act to rectify this by an immediate revision of the law. The Diet must immediately consider such a revision.”
Domestic politicians often like to claim Japan “is out of step” or “lagging” compared to other countries when they wish to push through a policy, and in this case they have also been claiming it is “a national disgrace” to be defamed by feminists and their ilk.

>> No.2743519

Because we all know how successful Japan is at banning things, right?

>> No.2743520

They go on to make a lengthy screed against the evils of child pornography, as usual failing to register the fact that Japan is vastly more safe for children than any of the nations so concerned with banning the material.
Then they reveal the latest direction in their thought:
“Further, last month we conducted an investigation at Akihabara, looking at those games and similar depicting sexual violence which fall outside the scope of current laws, and how their sale might be restricted. We as a party are absolutely determined to pursue a revised law which lead to a complete elimination of child pornography.”
2ch wryly remarks that it is the Komeito who should be eliminated from Japanese politics.
In 2008, the laws against such pornography were stiffened, but the LDP dodged the messy issue of whether to ban 2D artistic depictions of sex involving minors by deferring judgement to a later date. The Komeito is clearly aiming to obtain immediate additional restrictions.
The Komeito is a minor party, but has long held disproportionate influence due to its willingness to ally with the ruling LDP. It remains to be seen whether the LDP will side with them in making further assaults on freedom of expression.
The recent self imposed ban on “rape” in adult games was imposed by an industry short-sightedly opting to secure the sales of the majority of companies by sacrificing the minority to appease the moralists.
The industry seems set to repeat this dismal calculus with loli and any other politically objectionable genres, and it is possible that manga, anime and who knows what else will fall prey to censors next, especially with politicians encouraged by the postiviely supine response seen so far.
As expected, the lack of any enthusiastic or organised opposition to creeping censorship has only emboldened those who would force their moralistic views onto society. It is a slippery slope and a long way down

>> No.2743522

Why were you on sankakucomplex?

>> No.2743526

I want to ban bans.

>> No.2743528

what a shit load of fuck

>> No.2743532

>lolicon == child pornography

Oh, you.

>> No.2743536

Even though that really infuriates me, there's nothing I can do about it, so I'll just fap in peace while I still have a penis.

>> No.2743541

This makes me appreciate loli even more.

>> No.2743545
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>> No.2743547

Sorry, bro, it's already fallen off. Looks like you're out of luck.

>> No.2743554

It might be good if they do this.

Maybe then hikki and otaku will have a reason to get involved in society again.

>> No.2743556

Heh, sorry. They'll just move on to tittymonsters.

What will you do when they move to ban those?

>> No.2743563

May I have a vagina?

>> No.2743566


I doubt it. Hikkis and Otaku don't socialize because the fear/hate interacting with others. Loli is simply a form of niche entertainment and dark wish fulfillment, removing it won't make people more social.

>> No.2743584
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So long, free speech. Soon we will have "New free speech", whereby you are free to express any opinion, providing it does not offend the ruling class.

>> No.2743596


I already prefer MEGA MILK, personally. The rape thing bothers me a lot more than the loli thing, since I never fap to consensual sex.

>> No.2743621 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2743630

Reported for spam.

>> No.2743707


>> No.2744062


that will be triple plus good!

>> No.2744122

>Maybe then hikki and otaku will have a reason to get involved in society again.
Yes, they will get involved in society again. To rape the lolis they can't get on their screen at home anymore.

>> No.2744123

This is an opportunity for U.S. artists and game makers to fill the void being left; thankfully our supreme court has been steadfast in defending our right to draw whatever the fuck we want as long as nobody is hurt in the process.

Too bad that only the Japanese and the Koreans are able to draw loli or shota worth fapping to. ;_;

>> No.2744148

I hope that was sarcasm. Or have you not seen the recent court rulings against loli and crap?

>> No.2744223
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once they ban loli, i won't have an outlet for that, so i might eventually move on to real kids. i mean, they're taking away the only way i can get rid of those things without doing any harm.

yeah right.

plus as if they'll be able to remove 100% of the loli, including my own drawfag stuff.

>> No.2744233

But I like Uniboshi...

>> No.2744283

Do you mean Inuboshi?

>> No.2744284

While I don't like things like babyfuck, I think the line between loli and moe is pretty thin. Whose opinion will mean the difference between going to jail for fapping to a baby and going to jail for fapping to a flat chested adult?

We can't put an age on a drawn character so making laws based on the imagination is pretty stupid.

Is it ok to think about these things but suddenly illegal when pen hits paper?

>> No.2744288

Shit like that always gets overturned when it goes to the supreme court. I don't really give a shit about the appeals courts.

>> No.2744299

>>2744284 We can't put an age on a drawn character
Yes we can.

18. All of them.

21 in some jurisdictions.

>> No.2744309

A Buddhist group lobbying in japan isn't so bad as a Christian group lobbying in America because unlike Americans, the Japanese don't live with the constant fear of going to hell if they disobey the will of god and the clergy. The eroge industry makes billions I'm sure. They likely will put up a lot of opposition with the best lawyers money can buy.

>> No.2744322


Sorry for the typo, I mean him of course

>> No.2744385
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Sure you can say that but some characters are never given an explicit age and its up to some arbitrator with their own set of morals to make up an age then sentence someone to life in prison.

I know people in their 20's that like like teens and teens that look like adults. Drawings are even worse and we can't really make a law that gives any jackass with eyes the ability to overrule the creative intention of the artist.

>> No.2744389

Freedoms are only for those willing to fight for them. Sitting on your ass bitching on the internet doesn't count.

>> No.2744421


What, so people should go up to the Capitol with placards saying "DON'T BAN LOLI"? What a great idea.

That sort of thing might work if it were part of a more general attack on censorship, but that's all.

>> No.2744425

If a group of Christians is lobbying as a Christian group they are being terrible Christians. Typically worse than the people they are trying to condemn. For they are a delusional group of hypocrites who have turned their back on the teachings that they are supposed to be following.

>> No.2744431

Sure, drum up the ACLU and the other groups that you are supposed to be using to protect your rights as well.

>> No.2744439
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>> No.2744451


>> No.2744455

Isn't it ironic that part of this problem started from foreign pressure, a source that should ideally have little or no effect on a sovereign nation. But at the same time, now that this pressure has caused change, foreign aficionados can do little to fight it since they have no say in Japan.

>> No.2744472


International free speech organizations need to get stronger to fight against that influence.

>> No.2744633

Its been up to the Japanese to stand up to it for themselves from the get go. If they don't want to stand up to protect it themselves, they will lose it. It was never our freedom to begin with, nor our fight.

This doesn't say if they are going after making something illegal or if they are going for a ban in one of the ratings committees. If its a ratings committee issue, you always have the right to break away and produce whatever the hell you want still with in the specs of what is legal under the actual laws. You won't make as much money not being able to sell in a store, but that is your choice. You can give up your freedom and stay with them or you can have your freedom to produce.

>> No.2744707

wut? international free speech? the only type of international organizations with big funds by the same global player are the anti free speech types, those anti [insert minority / subgroup] defamation groups. The most popular are the zionist controlled jewish groups and feminists

>> No.2744763

Oh hey, Take On Me! That was a good one.

>> No.2744764

If they outlaw loli, only outlaws will have loli.

>> No.2744782


>> No.2744793

social outcast and legal outlaw at the same time. Great.

>> No.2744809

If you want your loli bad enough, you will go to Japan and vote from the rooftops.

>> No.2745007

But I doubt Yakuza will sell a gaijin a gun.

>> No.2745538

When Japan bans lolis, its up to drawfags to make new content

You guys better improve your weeaboo skills now.

We are /jp/s last hope.

>> No.2745914

As annoying as this is, it's really just going to make the world a more boring place.

As a /d/eviant, I'm saddened by the loss of a genre, but there are always more fish in the sea and if they ban all naked females, we'll just fap to the men.

>> No.2745991
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All of the characters in this game are 18+

>Nii-san..I was bleeding down there last week...can you check if its all right?

>> No.2746008

And then people wonder why japs hate foreigners so much.

>> No.2747923
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>> No.2747950

Sankaku: I saw somebody troll 2chan with this! That means it's news!

>> No.2748014

>The eroge industry makes billions I'm sure. They likely will put up a lot of opposition with the best lawyers money can buy.

This is what retards actually believe.

>> No.2748046

sticky this post

>> No.2748077

This is what happens when you go too far in one direction doing something that a group (or groups) find offensive. You don't just get smacked back into place, you get smacked way back too far. From there things bounce back in the other direction for you and you will eventually just wind up back where you started, and hopefully have some laws in place.
