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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2742993 No.2742993 [Reply] [Original]

It's sad being a princess.

>> No.2742999

I know a trap when I see one and that is definitely a trap.

>> No.2742998

It's sad having no money but not as sad as being a princess.

>> No.2743012
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>> No.2743031

You take that back you American pig.

>> No.2743036

Ahh...the burden of nobility...

>> No.2743037
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The princess likes bondage.

>> No.2743040
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u mad?

>> No.2743103

Why is she so ugly

>> No.2743109

talking about your mother again right lol

>> No.2743119
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No u.

>> No.2743169
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You're Under Arrest!

>> No.2743189

Why do you say such mean things about your own mother?

>> No.2743196

What are you, elementary school children?

>> No.2743212

I don't see anyone else you could have been talking about.

>> No.2743220

i guess she's so sad because her daddy really really wanted a prince.
but after many tries and failures, i guess he and the empress / queen (whatever) were like 'fuck this, we'll just go with her'

hmmm i wonder what noble cherry tastes like....
*pedobear smirk*

>> No.2743225


>> No.2743230

She's the most gorgeous princess I have ever saw

>> No.2743234

As a black man, I have to say that, one day, I will ejaculate inside her.

>> No.2743237

piss off back to /b/ with you

>> No.2743244

Get in line, buddy.

I've made it a point that at some time in my life I will seduce her.

>> No.2743259

I will do it before you.

>> No.2743266

Say, why does she look so emo. Palace life sucks?

>> No.2743280
File: 63 KB, 375x500, 4106444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both wrong.
She'll fall in love with me, you'll see.

>> No.2743290

Is dat some Princess Ma ko?

>> No.2743774

Oh yeah?

Either of you guys youth ambassadors to Japan for your nation? No?

Oh. Shame. Cause I am, and it's only a matter of time until they finally set us in front of each other.

Lonely, strict life, high standards for behaviour.

The perfect backdrop onto which I could weave a magnificent seduction.

>> No.2743813

You must be in high school.
Enjoy being underage.

>> No.2743967

No, but they're throwing me out of the youth program next year and I'm going to seek a position elsewhere which may allow me to enter contact with her.

>> No.2744038

>>2742999 I know a trap when I see one and that is definitely a trap.
Not only would that be totally hot, but if that were the case 'she' would legally be next in line to become Emperor.

What if she were to reverse-trap herself but convince everyone else that she had actually just been trapping, would that work? Actually, I'd be content just to have a "Takarazuka Emperor-Princess Maiko" anime series. Make it happen, Japan!

>> No.2744159

>youth ambassadors
( ゚ワ゚) AAAAA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ▽゚)ha
( ゚ _゚)no.

>> No.2744187

Wow you put a lot of work into that, buddy. Hope it pays off.

>> No.2744203

>a lot of work
>copy and pasting something from notepad
( ゚ワ゚) AAAAA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA
( ゚ ヮ゚)HA
( ゚ワ゚)HA

>> No.2744205


>> No.2744215

royalty dont meet dirty peasants such as yourself

you dont have a chance

>> No.2744218

You responded to his troll; it has already paid off.

You paid him.

>> No.2744241 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 304x312, rasputin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone begs to differ.

Someone with an awesome song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvDMlk3kSYg.. Who should I trust? You or the guy with the awesome song?

>> No.2744259

and see what happened to them after wards? big mistake

i rest my case

>> No.2744293

Big mistake? You visionless pleb.

He's surpassed his upbringing, seduced a monarch and countless other women, died an amazingly protracted death and earned himself not just a place in history but also in pop culture, religion and the occult. People PRAY to this fucker.

If that's not worth it, I don't know what is. I'd happily be found floating dead in the imperial moats of Tokyo for that, disemboweled and castrated. You name the penalty, I'll accept it gladly.

>> No.2744302

no I mean for the royals

with all the unpopularity and then the revolution then having the whole family slaughtered things and all

and jesus was better

>> No.2744325

Oh right, well, fuck the Imperial family.

This is about me.

>> No.2744529

you've got to be the most disgusting narcissist i've ever heard of

you're honestly prepared to condemn not just a family of human beings but an ancient institution to death just so you can be as famous as rasputin?

thats sick

>> No.2744560

That's cool, man.

Kinda' give a new edge to "it's sad being a princess" though, huh?

>> No.2745075
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