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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2742864 No.2742864 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /jp/ I've been searching the interwebs for awhile with no luck. I'm looking for some traditional Japanese musicians that are respectable. Like the Ravi Shankar of Nippon. Albums are preferred if this actually gets any responses.

>> No.2742870

I'm interested in this too; I asked about this on /mu/, and I just got saged like hell.

>> No.2742881

Reported for /mu/ content on /jp/.

If only there was a board for discussing music.


>> No.2742887

>/mu/ being a good place to discuss music, Japanese music at that

>> No.2742889


Yeah, 'cause asking about Japanese music HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH JAPAN.

>> No.2742890

google "enka"

>> No.2742896

If you want something Ravi Shankar-esque
Try Acid Mothers Temple.

If you want traditional music, well, I can't really help you there.

>> No.2742900

The only thing I can think of is the Okami soundtrack.

>> No.2742907

/jp/ has nothing to do with Japan

>> No.2742912


Well, if you want board anarchy then that's fine with me. Don't come back here whining to me once this board has become /b/-lite.

>> No.2742921

Not as if he has asking for the new Utada album.

>> No.2742924


What in the thread topic has anything to do with /b/? It's a fucking question about Japanese music.
This forum is 90% touhou and VN's already. This place is far from becoming "/b/-lite".

>> No.2742919


>> No.2742932

>/jp/ - Japan/General
>1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.2742933

This is probably the best suggestion I've seen so far :) Every musician I come across its always something similar to SANSHIN MIXED WITH ROCK.

>> No.2742938 [DELETED] 

/b/ isn't THAT bad i dont know why ppl keep ttryn to tie /b/ with everything they dont like cuz believe it or not /b/ likes touhou and lolis to

>> No.2742942

In that case KS doesn't belong on /jp/, and while that would be nice, it's not true.

>> No.2742943

Speaking of which,

Search for 'Yoshida Brothers'.
Not exactly traditional, but it's down your avenue.

>> No.2742944

Most of Japan's respectable musicians can be found playing for various orchestras around the world. However, that only gives you technical skill as a musician, but doesn't say anything about having any actual skill as an artist.
Their list of respectable composers is extremely short and can likely be found on wiki or some place if you are actually interested.

Actually, you could likely have (and very much should have) just googled or wikied this info instead.

>> No.2742947

>/v/ - Video Games
>Flaming/flagrant "fanboism"/etc. will not be tolerated.

>> No.2742948
File: 84 KB, 670x480, upper hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Pangloss.

>> No.2742956

There are no Ravi Shankars of Japan. It's just Japanese wanting to be Mick Jagger or Madonna

>> No.2742966

For those who feel this topic is not /jp/ worthy, I'm interested in what you feel IS /jp/ worthy.

>> No.2742971

Where do I download traditional music?

>> No.2742972

Touhou and visual novels.

>> No.2742980
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First of all I've already confirmed that the mods delete threads such as this. (I too have made these threads in the past). Secondly, the word Japan is too ambiguous. With your logic we could talk about manga on /jp/ simply by saying "ITT Japanese comic books."

If you look at moot's sticky he said /jp/ will be a place for stuff that *lack their own boards.

At any rate, I no longer care. Carry on with your anarchy.

>> No.2742985


Look for artists on Last.fm,
find their albums on Soulseek.
Proceed to look eclectic and cultured with your newfound tastes.

>> No.2742992

That is all Japan is!

>> No.2742997

Touhou, Visual Novels, Idols, Nico, Doujin games, Neta, Hatsune, Idolm@ster, eroge - just to name a few.

These are all subjects that lack their own board. Thus they don't contradict this sticky >>2742980

>> No.2743021


>> No.2743023

I already found an artist but nowhere to download. I'll try this soulseek thing.

>> No.2743024

Check out Kodō.

>> No.2743030


Try out www.btmon.com

>> No.2743050

No luck here or on soul seek. Thanks anyway.

>> No.2743068


Which artist are you looking for?

>> No.2743081

Kimio Eto.
http://www.komuso.com/people/Eto_Kimio.html has some samples.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdWF4_bCU_Q one of his songs performed by a different dude.

And that's all I found. Can't even find him on amazon.

>> No.2743082


I'll never understand the purpose of these threads. At the end of the day there's nothing special about Japan. Their culture is pretty much the same as every other Nation out there. (And by that I mean their culture is copypasta from America/Europe).
