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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2739222 No.2739222 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, last night I was sitting at my computer, I started playing Tsukihime but when decided to read the first volume of the KnK light novels. Nasu certainly has an interesting style, and his 'always in first person' seems to work well for the character dialogue.

Anyways, I got to the part saying that Shiki likes to take long walks in the dead of night, so I thought, why not? I had been raining all day, but had stopped a few hours earlier, so the air had that familiar smell. After walking for about an hour, I must say that I never quite realized how interesting the night is.

After playing visual novels all day, your imagination seems to be quite active, and you can't quite kick that eerie feeling, the long dark side streets illuminated every so often by a street lamp.

I never saw one moving car the whole walk, everything was as completely quiet, and plus even a full moon was out. I kept thinking to myself 'damn if I had a camera on me some of these shots would be perfect for a graphic still on a VN'.

But /jp/, as I was walking, I thought to myself, ' no matter how many of these walks I take, I am never going to run into a beautiful blond-haired vampire princess'


>> No.2739236

it was a beautiful night last night, had that weak halcyon glow the sky gets after a heavy rain and the sky was completely clear.

I too enjoy long walks in the dead of night, but I never go out expecting to be attacked by vampires.

>> No.2739235 [DELETED] 

That's pathetic. You're pathetic. IF you want a real vampire story watch something like True Blood or Twilight because Typemoon shit sucks.

Also night walks are best at 3 am, after the drug dealers go home.

>> No.2739242
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So what do you think of the sample chapter of Kara no Kyokai released?

>> No.2739243

I'd rather meet Ryougi than Arc.

>> No.2739244
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Walking at night is a lot more pleasant than walking during the day.
Night air tends to be cool and breezy as opposed to hot and stifling.

But why would you want to meet Arcueid at night?
I'd rather meet Shiki, even if it's more likely to mean my death.

>> No.2739249
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Well, DURR, stupid! You don't have a outbreak of "vampiric activity" in your city! And yes, you suck for not taking a camera for candid VN still shots as well.

>> No.2739255

Nights tend to be kinda boring to me. Then again, I've been working graveyard shifts for about 2 years, so eh.

I just wish more restaurants would stay open later/open earlier. I never can get a decent bite to eat with my shitty sleeping schedule anymore.

>> No.2739257

After having a waking nightmare where she straddles me and impales me in the chest with a knife, I'm not too keen on that.

Even if she was smiling.

>> No.2739258

Just on the border
of your waking mind
There lies another time
Where darkness & light are one
And as you tread
the halls of sanity
You feel so glad to be
Unable to go beyond
I have a message
From another time

>> No.2739274


With that kind of attitude, you won't even meet a regular vampire!

>> No.2739275

Hey nightfags, we should make like a VN stills flicker or whatever its called, it would be cool.

I'd love to participate if we did something like that. I do urban exploring at night and always take a camera.
( although many of the non-scenic area's in Detroit would not be too great for anything but crackwhore shoujo)

>> No.2739277


That would make me want to meet her twice as much.

>> No.2739280

Yeah, same here.

>> No.2739281

Not to defend the tripfag but have you ever been stabbed by a girl?

shits not tight.

>> No.2739284

As much as people criticize nasu's writing ability I honestly enjoyed reading the light novels even if they were a bit hard to follow.

>> No.2739288

I like driving at night. It's awesome because the roads where there's usually lots of traffic are completely deserted. It's a great feeling.

That, and roads at night can be really beautiful.

>> No.2739294


Hello, Enjou.

>> No.2739296

Oh, and also there tends to be a lack of police.
Around where I live, anyways.

>> No.2739299
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>> No.2739310
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But Shiki isn't just any girl. I would be her only victim who died with his hand on his dick.

>> No.2739311

I guess that makes me Kokuto, then, as I was the one who didn't want to die by being killed by her.

Where is Azaka? ;_;

>> No.2741320

just got back from my nightly bikeride, great night tonight actually.

being nocturnal is great if you're looking to live a lonely life!

>> No.2741323

brb watching those garden of sinners movies I've had saved on my desktop for months now.

>> No.2741345


If you've read what's been translated, you can probably skip the first two or so movies.

>> No.2741349

reading novels on the comptar is a pain.

I wish I had the attention span for fate zero though.

>> No.2741356


Yeah, my eyes starting burning from reading it on a computer screen, which is odd since I'm in front of a computer screen most of the day. Try changing the background to something less strenuous on the eyes.

>> No.2741391

It's really not as long as it seems, and it's pretty cool so far. I've only read for a few hours and I'm halfway through the second book.

How are the KnK novels, compared to the movies? I've been enjoying the movied a fair bit. I've read Fate/stay Night and Tsukihime so I know how Nasu writes.

>> No.2741493

velcom to ze clabbu

>> No.2741512

So /jp/, as I walking last night, suddenly I cam across a dismembered body, crimson patterns illuminated by the full moon, bodily organs strewn out in an almost artistic fashion.

I was dumbstruck with fear and panic, my mind going blank and unable to comprehend what I was seeing.

Then suddenly, emerging into the light of a nearby streetlamp came another soul taking a night walk, a girl with dark hair.

'Y-You killed him...' she muttered.

Then I look down and found that a knife was in my hand, and my clothes were soaked with blood, specks dropping from the prick of the blade.

I put my free hand to my lips, the taste of blood... It was the first lipstick I had ever put on....

>> No.2741523

I wanted to start walking around town with a 20 cm knife but I'd have to catch a bus that takes an hour to get to the business district.
