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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2739312 No.2739312 [Reply] [Original]

so /jp/ whenever i watch anime or hentai and read doujins theres always rape on a train, now i realize that i will probably get 1 or more of a few things for this banned flamed trolled and such, but its, its just soo damn wrong what the hell is wrong with the people that do it? i meani would move to japan if they appointed a position on trains where it was completely legal to BLOW THE FUCKING HEAD OFF ANYONE WHO TRIES THAT i would throw away america move to japan and GET THAT JOB. pic related S&W 500 MAGNUM

>> No.2739325

i agree its wrong btw this is your first post on /jp/ isnt it

>> No.2739323
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Guns are illegal in Japan.

Also, self-defense law. You need to apply a proper amount of force to a threat in order to get away with assault. Killing a molester would get you sent to prison rather fast.

>> No.2739331

No one would want to grope you, fatass.

>> No.2739341
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I like how this man thinks

>> No.2739347

God I hate that American mentality.

>> No.2739348

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.
This is directed towards the Punisher, especially (or the morons who think he's cool). You think you're such a big man because you go around administering vigilante justice? You're the very thing you despise.

>> No.2739356

So much stupidity in this post. I sense some underage too.

>> No.2739359
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>> No.2739364

So? The Punisher does despise himself. It's working out according to what you claim so I don't see an issue here.

>> No.2739367

>whenever i watch anime or hentai and read doujins theres always rape on a train
Sounds like you have a fetish, you sick perv.

>> No.2739383

Justice is not based on emotion OP. Uninvolved people will always say 'he got off light' while the relatives of the person will say 'the judge was too harsh'.

Same reason private individuals have no right to dispense 'justice'. They should be able to do what they need to subdue a person until the police arrive, nothing more.

>> No.2739391

Not Justice.


>> No.2739393

It's completely justice to kill others for doing bad or immoral things. Yep.

>> No.2739404

Yes...most likely the cop wannabes and the Fuck the Police crowd will come out. Shitstorm. Bawww. I got a ticket and was told not to skateboard. Baww. Hey man my dad/brother/whatever was a cop and I'm an explorer cops rewl! baww. yeah whatever, I don't care.

But seriously, do they? Like...maybe not the dumbasses these days. But if like the Law Enforcement community got their shit wired tight and didn't do crazy shit like fuck on duty or steal or whatever....I mean..

What would be the harm? I know everyone is worried about oppression/suppression/dey gonna take mah GUNZ! but ...

I mean, you sometimes have to treat people like how they DESERVE to be treated.

Nice areas with no crime and no assholes get the nice police officers in the polyester uniform with the leather gear and sidearm who smile and wave and write warnings.

Ghettos and Barrios get jackbooted stormtroopers. I'm seriously not above allowing officers to use Tanks, Rocket Launchers, and maybe even low yield atomic devices in order to enforce law and deter crime.

If the godless, cuntless niggers in the ghetto knew that if they kept fucking up and wouldn't turn down their stereos that they would get strafed with police Apaches or have a Fuel Air Bomb dropped on George Washington Carver Heights...

Then they MIGHT be inspired to:

Speak properly
Pull up their pants
Stop having children
Stop dealing crack
Get jobs.
Get REAL jobs.
That pay actual money.
And actually USE that money to PAY THEIR FUCKING BILLS.
Turn down the stereos.
Clean up their fucking houses and streets and act like human beings.


No crime. Wee! The day is saved with the proper application of mechanized Police units, Tanks, Gun ships, and even Atomic weapons.

Too bad nobody sees the world as practically and pragmatically as I do.

>> No.2739410
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>> No.2739411

And I think also a big part of me just wants to see a few T-72s with American Police Markings piloted by guys in Blue crew coveralls machinegunning down jacked up Caprice Classics and leveling project homes and people being gunned down with M16A1s and torched with flamethrowers.

it would go a long way to warming my blackened cold and sullen heart.

>> No.2739413

is this hotaru?

>> No.2739417

/jp/ - /k/

>> No.2739416
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>> No.2739421

I mean...you can ALWAYS scale back...to a point..once people start getting back on the straight and narrow.

As long as they:
Don't fuck white girls
Don't steal
Don't have too many kids
Finish every sentence with "sir"
Maintain employment
and keep their stereos turned down....we can finally have the peace and harmony that we've always wanted.

Then I can quit, move to an all white area, and settle down with a white girl who understands me. And I would get a normal job, and I would be a loving and doting husband. And she would have short hair. And I'd probably be a lot happier.

All because they gave the Police Tanks and Gunships.

See...I'm not against drugs or guns. Legalize them all. Hell...I even advocate shooting all teh Liars..I mean Lawyers.

I just ..wish..people could just not be so fucking lame for once. I mean, if it weren't for black people ghettos wouldn't exist. And if it weren't for spics then neither would latino gangs.

I mean why can't gangs be like in those old 50s movies where they all looked like the fonz and carried switchblades and danced and sang doo wop songs and shit?

I didn't have a problem with that! And now you've resorted to me trying to find a way to get ahold of a fucking tank.

I hope you are all fucking pleased with yourselves.

>> No.2739422

>2739347 God I hate that American mentality.

What's the matter? Too self-defense for you? In most States of the Union, lethal force is recognized as legal retaliation to the violent felonies of assault, murder, rape, etc.

Of course, if the criminal surrenders and the threat ends, it is illegal to use lethal force. "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" is not legal. I see nothing wrong with this system/mentality.

>> No.2739426

This is not /jp/ related.

>> No.2739429

You mean I'm not the only one?

>> No.2739430

The Tank Officers wear Blue Nomex Coveralls with police insignia. The tanks will be a kind of a midnight blackish blue with P O L I C E emblazoned on them. The Shock Troops who do "jump out" will ride around in uparmored Vans like something out of the A-Team and will wear like Digital Urban Camo like something kinda blue and whatever sorta like out of Children of Men. Also there will be standards of course.

I mean like if you end up having to fill in for a beat that's in a nicer neighborhood you go back to Class A's normal uniform. But in the shit you either wear the urban camo, the Blue nomex, or If you're in a Command Unit or Command Detachment something like Black ACUs or Green ACUs depending on the season.

And the weapons will be pretty much standard, but awesome.

Colt's with all the riggings. LR300s. AR-10s/SR-25s. HK MSG90s. Pretty much any decent sidearm you want. Barretts. Sawed off Double Barrels. I mean, anything goes. And cut down Benellis. And Flamethrowers.

Also...we'll have a few Hueys too...you know for observation and/or sniping.

Basically the Police Department from HELL man. All of my female officers will kinda have to keep their hair short and boyish but still cute. They must always be chipper, but not too chipper and must be cute until it is time to just start slaying bodies.

Also I reserve the option to hire Mercenaries if I deem it necessary. Shady, pill addled loners who work for the highest bidder who come from parts unknown. And after we clean up American ghettos then we can like, hire our services to like other places.

But you have to remain vigilant.

>> No.2739434

I mean...I figure within time and after a few small niggertowns have been devastated that the niggers will start naming their kids normal names, and they will be in schoool ACTUALLY LEARNING and they will stop being all niggery all the fucking time.

The Trailer Parks will be clean, the Rednecks and White Trash will stop doing meth, they will brush their fucking teeth. They will stop fucking their sisters, and they will get jobs and stop talking like fucking hicks.

Drugs and guns will be legal obviously...I mean all my Awesome Police Dept. with Tanks, and Rocket Launchers and Deathcycles will focus on is straight street crime and black people.

And it will be fairly disciplined. At least once a week I will have like a review of my Ministers of Death and Justice.

I want girls to stick out their chests and be perky and have a cute smile. I want my men to have a stoic visage about their countenance.

I want the morgues fuller than the prisons and I want the prisons choked with felony cases.

Also...Uparmored Crown Victorias with blown superchargers. And tires that can cut other tires.

And also occasionally we airdrop pamphlets stating that we DO have an A-bomb and we WILL use it if we feel like it.

Niggers'll either fly right or fucking leave.


>> No.2739439

>Too bad nobody sees the world as practically and pragmatically as I do.
Yay for personal fables.

As for OP, I'm sure that rape happens all the time on trains in Japan. Good luck.

>> No.2739441

>>2739430 pill addled loners who work for the highest bidder who come from parts unknown.

Looks like someone here is familiar with Hotaru Maniac.

>> No.2739444

And our squads will have cool nicknames like

Death Dealers, Night Riders, Soul Stealers, Hell's Maniacs, Coon Dogs, Satan's Bastards, Bloody Blues and like we'll even have cool individual nicknames like Blackjack, Slammer, and Overdrive.

Also random M60 executions in public view.

And also I want everyone to have the image of being a STREET SWEEPING HATE MACHINE and COPS ON STEROIDS.

Like just this fascist army of goose stepping, tank riding, and imposing people with fixed bayonets and mean and hard looks on their faces.

I mean like one day Jamal and Jontell will be all chillin' and sippin' 40s on the porch and listening to their latest Rap CD when all of a sudden they hear the rumbling of track and a wave of heavily armed and pissed off people marching lock step into their ghetto and they start locking and loading.

Kinda like those dudes from Robocop 3 only cooler.

I'll even find a way of getting robot suits and powered armor like from Starship Troopers the book or something.

And MP5s chambered in 10MM.

And I'll have a personal SW 1006 as my sidearm because I'm a captain. I'll even wear nothing but urban tiger stripes and a tank top.

I'll even have a black flag with a skull and lighting bolts behind it with two crossed M16A1s and stuff.

It'll just be so fucking awesome.

>> No.2739448

Also I will allow the assless chaps.

>> No.2739445

>keep their hair short and boyish but still cute

I too want reverse-trap policewomen.

>> No.2739455

It would probably help if you didn't go around searching google for 'train sex japan' or whatever the fuck it is you're doing. Over the years of downloading random H-manga I have only come across the train setting very occasionally and rape on a train just a couple of times ever.

Watch Hatsu Inu episode 1, get fapping, and shut the fuck up.

>> No.2739456


BAH! No one puts me in charge.

I will become a great Police king by mein own hand und I vill a great legion of deathriders and hellharvesters.

The very earth will shake, the rivers will run dry, and I will rape, pillage, and kill in order to maintain law and order.

>> No.2739469

Stop impersonating Hotaru Maniac.

>> No.2739470

You're a retard, copypasta Hotaru-san.

>> No.2739481

OP is butthurt that he was molested as a little boy.

>> No.2739565

Can I mount a .50 cal machine on the back of some flatbed truck, attach a sharped bladed plow to the front, and call it the local anti-crime truck? I promise i will put on some bullet proof plate armor.
