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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 248 KB, 750x750, 4579960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2738261 No.2738261 [Reply] [Original]

Goddamn, dolljoints!

>> No.2738265

Sauce at the speed of light?

>> No.2738269

Busou Shinki.

They need to get creative with them, though. Dog type? Cat type? Just bring out a narwhal loli with dolljoints already.

>> No.2738270

look, it has a pixiv filename

>> No.2738277

You know, most moe archetypes have already been exploited to hell and back. What do you suggest, then, that would be novel, creative, and best of all, usable as a clever plot device?

>> No.2738290
File: 8 KB, 310x235, 6723narwhal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Inuit legend, the narwhal's tusk was created when a woman with a harpoon rope tied around her waist was dragged into the ocean after the harpoon had struck a large narwhal. She was transformed into a narwhal herself, and her hair twisted around in the water until it became the characteristic spiral narwhal tusk.

I have faith in narwhal moe.

Truth be told, I don't have problem with usual "moe" archetypes, but I like it when some nice mythology is thrown in otherwise standard fare. I greatly liked the selkie in Tears to Tiara, for example, though the game itself was rather unremarkable.

>> No.2738310

It's not necessarily the archetype they use, it's how they use it. For example; Tsundere can be nice, but popular anime has made it completely miss the mark with absolute horrid bitches.

>> No.2738623
File: 317 KB, 1280x1024, waffedolphin_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personalty has nothing to do with the look the designer just picks something, then he us it it to build on to create a coherent mechanical design.

Basically what goes into creating a BS is the same stuff that goes into making a regular mecha (well lets face it this is obviously because 95% of them are made by super famous mecha designers the only exception is BLADE who dose things differently because he isn't one.).

The personality is put in as something for the games and even then the person playing it can partially determines that in the long run.

>> No.2738687

And that explains why BLADE designs suck!

>> No.2738703
File: 164 KB, 750x750, 1237241003864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2738717
File: 121 KB, 362x540, 20070531-173232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really should search for some Eukrante on Pixiv...

>> No.2738727
File: 86 KB, 478x600, 4517697_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not disappoint.

>> No.2738760

This guy sure likes to strip them down...

>> No.2738775
File: 94 KB, 619x600, 546565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems a good portion of the fanbase likes to as well. Hell, a many people on /toy/ take pictures of them without their armor, but that almost defeats the purpose of Busou Shinki. Then again, the BLADE designs are most popular at the moment and their armor is stupid. Full armor all day BAYBEE.

>> No.2738799
File: 223 KB, 800x560, 1215617879565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior joints

>> No.2738801

Rule one of female character fanart.
If it looks feminine(even if its a man) it will get sexualized.

>> No.2738839
File: 146 KB, 582x1130, 1242494630469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about screwholes with Shinkis.

>> No.2738847

OH GOD. That reminds me about that ero manga where the girl just making holes in herself to fill.

>> No.2738860
File: 325 KB, 1499x1536, 4656179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demograficaly speaking Busou Shinki is aimed at the mechafag fan base and it makes it very clear, just look how Busou Shinki approacher making a WWII airplane girl and then compare it with how Strike Witches did it and the difference is painfully obvious. I would say that they hit that fan base in japan because you see lots of cool looking fan art concentrating on making the mechanical look good, that witch wold be hard if it didn't and it still attracts mecha designers.

>> No.2738885
File: 163 KB, 800x600, 1244540709686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you said is spot on, but I just wish more of the English-speaking fans were more interested in the mecha rather than the moe. But even Japan has threads that focus on the unarmored girls, although they tend to be the BLADE shinkis.

>> No.2738895
File: 241 KB, 1152x864, king and queen of braves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I can't complain too much. There's still people who like the mecha parts. Pic related.

>> No.2738940

Well I know it has a somewhat old fallowing in /m/ that likes it for being /m/ only people that I've seen that seem be opposed to it is the one newfag that thinks he determines what is board content but can even tel the difference between any mecha musume and the one troll from /toy/.

>> No.2738955
File: 109 KB, 512x512, 1235904909673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree good sir.

>> No.2738956

I want to see the guy that made the Waffes do more I just love how his shit looks like it just came out of MGS

>> No.2739000


What the fuck are you talking about? It's aimed at otaku in general, covering a wide variety of themes. The artists pretty much draw up a figure they like with weapons and armor, and that's all it really is. The Fighter type was designed by the same guy who drew Strike Witches. About only half of the designs really can be considered "mecha" anyways, with most falling under that category simply from having an extra set of arms on their back and plated legs.

And the Busou Shinki posters on /toy/ are retards.

>> No.2739013

>>2738956 looks like it just came out of MGS

Well considering they use CQC in the games is more than a coincidence.

>> No.2739020
File: 372 KB, 700x774, HPIM1146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2739075

Damn, I love that artist.
Thanks for letting me find his pixiv, guys. Faptime.

>> No.2739096
File: 241 KB, 1100x1100, 1239868708565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2739121
File: 621 KB, 1280x1024, tsugaru_1280a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's aimed at otaku in general
I'm saying its aimed more at a mecha otaku over all.

>covering a wide variety of themes.

90% of them end up resulting in a very mecha design.

>The Fighter type was designed by the same guy who drew Strike Witches.

Thats the point wen you compare the two it actuality looks like he put some effort in the Busou Shinki one actuality looking like a airplane.

> About only half of the designs really can be considered "mecha"

All of the are mecha from the start do to being androids for one and design wise far more than half can be called mecha.
Take Tsugaru for one the concept is definitely not of mecha origin and she doesn't have extra movable limbs but the end result is clearly mecha oriented.

You also need to take into account who started BS Akitaka Mika and then it hits you in the face.

> And the Busou Shinki posters on /toy/ are retards.

Very much so.

>> No.2739208


At about 1:50

>> No.2739230

>>All of the are mecha from the start do to being androids for one and design wise far more than half can be called mecha.

I do not believe androids make things inherently mecha. Power armor I can see making the case, but the use and purpose of androids compared to an actual mechanical vehicle are very different in that androids are autonomous robotic people while mecha requires someone to manipulate for a very specific function. If all it took was mechnical parts, then Ash from Army of Darkness could be considered mecha with his gauntlet and chainsaw-prosthetic.

As far as the designs being nonmecha: I would say the ninja, samurai, knight, dog, cat, ferret, squirrel, waffes, and the flower. There are also a few which are only mecha due to their backpack. Take away the bat's, scorpion's, seed's, nurse's, or succubus' back units and they'd be fairly naked.

>> No.2739333 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 400x379, 1135018031_e60b630ec2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to look in to what mecha acktualy is its not just giant robots or vehicle is a general derivation of mechanical wen referring to heavy science fiction this makes androids and cyborgs clearly mecha and so are advanced space ships(LotGH).
If you don't believe me ask most of /m/ of the origin of the term.

> flower
Shes pretty mecha do to how he wings work if you ask me.

Waffes could be considered mecha do to all the tactical physical support systems the have.

> There are also a few which are only mecha due to their backpack. Take away the bat's, scorpion's, seed's, nurse's, or succubus' back units and they'd be fairly naked.

Thats sort of pointless wen you can make a parallel with robots like Blue Frame that become pretty useless wen you take of the back pack.

The rest would be the exceptions but still that makes 30 something out of 44.

>> No.2739346
File: 63 KB, 400x379, 1135018031_e60b630ec2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to look into what mecha actuality is its not just giant robots or vehicles is a general derivation of mechanical wen referring to heavy science fiction this makes androids and cyborgs clearly mecha and so are advanced space ships(LotGH).
If you don't believe me ask most of /m/ of the origin of the term.

> flower
Shes pretty mecha do to how he wings work if you ask me.

Waffes could be considered mecha do to all the tactical physical support systems the have.

> There are also a few which are only mecha due to their backpack. Take away the bat's, scorpion's, seed's, nurse's, or succubus' back units and they'd be fairly naked.

Thats sort of pointless wen you can make a parallel with robots like Blue Frame that become pretty useless wen you take of the back pack.

The rest would be the exceptions but still that makes 30 something out of 44.

>> No.2739509

>>If you don't believe me ask most of /m/

They only take whatever form of mecha is suitable for their own interests. Going by the same definition: Star Trek is mecha given it's heavy sci-fi spaceships and androids such as Data. Truthfully, no one in their right mind would think of Star Trek as being a mecha series as one of their first thoughts. There's already a term for this stuff: Science Fiction/Sci-fi. Mecha is generally a much more specific term.

>>Waffes could be considered mecha do to all the tactical physical support systems the have.

I assume you mean armor? The most mechanical are Dolphin's back-flipper and and the Rabbit's jetpack. They're hardly more mecha than a speedboat.
